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Site Upgrade on Tuesday, March 23rd
Gold Card Talk Member
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The New site doesnt seem to list the Moderators that look after each section anymore.

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Platinum Card Talk Member
Picture of xSaBx
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Originally posted by CSI Dave:
The New site doesnt seem to list the Moderators that look after each section anymore.

Yeah! What am I supposed to be doing??? Quick! Someone tell me!!!

xSaBx :: Mistress of Stuff ::

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Platinum Card Talk Member
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Originally posted by xSaBx:
Yeah! What am I supposed to be doing??? Quick! Someone tell me!!!

You are supposed to be sending me giant boxes filled with UK only promos, so hop to it! LOL

Posts: 7774 | Location: Censored | Registered: November 26, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Bronze Card Talk Member
Picture of aagranata
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Harris, I still can't post a new thread. As a matter of fact, the only icons at the top of the thread I can click on successfully are "Reply" and "Notify". If I can successfully use those icons, why can't I use "Go", "New", "Find", and "Tools"?

This has me worried. What happens if I can never start a new thread again??? Eek

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This could be in your Java settings in your browser... what do you use? IE, Netscape or another one?

Posts: 7774 | Location: Censored | Registered: November 26, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Silver Card Talk Member
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Originally posted by mtlhddoc2:

possibly we can change the "Polls" forum, into the Photo Album forum where each album would be "Moderated" (which means all albums woulkd require Harris' approval before being posted) - this may be a way to keep the feature without overloading the baord

Good gosh, this is already the most moderated board going. Star makes a simple observation, and three people (two moderators and one member) all worry about how the bandwidth will be used up, and then Star is intimidated into pulling the picture.

If Harris thinks we're using too much bandwidth, he'll let us know. I'd like to see what card Star posted, myself. Also, since Harris implemented the new board and all its features, it would be nice if moderators didn't:

a. assume Harris made a mistake and
b. assume that bandwidth is a problem and
c. go after members for using the features of the board unless the members had violated a specific policy.

If bandwidth is a really a problem, cut back on the useless posting.
Posts: 2327 | Location: Huntsville, AL United States | Registered: November 30, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Diamond Card Talk Member
Picture of spidergoblin
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With my webtv I can go anywhere that I've tried so far with the exception of the card forum(my fav of coarse).This was yesterday,now today I can get here,except I cannot post or reply.I can see the reply icon but no way can I get my cursor to the reply icon.Webtv's browser is netscape,but I don't know what version at this time.


"nuff said"

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Thanks Harris

I don't know what it was but after another reboot it worked again. I'll monitor it and see if it recurs.

"Because, I've seen him.
He's like Fire. And Ice. And Rage.
He's like the night and the storm in the heart of the Sun.
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Posts: 1855 | Location: Urmston, United Kingdom | Registered: August 06, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Platinum Card Talk Member
Picture of xSaBx
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Originally posted by Bill Mullins:
it would be nice if moderators didn't:

a. assume Harris made a mistake and
b. assume that bandwidth is a problem and
c. go after members for using the features of the board unless the members had violated a specific policy.

Actually, Bill, I'll think that if you read the above posts closely you'll find that none of the above actually applies.

Bandwidth IS a problem if it costs money, and in this case it does. Text posts 'cost' nothing (in relative terms), but an image that is downloaded by every poster who looks at a post does.

Everyone is trying to help Harris out, as he is the only one who has the ability to change how the board works. Don't mistake helpfulness for over-zealousness on the Moderators part.

Also, please try and get your facts correct before you have a swipe at people, especially when those concerned were simply trying to help. Over-reaction won't help anyone.

xSaBx :: Mistress of Stuff ::

Crunchy on the Outside,
Smooth on the Inside:

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Posts: 5362 | Location: The South East, United Kingdom | Registered: June 07, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Platinum Card Talk Member
Picture of mtlhddoc2
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Originally posted by Bill Mullins:
If Harris thinks we're using too much bandwidth, he'll let us know. I'd like to see what card Star posted, myself. Also, since Harris implemented the new board and all its features, it would be nice if moderators didn't:

a. assume Harris made a mistake and
b. assume that bandwidth is a problem and
c. go after members for using the features of the board unless the members had violated a specific policy.

If bandwidth is a really a problem, cut back on the useless posting.

