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PCE 2008, additions, deletions and corrections
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Valvoline 100th Anniversary (1994) Traks.
51 M-4 Sherman Tank (gold foil)

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On the Thunder on the Water, looks like there are 8 total. There is an Atlas Van Lines Blue Blaster

An internet search reveals that the guy who made the cards is selling sets of all 8. Smile
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Galaxi Novels (1994) Cardz. - additional information - source provided
n.n. (swimmer); poly "Agent Three-Zero #1 of IV The Blue Sultan's Quest" Version B comic; mostly blacked-out card back showing only the Galaxi Novels logo and copyright information at the bottom...$1

Game Players Presents: The Ultimate Ten (no year) Game Players. 11 card set; set inserted in a cello-pack with Game Players magazine (issue n.k.); header notes this set as the first in an ongoing series; promotes various video games...$2-10/set
n.n. (header card)
3 "NHL '94"

Game Players Presents: SSF II: The Street 16 (no year) Game Players. Set number n.k.; inserted with Game Players magazine (issue n.k.); cards have perforated edges so they were likely inserted as part of a sheet; card backs provide background information on the character; cards promote Street Fighter II video game characters.
2 "Blanka"
3 "E Honda"
4 "Ryu"; 2 5/8 x 3 1/2 inches
7 "Fei Long"
12 "Vega"

Garbage Pail Kids All-New Series 3 - price update for 2020
P1 "Christina Ugliera"...$7

Gargoyles (1995) Skybox - additional information for 2019
**Note: the S1 prototype listed in PCE was issued in a 6-card cello pack along with other Skybox promos: a blank-backed release schedule card for various Skybox card series in 1995; Pocahontas S1 prototype, The Simpsons Skycaps n.n. "Lisa Simpson" prototype; Star Trek The Next Generation Season 2 S1 prototype and Youngblood N1); I don't know where the packs were distributed.

Gathering of Spirits, A (1994) Victoria Gallery. 1 card set; source n.k.; artist n.k.; 2 14/32 x 3 1/8; marked "Promotional Card" across front; British issue. New for 2018.
1 "Apache Medicine man - Raven"

Gentle Giant Bust-Ups (2008) Gentle Giant Ltd. 1 card set; given out at the 2008 San Diego Comic Con; photo; promotes a collector's club.

George Walker "Poppy" Bush (no year) Company n.k. - additional information
*This card was actually a case topper for the Babe Ruth trading card set released by Gold Entertainment in 1992; there are three versions of this card.
n.n. (silver hologram)
n.n. (gold hologram)
n.n. (blank front); considered an error card
*see separate listing for the Babe Ruth Series, The: Special Limited Edition.

Gerber Graduates for Toddlers (2001) Lyons Partnership L.P. 21 card set; available through an unknown Gerber promotion; cards were plastic-wrapped together; artist n.k.; 3 1/16 x 4 9/16; rounded corners; header card front shows "Barney" the dinosaur and says "Zoo Video Available Now" with an image of the videocassette; header card back promotes other "Barney" videos; other card fronts are similar to the header but without promotional mention or image; other card backs are flash cards showing zoo animals so the header may be the only promo.

Gertie the Dinosaur (2000) Gertie the Dinosaur LLC. - additions
also one card is inbound Gertie the Dinosaur #1 separable along a perforated line.
n.n. "Gertie the Dinosaur Moe Skeeto in Gertigo" (spoof of "Vertigo" movie poster)
n.n. "Jailbird Rock"
n.n. "The Profit"
n.n. "Robbin' Hoods"
n.n. "Saturday Morning Gertie"
n.n. "SuperGertie"
n.n. "Gertie the Dinosaur; sticker

Ghost Whisperer, The (2008) Inkworks. Set number n.k.; photos.
P1; general distribution
P2; poly Non-Sport Update
P3; unreleased; appeared on the secondary market after the company went out of business
P-i; available through the mail via the Inkworks website
P-UK; distributed in the UK.

Gilmore Girls (2001) Warner Bros. 1 card set; given out at shows;photo; 5 1/4 x 7 3/4 inches; card back provides information about the television show.

Glow In The Dark Dinosaur Cards (1997) Con Agra Frozen Foods. 8 card set - additions
2 of 8 "Triceratops"
3 of 8 "Pachycephalosaurus"
4 of 8 "Velociraptor"
5 of 8 "Pteranodon"
6 of 8 "Tyrannosaurus rex"
8 of 8 "Elasmosaurus"

Glow in the Dark Dinosaur Footprints (1992) Quaker Oats Ltd. 4 card set; inserted one per package of Sugar Puffs cereal but also available one per copy of Dinosaurs magazine; glow in the dark stickers of footprints on fold-out cards with parody artwork of dinosaurs; card backs bear information on the animals with the Sugar Puffs logo; British issue.

Glow in the Dark Dinosaurs (no year) Nestle. 8 card set; inserted one per package of Cheerios; 4 cards were available in Honey and Nuts Cheerios and 4 variants of those cards were in Multi Cheerios; these are actually puzzle/model kits with pieces that punch out of cards with each kit in its own cello-pack; 3 1/4 x 3 11/16 (dimensions of unopened card); card sets are differentiated by the Cheerios logo on the front (either Multi Cheerios in blue with a red Nestle logo or Honey and Nuts Cheerios in yellow with no Nestle logo; cards appear to be undated but said to be from 1993); British issue.

Godzilla: Kimg of the Monsters (1994) Trendmasters - price update for 2020.
#6 "Mecha-Godzilla"...$8

Godzilla GZIA (1998) Toho Co., Ltd./Geoffrey, Inc. Set number n.k.; source n.k.; artist n.k.; backs show "Toys 'R Us" and "Kids 'R Us" logos at the lower left corner; promote the movie...$2-3 each.
n.n (eye); back text outlines an action plan for Godzilla Intelligence Agents. n.n. (foot); decoder game on back.

Go Girl (2001) Trina Robbins. 1 card set; given out at the 2001 San Diego Comic-Con; 4 x 6 postcard; art by Anne Timmons; promotes a comic book series and website.

Golden Compass (2007) Inkworks. - price updates for 2021

Goldeneye (1996) GTI Telecom. 1 card set; given out at Suncoast stores; phonecard; comes in a small envelope that says "Free Exclusive Bond Phonecard" on the front but the card itself shows no markings that it is promotional; card is rubber-cemented to a fold-out containing coupons; card back bears the Suncoast logo; promotes the James Bond movie.

Gone with the Wind (1995) Due Cards - additional information for 2020
**Note: As noted in PCE2008 the company destroyed most of the copies of promos 1 and 3 (#2 was distributed in an issue of NSU, Collect! magazine (Volume 4, No. 7/September 1996) reported that a reliable source confirmed that 50-60 copies of both cards wee released before that. One known recent sale of #3 was just $5.

Goosebumps Puzzle Cards (1996) Parchute Press. Set number n.k - additional information
*Note: this was a 32-card set; the PCE listing is missing only the 8-card sheet, Puzzle Card #2 as follows:
#2 (#44 "Say Cheese and Die - Again," #17 "Why I'm Afraid of Bees, #40 "Night of the Living Dummy III," #33 "The Horror at Camp Jellyjam," #3 "Trapped in Bat Wing Hall," #36 "The Haunted Mask II," #27 "A Night in Terror Tower," #6 "Beware of the Purple Peanut Butter").

Goosebumps (no year but was 1996) Parachute Press. Set number n.k.; one card was inserted per specially-marked "Goosebumps" videocassettes (packaged in "clamshell" plastic case); 3D sticker; the sticker front matches the front art of the case and shares the same title; videocassette dated 1996.
n.n. "A Night in Terror Tower"
n.n. "Stay out of the Basement"

Grande Illusions (1988) Imagine Inc./Fantaco. 1 card set - additional information
**this card was handed out at shows by the owner of the company.

Grateful Dead (1989) Arista Records. 1 card set; source n.k.; artwork not credited; promotes the release of the album, "Built to Last," though it does not say it on the card; the card front shows a human skull with a wreath around it and says "ON HALLOWEEN THE DEAD WILL RISE AGAIN" which was when the album was released; card back shows blue and white artwork (skulls, bones, flowers).

Greg Manning Company Inc., The. (no year). The Greg Manning Company, Inc. 1 card set; source n.k.; colorized photo; 2 x 3; promotes the company and a package deal of sports memorabilia...$3
n.n. "'Shoeless Joe' Jackson"

GTE West Classic (1992) Manufacturer n.k. 1 card set; source n.k.; photo; 4 x 6; promotes a golf tournament.
n.n. "Arnold Palmer"

Guardian of the Universe (1999) Amada Printing. 1 card set; sent to comic book shops; photo; marked "promotion card" on both sides; has English and Japanese text on both sides; says "Gamera 3" and "1999 Incomplete Struggle"; promotes a monster movie or a card set associated with the movie.


Hammer Horror (2007) Strictly Inc. 1 card set; source n.k.; art by Walter Howarth; set cancelled...$2-3

Hanna Barbera Classic Collector Cards (1994) Hanna Barbera Productions. 30 card set; given out in in 6 card foil packs in kid's meals at Arby's; cards show characters from Hanna Barbera cartoons; packs have a number on the back which determines which six cards are inside (e.g. pack #3 had cards 3, 9, 13, 16, 25, 26); cards bear the Arby's logo on the back at the bottom. -additional information contents of Pack #4.
1 "Yogi Bear"
3 "Cindy Bear"; in pack #3
4 "Ranger Smith" in pack #4
5 "Snagglepuss"; from pack #5
6 "Yakky Doodle" in pack #4
7 "Fibber Fox"
9 "Pixie and Dixie"; in pack #3
11 "Hokey Wolf"
13 "Baba Louie"; in pack #3
14 "Augie Doggie and Doggie Daddy"; from pack #5
15 "Super Snooper"
16 "Blabber"; in pack #3
17 "Ruff & Reddy"
18 "Lippy the LIon and Hardy Har Har"; from pack #5
19 "Walley Gator" in pack #4
20 "Touche Turtle and Dum Dum"; from pack #5
21 "Magilla Gorilla" in pack #4
22 "Mr. Peebles"; from pack #5
23 "Richochet Rabbit"; from pack #5
24 "Droop-a-long" in pack #4 - addition for 2021
25 "Punkin' Puss and Mushmouth"; in pack #3
26 "Peter Potamus and "So-So"; in pack #3
29 "Atom Ant"
30 "Dastardly and Mutley" in pack #4
unopened 6 card pack...$5-12

Hanna-Barbera (1996) Cartoon Network/Cheez Whiz. Set number n.k. but apparently a 16 card set; source n.k. but apparently inserted one per package of Cheez Whiz products; dual-image lenticular; n.n.; 1 9/16 x 1 9/16 inches; when the correct four cards are placed together at the correct angle, they form an image of a Hanna Barbera animated character with each card also showing a separate image of a Hanna-Barbera animated character; back text is in Spanish so the cards were most likely issued in Mexico (maybe Venezuela too - the only two Spanish-speaking countries where Cheez Whiz was sold); back text says "Juega con" [translation: "Play with"] and shows the Cartoon Network and Cheez Whiz logos...$2.50 each
n.n. (man in big hat)
n.n. (dog with orange hair)
n.n. Yogi Bear
n.n. Touche Turtle
** when the above four cards are placed together in the correct order and at the right angle, they form an image of Squiddly Diddly.
n.n. Squiddly Diddly
n.n. Mildew Wolf
n.n. Hardy Har Har (hyena wearing hat)
n.n. Penelope Pitstop
**Note: when the above four cards are placed together in the correct order and at the correct angle, they form an image of Benny the Ball from the cartoon, "Top Cat."
n.n. (Quickdraw McGraw)
n.n. (Hong Kong Phooey)
n.n. (Augie Doggie)
n.n. (Top Cat)
**Note: When the above four cards are placed together in the correct order at the correct angle, they form an image of Fred Flintstone.
**like many lenticular cards, these curl over time

Hanna Montana (2008) Topps. 1 card set; source n.k.; photo.

Happy Jack Collectibles (no year) Versicolor. Set number n.k.; source n.k.; artist not noted but was Jack; promotes an online collectibles store...$2
HJ-P1 (silhouette of female jester with tiny images of various promo cards in the background)

Harley Davidson Series One (1992) Collect-A- Card/Powell Associates, Inc. - addition
0000; “1988 85th Anniversary Electra Glide Classic; same as the gold card you received when you sent in the redemption card but numbered “0000” where the serial number would be - also says “Artist Proof” on the back; not released to the public; reportedly only four copies exist...ND

Harry Potter, Half-Blood Prince (2008) Artbox. 6 card set; photos.
04; binder exclusive
05; binder exclusive
SD08; given out at the 2008 San Diego Comic-Con

Heat Sensitive Stickers (1991) Kellogg Company. 6 card set; inserted one per box of Rice Krispies in the U.K.; when exposed to heat/sunlight an image of a Rice Krispies mascot/character appears on the front; 2 1/4 x 3 inches (57 x 77mm); there are two different cards for each of the 3 characters; blank back...
n.n. "Snap"
n.n. "Snap"
n.n. "Crackle" (in superhero costume)
n.n. "Crackle"
n.n. "Pop"
n.n. "Pop"

Hercules (1997) Stouffers. 4 card set - price update...$10-15 each.

Helmar Famous Athletes (2005) Helmar Brewing Company. 74 card set; 3-card packs were inserted with Helmar Potoato Chips and Helmar Caramel Corn; artists n.k.; 1 9/16 x 2 3/4; cards were made to look like early 20th century tobacco cards and show athletes from various sports (American and Japanese baseball, boxing); thick stock; backs have a scratch-off area that reveal a prize...
n.n. "Buck Weaver, Chicago"
n.n. "Dalager, Benton Harbor"
n.n. "Darnell Knox, Deroit"
n.n. "Dewhurst, Benton Harbor"
n.n. "J. Jackson, Cleveland"
n.n. "Jiro Noguchi, Hankyu"
n.n. "Johnny "The Crab" Evers, Chicago 2nd Baseman"
n.n. "M. Brown, St. Louis Terriers, Fed. Lg."
n.n. "Ray Chapman, Cleve."
n.n. "Slim Caldwell, Boston"

Hercules (no year but likely 1997) Disney. 27 card set; inserted one per package of Bimbo Bread; lenticular; 1 1/16 x 2 9/16; Mexican issue; promotes the movie...$4 each

Hercules (1997) Disney Enterprises. 6 card set; inserted one per package of Kellogg's Shreddies, Coco Shreddies, Frosted Shreddies and Honey Nut Cheerios; lenticular; 1 15/16 x 4 11/16 inches; British issue; rounded corners; back text also shows Shreddies and Cheerios logos; promotes the movie...$5 each

Hercules (1997) Disney. 1 card set; available at McDonald's restaurants; die-cut sticker on 5 1/8 x 7 3/8 card; thin stock; n.n.; promotes collectible plates; says "Coming soon to McDonald's!"

Hercules and Xena: The Battle for Mount Olympus (1997) Universal Cartoon Studios. 1 card set; packaged with a video release - Wal-Mart exclusive; n.n.; lenticular; shows two characters as live-action and animated characters; 2-card panel; 4 x 5; comes in a cello-pack.

