for a P1 promo?! Silliness. P1's should be free, they're given to dealers for free to promot the product. I, too, have a free promo offer for a SASE if anyone is interested.
____________________ Star Trek cards rule, everything else drools.
Posts: 4246 | Location: Pittsboro, NC USA | Registered: November 30, 2000
Originally posted by STCardGeek: for a P1 promo?! Silliness. P1's should be free, they're given to dealers for free to promot the product. I, too, have a free promo offer for a SASE if anyone is interested.
Thanks Lynne. I got mine yesterday.
____________________ "A man has got to know his limitations."
Posts: 1319 | Location: Rhode Island USA 02889 | Registered: January 23, 2011