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PCE 2008, additions, deletions and corrections
Gold Card Talk Member
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I've updated the listing to include cards I found last year as well as some updated pricing (for example, Alias, Batman Archives, Buffy sets, Charmed, and Golden Compass).

Posts: 4695 | Location: San Jose, CA, USA | Registered: December 23, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Silver Card Talk Member
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In the PCE 2005 edition item 6 of the "Tomb of the Unknown" featured two cards that are spoofs of Marvel characters and were issued by Parody Press in 2003. The following are images of the two cards:-

Cable Front
[IMG:left] [/IMG]
Cable Back
[IMG:left] [/IMG]

Tangerine Front
[IMG:left] [/IMG]
Tangerine Back
[IMG:left] [/IMG]

I could not find any reference to them in the 2008 PCE so on the assumption that Todd received no information I thought I would try myself.

Does anyone have any idea where these cards came from and what is the name of the set?

Todd and I cannot be the only ones with these cards.

Many thanks in advance.



Posts: 2185 | Location: United Kingdom | Registered: October 14, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Gold Card Talk Member
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I don't have these cards but have seen them for sale over the years. I don't know their origin but suspect that they are show giveaways as the cards I've seen for sale always seem to be signed though a few early 90's comic publishers also had signed promos bagged with special editions of the comics. This might be a question for a longtime comic book store owner/employee or comic collector.

Posts: 4695 | Location: San Jose, CA, USA | Registered: December 23, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Thank You



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Page 132 of the 2008 PCE has an entry for Spoof Comics, I have three additions for the listing. if needed I can post images.

The additions are as follows:-
n.n. Death Duel with the Vulgar!
No 7 "Oooh, my Spider-Hips are... Aaaaah..Tingling"

There is an entry that is listed as n.n. “Spider-Femme- Nothing...”
I have a Gold Prismatic Border card that has on the Nothing Can Stop... The Sandwitch! Is this the same card?

Page 110 of the 2008 PCE has an entry for Personality Comics
I have another entry n.n. Led Zeppelin



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Tank Girl not the movie card from Comic Images but a card that predated it (1994) and was from the actual publishers of the comic strip. The image is of Booga a mutant Kangaroo who is besotted with Tank Girl. The card was polybagged in issue 59 of Deadline Magazine published Feb 1994 here in the UK, a magazine intended for the teenager. Size is approx 89 x 64mm.

[IMG:left] [/IMG]

[IMG:left] [/IMG]



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Posts: 2185 | Location: United Kingdom | Registered: October 14, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Silver Card Talk Member
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I have recently discovered some more cards I cannot find in the 2008 PCE. These are:-

Captain Crafty from 1997 from Conception Comics promotes a comic with art of a superhero type cavalier artist drawn by Brian Rice and a.n. other on the front. The card is unnumbered but has the word "Snikt" shown in larger letters on the back along with some bio text and in a speech bubble shown on the front although it is very small.

Another card is one entitled Thunder Monkey and is dated 2006 from Dream Bug Productions. It is numbered 1 on the back. The front features artwork by Lee Oaks! Thunder Monkey appears to be a well muscled monkey in a white and blue costume with a utility belt. The back is some form of biography promoting a comic.

Neither of these two cards indicates that it is a promo card but I cannot what else they could be.

If need be I can provide images.



Posts: 2185 | Location: United Kingdom | Registered: October 14, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Silver Card Talk Member
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In a previous post catskilleagle updated the entry for Blade the Series found on page 22 of the 2008 PCE, I have a further amendment to the entry in that I believe the eight cards could be a second series as I have four cards that pre-date these eight. Please see the images taken from part of the backs. The yellow back shows the dates for the sweepstake as 17th March to 17th April 2006 whereas the black back shows the sweepstake dates as 20th July to 20th August 2006. There are other differences.

Partial Black Back
[IMG:left] [/IMG]

Partial Yellow Back
[IMG:left] [/IMG]

The four cards I have have a yellow/black back and the character name on the front in black on a yellow background whereas the original eight have the character name in yellow on a black background. See my images below:-

Original Card back
[IMG:left] [/IMG]
Original Card Front
[IMG:left] [/IMG]

Yellow/Black Back
[IMG:left] [/IMG]

New Chase Front
[IMG:left] [/IMG]
New Blade Front
[IMG:left] [/IMG]
New Marcus Back
[IMG:left] [/IMG]
New Shen Front
[IMG:left] [/IMG]



Posts: 2185 | Location: United Kingdom | Registered: October 14, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I have 5 cards from a Daredevil series which promotes the film issued in 2003. They are photos printed on plastic with rounded corners size 3 7/16 x 2 1/4 inches. There are 4 character cards plus a header card. The characters are Daredevil, Bullseye, Kingpin and Elektra. Also mentioned on the header card is reference to collecting 6 X2 cards which include two new characters. The six are Cyclops, Wolverine, Yuriko Oyama, Nightcrawler, Storm and Rogue. I have shown 1 card (both sides) from each plus both sides of the header card.