Heroes: Season 2 (2008) Topps. 2 card set; photos.
P2; given out at the ECCC show.

Heroes of Extinction (no year) TCM Associates. 1 card set; available through a mailaway offer in the August-September 1995 issue of NSU; phone card, not marked as a prototype but referred to as one by the company in subsequent price lists and not included in the regular set.
n.n. "Stegosaurus"
* this card was also sold later by the company.

Heroes of Life (1992) Sterling. Set number n.k.; source n.k.; photos; marked "special promotional sample on the back.
2 of 12 "Dave Dravecky"
12 of 12 "Dave Dravecky"
**Note: Although the cards noted show a baseball player the title of the set and subject of the text regards his overcoming hardship. I have never seen nor heard of the regular set ever being released nor if there are other promos.

Heroic Publishing (1993) Heroic Publishing - source information for 2019
C 01; poly "The Adventures of Crissie Claus #2" (January 1994)

Hershey's Collectable Series (1995) Dart Flipcards. - addition for 2019
W3; identical to the "wood" chase card available in packs but shows only the outline of the artwork printed on the finished chase card; technically it could be deemed an error or unfinished prototype; it appeared on the market after the company went out of business - could be termed an unfinished, unreleased sample but might also have been accidentally inserted in packs; Todd liked to include cards that fall between the cracks especially if not documented elsewhere so i list it here...$2-3
**Note: Also the title of the series given on the card is "Hershey's Trading Cards The Collector's Series."

Hi-Flyers (1992)- correction
101 - "Peter Johansson" not "Johnson"

High Gear Rodeo (1995) High Gear International - addition for 2021
17 card sheet; contains 2 of the n.n. header card, and three of each of P1-P5...ND

History Channel (no year) Kodak. Set number n.k.; source n.k.; lenticular motion; promotes the cable television channel; front shows Kodak and History Channel logos.
n.n. "Normandy Invasion" (soldiers running along the beach)
n.n. "The Prohibition Years" (man striking a keg with a pick, beer spewing out

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The (1994) Cardz - additional info/source information.
Prototype #3 Pin-Up Book 2; poly Card Collector's Price Guide #31 (Nov '94).

Holden 50th Anniversary Limited Edition Collectors Series (1998) Holden Ltd. 36 card set; given away at Holden car dealerships in Australia; n.n.; photos of cars; cards are noted as "self-adhesive but they seem to be just regular cards; album and cardboard slipcase comes with the cards; promote various cars made by the company.

Hollywood Legends (1992) Vision Graphix - addition for 2021
n.n. "James Dean"; same hologram on front but with a blank back...$1-2

Home Alone 2: Lost in New York (1992) Optigraphics Corporation. Set number n.k. - addition n.n. (driver holding open car door)

Homeruns (no year) Geffen/DGC. Set number n.k.; source n.k.; photos of album covers; cards n.n. but have what appear to be the album identification code numbers on them; cards came in a box; promote various albums and artists.
n.n. "Whitesnake - Whitesnake"
n.n. "Peter Gabriel - So"
n.n. "Tesla - Mechanical Resonance"
n.n. "Pat Metheny Group - Still Life (Talking)"
n.n. "Guns N Roses - Appetite for Destruction"
n.n. "Kitaro - The Light of the Spirit"
n.n. "The Dukes of Stratosphear - Chips from the Chocolate Fireball"
n.n. "Berlin - Best of Berlin 1979-1988"
n.n. "Don Henley - The End of the Innocence"
n.n. "XTC - Oranges and Lemons"
n.n. "Cher - Heart of Stone"
n.n. "Rickie Lee Jones - Flying Cowboys"
n.n. "Aerosmith - Pump"
n.n. "The Sundays - Reading, Writing and Arithmetic"
n.n. "Nelson - After the Rain"
n.n. "The Simpsons - Sing the Blues"
n.n. "Amy Grant - The Collection"
* this appears to be the whole set but there is still room in the box for other cards (I bought it as-is at a card show); Todd had a rule about not including cards that promote music groups but at least some of the artists listed are well-known celebrities so the cards would be of interest to collectors; the Simpsons card is certainly one of the lesser-known promos for that franchise.

Honey, I Shrunk The Kids: The TV Show (no year but the show ran from 1997 to 2000) Disney. 1 card set; source n.k.; post card; 4 1/4 x 6 inches; back says "Check local TV listings for time and channel."

Horizon Air: Wings of the Great Northwest (no year) Manufacturer n.k.; Set number n.k.; source n.k.; 3 1/4 x 4 1/4; n.n.; photos of airplanes.
n.n. Dash 8Q-200; plane points to the right
n.n. Dash 8Q-200; plane points to the left
n.n. Fokker F28-4000

Hot Summer Flicks (1988) United Artists. 40 card set; inserted one per package of Hostess snacks (chips) - each in its own cello-pack; 1 1/4 x 1 3/4; photos; stickers; says "Hostess" at the top on the back and the text below is in both French and English; promotes various 80's movies; Canadian issue...$2 each

House on Haunted Hill (1999) Warner Bros. 1 card set - source information for 2019
n.n. lenticular card; given out at the 1999 San Diego Comic-Con (maybe other cons too)

H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival (2006) Arkham Bazaar. 1 card set; source n.k.; postcard; artist n.k.; promotes an event.

H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival and Cthulhocon (2008) 1 card set; source n.k.; artist n.k.; 4 1/4 x 6; promotes a film festival and convention in Portland, Oregon.

Hulk (2003) Action Corporate Services, Inc. 1 card set; 3D lenticular - source information for 2018.
**Note: this card was inserted with the Action 2004 Bobby Labonte 1/64 #18 Interstate Batteries die-cast car; card back lists distributors of the company's products. the packaging provides no mention that a card is included. This card is also entered under "Action 3D Movie Cards" in this listing to account for other cards also distributed by the company.

Hulk, The (2003) Marvel;/Universal. Set number n.k.; source n.k. but apparently packaged with Bimbo bread/snack products; lenticular motion; 1 1/2 x 2 1/4 inches; bears The Hulk, Bimbo, Marvel, and Universal logos on the back; promotes the movie...$4-5 New for 2019
02 (Hulk busting through a brick wall)

Hunchback of Notre Dame: Festival of Fools (no year) Disney. 1 card set; given out at Disneyland; artist n.k.; promotes a stage show at the park that ran sometime before mid-1999.
*Note: Todd would have listed it under "Disneyland Park" - his catch-all for promos from there.

Hurst Muscle (see under Johnny Lightning heading)

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Gold Card Talk Member
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I believe these qualify as promos released through 2008...

On the Mego Museums, # 5, 9, 11, 16, 22, 28, 36, 37 had second prints with different backs

I think Todd lists only the 2nd prints on #1-3
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Originally posted by Tommy C:
I believe these qualify as promos released through 2008...

On the Mego Museums, # 5, 9, 11, 16, 22, 28, 36, 37 had second prints with different backs

I think Todd lists only the 2nd prints on #1-3

The card backs state "For Promotional Purposes Only. Not for Sale." which implies that they are promo cards. There are error cards as well only one of which is mentioned on Jeff's site which also mentions NSU Card Talk for helping out with the listing. The 2nd printing cards show an issue date of 2013, card 21 was also re-issued. There are also other associated cards issued under the names PlaidStallions, Tomland Monsters, Lincoln Monsters, Azrakhamway, Mego CIPSA, MegoPOPY, Foreign Mego.



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ICDN Comic Convention (1992) Independent Comic Dealer Network. 2 card set; source n.k. but apparently given out at that convention; foil fronts; backs say "Produced exclusively for the inaugural ICDN convention." "December 13, 1992 Denver, Colorado."
n.n. "Lucas, Krystyn & Yanus"; by Eric Nielson
n.n. "Slowburn"; by Matt Allison
* the cards listed under "Magic of Lithofoil" in PCE 2008 are apparently the prototypes for these cards so Todd might have considered listing them together probably as "ICDN Comic Convention" or "Independent Comic Dealer Network."

I Dream of Jeannie (2008) CPT Holdings, Inc. 55 card set; inserted with the "I Dream Of Jeannie: The Complete Series" DVD Box set (the deluxe version with the cardboard bottle); photos; 3 3/16 x 3 11/16; the fronts of the first 50 cards provide show trivia and season summaries and the backs contain episode synopses; the top and bottom border colors on the back are different season by season; the last 5 cards are character cards; promotes the TV series...$10-20. updated for 2021

Image Illustrated (1994) Manufacturer n.k. 3 card set; inserted with Image Illustrated September 1994 issue (Hero Illustrated Special Edition); none of the cards refer back to the magazine.
1 Cyberforce; by Marc Silvestri; promotes phone cards to be made available at San Diego Comic Con '94.
2 Normalman/Megaton Man; by Jim Valentino and Don Simpson; promotes a comic book
3 Shadowhawk; by Chance Wolf and Jason Gorder; promotes a comic book.

Image 2000 (various years) Set number n.k.; sent to customers of Image 2000 and The Pin-up Factory between April 1996 and March 1997; photos; they promote a card/collectible company and its products.
IM2K 1/3; "Echo"; back says "Card issued in conjunction with video catalog."
Card No. 1; (woman holding two cupcakes in front of her); sent to catalog customers of Image 2000; says "Happy Birthday" in gold foil on the front"; card back says "Issued between April 1995 and March 1996" and "For Promo Use Only Not for Retail Sale."; card is packaged in a sleeve attached to a 4 x 6 card that says "Remember, You only get one wish" and is serial-numbered out of 2000; other side says :The staff of Image 2000 hopes your day is very special. Happy Birthday"...$10 Addition for 2020.
Card No. 2; shows a woman wrapped in "Happy Birthday" streamers; 3 1/2 x 7 1/2; says "For Promo Use Only Not for Retail Sale."
n.n. (three women in lingerie next to a Christmas tree; back says "Image 2000" with "NO" near the top at the right margin.
n.n. (two women in lingerie next to a Christmas tree; back says "We at Image 2000 and The Pin-up Factory would like to thank you for the privilege of doing business with you in 1995...One of 2,500 sets; near the top at the left margin it says "EL."; when placed next to each other the above two n.n. cards show a complete image of women around a Christmas tree on the front and the back says "NOEL."; the two cards were sent together in a plastic case to customers...$10/pair Price update and additional info.

Image 2000 (1994) Image 2000. 2 card set; sent out to "a select group of customers, suppliers, and colleagues" in late 1994; photos of a woman in lingerie with Santa Claus; cards were packaged in sleeves attached to a Christmas card serial-numbered out of 1994 (cards themselves are not serial-numbered); cards have gold foil lettering on the fronts...$7-10/pair. New for 2018.
One of Two "Merry Christmas"
Two of Two "Naughty or Nice?"

Images of Shadowhawk Preview (1994) Cards Illustrrated - addition for 2019
9 card set; source n.k.; set comes sealed in an 8 x 11 plastic frame with a seal of authenticity; identical to the one listed in PCE2008 but with gold foil known sale at $180.

Image Universe (1994) Topps - price update for 2019

Imagine (1997) Image 2000. 25 card set; nine cards were included with first edition of Imagine Magazine; photos of women in lingerie...$8-12 - revised listing for 2021
01 "Christina Leardini"
02 "Deanna Merryman"
03 Patricia Ford"
04 "Lisa Marie Scott"
05 "Brandye Elaine"
06 "Leeann Tweeden"
07 "Echo Johnson"
08 "Barbara Moore"
09 "Ava Fabian"

There is also a 10 card set of unnumbered cards that you could receive only at the release party for the first edition of Imagine Magazine. You had to visit each model's table at the event to get a card which you could also get signed. Each card was stamped on the front with the date of the event, "November 15, 1997."
n.n. "Lisa Boyle"

the following cards are considered an error promo set with the wrong numbering printed (promo set was numbered 01-09; regular set was only 36 cards).

Indiana Jones Adventure (no year but was late 1994 or early 1995) Disney/Lucasfilm. 1 card set; source n.k. but most were stuck on a media guide promoting the park attraction at Disneyland; 3 5/8 x 3 5/8 backing with a 3 1/8 sticker; says "Expeditions begin Spring '95."

Indiana Jones Adventure (no year but was 1999 or earlier) Disney/Lucasfilm. Set number n.k. (but after several years of looking, it appears to be a 3-card set); given out at Disneyland to visitors standing in line for the attraction; the cards decode symbols on the walls; artist n.k.; phone card size (2 1/8 x 3 7/8) with rounded corners; back promotes an AT&T toll call savings program.
n.n. (rats biting the ropes of a flimsy bridge)
n.n. (blue cobra chasing a car)
n.n. "Temple of the Forbidden Eye"

Indiana Jones Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008) Topps. 5 card set; photos.
P1 “Continuing the Adventure”
P2 “The Great Discovery”
P3 “Indiana Jones”
Note: one of the three cards above was inserted per box of Indiana Jones Heritage; each promo comes in its own cello-pack.
P4 “Dr. Jones and Company”...$1
P5 “Within Chauchilla Cemetery”; poly Non-Sport Update (Vol. 19, #3)...$1-3

Indiana Jones Masterpieces (2008) Topps. 1 card set; photos.
P1; poly Non-Sport Update (Vol. 19, #6)
P2; given out at the 2008 San Diego Comic-Con

Infantry Regimental Colours (no year) David J. Hunter. Set number n.k.; inserted in a card magazine in the UK; artwork of various military flags of the UK; 2 3/8 x 3 1/16; backs promote six of at least 120 trade card subsets and a card company that has them for sale...$1-2 each
n.n. "Lt. Colonel's Colour (King's Colour 2nd Batallion) Grenadier Guards c.1821"
n.n. "Regimental Colour The 2/79th (Cameron Highlanders) Regiment of Foot c.1815"
n.n. "Regimental Colour The 13th (1st Somersetshire)(Prince Albert's Regiment of Light Infantry) 1864-1962"
n.n. "Regimental Colour 17th Battalion The Parachute Regiment 1952-1970"
n.n. "Regimental Colour The 23rd (Royal Welsh Fusiliers) Regiment of Foot c.1899"
n.n. "Regimental Colour The 26th (Cameronians) Regiment of Foot 1862-1882"
n.n. "Regimental Colour The 31st Lancashire Rifle Volunteers Later 10th Battalion The Manchester Regiment"
n.n. "Regimental Colour 42 Commando The Royal Marines 1968-2001"
n.n. "Regimental Colour The 42nd (Royal Highland) Regiment of Foot, The Black Watch 1871-1947"
n.n. "Regimental Colour The Royal Merioneth Militia later 4th (Militia) Battalion 1807-1853"
n.n. "Regimental Colour The 83rd (County of Dublin) Regiment of Foot 1867-1881"
**at least a couple of cards promote the same six subsets but most appear to promote six different subsets of at least 120 total.

Initiation (1997) Dark Horse Comics. 1 card set; poly "The Duelist" #25 (May 1998); art by Mark Harrison; promotes a Magic The Gathering-related comic series; has rounded corners but is not a gaming card.