1: Noone implied that he made a mistake at all
2: Harris has stated numerous times that bandwodth is an issue
3: Noone "went after" Star in any shape, size or form, she assumed she made a mistake, even though noone said she had, we only mentioned that we were mentioning to Harris that this feature: A) exists, B) could use alot of bandwidth

We are currently searching for a way to allow these Photo Albums to be posted while linking the files to another site. The problem with the existing form is that the pictures are uploaded to NSU. BCW, XSaBx and myself all picked up on this because we are all technically inclined when it comes to computing. There are alot of new features on this board which we probably have not even discovered yet, and once we do, will want to have turned off, for a variety of reasons. If you find one, by all means, test it out. Just like Star did.

I am sorry if Star felt slighted in any way, but noone directed any comments towards her in any demeaning or negative way, our comments were solely concerning the feature. But we cannot help if some people read more into what is said than was actually said, or even implied. Try to take comments on face value, everyone, what each person says, is usually all they are saying and not implying anything at all.

Posts: 7774 | Location: Censored | Registered: November 26, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of H_Toser
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Originally posted by aagranata:
Harris, I still can't post a new thread. As a matter of fact, the only icons at the top of the thread I can click on successfully are "Reply" and "Notify". If I can successfully use those icons, why can't I use "Go", "New", "Find", and "Tools"?

This has me worried. What happens if I can never start a new thread again??? Eek

Hi aagranata:

I think Dan is probably correct in what he said above about Java settings. Can you tell us what browser you are using and what version, please. Also, the you can you can only use "reply" and "notify". The odd thing there is that those two lead to an immediate pop-up box. The other ones lead to a drop-down menu. Perhaps that means something?

Posts: 13014 | Location: Harrisburg, PA, USA | Registered: November 29, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post

Picture of H_Toser
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Originally posted by Bill Mullins:
Originally posted by mtlhddoc2:

possibly we can change the "Polls" forum, into the Photo Album forum where each album would be "Moderated" (which means all albums woulkd require Harris' approval before being posted) - this may be a way to keep the feature without overloading the baord

Good gosh, this is already the most moderated board going. Star makes a simple observation, and three people (two moderators and one member) all worry about how the bandwidth will be used up, and then Star is intimidated into pulling the picture.

If Harris thinks we're using too much bandwidth, he'll let us know. I'd like to see what card Star posted, myself. Also, since Harris implemented the new board and all its features, it would be nice if moderators didn't:

a. assume Harris made a mistake and
b. assume that bandwidth is a problem and
c. go after members for using the features of the board unless the members had violated a specific policy.

If bandwidth is a really a problem, cut back on the useless posting.


I have to agree with just about everything posted above by Sarah and Dan.

Yes, bandwidth is an issue here. Those two know so as I have said it a few times here on the "regular" forums and several times in the Moderator's forum. As for you comment about useless posts vs. usefull posts, that's probably an argument (or maybe not) for another day. I definitely think talk about what Buffy cards will be coming, trading of cards, and questions about vintage cards is more important then Killer Ants and Favorite TV shows but those seemingly frivilous posts have a way of adding community to our community, so to speak. Anyway, I didn't intend to argue that point here.

As for Star's post, I am not sure why Star reacted this way. Star tried an album, which is brand new to this version of the forum. Those tech guys and gals picked up on the fact that these images were uploaded to the NSU site and immediately knew good 'ole predictable Harris would have a cow about bandwidth. So they posted that but nobody "went after" Star in any way so her reaction didn't seem to sync with their comments. I am glad Star gave it a try and also glad that it came to light that this needs to be figured out. I am trying to do just that right now.
Posts: 13014 | Location: Harrisburg, PA, USA | Registered: November 29, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Gold Card Talk Member
Picture of Star*Mystyk
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Originall posted by Bill Mullins:

Good gosh, this is already the most moderated board going. Star makes a simple observation, and three people (two moderators and one member) all worry about how the bandwidth will be used up, and then Star is intimidated into pulling the picture.

If Harris thinks we're using too much bandwidth, he'll let us know. I'd like to see what card Star posted, myself. Also, since Harris implemented the new board and all its features, it would be nice if moderators didn't:

a. assume Harris made a mistake and
b. assume that bandwidth is a problem and
c. go after members for using the features of the board unless the members had violated a specific policy.

If bandwidth is a really a problem, cut back on the useless posting.

Well said Thumb Up

Originally posted by mtlhddoc2:

1: Noone implied that he made a mistake at all
2: Harris has stated numerous times that bandwodth is an issue
3: Noone "went after" Star in any shape, size or form, she assumed she made a mistake, even though noone said she had, we only mentioned that we were mentioning to Harris that this feature: A) exists, B) could use alot of bandwidth

BS. I didn't 'assume' anything. From past experience whenever i've suggested something, hell, whenever i've spoken, a mod (usually a specific 2) jump all over it disagreeing for whatever trivial reason, and all of a sudden the sheep come out echoing their disagreement.