Daredevil Header Back
[IMG:left] [/IMG]

Daredevil Header Front
[IMG:left] [/IMG]

Elektra Back
[IMG:left] [/IMG]

Elektra Front

[IMG:left] [/IMG]

Rogue Back

[IMG:left] [/IMG]

Rogue Front

[IMG:left] [/IMG]





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Posts: 2185 | Location: United Kingdom | Registered: October 14, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Silver Card Talk Member
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I have come across some Marvel cards issued by Marvel Comics UK way back in 1992. The cards do not have an overall series name but feature new characters or at least new characters to Marvel Comics UK. There are 24 in total with 12 cards depicting new characters from the Marvel Universe that were polybagged in the Overkill Comic issues published fortnightly on 25th September 1992, 9th October 1992 and 23rd October 1992 with 4 to each issue.
1 Hell's Angel (GF CS) 2 Death's Head II (GF) 3 Colonel Liger (GF) 4 Purge (GF)
5 Digitek (GF/CS) 6 Killpower (GF) 7 Misha (GF/CS) 8 Crowe (GF/CS)
9 Motormouth (GF) 10 The Guide (GF/CS) 11 Tuck (GF) 12 Master Key (GF/CS)

All were numbered and show a different character the from the Marvel Entertainment Group Inc. The front of the cards features a white border to the image with a smaller image on the back which contains some descriptive text in red and yellow. Artwork is by Gary Frank (GF) and Cam Smith (CS) as attributed. Card size was 90mm x 65mm.

The remaining 12 cards were polybagged in a new Marvel UK comic called "The Exploits of Spider-Man". 4 cards per issue and were found in issues published on 21st October 1992, 18th November 1992 and 16th December 1992. The cards followed a similar format to those numbered 1-12 except that the white border on the front incorporated a light blue spidery web pattern. Artwork is by Thomas Reilly and Rod Ramos with the numbering continuing on from the other cards as as follows:-

13 The Scorpion 14 Mysterio 15 Hobgoblin 16 Black Cat
17 The Lizard 18 Green Goblin 19 Electro 20 Venom
21 Doctor Octopus 22 Kraven the Hunter 23 The Vulture 24 Spider-Man

Card numbers 1-3 were also found mis-printed with each side having a blank back

I have attached 1 card from each of the two groups and the images are as follows:-

No 1 front
[IMG:left] [/IMG]

No 1 Back
[IMG:left] [/IMG]

No 16 Front
[IMG:left] [/IMG]

No 16 Back
[IMG:left] [/IMG]

The next series is titled Overkill

A set of 9 3-D cards were polybagged (3 per issue) with Overkill Comic in December 1993, January 1994 and February 1994 by Marvel Comics UK. A pair of cardboard 3-D glasses were also issued with the December issue. The cards were unnumbered with artwork by Bryan Hitch and their size is 89mm x 63mm. Captions appeared on both sides along with a biography on the back. The 9 cards in alphabetical order are as follows:-
Black Axe Colonel Liger Dark Angel
Death's Head II Killpower Motormouth
Plasmer Tuck Wild Thing

Unfortunately I don't have a record of which issue had which cards.

[IMG:left] [/IMG]

[IMG:left] [/IMG]

Marvel's Greatest Villain/Villainesses

A set of 12 cards 3 being Villains and 9 being Villainesses from the Marvel world and polybagged 3 per issue in the comics mentioned below. Card size is 80mm x 55mm. I believe the comics were issued by Marvel Comics UK although the name Panini is also shown and were probably reprints of US issues under UK Marvel Titles which were:-

Essential X-Men Issue 79 published 7th November 2001
The Astounding Spider=Man issue 80 published 5th December 2001
Wolverine & Gambit issue 67 published 19th December 2001
The Avengers United issue 9 published 19th January 2002

The 12 cards are
1 Doctor Doom
2 Green Goblin
3 Magneto

these being the Villains and

4 Nightshade
5 Lady Deathstrike
6 Gatecrasher
7 Mystique
8 Typhoid Mary
9 Viper
10 Death Bird
11 Morgan Le Fey
12 Alkhema

being the Villainesses. Again I do not know which cards were in each issue.

Card No 3 Front
[IMG:left] [/IMG]

Card No 3 Back

Card No 10 Front
[IMG:left] [/IMG]

Card No 10 back
[IMG:left] [/IMG]



Posts: 2185 | Location: United Kingdom | Registered: October 14, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Silver Card Talk Member
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Another group of cards that I have come across in my collection are four cards entitled Bubblegum Crisis issued the November 1994 edition of "This Comic Book" Magazine (a UK publication) published by Manga Publishing Ltd which featured various Japanese Anime stories. There are 4 unnumbered cards, size is 89mm x 64mm and the artist is uncredited, front in colour and back in black and white with some bio about the Super Heroines. A recent internet search revealed that some of the stories in the magazine were the copyright of Dark Horse Comics.
The four characters are:-

Linna Yamzaki
Priss Asagiri
Nene Romanova
Sylia Stingray

and one of their images:-

[IMG:left] [/IMG]

[IMG:left] [/IMG]

Let me know if you want to see that other three.