Inkworks Holiday Cards (various years) Inkworks. 9 card set; sent to customers on the company mailing list; I list them here chronologically; some cards also promote a particular set so they are also listed in PCE2008; - new for 2020 with some listings from PCE2008 also listed here as a convenience.
n.n. "Inkworks 2000"; this card is listed in PCE008 under "Inkworks 2000 A Look Back to a Memorable Year"
n.n. (doors); 2001; his card is listed in PCE008 under "Inkworks Happy Holidays"...$8-12
C02; (Scooby-Doo in Santa hat); 2002; this card is listed in PCE008 under Scooby-Doo: Mysteries and Monsters; it can be found signed and unsigned...$5-6
C02; identical to previous listing but has a flat matte finish instead of foil; this variant is uncommon...
H2003 (Christmas tree); this one is listed in PC2008 under "inkworks Happy Holidays"...
H2004; this card is listed in PCE2008 under "Robots" and promotes that card set but is also the company holiday card that year...
H2005; this card is listed in PCE2008 under "Lost Season One" and promotes that card set but is also the company holiday card that year...$10
H2006; this card is listed in PCE2008 under "Shrek The Third" and promotes that card set but is also the company holiday card that year...
H2007; die-cut; this card is not listed in PCE2008 but is listed under "Kung Fu Panda" in this listing and promotes that card set but was also the company holiday card that year...$4
H2008; this card is not listed in PCE2008 but is listed under "The Spirit" in this listing and promotes that card set but was also the company holiday card that year...
**Note: PCE2008 did not list these cards together but NSU once did and I think that's a good idea so I organized them here; some cards can be found signed or unsigned.

Inkworks 2000 (1999) Inkworks. - addition and additional information for 2020
**Note: PCE2008 lists this as a 1 card se and as a signed card, but some were unsigned as well; each card was sent out in a cello-pack with a few other Inkworks promos: Charmed P1, 007: The World is Not Enough ML-1, and Sleepy Hollow P3.

Inline Classic Motorcycles (1992) Inline. addition for 2021
13; error card; has the same hologram (American motorcycle and flag) as the front of the SP1 chase card but has the card #13 checklist back instead; source n.k.; stamped "prototype" on the back…$1-2
Note: The SP1 was found in the factory sets; the hologram (British motorcycle and flag) with the #13 checklist back was found in the regular packs.

Insect Engineer (no year) Chik Fil-A 15 card set; three cards were inserted with a cardboard model kit within a plastic pack with a kid's meal; there are five different model kits and you had to receive one of each of the kits to get all of the cards; photos of insects; card fronts have red borders; card backs provide information about the insect; rounded corners...ND
New for 2021.
n.n. "Eastern Grubber Grasshopper"
n.n. "Firefly"
n.n. "Monarch Butterfly"
**Note: The three cards above were packaged with the Monarch Butterfly model kit.
n.n. "Northern Walking Stick"
n.n. "Praying Mantis"
n.n. "Tarantula Hawk"
**Note: The three cards above were packaged with the Praying Mantis model kit.
n.n. "Asian Ladybird"
n.n. "Mayfly"
n.n. "Southern Wood Ant"
**Note: The three cards above were packaged with the Ladybug model kit.
n.n. "Green Lacewing"
n.n. "Green Shield Bug"
n.n. "Violet Marked Darter"
**Note: The three cards above were packaged with the Dragonfly model kit.

International Card Collection of Athletes (1992) ICCOA. Set number n.k. (but believed to be 1); sent to dealers; photo; gold foil embossed symbol of a runner in the upper right corner on the front; not marked as a promo except that the regular cards are dated "1993" in the white circle at the upper left corner on the front - prototype dated 1992.
No. 1 "Joan Benoit Samuelson
* four other prototypes were said to exist

International Sportscard and Memorabilia Show (1994) Classic Games, Inc. Set number n.k.; source n.k.; photo; card back says "Corporate Sales Day July 20, 1994" and also shows the show logo; card back also says "For Promotional Purposes Only" multiple times in the background.
n.n. "Jason Kidd"; card back says "1 of 5,000."

Invasion of the Saucer Men (2008) Breygent Marketing. 1 card set; given out at shows; photo; refractor foil background on front; promotes a "collectible life-size bust" of an alien from the movie...$3 New for 2019

Invisible Man, The (no year) Sci-Fi Channel. 1 card set; source n.k.; silver foil sticker; 3 x 3; n.n.; says "(Dis)appearing this summer"; promotes a TV show.

Iron Man (2008) Rittenhouse Archives. 3 card set; photos
P1; general distribution
P2; poly Non-Sport Update (Vol. 19, #2)
P3; binder exclusive


James Bond 007 in Motion (2008) Rittenhouse Archives. Set number n.k.
n.n. (logo); poly NSU Vol. 19. #5.
P2; binder exclusive.

James Bond: Goldeneye (1995) Graffitti. - price update
n.n.; serial-numbered out of 500...$10-20

Janesko (no year) Janesko Fine Art. 1 card set; given out at the 1999 San Diego Comic Con; art by Jennifer Janesko; 4 x 6; postcard; promotes her website.

Janny Wurts (1996) FPG.
n.n. (man with bow and arrow - front/man with stringed instrument on back); 2 x 7 1/2; art by Janny Wurts; promotes card set and various books.

Jeffery Jones Series 2 (1994) FPG. - additional information for 2018.
n.n. (mermaid on the seashore); this card was only available as part of a 5-card promo strip - never issued as a single so be wary of anyone offering it as a "rare promo."

Jetsons (1990) Hanna-Barbera Productions, Inc. 3 card set; inserted one per package of Jetsons cereal; hologram sticker; n.n.; 2 x 2 3/4 inches; blank backs; promotes the cartoon...$4 each

Jin-Roh (1999) Bandai Entertainment/VIZ Films. 1 card set; available at the 2001 San Diego Comic Con; n.n.; artist n.k.; 4 x 6; promotes a Japanese anime film.

Jockey Star Cards (1991) Horse Star Cards. Set Number n.k.; sent to dealers; photo; noted as "promotional" in text on back;
1 "Bill Shoemaker

Jockey Star Cards (1994) Horse Star Cards. Set number n.k.; marked "Promo Card" on back upper left.
n.n. "1993 Triple Crown Jockeys"; back says it was given out at Saratoga Racecourse in July 1994 and was part of a trading card promotion; dated 1994
n.n. "Jerry Bailey"; promotes an upcoming Jockey Star Cards and Pepsi co-promotion; dated 1994
n.n. "Pat Day"; inserted in specially-marked cases of Pepsi; promotes the horse racing card set; dated 1993
n.n. "Steve Cauthen"; given out only at Turfway Park; dated 1993

John Bolton's Vampir Collection (no year) High Heels Productions) - addition for 2019
n.n. (Woman on her back on the beach with the background squares covering her front); text on back is in Spanish, promotes a comic show in Barcelona, May 5-8, 1994
**Note: PCE2008 listed only one version of the card - text on back in English

Johnny Lightning section
Note: Many of the Johnny Lightning die-cast toy car series contain trading cards. This is a listing of the sets I've seen.

50: Celebrating 50 years of Corvette (Release 4) (2003) Playing Mantis. Set number n.k. (but said to be 50); inserted one per package of Johnny Lightning 50: Celebrating 50 Years of Corvette die-cast toy cars; photos; card fronts show brochure cover photos of Corvettes; blank backs. New for 2019
8 of 50 "1965 Convertible"

Ad Rods (2001) Playing Mantis. 6 card set; inserted one per package of Johnny Lightning Ad Rods" die-cast-toy cars; photos of magazine ads with American cars; blank backs...50 cents to $1 each. New for 2018.
n.n. "More Powerful V8. No Brag. Just fact." (Silverado)

Ad Rods Ad Cards (2002) Playing Mantis. 6 card set; inserted one per package of Johnny Lightning Ad Rods die-cast toy cars; photos of ads featuring the cars when they were new; blank backs. New for 2019
n.n. "After baby's bath..."; packaged with the "1959 Ramblur Wagon"
Note: the cars are not identified in the packaging; this was the second series of "Ad Rods" cars with cards though the series number is not mentioned on the packaging - just that there are more to come.

British Invasion (2000) Playing Mantis. Set number n.k.; inserted one per package of Johnny Lightning British Invasion die-cast-toy cars; photos of cars; inserted with the same car model; blank backs...$1-2 each
n.n. "1063 Jaguar E-Type Roadster"

Calendar Cars (no year but was 2008) RC2 Brands. 12 card set; inserted one per package of Calendar Cars die-cast toy cars; photos of female models with a calendar month on the front as well; card back has an extra flap to fold out so the card can become a standee; 2 1/2 x 4 1/2; card back also has the card title and a quote from the model. New for 2019
n.n. "Shanna's 2002 Chevy Corvette Convertible"; "December"

Camaro (2002) Playing Mantis. 6 card set; inserted one per package of Johnny Lightning Camaro die-cast-toy cars; photos of cars;; there are six different cars and apparently six different cards; blank backs...$1-2 each. New for 2018.
n.n. "1998 Camaro Coupe"

Car Craft Magazine (2003) Playing Mantis. 6 card set.; inserted one per package of Johnny Lightning Car Craft Magazine die-cast toy cars; photos; card fronts show classic Car Craft Magazine covers; blank backs. New for 2019
#1 "1932 Ford Coupe" (Car Craft Magazine June 1957 issue)

Chevy Thunder: Release 1 (2004) Playing Mantis. 6 card set; inserted one per package of Johnny Lightning Chevy Thunder die-cast toy cars; photos; card fronts show classic Chevys; blank backs. New for 2019
6 "Marc Greenfield's 1955 2-Door Sedan"

Classic Chevy (no year but was 2002) Playing Mantis. 24 card set; inserted one per package of "Johnny Lightning Classic Chevy" die-cast-toy cars; photos of cars (Corvettes and Camaros); inserted with the same car model; blank backs...50 cents to $1 each. New for 2018.
n.n. "1954 Corvette"; card says "Corvette Collection" on the front but was not listed as part of that Johnny Lightning (1999) set.

Classic Gold Collection (2000) Playing Mantis. Set number n.k.; inserted one per package of Johnny Lightning Classic Gold Collection" die-cast-toy cars; photos of cars; inserted with the same car model; blank backs...50 cents to $1 each. New for 2003.
n.n. "1969 AMC AMX"
**Note: there is another "Classic Gold Collection but the packaging for that subset says it in gold foil and is dated "2003."

Classic Gold Collection (2003) Playing Mantis. 6 card set; inserted one per package of Johnny Lightning Classic Gold Collection die-cast-toy cars; photos of vehicles; card inserted with the same car model; blank backs...$1-2 each
n.n. "Volkswagen Samba Bus"

Coca-Cola Calendar Girl Series (2003) Playing Mantis. Set number n.k.; inserted one per package of Johnny Lightning/Coca-Cola Calendar Girl Series die-cast toy cars; 2 x 3 1/2 inches; card fronts show calendar images from the early 20th century; artist n.k.; blank backs. Addition for 2019
n.n. "January 1925" (woman in blue hat and fur); inserted with #1 "'20's Ford T-Bucket"
n.n. "January 1927" (woman in blue dress); inserted with #5 '29 Ford Model A; 2 x 3 1/2 inches.
n.n. (May-June 1943 calendar page with a woman in uniform); inserted with #1e "'Military Willy's Jeep" - addition for 2019
*there are 12 different cars but it has not been determined whether you get the same card per car; with Johnny Lightning series it appears there are more different cards than there are cards; all cards in the set do not appear to have the same dimensions.

Coke Sports Cars (2007) RC2 Brands. Set number n.k.; inserted one per package of Johnny Lightning Coke Sports Cars" die-cast-toy cars; stickers; 2 1/8 x 3 3/8' rounded corners; fronts show artwork representing various sports with advertising for Coca-Cola; backs provide copyright information with text in French and English.
n.n. (football)

Corvette Collection (1999) Playing Mantis. Set number n.k.; inserted one per package of Johnny Lightning Corvette Collection die-cast-toy cars; photos of cars; blank backs....$1-2
n.n. "1998 Corvette Convertible.
**Note: In this Johnny Lightning series the card corresponds to the car model; there was also a car in this series that was an exclusive mailaway ("Rare 1963 RPO ZO6 Corvette") which appears to have had a card too.

007 40th Anniversary Miniature Movie Posters (2002) Playing Mantis. 12 card set; inserted one per package of "007 40th Anniversary" (Release 1) die-cast-toy cars; photos of cars; posters are card stock and show movie poster artwork; blank backs.
n.n. "The Living Daylights"; inserted with the "Red Crescent Ambulance."

Fright'ning Lightnings (no year but was 1999) Playing Mantis. 6 card set; inserted one per package of Johnny Lightning Fright'ning Lightnings" die-cast-toy cars; photos of cars; inserted with the same car model; blank backs...50 cents to $1 each.
n.n. "Carl Casper's Undertaker"
n.n. "The Munsters Drag-u-la"

High Performance Mopar (2000) Playing Mantis. 6 card set; inserted one per package of Johnny Lightning High Performance Mopar die-cast-toy cars; cover photos of High Performance Mopar magazine; there are six different cars and apparently six different cards; blank backs...$1-2 each.
n.n. "1971 Dodge Demon"

Hollywood on Wheels (1998) Playing Mantis. Set number n.k. but at least 10; inserted one per package of "Johnny Lightning Hollywood on Wheels" die-cast-toy cars; TV show and movie stills shown within the screen of an illustration of an old television set; there are 8 different cars and at least 9 different cards - three for "Dragnet" alone; blank backs...$1-2 each. - new for 2021
n.n. "Dragnet";(side view of car going down the street); b/w photo
n.n. "Dragnet"; (cars parked on side of street)
n.n. "Dragnet" (view of police badge with text over it)

Hollywood on Wheels Series 2 (Playing Mantis, 1999) Set number n.k.; inserted one per package of "Johnny Lightning Hollywood on Wheels" die-cast-toy cars; TV show and movie stills from "Walker Texas Ranger," "Nash Bridges, and "Austin Powers; these cards are a mix of stills shown within the screen of an illustration of an old television set and full bleed photos; it doesn't say Series 2 on the cards nor the packaging but does say it in the text on the back of the packaging; there are several different cards for "Austin Powers" alone; blank backs...$1-2 each. -
- new for 2021
n.n. "Austin Powers" (Austin Powers gesturing)
n.n. "Austin Powers" (Austin Powers, squeezing bottle)
n.n. "Austin Powers" (Dr. Evil holding up a vial)
n.n. "Austin Powers" (Dr. Evil holding up pinkie)
n.n. "Austin Powers" (Dr. Evil, close-up in space suit)
n.n. "Austin Powers" (Felicity Shagwell, smiling, close-up)
n.n. "Austin Powers" (Felicity Shagwell, smiling, holding file)
n.n. "Austin Powers" (Frau Farbissina, close-up)

Hurst Muscle (2000) Playing Mantis. Set number n.k.; inserted one per package of Johnny Lightning Hurst Muscle die cast toy cars; photos of 60's-90's model/spokesperson Linda Vaughn; there are seven different cars in this series but more than seven different cards exist as inserts; blank backs.
1 (close-up, low-cut top)
2 (gold dress, white boots); inserted with "Hurst Hairy Olds"
4 (sitting on car with trophy)
5 (close-up, sunglasses)
8 (standing, giving "Peace" sign)
9 (dressed in black with black truck)
10 (standing next to funny car)
12 (standing on car, waving, crowd in background)
13 (sitting, white dress) - New for 2019
14 (long-sleeve jersey)
15 (standing in short blue dress) - New for 2019
16 (standing on car, waving)
17 (close-up, racing suit) - New for 2019
18 (standing on car, man driving, fence in background)
19 (standing, checkerboard print dress) - New for 2019
21 (close-up, sunglasses, laughing)
22 (tight racing suit)
23 (yellow jacket)
24 (white minidress)
25 (yellow jumpsuit, standing next to car)
26 (in swimsuit, standing on car, waving, low angle)
28 (leaning out moon roof)
30 (smiling, wearing sunglasses) - New for 2019
32 (b/w photo, waving)

