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Married or single?
Gold Card Talk Member
Picture of Electrawoman Cards f/k/a jane
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depends on how you define "married", but I wouldn't say I'm single. But we're both card collectors! Clap
Posts: 3234 | Location: Queens NYC | Registered: September 21, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Silver Card Talk Member
Picture of DOUBLEooSEVEN
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single, and lovin it. Elephant Dance

'' Devoted Aluminum member '' who should probably be doing school work at this very moment.
Posts: 1230 | Location: Canada | Registered: October 06, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Strider
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Thanks to LOTR my wife finally understands what I've been ranting on about all these years. She started collecting LOTR cards, and other memorabilia, just after FOTR was released...since then she's probably spent more on her card collection than I have on mine in twenty years of marriage. Roll Eyes

I'm the best there is at what I do.
Posts: 18 | Location: Wirral, UK | Registered: April 19, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of lapis
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Married, very happily, 10 years this August. My husband is an absolute gem, very supportive of almost anything I do, and that pretty much includes my card collecting.
Posts: 87 | Location: Knoxville, TN, USA | Registered: March 11, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Bronze Card Talk Member
Picture of patonyfan
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Little late in posting but found this thread to, i am married, will be 10 years next March.

Wife has been supportive (pretty much anyway) of my card addiction.

Posts: 907 | Location: Bloomsburg, PA | Registered: May 28, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of inkangel
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well I'm not married but I'm not single either.
I'm living together with my partner and we do want to get married just don't know when that will be.
He did't understand all the fuss about my cards (or any of my other collections) untill he bought me 2 packs of Charmed connections as a birthday gift and I found the HMCombs PW in there. It was then he realised these "worthless pieces of paper" are actually worth something and now he likes my cards....he doesnt collect himself but he does ask me about my cards and if I'm on the net talking to all of you he will ask if I got any reply's or if anything funny has been said.
He himself collects everything to do with Alfa Romeo cars and I'm now in the proces of finding out if any cards were ever made of those....(maybe anybody here knows the answer to that??)
Posts: 48 | Location: netherlands | Registered: August 11, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Silver Card Talk Member
Picture of Neil
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single Big Grin

well i started collecting stamps :/ after my grandad gave me a massive album full, then went onto stickers (animals of farthing wood :P Priemer leauge) then onto comics.

good story this Big Grin i started to get comics from qvc, like packs, buy 4 comics for £24 get 36 random ones, type of thing. Then i readf in a classifieds ad that someone was selling his comic collection, so phoned up and arranged a time etc. my parents drove me there, picked up around 1800 comics for £30, i was in heaven, all the way back i was pulling comics from boxes yelling "OMG a #1 , Oh its signed, etc etc."

So then onto cards, which is where i am at now. Half a room with boxes of comics, quarterof a room with shelving with my cards on Smile

I blame my dad, he collected Fantasy cards, Ken Kelly, Battlefield Earth etc etc. Its all his fault, honest :P
Posts: 1616 | Location: UK | Registered: November 29, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I am Married
Currently on our fifteenth year. 2 wonderful children, a nine-year-old daughter & an eight-year-old son.
I started collecting cards 8 months after getting hitched. From the start it has been a battle to buy cards. Like many other posts on this question, there are limits on how much I can spend. There are 2 times during the year that I am allowed to "splurge", plus when I plead my case that I really, really need something.
My wife doesn't understand that this hobby helps me relax. Just like another post I read: I don't smoke, I don't go bar-hopping, I mainly stay at home to try and maintain control of the tons of cards I have.
My kids love opening packs with me searching for the elusive inserts. Although my son has sort of gotten bored with it, which simply means more for my daughter & I to open.
My idea is that I will continue to collect cards I find appealing until the day I take my last breath. My kids will inherit it all when I am gone (assuming they want all of this).
Posts: 77 | Location: Southern California | Registered: August 21, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Silver Card Talk Member
Picture of Andrew David
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I've had several girlfriends all of whom were pretty tolerant of being a card / autograph collector.

Perhaps the most tolerant of these was a woman who had two kids who were into Yu Gi OH etc so they liked to come to shows as well.

This thread looks like its turning into a dating forum Big Grin not that i'm objecting mind you but I think Canada might be a bit far !

Teal'c, what's with the hair ? (Colonel Jack O'Neal)
Posts: 1719 | Location: Derby, UK | Registered: December 16, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I am recently divorced. My ex and I collected cards together and had a great time doing so. I still collect but some of the fun was in doing it together :-(
Posts: 48 | Location: Portage,Mi,usa | Registered: September 13, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Platinum Card Talk Member
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I actually have found the women that I've dated over the years for the most part have been surprisingly supportive. . . In fact just about all of them have collected cards to some degree or another, my current girlfriend collects disney cards, reads Strangers in Paradise (a comic). . . she also has her own hobbies -- including collecting Dept. 56 houses so perhaps that helps. . . I had one girlfriend years ago that referred to my collection as "worthless pieces of cardboard" that didn't last much longer!


box breakdowns, show reviews, rare autograph gallery and more:
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NSU Writer
Picture of Don Norton
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I got back into cards after i had been married. My wife thinks its a waste of time and money. When I pull a good card and say, "Look, this is a $100 card!" she'll say, "It's not worth anything if you don't sell it."