Posts: 2185 | Location: United Kingdom | Registered: October 14, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post

Silver Card Talk Member
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Page 53 of PCE 2008 has an entry for ebay Live 2004 a set of 27 cards handed out at various trade shows. I knew I had the set but it was tucked away until I found it again yesterday. To my surprise the checklist card was marked as whoever collected originally must have got them card by card just like the old days. They kept the cards in a specially made slip type box, that is green and marked ebay live on both sides albeit in different sizes and a to z trading cards 2004 on the other. One side also contains a white box below the statement "These Trading Cards belong to".



Posts: 2185 | Location: United Kingdom | Registered: October 14, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Silver Card Talk Member
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Page 84 of the 2008 PCE lists an 8 card set called Legends of Batman issued with Sugar Puffs cereal and a Canadian issue. It lists only 7 cards with one shown as unknown. I can't help with that as the cards I have were issued in the UK around the same time.

Card No 1 is "Future Batman" and card no 3 is "Catwoman" with the other six as per the PCE listing. I also have a Joker card which is numbered 12. I show below card 4 and the joker card.

Card No 4 Front
[IMG:left] [/IMG]

Card No 4 Back
[IMG:left] [/IMG]

Card No 12 Front
[IMG:left] [/IMG]

Card No 12 Back
[IMG:left] [/IMG]

Now when you read the back of card 4 it states that you need to find the Joker bearing the image of the Power Guardian Batman. Now every card numbered 1 - 8 states that you have to find a joker card bearing the image of the card which to my mind means that there are 8 jokers to collect which would make the UK set 16 cards. Is the Canadian set issued in the same way. Not when redeemed the Joker card was punched with a very small hole.



Posts: 2185 | Location: United Kingdom | Registered: October 14, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Silver Card Talk Member
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I seem to recall that someone recently mentioned the Laurel and Hardy B3 card that was issued in addition to the 9 card set Babes at War from River Wye and that it should be in PCE. I cannot find the reference but on the assumption I have recollected correctly here is the front and back of the card. I suppose that you could regard it as a bonus card because of the numbering whereby their previous bonus cards began with a B but to my mine mind the text of the back makes it more of a promo card.

[IMG:left] [/IMG]

[IMG:left] [/IMG]



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Silver Card Talk Member
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This card states on the front Ranma 1/2 and on the back that it is a promo with a copyright dated 1989 however I think that it is more recent than that. The publisher is shown as Due Emme Publishing. Is it of Japanese origin. It is also numbered 3 which could imply others exist.

The images are:-

[IMG:left] [/IMG]

[IMG:left] [/IMG]



edited to correct wrong front picture previously uploaded

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Posts: 2185 | Location: United Kingdom | Registered: October 14, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Silver Card Talk Member
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Yet another card this it is dated 2003 and looks as if was a signing card at Dallas Comic Con. Are there others?

Images as below:-

[IMG:left] [/IMG]

[IMG:left] [/IMG]



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Silver Card Talk Member
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This card appears to be a giveaway by McDonald's. It is dated 2003 and is #5. The image on the front looks a bit gruesome and it states NakNak and the back has what look like images of toys. Images as below:-

[IMG:left] [/IMG]

[IMG:left] [/IMG]



Posts: 2185 | Location: United Kingdom | Registered: October 14, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Silver Card Talk Member
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I have five cards that are characters from Star Wars and are sized 2 7/16" x 3 13/16" so a bit larger than the standard card. They have a copyright date of 1997 along with the text Lucasfilm Ltd. They are unnumbered but show no real issuer that I can see. They are:-

Chewbacca the Wookie
Darth Vader
Luke Skywalker
Princess Leia Organa
Yoda Jedi Master

This text is quite large on the front and the backs contain biographic information. I have purposely only post a front and a back.

[IMG:right] [/IMG]

[IMG:left] [/IMG]

Has anyone seen these before, do they have a series title and an issuer and are there just five?



Posts: 2185 | Location: United Kingdom | Registered: October 14, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Bronze Card Talk Member
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Legends of Batman sugar Puffs cards
My set has 9 cards 8 member cards 1 nintendo Game Boy card
Thet all say find the Joker wit this card picture in the bottom right corner and win a Action Figure of the member depicted
According to this there should be 9 different Joker cards
rarity of each is not known
Mine is Uk as it has Middlesex mentioned on the back
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Silver Card Talk Member
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Can you please list the names and numbers on your 9 cards so that we can see which is the additional card. Every seller seems to only be selling a maximum of eight. Is one of your cards a duplicate?

many thanks


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