James Bond 007 (1998) Inkworks/Playing Mantis. 50 card set.; inserted one per package of Johnny Lightning James Bond 007 die-cast toy cars; photos; unlike most Johnny Lightning cards the backs provide text and a mini-checklist; backs also promote the 007: Women of Bond card set by Inkworks. New for 2019
36 "For Your Eyes Only"

Lightning Strikes 2004 (Release 2) (2004) Playing Mantis. 6 card set; inserted one per package of Johnny Lightning Strikes 2004 die-cast-toy cars; cover photos of cars; there are six different cars and apparently six different cards; cards are attached to the packaging with a piece of tape which usually damages the card; a 1 1/4 c 1 1/4 scratch-off game piece is also inserted; blank backs. New for 2018.
n.n. "2004 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution"

Lost Toppers, The (2001) Playing Mantis. 6 card set; inserted one per package of Johnny Lightning The Lost Toppers die-cast-toy cars; artwork of concept cars; 2 7/16 x 3 5/16; blank backs...$1-2 each
n.n. "Custom Charger"

Marvel (2003) Playing Mantis. 42 card set; inserted one per package of Johnny Lightning Marvel die-cast-toy cars; artwork from classic Marvel Comics covers; 2 3/8 x 3 1/2; n.n.; Playing Mantis uses the number written on the product packaging to identify the car and the 42 cars are subdivided into 4 subsets (releases) though that number is on neither the car nor the card (cards listed here will include the packaging number); blank backs...$1-2 - edited description for 2019
Release 3; this is a 12 car/card subset:
n.n. "Eleckra"; packaged with car #21 '67 Pontiac GTO - addition for 2020
n.n. "Daredevil"; packaged with car #28, "'74 Ford Torino"

Military Muscle (2004) Playing Mantis. Set number n.k.; inserted one per package of "Johnny Lightning Military Muscle die-cast-toy cars; photos of ground assault vehicles; 2 1/4 x 3 1/8; blank backs...50 cents to $1
#14 "Bustin' through the Hedgerows"

Modern Muscle (2000) Playing Mantis. 6 card set; inserted one per package of Johnny Lightning Modern Muscle die-cast-toy cars; photos of cars;; there are six different cars and apparently six different cards; blank backs...$1-2 each
n.n. "Jaguar"; inserted with a car not identified on the packaging but apparently a Jaguar.
n.n. "Monte Carlo"; addition for 2018

Mopar or No Car (2004) Playing Mantis. Set number n.k.; inserted one per package of Johnny Lightning Mopar or No Car die-cast-toy cars; photos of cars and trucks; 2 7/16 x 3 5/16; blank backs...$1-2 each
22 "Terry Schmeltzle's 1978 Dodge Warlock"; inserted with "1978 Dodge Warlock"

Mustang and Fords (2005) RC2 Brands Inc. Set number n.k.; inserted one per package of Johnny Lightning Mustang Illustrated die-cast-toy cars; photos of classic Ford cars; blank backs; promotes "Mustang and Fords Magazine."...$1-2 each
6 "1970 Ford Mustang Mach 1"

Mustang Illustrated Bonus Cover Cards (2001) Playing Mantis. Set number n.k.; inserted one per package of Johnny Lightning Mustang Illustrated die-cast-toy cars; photos of Mustang Illustrated magazine covers; 2 7/16 x 3 5/16; there are six different cars but there may be more cards than that; cards are identified below by the largest article title; blank backs...$1-2
n.n. "The Last Action Hero"; inserted with 1971 Mach 1 car.

Mustang Release 1 (2002) Playing Mantis. 6 card set; inserted one per package of Johnny Lightning Mustang die-cast-toy cars; photos of classic Mustang cars; blank backs; card is partly held in place by a piece of tape...$1-2 each New for 2019
20 "1969 Shelby GT350 Fastback"
n.n. (Mustang logo); included in the packaging and made of the same card stock.
**Note: There are apparently four different subsets (releases) of this set

Racing Dreams Logo Cards (1999) Playing Mantis. Set number n.k.; inserted one per package of Johnny Lightning Racing Dreams die-cast toy cars; advertising art; card fronts show logos from various food/snack products; unlike most Johnny Lightning cards the backs are not blank; they feature box fronts and company milestones from various times in product history. New for 2019
n.n. "Cocoa Puffs"; inserted with the Sonny Armstrong #15 car

Rod & Custom PhotoCards (2003) Playing Mantis. 6 card set; inserted one per package of Johnny Lightning Rod & Custom die-cast toy cars; photos of Rod & Custom magazine covers; blank backs; cards celebrate the 50th anniversary of the magazine. New for 2019
6 "1932 Ford Coupe"
n.n. (logo card); 1 3/8 x 3; this card also comes with the packaging.

Saturday Evening Post, The (2005) RC2 Brands. 12 card set; inserted one per package of "Johnny Lightning The Saturday Evening Post die-cast-toy cars; photos of old magazine covers;2 1/4 x 3; blank backs...50 cents to $1 Addition for 2020.
n.n. (two images of a family in a car)

Super Chevy (no year but was 2000) Playing Mantis. 6 card set.; inserted one per package of "Johnny Lightning Super Chevy" die-cast-toy cars; photos of magazine covers - card matches the car shown on the cover; blank backs...50 cents to $1 each. New for 2018.
n.n. "1961 Corvette"

Surf Rods (2001) Playing Mantis. Set number n.k.; inserted one per package of Johnny Lightning Surf Rods die-cast-toy cars; photos of surfing and surfing-related scenes; 2 3/8 x 2 3/8; blank backs; thick card stock; the product packaging back text refers to these cards as "snapshots"; there may be more cards than cars...50 cents to $1 each. New for 2018.
n.n. "Another surfette brings it home in Makala, 1962"; b/w photo

Tri-Chevy (2000) Playing Mantis. 6 card set; inserted one per package of Johnny Lightning Tri-Chevy die-cast-toy cars; photos of Chevy cars; there are six different cars and apparently six different cards; blank backs...$1-2
n.n. "1955 Chevy Bel Air"; inserted with an unidentified car but apparently the "1955 Chevy Convertible" on the list on the back of the package.

United States Postal Service (1999) Playing Mantis. 6 card set.; inserted one per package of Johnny Lightning United States Postal Service die-cast toy cars; photos of classic USPS stamps; card backs provide historical text with Johnny Lightning and USPS logos...$1 each. New for 2019
n.n. "Dramatic Dinosaur Series"
n.n. "Riverboat Series"

Volkswagen (2004) Playing Mantis. 6 card set; inserted one per package of "Johnny Lightning Volkswagen die-cast-toy cars; photos of cars and buses; inserted with the same car model; blank backs...50 cents to $1 each. - New for 2020.
2. "1965 Beetle"

[end of Johnny Lightning entries]

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Posts: 4698 | Location: San Jose, CA, USA | Registered: December 23, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Gold Card Talk Member
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On Ralph Snart, they go up to 36, not just 28. However, 29 to 36 are impossible to find
Posts: 4865 | Location: Bayonne, NJ, USA | Registered: May 06, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Gold Card Talk Member
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Catskilleagle, can you please email me ?

Thanks !
Posts: 4865 | Location: Bayonne, NJ, USA | Registered: May 06, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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continuing the J's...

Jonny Quest: The Real Adventures (1997) Hanna Barbera. 1 card set; inserted one per Kentucky Fried Chicken kid's meal; dual-image lenticular; 2 1/2 x 3 5/16 inches; n.n.; blank back; packaged in plastic wrap with Cartoon Network and KFC logos; promotes the cartoon.

Joseph Michael Linsner: Dawn and Beyond (1995) Comic Images - addition
n.n. unsigned autograph card; given out to some dealers.

Journey to the Center of the Earth (2008) Inkworks. 2 card set; photos.
P1; general distribution
P-i; available through the mail via the Inkworks website

Juega con - see Hanna-Barbera (1996) Cartoon Network, Inc.

Judge Dredd The Epics (2005) Edge Entertainment - source information for 2020
Proto 2 "Judge Anderson"; ploy Combo #6; thin letters
Proto 4 "Mean Machine"; poly Combo #6; thick lettrs
**Note: PCE2008 lists Proto #1 (thin letters) as being inserted with Combo #6. The two listed above are also found in that issue so it may be that more, if not all, of the thin and thick letter variations of the prototypes can be found in different individual copies of that issue.

Julio Caesar Chavez (1995) Ultimo Productions Inc. 2 card set; intended for a promotion - cards were produced but not released, appearing on the secondary market later; lenticular motion; originally made to promote a line of phone cards.
n.n. phone card; hand-numbered out of 700 on the otherwise blank back.
n.n. postcard; 4x6.

Juno (2007) Twentieth Century Fox/Rhino Entertainment Company. 1 card set; source n.k.; plastic card; 2 1/8 x 3 5/16 inches; n.n.; promotes the movie soundtrack.
*Note: unusual promo card in that it has four guitar picks embedded - intended to be popped out.

Jurassic Park (1993) Kenner. Set number n.k.
5 "Jungle Surprise!"; same art as American variant listed in PCE2008 but the text is closer to the left edge; inserted with toys available in Canada; French translation on front happens to be the same words
6 "Spitter Dinner"
6 "Spitter Dinner Une Brochette"; same art as American variant listed in PCE2008; inserted with toys available in Canada; text in French and English
7 "Air Strike!"
7 "Air Strike!" "Ataque aerienne"; same art as American variant listed in my previous listing; inserted with toys available in Canada; text in French and English. Addition
7 "Luftangriff"; same art as American variant listed in my previous listing but text is in German; inserted with toys available in Germany. - New for 2019
14 "Sneak Attack"; PCE2008 lists it as "Nerdy with Dilo Hatchling" which is not the title. - Correction.
8 "Raptor Attack!"
9 "Dino-Nachwuchs"; same art as American variant listed in PCE2008 but text is in German; inserted with toys available in Germany
19 "Roaring with Rage"; PCE2008 lists it as "Ceratosaurus" but that is not the title on the card front
19 "Schaumend vor Wut!"; same art as American variant listed in PCE2008 but text is in German; inserted with toys available in Germany
20 "...und schau nicht zuruck!"; same art as American variant listed in PCE2008 but text is in German; inserted with toys available in Germany
21 "Beflugelter Zorn!"; same art as American variant listed in PCE2008 but text is in German; inserted with toys available in Germany
22 "Gallimus ruckt an!"; same art as American variant listed in PCE2008 but text is in German; inserted with toys available in Germany
23 "Ankylosaurus greift an!"; same art as American variant listed in PCE2008 but text is in German; inserted with toys available in Germany
24 "Uberraschungsangriff!"; same art as American variant listed in PCE2008 but text is in German; inserted with toys available in Germany
25 "Verkehrsstau!"; same art as American variant listed in PCE2008 but text is in German; inserted with toys available in Germany
26 "Die Ruhe vor dem Sturm!"; same art as American variant listed in PCE2008 but text is in German; inserted with toys available in Germany
27 Auto Trouble"
27 "Auto-Trouble"; same art as American variant listed above8 but text is in German; inserted with toys available in Germany
29 "It's Looking Our Way"; PCE2008 lists it as "Iguanodon" but that is not the title on the card front
29 "Es hat uns im Visier!"; same art as American variant listed in PCE2008 but text is in German; inserted with toys available in Germany
30 "Undersea Suspense!"; PCE2008 lists it as "Plesiosaurus" but that is not the title on the card front
30 "Spannung unter Wasser!"; same art as American variant listed in PCE2008 but text is in German; inserted with toys available in Germany
44 "Lycaenops"; back text is in French, Dutch, and German; inserted with toys available in Europe
45 "Tanystropheus"
47 "Gallimimus"

Jurassic Park (1993) Universal City Studios/Amblin Entertainment. 16 card set; one sticker per pack of specially-marked Chupa Chups bubble gum; stickers were to be peeled off the inside of the foil wrapper; 1 9/16 x 2 inches; artist n.k.; wrapper has the Jurassic Park logo; promotes the movie; British issue.

Jurassic Park Action Stickers and Stand Up Cards (1993) Universal City/Amblin Entertainment. 8 card set; inserted one per smaller package of Weetabix cereal or two per package of the larger size; one side of the card bears die-cut stickers; the opposite side shows artwork of a dinosaur, the cast, or a vehicle; 1 3/4 x 3 1/2 inches; a piece of the card can be separated to fit into a slot on the bottom edge to make a stand-up card; British issue.

Jurassic Park: The Lost World (1997) U.C.S. & Amblin. - Addition
Set number n.k.; inserted with Canadian version of the VHS; n.n.; same as 3 1/2 x 5 1/2 lenticular card listed but the subtitle is in French...$3-4.

Jurassic Park: The Ride (1997) UCS/Amblin. 1 card set; source n.k.; photo; n.n.; promotes a monster truck/show vehicle.


Kathy Smith (1995) ACMI. 1 card set; given out at the San Francisco Telecard Expo (April 26-30, 1995); phone card; 2 1/8 x 3 3/8 inches; commemorates the show and its collaboration with the fitness expert; serial-numbered out of 2000.

Kayo Boxing (1991) Kayo Cards, Ltd. Set number n.k.; photos - additional information (incorporating information I posted in 2015) for 2018.
**The regular set contains 250 numbered cards; 75 of those numbers were selected non-consecutively (skip-numbered set) for the National convention and stamped, "The National Anaheim 1991" to be given out there; there is a rumor that two cards (Tyson, Hearns) were stamped for the National but were pulled from release and some of those are said to have leaked onto the market though they haven't appeared publicly; the National promos were originally packaged in 14-card packs marked no differently from the regular issue packs but the boxes that contained them were marked "promotional"; packs were given out reportedly only to National VIP attendees (i.e. people who paid more to get in and received a special collection of promo items).

**the two cards below are n.n. with artwork on the back and text saying "We're expecting..."; the manufacturer is given as "Kayo Boxing Cards"; they announce the imminent release of the regular set
n.n. "Hector Camacho"...$4-8 - price update for 2021
n.n. "Virgil Hill"

**the six cards below are stamped "SAMPLE" in red diagonally across the back and are said to have had a print run of less than 500 each - certainly less-often seen than the National promos.
000 "Bert Sugar"
000 "Bruce Selden"
000 "Donovan Ruddock"...$10
000 "George Foreman"...$5-10 - price update for 2021
000 "Ray Leonard"
000 "Roberto Duran"
000 "Tommy Morrison"

**the three cards below are stamped "SAMPLE 6/5/91 NO COATING" in red diagonally across the back
000 "Hector Camacho"
000 "Donovan Ruddock"
000 "Michael Moorer...$8-9

**the cards below are stamped "prototype" in red diagonally across the back; year and manufacturer not given on back; Kayo logo on front; also less-often seen than the National promos - price updates for 2021
1 "Julio Cesar Chavez"...$4-12
2 "Sugar Ray Leonard"...$6-20
3 "Rocky Marciano"...$3-6
4 "Charles Murray"...rarely seen for sale
5 "Mike Tyson"...$85-125 with one sale at $316.76 on 3-21-21 with 12 bids
251 "Terry Norris"...$8-9
**Note: regular card set goes to 250.