She's a little more supportive of my hobby now, but really wants me to sell my collection and take her to Europe.

Posts: 2943 | Location: Crystal Lake, IL | Registered: December 04, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Bruce M. Ponzer
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well I have been collecting cards for over 10 years, and comics for more than 15. My wife is very supportive. I met her in a comic shop. She has a bigger collection of comics than I. She puts up with my collecting cards but our apartment is running out of space, so e are thinking of getting a house for our plunder.

Posts: 191 | Location: Rolla,Missouri,USA | Registered: November 08, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Silver Card Talk Member
Picture of Kristy
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I am married and my husband(the master is his name on this board) tolerates my collecting. When we met I didn't collect cards, although I did collect other things---pigs, pens, pencils, books, magnets. Then I moved into the much more expensive habit of cards. I started with Buffy/Angel, and now collect just about anything as long as I liked the show/movie/whatever. Since I am a homemaker and my husband works, we don't have a ton of money to spend on cards, so I am on a card budget. 55-70 dollars a month. With the exception of the upcoming Buffy/Angel in which I get a case of each. My husband wishes I would sell the things I collect!

"How dreary to be Somebody...."
Posts: 1042 | Location: Modesto, CA USA | Registered: November 26, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Silver Card Talk Member
Picture of MikeFitz
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My wife thinks it's "cute" that a 49 year old geazer is still playing cards with the other kids roll eyes
She is very supportive of my hobby - as long as
I manage to keep it somewhat self-sustaining by selling some things (cards,comics) to keep from hammering the house budget.
She is not of the collective mind. Never was nor will be. Anyway... Unless she takes up collecting air molecules - we would'nt have room for it.

Find out what you like in life... and collect it!
Posts: 1457 | Location: New England | Registered: January 02, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of miket999
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I was not actively collecting cards when I got married although I did collect many other things.

As another Mike mentioned, my wife is not of the collecting mindset and never really has understood my need to collect although she does tolerate it for the most part as long as I do not go $$$ crazy.

I do try to sell things form time to time to support the habit, but I know I spend more than I sell....

Now to find room to put all these cards. My kids cannot move out fast enough big grin

Posts: 5347 | Location: Warrenton, Virginia, USA | Registered: January 08, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Silver Card Talk Member
Picture of DisneyChick74
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Dan (Mtlhddoc2) and I have been together for 5 years and suprisingly I started collecting before him with a box of Lion King cards that were given to me. I stopped collecting for about 3 years and then he started and I also started up again...we cleaned our "card" room today and it was an ALL day affair lol
we will be married eventually but are pretty happy just the way we are wink
The best thing about duel collecting is that he collects some things I don't and visa versa so we have DOUBLE the extras to help each other with trades its alot of fun and also provides lots of quality time together.

Posts: 1055 | Location: Cinderellas Castle | Registered: July 09, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Platinum Card Talk Member
Picture of mtlhddoc2
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To add to that, I was a comic and baseball card collector for a time in my teens - wound up selling off my collections right before my first son was born (with my first wife who never would have put up with it)

Posts: 7774 | Location: Censored | Registered: November 26, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Bronze Card Talk Member
Picture of carlvinson
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I'm married.
I did not collect anything when I married my wife 4 years ago. When I started a few months ago my wife wanted to know why I was spending money on "those stupid cards". While she will never collect herself, I am slowly winning her over. One of her favorite movies is Grease, so I put together sets one and two and showed them to her. She really only glanced at them, but after that she dropped the stupid and just called them "those cards". When one of us goes shopping alone we always bring a small present back for the one who stayed home with the kids. This last time she brought me back a few packs of the Harry Potter trading card game. I don't, (or at least I didn't,) collect that set but I didn't complain. I think she is learning to live with it. Chris
Posts: 627 | Location: Corning, California | Registered: April 08, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Silver Card Talk Member
Picture of xst
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Single and collects anything she wants to! big grin I started with coins as a kid. I was competing with my sister who was collecting stamps. Then we gravitated to comics. I did DC, she did Marvel. Then we were doing cross-stitch together. I started, then she picked it up. I did my projects for fun, she made money selling hers. I bought a computer, then she did. She started chat rooms, then I followed. Now she is into body building and that is where I stop!!! I hate athletics and dieting!

Since I have the house, I am the repository/guardian of my comix, my two brothers' comix and my own. Trading cards take up much less room!

I got into Stargate SG-1 on TV. From there I got into trading cards. I'm also collecting Stargate memoribilia (hence the large poster of Richard Dean Anderson in my hallway!!). And all my friends, single or otherwise, roll their eyes at my cards except one young neice who is an X-man/comic collector. She understands! She is in my will!!

Happy Stargating!
Posts: 1395 | Location: BC, Canada | Registered: June 18, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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