CSI Dave: I've spoken to you about all this and exactly why I'm sick to death of it all.
If you keep your MSN conversations feel free to email them to Harris, whoever.
I've had enough of this place and the constant ignoring, and what I see as exclusion. Why? I have no ******* idea.

Michelle, Zane, Olly, Brad, Jeri, Wolfman, your trades are on their way, if they haven't arrived already.

That's it. Not posting, not lurking, not trading. Leaving.

My Sketch Cards
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Bronze Card Talk Member
Picture of aagranata
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Harris and Dan, I'm using Internet Explorer. I'm not sure which version, but given the fact that I can access this site and reply to posts, I'm sure it's compatible. Before this "upgrade", I was able to access Card Talk without turning on my IE web browser. Now, I must turn on the browser to reply to posts. If I keep the IE browser off and click on "New", I can see the drop-down menu, but I get the "Script error" window and can go no further. When I have IE on, absolutely nothing happens when I click "New". Any ideas??? I'm not a computer savvy person, so any help is appreciated.

By the way, is it still possible view the personal info for a particular member, or do I need one of the drop-down menus???

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Posts: 822 | Location: Spanaway, WA | Registered: May 11, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Bronze Card Talk Member
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Some other info that may be helpful in troubleshooting....I just noticed that when I click on "New" with my IE browser on, I get the message "Error on page" at the lower left end of my screen.

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Posts: 822 | Location: Spanaway, WA | Registered: May 11, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of STCardGeek
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Hey ya!!! Smile I've been away for a bit preparing for the release of the NARLIEST set in ages and I guess I missed all the fun. Smile
One suggestion if anyone is having troubles might be the old clear your Internet cache/history/offline files, whatever your browswer calls it. recently went through an upgrade that took 4 years off my life last week trying to process 7 simple orders. I cussed, I swore, I rained all sorts of curses upon and a simple clearing of cache did the was like my puter was reading half the new site and half the old site and the combination was lethel...esp. to the cat I kicked across the room.
StarMysk-I would like to extend an appology that your enthusiasm for a new feature and a desire to make sure Harris didn't get a forum bill from H*** affected you in such a way. I know as one of *the mods*, my words will hold little weight, but I truely think in this case, no harm was meant, but I can see why it felt that way and that's why I wanted to say I was sorry you felt badly.
I love sharing images of cool cards and I imagine many without websites of their own would adore such an option and I hope a way is found to allow users to make use of the album, it would be my pleasure to offer a portion of my website to anyone who wants to create an album if Harris can make it work with offsite linking.
I truely haven't been paying alot of attention to the upgrade features, but would question one thing. Please consider that most forums are owned by another company that offer a service and if they makes changes it's global and often without the consent of the users. NSU didn't implement this forum so much as it was implemented upon him and Harris is just learning the ropes along with us. It is hoped upgrades are positive experiences, mostly they're a pain Wink Harris will get the hang of the new controls and features and we will too, I'm sure in time.
I hope the board's programmers relax their hard stance on requiring the most current of browsers and ignoring web tv users... that may be short sighted of them...some of my best frieds are web-tv users!!!!

Star Trek cards rule, everything else drools.
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Picture of Flaming Carrot
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I thought I'd come out of my hole (what is that?)to say that we'll miss you Star*Mystyk (what is that?). I hope everything (what is that?) goes well for you from here on out. (what is that?)

Well, back to my (what is that?) black hole, 'cause this clique-ing noise is bothering me.
Posts: 255 | Location: California's Central Valley | Registered: March 14, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Platinum Card Talk Member
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Originally posted by Flaming Carrot:
'cause this clique-ing noise is bothering me.

It's really easy to criticise, isn't it?

If Star feels as if she has a problem, she should e-mail the people concerned, as other people have done over this. That's more productive than simply walking away.

This is where I remind EVERYONE that the Mods were appointed by Harris, and that if anybody has a problem with how any of the Mods conduct themselves or their business on the board there is a means to deal with that. It is NOT simply to be clever or snide, but to write an e-mail and make your concerns known.

xSaBx :: Mistress of Stuff ::

Crunchy on the Outside,
Smooth on the Inside:

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xSaBx :: Mistress of Stuff ::

Crunchy on the Outside,
Smooth on the Inside:

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Posts: 5362 | Location: The South East, United Kingdom | Registered: June 07, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Gold Card Talk Member
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I'm liking this new look to the forum.... will take a bit of gettign used to....but im liking it very much Luv You


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