Ken Griffey Jr. Milk Chocolate Bar (1989) Pacific Trading Cards, Inc, 3 card set; sent to sports card stores in the Pacific Northwest; photo; n.n.; card fronts can be found with three different-colored backgrounds; promotes a candy bar using the name and image of a baseball player; card back says "Available at Fine Stores Throughout the Northwest"...$5-6
n.n. (blue background)
n.n. (white background)
n.n. (yellow background)

Ken Kelly 2 (1994) - additional information
the n.n. "barbarian choking a monster" promo was also available in a sealed plastic stand-up holder signed at the base by the artist.

Kentucky Derby Trading Cards Collector Series (no year) Horse Star Cards. 3 card set; source n.k.; prototypes; the easiest way to distinguish them from the regular cards with the same numbers is that the prototypes bear a "Kentucky Derby Festival" logo on the front upper right corner (the back text is also slightly different) while the regular cards do not; the prototypes are otherwise not marked as prototypes/promos.
12 "Ben Ali 1886"
67 "Whirlaway 1941"
99 "Secretariat 1973"; the photo on this prototype is also different from the regular card.
*Note: the prototypes are undated though the #99 card notes an event in 1988; the regular cards are also undated but have been said to have been released in 1989 or 1990 or 1991 (sold by the pack, box, rack pack, and a limited edition binder set).

Kid Cuisine's Glow in the Dark Dinosaurs (1997) Con Agra Foods. 8 card set - note
*I think this is a duplicate entry of the "Glow in the Dark Dinosaurs" entry on page 64 (PCE 2008), but if it isn't, I'd like see even one of the cards.

Kicks (1991) Kicks Trading Card Co. 1 card set; source n.k.; photo; promotes an anti-drugs campaign and martial arts training...$8-10 New for 2021.
n.n. (Chuck Norris)

Killer 7 (no year but the game was released in 2005) Capcom Co., Ltd. Set number n.k. but may be 9; source n.k.; the set was distributed in a foil pack with a large, gray "7" and black background plus the "Killer 7" logo in white; images from animation; cards introduce characters from the video game...$4-5/pack. - additions for 2021
n.n. "Harman Smith"
n.n. "Heaven's Smile"
n.n. "Con Smith"
n.n. "Kun Lan"
n.n. "Coyote Smith"
**Note: one pack contained the cards above; another 5-card pack also contained the "Harman Smith" card plus the ones below:
n.n. "Kaede Smith" - addition
n.n. "Mask de Smith" - addition
n.n. "Kevin Smith" -addition
n.n. "Dan Smith" - addition

King Kong (2005) Turner Entertainment Co. and Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc. 5 card set; the set was inserted with the 2-disc Collector's Edition DVD set of the original King Kong which came in an embossed tin that opened like a book; postcards with movie poster art and connected along perforations; 5 x 7; glossy card stock; each says "For promotional use only. Not intended for individual resale" on the back at the bottom.

Kiss Series 1 (1997) Cornerstone.
P1-P4, P6...0.50 - 1.50
P5 (book insert)...3.00 - 5.00
P7 (NSU)...2.00 - 3.00
P8 (Collect)
P9 (Combo)...1.00 - 2.00
P10 no recent sales

Kiss Series 2 (1998) Cornerstone.
P1 (NSU)...1.00 - 2.00
P2 2.00 - 4.00
P3 (book insert)...3.00 - 6.00

Kiss Series 3 (1999) Cornerstone.
P1 no recent sales
P2 no recent sales
Note: regular set was cancelled.

KISW Rock Girls (2005) KISW Rock - additions
001 "Amy"
002 "Amy"
004 "Carly"
009 "Heather"
012 "Jackie"
013 "Kelli"
014 "Kelli"; PCE2008 lists 014 as "Larissa" so there must be two 014's
031 "Shelly"; PCE2008 lists 031 as "Carron" so there must be two 031's
032 "Shelly"
033 "Shauna"
040 "Jolene"
042 "Metal Shop"; this one shows two guys on the front, DJ's with a weekend show
045 "Ryan"; might e the same Ryan with the weekday shift after Howard Stern
**Note: 038, 040, 042, and 045 have the DJ line-up for the week on the back

Kodak 100 Years of Photography (no year) Kodak. 1 card set; source n.k.; lenticular; 2 3/4 x 2 3/4; n.n.; image changes from an old camera to a digital one and then to another; Kodak logo on right front corner; rounded corners; blank back...$15

KSAN 107.7 (1999) Big League Cards. Set number n.k.; given out upon request or at promotional appearances; photo; promotes a disk jockey and radio station.
n.n. "Steven Seaweed"

Krusty the Clown Wacky Packs (1998) Bongo Comics. 3 card set - price increase update for 2020...$8-15 each.

Kung Fu Hustle (2004) Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc. 13 card set - price update

Kung Fu Panda (2008) Inkworks. 4 card set; images pulled from animation
H2007; sent to people on the company holiday mailing list...$4
P-1; general distribution
P-2; poly Non-Sport Update (Vol. 19, #2).
P-i; available through the mail via the Inkworks website


Land Before Time, The (1988) Universal City Studios, Inc, and Amblin. 6 card set; inserted in specially-marked boxes of General Mills Cereal in Canada; each sticker was in its own cello-pack; die-cut stickers; 2 x 2 1/2 inches; n.n.; show characters from the movie; blank back; stickers do not show any logos or text as to their source (only copyright info on the front)...$10/set.

Land Before Time II, The (1994) Universal Cartoon Studios Inc. 1 card set; inserted with specially-marked "The Land Before Time II" videocassette; sticker sheet; sheet is inserted in copies that have a sticker on the shrinkwrap that says "Free Fun, re-usable Stickers Inside"; 3 1/2 x 5; characters from the movie; stickers are colorform-type; back of sheet says "Removable, Reusable& Washable Heat Resistance, Non-Toxic Stickers" with instructions on how to apply them several times...$3-4/sheet New for 2020

Laugh in October (no year but was 1996) Buena Vista Pictures. Set number n.k.; sent to video dealers; 2 1/2 x 5; sent in 3-card plastic-wrap packs with a stick of gum; promote VHS releases of three movies.
n.n. Shawn Wayans; "Don't Be a Menace..."
n.n. Rosie O'Donnell; "Beautiful Girls"
n.n. Damon Wayans; "Celtic Pride
* the three cards above were in the same pack
n.n. Keenan Ivory Wayans; Don't Be a Menace..."
n.n. Dan Ackroyd; "Celtic Pride"
n.n. Uma Thurman; "Beautiful Girls"
* the three cards above were in the same pack

Laurel and Hardy Collector Cards (1997) River Wye Productions. Set number n.k.; British issue; additions
n.n. pop-up card; sent to dealers
n.n. 3 card uncut strip of gold signature cards; said to be an unreleased item made available after company went out of business.

Lego Life on Mars (2001) The Lego Group. 2 card set; source n.k.; one was rubber-cemented to a larger card; promotes a toy playset.
n.n. "7317 Aero Tube Hangar"/"Alien Launch"; 4 1/2 x 6
n.n. (image changes from a robot to an alien); 3D dual-image lenticular; 2 x 3 1/2; blank back.

LeRoy Neiman (various years) Knoedler Publishing. Set number n.k.; sent to galleries selling works by the artist; post cards; n.n.; promote limited edition signed and numbered prints.
n.n. "Celebrity Night at Spago"; dated 1993; 5 x 7 1/2.
n.n. "Frank at Rao's"; dated 2005; 5 1/4 x 7 1/4.

Lest We Forget: D-Day Canada At War (2008) iCardz. 9 card set.
1-4; inserted with the factory set
5-8; binder exclusive
n.n.; given out at Philly Show

Lest We Forget: D-Day Collector Cards (no year but was 2008) iCards. Set number n.k.; photo; promotes a card series and bears the Happy Jack Collectibles logo on the front... New for 2020

Lime Rock (1991) Lime Rock. 1 card set; included in a 6-card cello-pack with 3 Dream Machines promos and 2 Dream Machines regular cards...$1-2. - updated information for 2021
n.n. header card; shows the company logo on the front; blank back.

Limited Editions, Inc. (no year) Limited Editions, Inc. 4 card set - additions
Promo Card 3 of 4 (man standing next to a motorcycle)...$1-2
Promo Card 4 of 4 (man crouching next to race car)

Lingerie (1996) Image 2000. Set number n.k; sent to dealers; photos; promote a card set.
1997 Lingerie Pocket Calendar; front shows a lingerie model; back shows a calendar
Promo 2 of 3
Promo 3 of 3

Lion King (1994) Skybox - source information for 2021
S1; also issued in a 9-card promo cello-pack at the 1994 Capital City Retailer Conference.

Lion King 2: Simba's Pride (no year but it was 1998) Disney. 1 card set; sent to Disney Movie Club members; sticker sheet; stickers are individual characters from the animated movie; sheet size - 4 x 6; blank back; says "only on Video October 27!"

Little Einsteins (no year but was 2005) The Baby Einstein Company, LLC. Set number n.k.; two were inserted with the "Little Einsteins: Our Huge Adventure" DVD; lenticular stickers; 2 1/16 x 2 7/16 inches.
n.n. "Leo conducts at Yosemite."
n.n. "Quincy plays drums in Rome."

Little Rascals (1994) Universal City Studios - additional information
**the blue back promos with the exception of the "Tips for Safety" card were available in a sealed plastic pack.

Liz Phair (2003) Capitol Records. 1 card set; source n.k. (said to be a record store giveaway); lenticular; photo is the same as the "Liz Phair" album cover by the artist of the same name; promotes the album's release.

Lobo (1993) DC Comics. 2 card set; sent to comic book stores; stickers; both stickers are part of a 2- card panel; panel size is 4 1/4 x 5 1/2; promotes a comic book series...$5

Lobo Enterprises (1994) Hot Hot Hot. 3 card set; source n.k.; artist n.k.; promotes brands of hot sauce...$8/set.
#1 "Inner Beauty"
#2 "Pure Hell"
#3 "Ring of Fire"

Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels (no year but was 1999) Manufacturer n.k. 1 card set; rubber-cemented to a page in the British edition of FHM magazine (April 1999); photo; 2 11/16 x 3 7/8; card was meant to be sent in along with the receipt of the video purchase in order to get some money back plus a set of promotional playing cards; n.n.; front says "Buy it on video March 1st"; back looks like a playing card (king of clubs) but with a small picture of a mean-looking guy in the middle; British issue; promotes the video version of the movie.

Lone Ranger, The (1996) Dart Flipcards - price update
n.n. the "Gummie" prototype...$15

Looney Tunes (1990) Warner Bros. Set number n.k.; inserted in Tyson frozen dinners; additional 2-card cello pack:
n.n. "Yosemite Sam/Tweety"

Looney Tunes (1996) Borden, Inc./Warner Bros. 8 card set; inserted one per box of Cracker Jack snacks; stickers; images from animation with a silver prismatic background; 1 1/4 x 1 3/4 inches; Cracker Jack logo on the back...50 cents-$1 each. - New for 2021

Looney Tunes (1997) Warner Bros. Set number n.k.; available through an unknown Sara Lee Bakery promotion in England; lenticular motion cards; 2 x 3 inches; n.n.; card backs show the Sara Lee logo; card back has a trivia question; set title not provided on the front or back so the cards could be known as something else; rounded corners...$1 each.
n.n. “Speedy Gonzales”
n.n. “Tasmanian Devil”
n.n. “Tweety Pie”

Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) Warner Bros. 1 card set; given out at shows;photo; 5 1/4 x 7 3/4 inches; card back provides information about the movie.

Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002) Kellogg Company. 16 card set; available through a Kelloggs promotion (probably a cereal inset but not confirmed); 3D lenticular; 2 1/8 x 3 1/8 inches; n.n.; says "Der Herr der Ringe: Die Zwei Turme" on the card backs with additional German text describing the subject of the card front and rules of the game you can play with the cards; rounded corners; German issue.

Los Angeles Rams Cheerleaders (1993) Star Sports Cards. Set number n.k. - additions
n.n. (title card)
n.n. "Wendy Brainard"
n.n. "Andra Carter"
n.n. "Melissa Cortez"
n.n. "Ronna Coulter"
n.n. "Alisa Denmon"
n.n. "Angela Fernandez"
n.n. "Rose Fernandez"
n.n. "Keely Fimbres"; PCE2008 lists a "Keely L. Fimbres" but the one I have does not show a middle initial.
n.n. "Robin Foshee"
n.n. "Deena Frisella"
n.n. "Rebecca Grund"
n.n. "Andrea Hannah"
n.n. "Jennifer Hanson
n.n. "Audrea Harris"
n.n. "Andrea Hutson"
n.n. "Stacey Keathley"
n.n. "Kim Lim"
n.n. "Mindy Lundblade"
n.n. "Tasha Martino"
n.n. "Robin Marumoto"
n.n. "Rebecca McArthur"
n.n. "Sheryl Murakami"
n.n. "Jennifer Nunes"
n.n. "Erinn O'Day"
n.n. "Lisa Ort"
n.n. "Deidre Pagnanelli"
n.n. "Tami Patterson"
n.n. "Alexandra Rimmel"
n.n. "Melissa Rodriguez"
n.n. "Melanie Stahr"
n.n. "Gina Smith"
n.n. "Karen Stringer"
n.n. "Traci Teal"
n.n. "Eliana Uttecht"
n.n. "Jeni Waters"
n.n. "Alysha Wheeler"
n.n. "Shelly Wolf"
n.n. "Danielle Wussick"
n.n. "Tami Yanito"
n.n. "Pepsi Young"
n.n. "Dawn Ziroli"
n.n. "Los Angeles Rams Stunt Team"
Note: this one is said to be a 43 card set with these entries completing the listing; source still n.k. but a set may have been given to each cheerleader plus extras of their cards to sign and give out at games/events (signed singles have been seen); the set came in its own specially-printed box.

Lost in Space (1998) New Line Productions. 8 card set; inserted one per package of Kellogg's Frosties cereal; lenticular; 2 1/8 x 3 1/8 inches; promotes the movie; British issue...$4 each.

Lost in Space (no year) No Company Mentioned - addition
n.n. 4-card strip; no foil lettering nor foil border (has white borders); no serial numbering; 3 1/2 x 11

Lost in Space: Voyage to the Bottom of the Soul (1993) Space Productions - price increase update.
1 of 1...$6-7


Madagascar (2008) Dreamworks Animation LLC/Nestle. Set number n.k.; inserted in packages of Chipy snacks; animated characters from the movie; 1 9/16 x 2 5/16 inches; thin stock; rounded corners; Peruvian issue.
n.n. (lemur)
n.n. (lion)

Madonna Convention (2001) Manufacturer n.k. 1 card set; source n.k.; photo; 4 1/8 x 5 3/8; promotes a Madonna fan event in Los Angeles.

