There are 19 cards in total so far and whilst they are not released by a card manufacturer, they are normal card size, good quality stock and officially sanctioned by FOX. Probably as close as we may get to a set for the series.
Set 1 (x2 cards)
Set 2 (x3 cards)
Set 3 (x4 cards)
Set 4 (x6 cards)
Set 5 (x1 card)
Set 6 (x3 cards)
I've seen no mention of anyone collecting the promos for the revival - has anyone picked them up?
Posts: 3137 | Location: England | Registered: June 23, 2005
Can't link to an auction Raven but you'll find them on eBay without much trouble. They seem to be coming from one main seller (with a few others here and there).
Posts: 3137 | Location: England | Registered: June 23, 2005
I question if these are legit. I have seen several NYCC promos that no one including myself ever saw at the show which some of these claim to be. I would be happy to be proven wrong have at it.
____________________ "The problem, I'm told, is more than medical."
I thought the same too. Seems strange though to go to the trouble to include copyright info. on unlicenced material. Most fakes (of anything) rarely bother when its easier to keep it off.
FOX have been notorious in the past for their participation in eBay's VeRO program and don't hesitate to yank listings they don't like. Still, maybe things are laxer these days or its quite possible listings slip under their radar.
I'm not 100% sure myself but I'm happy to have them regardless.
Posts: 3137 | Location: England | Registered: June 23, 2005
The person selling these also has a bunch of promos for the Supergirl, Flash, and Arrow TV shows, and the upcoming Batman/Superman movie, among other DC Comics related stuff
Posts: 4364 | Location: NY | Registered: August 03, 2010
I know that there was a special preview presentation for the X-Files Revival at the New York City Comic Con held back in October 2015. It had limited tickets and was sold out. I have not found any mention of X-Files promo cards being handed out there or at the Con in general.
I did not attend last year and the person I know who did, did not see them, but that means little considering the size of the show.
It could also be that the promos were meant to be handed out, but wound up getting dumped in bulk somehow during or after the Con.
Sometimes companies make these cards and don't know how seriously we take them and just throw them in the garbage. FOX should be able to verify their authorization if anyone can get through to someone who would answer.
Posts: 10529 | Location: New York | Registered: November 20, 2007
In my opinion these are home made. Just look at all the other cards they are selling. Have heard of very few of them. They happen to be the only ones offering most of these cards. Many in set form and sealed. Every hot upcoming movie and cards for the Popes visit and much more. Feel free to add them to your collection but keep in mind they are and always will be worthless. Anyone want to buy a million Broders
Posts: 70 | Location: New York | Registered: September 18, 2015
Originally posted by Kevins: Anyone want to buy a million Broders
We had that conversation in another promo thread not long ago. Broders is a sports card term and it basically means any unlicensed card. Back in the day many a Broder was passed off as a promo to entice the unsuspecting collector who thought they had a rare card. When the sports card market collapsed most of the Broder producers tapered off because it wasn't making the money anymore, but those millions of worthless, unlicensed cards are still around.
Posts: 10529 | Location: New York | Registered: November 20, 2007
Originally posted by wolfie: if people are buying these cards for cash how are they worthless?
It's the same thing as buying a knock off handbag or shoes. Everything has a value and people can pay what they want but in the end you still have worthless illegal fake merchandise and in this case not recognized in the marketplace. I feel sure Harris will not be adding these to the price guide.
Posts: 70 | Location: New York | Registered: September 18, 2015
So the promoset they are offering of per example the Shannara Chronicles are homemade/unlicensed? Was thinking of buying a set but it looked too good to be true. Which it then useally is...
Bummer, liked that set and the Jessica Jones Netflix too. The fronts are real good but the backs gave them away. The studios won't be happy with these I guess. Why haven't they been taken down already? Too much trouble or a case of who cares? The Flash promo is kinda nice too :-)
Posts: 792 | Location: Netherlands | Registered: April 25, 2006
But also because the supply is unlimited, whatever is selling will be reprinted, and a producer of unlicensed cards can undercut any legitimate card manufacturer who has to pay a chunk of money just to get the approval of the copyright holder before he can even make cards.
Most unlicensed cards are cheaply made, but some are very well done. To me the real danger is not what someone may pay, do what you want it's your money, but it contributes to a product that will destroy every legitimate card manufacturer who follows the law and pays for his licenses. It is a fundamental cornerstone of the hobby, an unlicensed card is a counterfeit card. Counterfeit cards have no value.
Posts: 10529 | Location: New York | Registered: November 20, 2007