Magic Eye (1995) N.E. Thing Enterprises. 10 card set; inserted one per package of Gardenia Cheese products; 2 1/4 x 3 1/2 inches; promotes a book and the Magic Eye printing technique.

Magic School Bus Collector Card Kit, The (1994) Scholastic Inc. 10 card set with a sheet of mini-stickers; inserted with the Happy Meal at McDonald's; 1 7/8 x 4 1/16 inches; cards are roughly in the shape of a school bus; cards packaged within a yellow plastic box also in the shape of a school bus; rounded corners; cards ask and answer questions about science; the back of the header card says "Watch Scholastic's The Magic School Bus on PBS-TV."

Man Who Fell to Earth, The (2008) Strictly Ink. 1 card set; source n.k.; artist n.k. (movie poster art); set cancelled...$4

Marilyn Collection, The. (1992) Fox Video. Set number n.k.; one card inserted per special edition videocassette marked "The Marilyn Collection"; each card features original theatrical art from the Marilyn Monroe movie it was packaged with; artist n.k.; 3 1/2 x 4 3/4 inches; thin stock; back text provides background information on the movie.
Collector Card #5 "Monkey Business"
Collector Card #6 "Niagara" - addition for 2020
Collector Card #10 "The Seven Year Itch"

Marilyn Monroe (1994) Private Collection - price update for 2019
PCE2008's Group 6, the unnumbered ones with the gold and green borders on the fronts and green bordered backs...$12-15 each.

Marilyn Monroe ll (1995) Sports Time Inc. - additions
* sample versions of the three gold foil facsimile signature chase cards; these cards do not have the signatures on the front; unreleased but appeared on the market in 2004 some time after the company went out of business...$5 each

Marilyn Monroe: Shaw Family Archive Collector Cards: Update (2008) Breygent. Set number n.k.; photos. - addition
PROMO (white dress); sealed and serial-numbered out of 99

Marine World Africa U.S.A. Collector Series 96-97 (no year but it is in the title) KGO Television. 7 card set; cards given out at the amusement park; photos...$25-30/set
n.n. Bird
n.n. Cheetah
n.n. Elephant
n.n. Sea lion
n.n. Tiger
n.n. Walrus
n.n. Whale

Mario Super Sluggers Collectible Baseball Cards (2008) Nintendo. 7 card set; packs given out at events around the time of the launch of the video game, "Mario Super Sluggers"; cards were packaged together in a cello-pack with an individually-wrapped stick of gum; card fronts feature various game characters with their "baseball statistics" on the back. - revised information for 2020
n.n. (header); blank back
n.n. "Donkey Kong"
n.n. "Mario"
n.n. "Peach"
n.n. "Wario"
n.n. "Yoshi"
n.n. (backer card); blank front; card back gives nutrition information for gum that was also inserted.

Married with Children: The Bundy Checklist (1993) Now Comics.- price update
n.n. (Star Wars parody)...$20.

Mars Attacks (1995) Topps/Screamin' Products Inc. - price update and additional info for 2020
9 card set...$170
uncut "Printer's Proof" sheet...$79
Note: The bonus card was originally attainable only by mailing in a coupon from each model kit.

Mars Attacks (1996) Warner Bros. 10 card set; cards given out at Barclays Banks; photos; 4 1/8 x 5 13/16; numbered 1-10; promote the movie and announce free movie coupons for those who open a certain type of bank account.

Marvel Comics Presents: The Brawl for it All: Wolverine vs. Sabertooth (1998) Marvel. 1 card set; sent to comic book stores; 2 3/8 x 6 1/8; card is printed to look like a sporting event ticket.

Marvel Comics Staff Cards (1992) Marvel Comics; purple border - addition and price update
37 "Ski"...$6

Marvel Comics Super Heroes/ Universal Studios Florida (1994) Marvel Comics - price update...$2-3 each

Marvel Comics - Toon Collectibles (1998) Marvel. 1 card set; handed out at the 1998 San Diego Comic Con; 4 1/4 x 6; promotes limited edition art prints.

Marvel Masterpieces (1992) Skybox - price updates
#36 "Hulk"...$4
#86 "Spider-Man"...$4
n.n. "Silver Surfer"...$7

Marvel Masterpieces Series 2 (1993) Skybox - price update for 2021
n.n. "Venom"...$50-85...unusual number of sales in this range across 2020 and into the summer of 2021.

Marvel Masterpieces Set 2 (2008) Upper Deck. 5 card set.
P6; poly Non-Sport Update (Vol. 19, #5)
P7; given out at the 2008 San Diego Comic-Con
P8; given out at the 2008 San Diego Comic-Con
P9; poly Non-Sport Update (Vol. 19, #4 variant issue)
P10; given out at the 2008 San Diego Comic-Con

Marvel Masterpieces Set 3 (2008) Upper Deck. 1 card set.
P11; poly Non-Sport Update (Vol. 19, #6).

Marvel Masterprints (2001) Marvel Characters - price update for 2019...$10 each

Marvel Motion (1996) Fleer/Skybox - price updates for 2021
1 of 4, 2 of 4, 3 of 4, 4 of 4...$8-20 each
n.n. "Hobgoblin"...$15-20
n.n. "Venom"...$15-20

Marvel Universe Cards 1994 (1994) Fleer - source information for 2018
n.n. 4 card sheet (Sabretooth, Rogue, Hawkeye, Punisher); poly Collect! Vol. 1 #6 (August 1994); PCE 2008 doesn't mention it but this card bears gold foil logos and character names on the front.

Marvel Universe Series Two (1991) Impel - price updates for 2018
5 card cello-pack described on pages 95-96 (cards 1, 45, 51, 57, 124)...$15
n.n. "Cyclops"; noted in PCE - bears the "Toy Biz" logo...$5

Marvel Universe Series 4 (1993) Skybox.
0 "Deathlok...$27
n.n. "Doom 2099"; says "Production Sample Marvel IV Foil Card" on the back...$144.
3-card strip (Doom 2099, Vulture 2099, Ravage 2099); the front is ted foil...$152.50 (17 bids) - price update for 2020

M's to be continued...

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Posts: 4698 | Location: San Jose, CA, USA | Registered: December 23, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Gold Card Talk Member
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On the 1993 Pro Bodybuilders by Star, I have at least 10 different ones. I don't think PCE lists that many. I will have to dig mine out
Posts: 4865 | Location: Bayonne, NJ, USA | Registered: May 06, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of vondrake
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I have another Stuart Little card. I think it might be from the first movie, but it came in Stringsters string cheese. It is marked 4 of 4.
Posts: 20 | Location: Bloomington, IL | Registered: July 08, 2014Reply With QuoteReport This Post

Gold Card Talk Member
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On the 1993 Pro Bodybuilders set by Star, I have these 12 promos

Cards are unnumbered, do not say promo

Christian Duffy (yellow)
Christian Duffy (blue and yellow-- different photo)
Flex Wheeler
Tonya Poteat
Susan Gafner
Dorian Yates
Sandy Riddel (yellow)
Sandy Riddel (pink-- different photo)
Achim Albrecht
Lena Murray
Cory Everson
Anja / Lena (2 women)
Posts: 4865 | Location: Bayonne, NJ, USA | Registered: May 06, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Gold Card Talk Member
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Continuing the M's...

MC Hammer (1990) Kraft General Foods Canada. Set number n.k.; additions...$5 each
n.n. (blue outfit, parachute pants)
n.n. (close-up, face)

Meg (no year but it was circa 1997) Doubleday. 1 card set; sent to bookstores; 3 1/2 x 7; sticker; shows a close-up of a shark's head; promotes the Steve Alten novel.

Megalodon: Hunting the Hunter (no year) PaleoPress. 1 card set; given out at a fossil show in Tampa, Florida in 2002; photo; postcard; 4 x 6; promotes a book. - New for 2020

Mego Museum (2005-2008) Mego Museum - price updates for 2018
40 "Mr. Spock"...$15
43 "Lt. Uhura"...$25
n.n. "Star Trek" (checklist, shows Kirk and Spock); 2006...$40

n.n. "Ape City Gorillas General Ursus"; dated 2008 and made by Topps; card back has stats like a baseball card; only 10 are said to exist; no indication that it is associated with Mego Museum...$80-100
Note: there seems to be a question whether this is actually a Mego Museum-associated card.

Merry Christmas from Gary Carlson & Kelley Jones (no year) Company n.k. 1 card set; source n.k.; art by Kelley Jones; art appears to be dated, "93.”...$1-2
n.n. (superhero in red and orange uniform)

Metropolis Home of Superman (1998) DC Comics. 1 card set; sent to some comic book stores; postcard; 4 x 6; art by Tim Sale; card back says "NOT FOR SALE. FOR PROMOTIONAL USE ONLY."; promotes a comic book series.

The Mick (no year) B. Dalton. Set number n.k. but apparently 4; given out at bookstores; photo; card back provides career statistics and shows the store logo or is blank where the logo would be; promotes the release of the paperback edition of Mickey Mantle's autobiography and the book publisher, April Jove...$4-8 - updated information for 2021.
n.n. back has "B. Dalton" logo on the back at the bottom
n.n. back has "Crown Books" logo on the back at the bottom
n.n. back has "Waldenbooks" logo on the back at the bottom.
n.n. back is blank on the bottom where the logo would be on othes.

**Note: the card is not dated but the card was presumably given out around the time of the paperback's release in 1986.

Mickey's All-American Pin Festival (no year) Disney. 1 card set; source n.k.; artist n.k.; 2 3/8 x 3 9/16; shows a close-up of Mickey Mouse; promotes an event at the Disneyland Resort in 2003.

Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (1994) Saban Entertainment. 6 card set; inserted one per package of General Mills cereal products - price update for 2018...$10/set.

Miller Lite (2003) Miller Brewing Co. 2 card set; source n.k.; photos of spokesmodels; promotes the beer and its "Great Taste/Less Filling" campaign...$2-3 each - New for 2020
n.n. "Kitana Baker"
n.n. "Tanya Ballinger"

Minute Maid World Cup All-Star Team (1994) Upper Deck - additional information for 2018
**Note: each card came in both a 1-card pack (with a hole in it so it that fit over a bottle) and in 2-card cello packs.

Mission Hill (1999) Castle Rock Entertainment. Set number n.k.; given out one per attendee each day at the 1999 San Diego Comic Con; n.n.; artist n.k.; stickers; 3 inches in diameter; promotes an animated series on the WB network; backs say "Fridays this Fall."

n.n. "Stogie"
n.n. "Andy F."

Mr. Bean (1998) Dart Flipcards - addition for 2020
n.n. "Video" (Mr Bean making a face, street, palm trees); source n.k.; card back has text in French and English for a "Limited Edition Collectible Offer" (complete card set and card set in a deluxe collectors binder); also says "This card has been produced exclusively for PolyGram Video"...$3-4
**Note: this card is not listed in the Beckett Non-Sport Almanac, Jeff Allender's website, The Encyclopedia of Non-Sport & Entertainment Trading Cards, nor back issues of NSU; it might have been a special edition VHS insert.

Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium (2007) Walden Media, LLC. 22 card set; all the cards came in a foil pack given out at theaters; artwork and photos; most of the cards are pre-cut with side slots because you build a vertical 3D puzzle with them; many fronts say "You Have To Believe It To See It" and "In Theaters November 16th"; card titles are on the backs; some backs promote products; many of the backs have a glittery surface...$3-5/pack - New for 2019
n.n. "Flap-a-Doodle Stack-a-Doodle" back gives tips on how to build the puzzle.
n.n. "Creased Contraption of Gossamer Aviation"
n.n. "Official Game Rules/Unofficial Game Rules"
n.n. front says "Do Icee what you see?"; back is a coupon for a free medium Icee at Target stores
n.n. "You've Won a Free Icee"
n.n. "Over 100 years ago,...; card back has two pre-cut holes but no side slots
n.n. "Retro Toys" back shows a "Chatterbox Phone"; front shows a close-up of a red-white striped tie being worn
n.n. "Retro Toys"; back shows a "Snoop 'N Sniff"; front shows a close-up of the lower half of someone's face, a person in a green shirt
n.n. "Lincoln Logs"; front shows a close-up of a blue-gray striped tie being worn
n.n. "Risk"; front shows a close-up of someone smiling
n.n. "Rubik's Cube"; front shows a close-up of a man's face
n.n. "Retro Toys"; back shows a Jack-in-the-Box and a Tin Top
n.n. "20 Sock Monkey"
n.n. "One Sweet Story"
n.n. "Musical GiftCard"
n.n. "Storybook"
n.n. "Enter Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium"
n.n. "See Henry Weston"
n.n. "Meet Molly Mahoney"
n.n. "Introducing Eric Applebaum"
n.n. "Starring Mr. Magorium"
n.n. "Mr. Magorium's Wonder Empoium is..."

Mr. Rabbit and Mr. Bear (2008) MHoponhop 4 card set; source n.k.; art by Chris Henderson; the header card back text promotes the company and celebrates 10 years of Ebay business; cards 1-3 tell a story and promote the artist... New for 2020
n.n. (header)
1 of 3 "Brer Fox Sets a Trap"
2 of 3 "Brer Rabbit Tricks Brer Bear"
3 of 3 "Brer Bear Takes the Blame"
**Note: This was the first in a still-ongoing set of promo cards released by MHoponhop.

Mr. T and the T-Force (1993) Now Comics - price update
n.n. "Mr. T at Comic Fest '93 Philadephia"...$5-7

MLS Soccer (1997) Upper Deck/Bandai. 2 card set; photos...$6-7 each - additional information for 2019
n.n. "Carlos Valderama"
n.n. "Alexi Lalas"
**Note: The "Alexi Lalas" card was included in the "Tomb of the Unknown" (cards that may or may not be promos in PCE2008; this card is a promo).

Mobile Suit Wing Gundam (2000) Upper Deck - additional information
WG-28 "Wing Gundam Zero"; gold foil lettering; also inserted with "Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Showdown in Space" VHS; factory-sealed videos with the card bear a sticker that says "Exclusive Gundam Wing Foil Card Inside."

Monkees, The (1995) Cornerstone. - addition and price updates
0; binder insert; also given out to some Insider Trader club members with their membership packet. New for 2020
Promo 1-3...$1 each

Monster in My Pocket Collectible Trading Cards, The Original (1991) Morrison Entertainment Group. 48 card set; given out at 7-11 stores; cards came in a specially-printed 3-card cello pack with the 7-11 logo on the front and say "Not for Resale" on the back; cards are very similar to the regular issue except the 7-11 version are numbered (e.g. Collector #47 is card 47) in very small print under the MIMP logo on the back near the bottom (regular-issue cards are blank where the number would be).
Note: actual title is The Original Monster in My Pocket Collectible Trading Cards" but they are widely called "Monster in My Pocket" (or MIMP) for short).

Monty Python's Flying Circus (1994) Cornerstone. - price update and source information for P1
P1 "And now for something..."; poly Card Collector's Price Guide #31 (Nov '94).
n.n. "Monty Python T-shirt"...$10

Mo Possum N' E.Y. Weezie (1999) Spunky Productions, Inc. 1 cards set; given out at the 2000 San Diego Comic Con; artist n.k.; postcard; 3 1/2 x 5; promotes a web cartoon.

More Morbid Monsters (2000, 2002, and 2007) - price update for 2018
G1 "the "Gummie" promo...$2-3.

Movie Motion Stickers (1998) Paramount Pictures/Viacom International, Inc, Set number n.k.; inserted one per package of Skip's snacks in the U.K.; lenticulars; 1 9/16 x 1 9/16; British issue...$2 each - New for 2018
1 "The Rugrats Movie" (a truck driving by a car)

Muppet Babies (1988) Henson Associates Inc. 6 card set; inserted one per box of General Mills cereal; sticker; each one in its own cello-pack; 2 1/2 x 3; French and English text on front; General Mills logo on front; blank back; Canadian issue...$2 each - New for 2018
n.n. "Baby Animal"
n.n. "Baby Fozzie"
n.n. "Baby Gonzo"
n.n. "Baby Kermit"
n.n. "Baby Miss Piggy"
n.n. "Baby Scooter"

Muppet Treasure Island (no year) Dynamic Marketing - addition completing the set
5/6 "Tourist Rats"

Muscle Cards (1991) P.Y.Q. C.C. - new addition for 2017
6 of 8 "1966 Shelby Cobra 427"; says "CARD EXPO '92" in silver foil on the front; source n.k...$4

Muscle Machines Muscle Tuners (2004) Funline Merchandise Co., Inc. 7 card set (referred to as "Release A"; inserted one per package of Muscle Machines Muscle Tuners die-cast toy cars; artwork of the toys; artist n.k.; rounded corners...$1-2
T04-05 "'02 Acura RSX"

My So-Called Life (no year) a.k.a Productions. Set number n.k.; inserted one per videocassette; photos; 3 x 3 7/8; cards promote the TV series.
n.n. (girl with her hands on her head)
n.n. (boy, close-up, green background)
n.n. (boy standing, purple background)

My Stepmother is an Alien (1988) Weintraub Entertainment Group, Inc. 1 card set; source n.k.; thick fold-open card made to look like a greeting card and plays parts of three Christmas songs when opened; 5 11/16 x 14 7/8 when open; front shows a woman's leg in a black stocking and says "She's gorgeous and she's never been kissed"; on the inside it says "Landing at a theater near you December 9th"; card back provides film credits; promotes the movie...ND


NASA (no year) NASA. 1 card set; given away at events where NASA set up exhibits; die-cut sticker; n.n.; 3 9/16 in diameter on 4 x 4 3/4 backing.
n.n. (NASA logo)

National Parks Collection 1st Edition (no year but it was 1997) Jefferson National Expansion Historical Association. 1 card set; free mailaway offer in January 1997 issue of Collect! magazine; n.n.; 3 1/2 x 5; can be folded in half along a seam.
n.n. checklist

Natural, The (2007) Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, Inc. 5 card set; the set was inserted with "The Natural Gift Set" along with a director's cut DVD, a baseball cap, a baseball, and a cardboard stand for the baseball; set was packaged in plastic wrap; photos; off-white front borders; brown backs; promotes the movie.
n.n. "Roy Hobbs"
n.n. "Pop Fisher"
n.n. "1939 New York Knights"
n.n. (image made to look like an old "Life" magazine cover)
n.n. "Max Mercy Classics"

Neil Gaiman & Dave McKean's Violent Cases: The American Edition (no year) Tundra Publishing Ltd. 1 card set; source n.k.; 2 3/16 x 3 3/16; art by Dave McKean; promotes a graphic novel; card back says "Premiering 1991 at San Diego Comic Con..."

Netpro (1991) Protennis Player Cards Inc. - addition for 2020
9 card uncut sheet (M1, M2, M5, M3, M4, M14, W1. W2. W3); each card is marked "prototype" on the back; front is serial numbered but the total is not given...

NHRA 50 Years of Power Championship Drag Racing: Chase the Race (2000) Racing Champions, Inc. Set number n.k.; inserted one per package of NHRA 50 Years of Power Championship Drag Racing: Chase the Race 1:64 scale die-cast toy cars.; promotes a drag racing car...$1-2
n.n. "Nitro Fish"; artist n.k.; card back has an apparent product number, "765306-6HA," which does not correspond to a similar number on the back of the car packaging (76050F-7HA) so I don't know if the number is significant - does not appear to be a serial number.

Nick in the Afternoon (1996) Kraft Foods/Viacom International, Inc./Eastman Kodak Company. 1 card set; source n.k.; lenticular motion; front shows an animated version of an old television set with the Oscar Mayer logo on the screen and an image of the company's "Weinermobile" below the TV; when you tilt the card backwards several characters featured on "Nick in the Afternoon" (block of cartoons that ran during the 90's) seem to burst from the Oscar Mayer logo and the Weinermobile transforms into the "Nick in the Afternoon" logo; card back provides trademark and manufacturer information but is otherwise blank; card is thicker than the average lenticular card and shows substantial motion exceeding the quality of the average food premium/promo card; may be an in-house prototype or a special trade show giveaway.

Nightwatch (no year but it was 1997) Dimension Films. 1 card set; handed out at 1997 San Diego Comic Con; photo; 3 1/2 x 5; thin card stock; promotes a movie.

Nike (no year) Nike. 7 card set - the cards in this entry other than the n.n. order card could be deleted from a future edition of PCE as the boxed set was actually a product that was sold and could be ordered through Advance Comics (see issue 40, April 1992).

Nike: Looney Tunes (1993) Nike/Warner Bros. - additional information and additions completing the set with a price update for 2021
n.n. (Michael Jordan holding Marvin the Martian, standing next to Bugs Bunny)
n.n. (dog and Marvin the Martian hanging from the moon)
n.n. "The Best on Earth The Best on Mars"
n.n. "What's Up Jock?"
n.n. "The Scream Team"
n.n. "Nice Shoes Indeed"
n.n. "That's All Folks!"; there are two with this title: one shows Porky Pig in a spaceship; the other shows Bugs Bunny in a spaceship
n.n. "Aerospace"
n.n. "Greetings Earthlings:
n.n. sticker sheet; 4 5/8 x 4 5/8
**the cards listed in PCE2008 are actually part of a promo set composed of 12 stickers plus a 4 5/8 x 4 5/8 sheet of die-cut stickers which came in a CD case with a Nike sticker showing from the inside; source n.k. but one dealer has said that it was neither sent to stores nor a show giveaway (he thought it was given to customers who bought Nike shoes that year); I have seen groups of the stickers and the sheet sold separately before but have seen the whole set in its case only once; the set appears to cross-promote the movie "Space Jam" as well...stickers and sheet used to sell for $1-2 each but the going rate zoomed into the stratosphere in 2020 with the promo set selling for as much as $1400 but later sales dipped down to around $100.

Nike Sport Cards (1985) Nike. 6 card set; given out in a plastic-wrapped pack at sporting goods stores; photos of pro athletes; 3 x 5; card backs say "Promotional Use Only/Not for Resale"
n.n. (header card); blank back...$5
n.n. "Dwight Gooden"...ND
n.n. "James Lofton"...ND
n.n. "John McEnroe",,,ND
n.n. "Lance Parrish"...$3
n.n. "Michael Jordan"...$90-220
n.n. unopened pack...$250-450
**Note: the Michael Jordan card has been offered for sale separately because it is one of the earliest appearances of him on a trading card. Cards graded MT go for over $1000.

1998 Nascar 50th Anniversary (1998) Racing Champions. Set number n.k.; inserted one per package of 1998 Nascar 50th Anniversary die-cast toy cars; fronts show artwork of various company logos and mascots; blank backs; cards have numbers on them but I'm not sure it is the card number in the set.
26 (Lucky Charms cereal mascot and logo, Trix mascot and logo, Coco Puffs mascot and loco, Toys R' Us logo, Racing Champions logo)

Ninjak (1993) Voyager Communications. 1 card set; source n.k.; postcard; 4 x 6; promotes a comic book series.

Ninja Scroll (2003) Urban Vision Entertainment. 6 card set; source n.k.; images from animation; promotes an anime television show; back says "13 Episodes Coming This Summer"...$6-7/set

Nintendo (no year) NOA, Inc. 12 card set; inserted one per specially-marked box of General Mills cereal; two die-cut stickers per card (mini-sheet); 2 3/8 x 3 3/8 inches; n.n.; show characters from video games; blank back; stickers do not show any logos or text as to their source - just copyright info on the front; Canadian issue ..$12/set

Nintendo Magic Motion Cards (no year) Manufacturer n.k. 3 card set; inserted one per package of Dunkin Donuts Cereal; each card was in its own cello-pack with a same-size piece of cardboard behind it; 3-image lenticulars; 2 x 2 3/4; card front shows a famous Nintendo game character; card back provides tips for the game; cards are undated but mid-late 1989 expiration dates for other offers are provided on the specially-marked cereal box that contained a card; promotes video games...$5-10 each New for 2017
n.n. "Legend of Zelda"
n.n. "Mike Tyson's Punch-out!!"
n.n. "Super Mario Bros."

Nintendo: Tony's Tips (1993) Nintendo. Set number n.k.; one 2-card cello pack inserted per package of Kellogg's Frosted Flakes; text in French and English; Canadian issue...$5 each
n.n. "Mario" - addition for 2018
n.n. "Tony the Tiger"
n.n. "Yoshi"

Nintendo Top Secret Power (1993) Nintendo. 4 card set. - addition completing the set
n.n. "Link"; addition
n.n. "Zelda"...$10-15 - price update

Norm Show, The. (1999) Warner Bros. 1 card set; source n.k.; photo; 4 x 6; promotes the Norm MacDonald TV show.

Northern Exposure (1992) Ultimate Trading Card Company - price update for 2020
n.n. (cast photo)...$4

NRG (1995) Futera. Set number n.k.; available to dealers in Australia; photos of surfers; these are promo versions of autographed chase cards; these cards are unsigned and blank on the back where there would be a serial number on the chase card; promote a TV show...$10 each.
nrg1 "Martin Potter"
nrg2 "Barton Lynch"
nrg3 "Stuart Bedford-Brown"
nrg4 "Tom Carroll"
nrg5 "Michael Rommelse"

NSW RL (1992) The Continuity Group. 16 card set; given out by newsagents in Australia; dual-image lenticulars; image changes from a photo of a rugby team logo to a game action photo; card backs provide background information on a team...$7-8 each. - New for 2019
n.n. "Cronulla Sutherland District Rugby League Football Club Ltd"

end of the N's

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Posts: 4698 | Location: San Jose, CA, USA | Registered: December 23, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Gold Card Talk Member
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That set is listed in PCE 2008.

Originally posted by vondrake:
I have another Stuart Little card. I think it might be from the first movie, but it came in Stringsters string cheese. It is marked 4 of 4.
Posts: 4698 | Location: San Jose, CA, USA | Registered: December 23, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Gold Card Talk Member
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I deleted the Pro Line Portraits entry from the P listing. After double-checking online, it turns out that the set is actually a pro football card set with some unusual chase cards (photos of players wives, Ahmad Rashad's family and Payne Stewart, a golfer). The cello pack I noted may be the promo version of the chase cards because they are not embossed like the pack-pulled cards, but if so, it's still a sports promo. The packs were apparently handed out at some event affiliated with the National.

The Kathie Lee Gifford card listed in PCE might be a promo version of a chase card (or it is a chase card) for the 1992 Pro Line Portraits set.

Resuming the listing...


Olivia 3: Ladies, Leather, & Lace (1993) Comic Images - addition
n.n. 3 card sheet; given out to some members of the Comic Images Collectors Club when they presented their membership card at the Comic Images booth at shows (I got one at the 1998 San Diego Comic Con); sheet contains the three cards of the "Bella Studies" chase subset but the cards differ from the chase cards in that they have blank backs...ND

Olympic Champions (1991) Kellogg Company. 20 card set; inserted in boxes of Corn Flakes cereal; each card came in its own cello-pack; each card provides text on an Olympic event; unopened card measures 2 1/4 x 3 inches; cards fold open with a separate sliding card inside the back half; you can move the sliding card with a tab visible along the lower edge allowing you to select various years along with the Olympic records and record-holders that year; Kellogg's logo on the fronts; you could send away for a wall chart and box to store your cards; British issue.

Olympics 1998/Jeux Olympiques (no year) Manufacturer n.k. Set number n.k.; inserted one per package of General Mills cereals in Canada; each card was in its own clear plastic packet; card fronts are partly refractor foil; photos of Canadian Olympic athletes; backs show General Mills and Canadian Olympic Association logos; text in French and English.
n.n. "Elvis Stojko" - addition for 2019
n.n. "Nancy Drolet."

Operation Iraqi Freedom (2003) Limited Treasures - source info for 2019
**the promo pack was given out by hobby stores when you bought a box.

Optigraphics (no year) Optigraphics. Set number n.k.; source n.k.; lenticular motion; 1 3/4 x 2 1/8 inches; card backs say "Sample Only Property of Optigraphics" on any otherwise blank back.
n.n. (close-up of a fox)
n.n. (Tom and Jerry)
n.n. (Gromit)
n.n. (Pinocchio)
n.n. (scene from "Aladdin")
n.n. (Chip and Dale)
**the card below shows soccer action
n.n. (player in white jersey kicking ball with player in yellow jersey approaching)
**the three cards below show characters from "Toy Story"
n.n. (Woody turning his head)
n.n. (Buzz pressing a button on his spacesuit)
n.n. (Woody and Bo Peep)

Original Voltron, The: The Defender of the Universe (2000) Trimark Home Video. 1 card set; inserted with the specially-stickered "The Original Voltron: Defender of the Universe Volume 1" videocassette; 2 1/2 x 4 inches; card back says "Video Card Vol. 1" with text on the two cartoons on the video; videos with the card have a sticker that says "Collectible Voltron Card Inside."

Other Worlds: Michael Whelan II (1995) Comic Images. - addition
n.n. (shows werewolf/monster); unsigned autograph card; sent to some dealers.

Outer Limits (1998) MGM Studios. 1 card set: source n.k.; artist n.k.; n.n.; 4 x 6; shows empty boat; promotes the 90's revival of the old TV show.

Outer Limits, The: Sex, Cyborgs & Science Fiction (2003) Rittenhouse Archives - price update for 2020.
P1 (eye and woman floating over a beach); this is the one PCE2008 notes as not saying "Sex, Cyborgs & Science Fiction" on the front and back; it was never officially released and near-impossible to find at the time but a few have surfaced since then...$100

Overstreet Giveaway Gimmick (1993) Overstreet Price Guide. - price update
5 "Aegis"...$1-2


Pace Farms Eggs AFL Sports Footy Fact (1999) Pace Farms. 16 card set; one card inserted per package of one dozen Pace Farms eggs; 2 13/16 x 2 13/16; artist n.k.; cards both spoof and promote professional football (Australian rules) teams of the Australian Football League; Australian issue.

Pacific Classic (1998) Horse Star Cards Inc. 8 card set; source n.k.; photos; promotes an annual horse race in California; there's a header card plus seven others that each celebrates a winner from 1991 to 1997 ...$8/set New for 2021.
n.n. "Del Mar Where the Turf Meets the Surf"
n.n. "Best Pal - 1991"
n.n. " Missionary Ridge - 1992"
n.n. "Bertrando - 1993"
n.n. "Tinners Way - 1994"
n.n. "Tinners Way - 1995"
n.n. "Dare and Go - 1996"
n.n. "Gentlemen - 1997"

Pacific Northwest National Sports Card Convention (1993) Sawdust Sports Syndicate. Set number n.k.; source n.k.; black and white photos; serial numbered out of 1600; promotes the show. New for 2018.
2 "Ty Cobb"
3 "Honus Wagner"

Panda Khan (1991) Abacus Press. 1 card set; source n.k.; postcard; 4 x 6; art by David Garcia; promotes a comic book series.

Pantha (1997) Harris Comics - value increase update for 2019
n.n. (yellow background)...$5-6

Paramount Widescreen (no year) Paramount Pictures - addition for 2019
n.n. "The Saint"

Peacemaker, The (1997) Dreamworks. 1 card set; source n.k.; photo; n.n.; postcard; 4 x 6; promotes a movie.

Peter and the Wolf (1995) Chuck Jones Ent. 1 card set; source n.k.; postcard; art by Chuck Jones; 4 1/2 x 6; promotes a television show premiere.

Peter Max (1994) Peter Max. 6 card set; source n.k. but said to have been given out at a concert in New York (Woodstock in 1994?); art by Peter Max.
1 "Love"
2 "Different Drummer"
3 "Great Wave"
4 "Cosmic Jumper"
5 "A Beautiful Summer Day"
6 "Cosmic Flyer with Doves"

Petrified Wood: The World of Fossilized Wood, Cones, Ferns, and Cycads. 1 card set; given out at rock and mineral shows in early 1999; photo; n.n.; postcard; 6 x 9; promotes a book.

Petty Girl, The (1993) 21st Century Archives - addition for 2021
n.n. "What's the Idea Handing me; identical to card listed in PCE2008 but has no text on the back; this card is seen less often than the one with the text....$3-4

PGA Tour (1990) Pro Set - additions and additional information for 2018 - revised for 2019
**Note: the five cards below represent the first printing of prototypes released for the set and they had the PGA logo clearly larger than the Pro Set logo on the front with rearranged text and no date on the back; the prototypes listed in PCE2008 represent the second printing which had a higher print run than the first.
n.n. "Larry Mize"; source n.k.; card front has the PGA logo larger than the Pro Set logo; back marked "Prototype For Review Only"; this card was not part of the second printing so there is not another version of it...$15
n.n. "Lee Trevino; source n.k.; card front has the PGA logo larger than the Pro Set logo; back marked "Prototype For Review Only"; a revised version of this card was part of the second printing - the one listed in PCE2008 ...$15-20
n.n. "Bob Tway"; source n.k.; card front has the PGA logo larger than the Pro Set logo; back marked "Prototype For Review Only"; a revised version of this card was part of the second printing - the one listed in PCE2008...$15
n.n. "Mike Donald"; source n.k.; card front has the PGA logo larger than the Pro Set logo;; back marked "Prototype For Review Only"; this card was not part of the second printing so there is not another version of it...$15-20
n.n. "Paul Azinger"; source n.k.; card front has the PGA logo larger than the Pro Set logo;; back marked "Prototype For Review Only"; this card was not part of the second printing so there is not another version of it...$25
**Note: no recent sales of the five "large logo" prototypes above; the Donald and Mize cards are considered less valuable than the Trevino but the Azinger is seen less-often than the Trevino (a Trevino sold for $20 in 2017).

PGA Tour (1991) Pro Set - additions and additional information for 2018
1 "Fred Couples"; came in a cello pack poly Pro Set Gazette (issue n.k.) with a hockey promo card (Patrick Roy) and two other cards; no markings to say it's promotional but this card is not card #1 from the regular set nor was it in the regular packs.

Note: the three cards below were distributed together in a cello-pack.
n.n. (header card); says "Official Card of the PGA Tour" and shows PGA and Pro Set logos on both sides; I believe this header card is the same one noted by PCE2008.
n.n. "Fred Couples"; back marked "Prototype For Review Only "
n.n. "Gary Player"; back marked "Prototype For Review Only"

n.n. (header card); this is a different header card than the one noted in PCE2008; it says "PGA Tour Partners" on the front and promotes the cards with a free offer for Pro Set Gazette on the back; it was distributed in a cello-pack with the Chi Chi Rodriguez and Ben Crenshaw prototypes listed in PCE2008.

n.n. (header card); this card was distributed in a cello-pack with four cards from the regular set; front says "Compliments of PGA Tour/Pro Set" near the top just below two PGA/Pro Set logos; blank back.

Philly Non-Sports Show (1994-ongoing) Philly Non-Sports Show - additions for 2020
#45 "David Grimes"; given out at the May 3-4, 2008 show
#48 "Allan Caplan, Inkworks"; given out at the October 18-19, 2008 show
#49 "Tom Breyer, Breygent Marketing"; given out at the October 18-19, 2008 show.

Pinewood Studios Posters and Stills (2007) Strictly Ink Limited. 1 card set; source n.k.; photo; says "Coming Soon" in gold foil on the front; set cancelled. - New for 2019
n.n. "One Million Years B.C."/"She"

Pink Panther (1996) United Artists. 16 card set; inserted one per package of Dr. Oetker ice cream products - additional information
**Note: last known sale of a set was $90 in 2000-2001; singles $5 each.

Playboy Chromium Cover Cards 3 (1996) company given as Playboy though the set was created by Sports Time, Inc. - addition.
n.n. Burt Reynolds; signed autograph card; says "Authentic Signature: in gold foil; it is blank where serial number would be and says "of 600" in gold foil; this is a sample version of one of the chase cards; unreleased but some appeared on the market after Sports Time went out of business; last known sale in 1999... $30.

Playboy Chromium Covers Edition 4 (1996) Sports Time Inc. - addition
R4; this was intended to be a redemption card for Series 4 but the set was cancelled; unreleased but appeared on the market after the company went out of business; card is sealed in a hard plastic case.

Playboy Chromium Covers Edition 5 (1996) Sports Time Inc. - addition
R5; this was intended to be a redemption card for Series 5 but the set was cancelled; unreleased but appeared on the market after the company went out of business; card is sealed in a hard plastic case.

Playboy Online Booth (1999) Playboy. 1 card set; given out at the Playboy Expo in 1999; photo (no nudity); 3 x 5; n.n.; promotes an attraction at the show.

Play It Safe (no year) Otto. Set number n.k.; source n.k. but perhaps inserted in a kid's meal either with a toy or by itself; glow-in-the-dark sticker; artist n.k.; 3 1/4 x 4 3/4; artwork has a Halloween theme with a frog standing in a jack-o-lantern with the words "Play it Safe" next to him; the front has the Hardee's logo at the top and "WEBN" on his sweater and on the jack-o-lantern; sticker back says "SAY NO TO DRUGS" multiple times; said to have been given out in the late 80's or 90's...$4-5.

Pocahontas (1995) Skybox - additional information for 2019
**Note: the S1 prototype listed in PCE was issued in a 6-card cello pack along with other Skybox promos: a blank-backed release schedule card for various Skybox card series in 1995; Gargoyles S1 prototype, The Simpsons Skycaps n.n. "Lisa Simpson" prototype; Star Trek The Next Generation Season 2 S1 prototype and Youngblood N1).
**Note: the cards from the 4-card cello pack (known to collectors as the "blue back" promos) were also available in a 3-card cello pack but only one card per pack; the other cards in the pack were the Disney Premium P2, and a Skybox header card that provided a release schedule for their various card sets that year.

Pokemon (1999) Artbox. Set number n.k.; source n.k.; 2 x 2; lenticulars; back says "Look for Series 1 Lenticular Action Flipz and other motion collectibles coming soon to a store near you!"...$1-2.

Pokemon (2000) Kellogg Company. 6 card set; inserted one per package of Kellogg's cereal in Italy; lenticular motion; 3 3/4 x 4 1/4; card back text in Italian
1/6 "Pikachu"
2/6 "Psyduck"/"Golduck" - addition for 2020
3/6 "Machop"/"Machoke"
4/6 "Omanyte"/"Omastar" - addition for 2020
6/6 "Mewtwo" - addition for 2020

Pokemon Game Tip Cards (1999) Nintendo. Set number n.k. but one collector says it's a 20-card set - additions
35 "Clefairy"
58 "Growlithe"
74 "Geoduck"
79 "Slowpoke"
124 "Jynx"
**Note: cards appear to be skip-numbered.

Pokemon Video (2000) Nintendo - additions for 2018
PIKA-0027D - addition for 2019
PIKA-0028D - addition for 2019
PIKA-0030D/DVD (Pikachu and Orange Pokemon)

Poultry Bowlers Association (1992) TABB Investments - comment
*I think this entry should be in the T's as "Turkey Bowling" since it says "Turkey Bowling" in larger letters than "PBA" is lettered; also collectors seem to know it better as "the Turkey Bowling" promo.

Prehistoric Monsters and the Present (no year but said to be 1985) Kellogg's. 8 card set; inserted one per box of Kellogg's cereals in the UK; dual-image lenticulars; image changes from artwork of an extinct animal to a photo of its modern analogue; 1 1/2 x 2 3/16; card backs provide descriptive text and encourage kids to trade their extras...$4/set
1 "Mammoth"/"Elephant"
2 "Brontosaurus"/"Hippopotamus"
3 "Plesiosaurus"/"Seal"
4 "Triceratops"/"Rhinoceros"
5 "Tyrannosaurus"/"Tiger"
6 "Dimetrodon"/"Lion"
7 "Pteranodon"/Albatross"
8 "Indricotherium"/"Giraffe"

Previews Magazine Covers (1994) Previews Magazine - additional information
**Note: all the cards in this set were available in a cello-pack.

Primal Rage (1994) Playmates. Set number n.k. - additions for 2020
n.n. "Armadon"
n,n, "Vertigo"

Prince Caspian (no year but was 2008) Disney/Walden. 5 card set; source n.k.; cards came in a cello-pack; photos; cards show characters from the movie with descriptive text on the backs; each card back says "May 16" at the bottom on the back...$6-8/pack.
n.n. "Prince Caspian"
n.n. "Peter Pevensie"
n.n. "Edmund Pevensie"
n.n. "Susan Pevensie"
n.n. "Lucy Pevensie & Aslan"

Prisoner, The (1996) Cornerstone - price update for 2019

Pro Set Major Event Sponsor (1991) Pro Set. 5 card set; given out at the 12th National Sports Collectors Convention in Anaheim, CA in 1991; photos; cards are marked on the back "Pro Set 1991 National Collectible."
1 "Ronnie Lott"
2 "Roy Firestone"
3 "Roger Craig"
4 "Profiles"
5 header card; back promotes various Pro Set card series.

Psychotrono: The Monster Manglin' Man. (2003) Choice Marketing. 1 card set; art by Darren Auck; promotes the artist, Darren Auck...$4

Punisher, The: The Album (no year) 1 card set; source n.k.; 3 x 4; undated but the CD was released in 2004; promotes the movie soundtrack.


Queen Mary Trading Cards Set 2 (1997) RMS Foundation. Set number n.k.; source n.k.; a 3-card cello pack was available but the cards may be just regular cards from the set so only an unopened cello pack would be considered promotional (don't know for sure if this wasn't the way the regular cards were also available, though it was sent to me as a promo); one card showing is marked as "4" and shows the set logo while the other appears to be a checklist for cards 4-6 and shows a smaller version of the logo.
*maybe someone else knows more about these cards - nothing found online. I recall a magazine article about the first set and it might have been in NSU around 1996.

Quest for Camelot (1998) Warner Bros. 1 card set; source n.k.; lenticular motion; 2 1/16 x 3 5/16 inches; rounded corners; promotes the animated movie's theater release.

Quiet Man, The (1992) Republic Pictures Corporation. 1 card set; inserted with the specially-marked 40th anniversary edition videocassette of the movie; miniature version reproduction of the original lobby card; 3 7/8 x 5 1/8; n.n.; blank back; celebrates the original 1952 release of the movie.
**see separate listing for other Republic Pictures Home Video cards.

end of the Q's

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Racing Champions (1998) Manufacturer not given on the card. Set number n.k.; inserted one per package of Racing Champions 50th Anniversary (1948-1998) Nascar die-cast toy cars - the Toys R Us exclusive series; the cards don't mention the anniversary; Card fronts bear other company logos and are in color; card backs reflect the fronts but in black-and-white
n.n. (shows Lucky Charms and Trix mascots and logos plus the Toys R Us logo)

Rap 'n Rock Collector Cards (1990) Hires Root Beer. 13 card set; given out with the purchase of a Hires product; cards came in a 3-card pack that included a header fold-out form made up of two coupons and a sweepstakes entry; photos of rap and pop music groups; n.n.; cards are undated but one of the coupons has a late 1990 expiration date; Canadian issue.

Ratatouille Projectionist Information Trading Cards (2007) Disney/Pixar. 9 card set; the set was sent specifically to movie theater projectionists in its own plastic box within the film can; images from animation; the cards have text to provide technical information to maintain a high level of presentation quality; 8000-10,000 sets made. - New for 2018.
**Note: There is also an 11 card set with the first nine cards identical to the 9-card set but with two extra cards having digital projection information; whether the 10th or 11th card is numbered is unknown.

Really Wild Animals (no year) National Geographic. Set number n.k.; inserted with the "Really Wild Animals: Deep Sea Dive" (National Geographic Kids Video) videocassette; photos; 3 1/4 x 5; 2-card panel with cards separable along a perforated line. New for 2020.
n.n. ("Dingo"/Koala")
**Note: I've seen only one of these panels and just recently; as far as I know, only the videos with the red sticker that says "Plus Free Trading Cards Inside!" have one.

Red Devil Fireworks Collector Edition (1997) Red Devil. 7 card set; source n.k.; artist n.k.; promotes a line of fireworks and fireworks safety...$5/set.
n.n. "Mad Dog Firecrackle" (back says just "Firecrackle)
n.n. "Monster Snaps"
n.n. "Monster Parade"
n.n. "Night Rider"
n.n. "Piccolo Pete"
n.n. "Premier Performance"
n.n. "Preventor"
n.n. "Solar Capsule"

Red Dwarf (2002) Futera - price update for 2018.
n.n. "Chloe"...$3.

Redwall (no year) Philomel Books. Set number n.k.; given out at bookstores; artist n.k.; they differ from other Redwall cards in that each back lists only the six other titles that existed at the time; promotes a series of books.
1 "Redwall"
2 "Mossflower"
3 "Mattimeo"
4 "Mariel of Redwall"
5 "Salamandastron"
6 "Martin the Warrior"
7 "The Bellmaker"

Redwall (no year but was 2007) Firebird. 19 card set.; complete set inserted with the Redwall boxed 3-volume set.; art by Troy Howell; each card shows cover art of the corresponding book in the series. New for 2018.
1 "Redwall"
2 "Mossflower"
3 "Mattimeo"
4 "Mariel of Redwall"
5 "Salamandastron"
6 "Martin the Warrior"
7 "The Bellmaker"
8 "Outcast of Redwall"
9 "Pearls of Lutra"
10 "The Long Patrol"
11 "Marlfox"
12 "The Legend of Luke"
13 "Lord Brocktree"
14 "Taggerung"
15 "Triss"
16 "Loamhedge"
17 "Rakkety Tam"
18 "High Rhulain"
19 "Eulalia!"
**Note: this is a different set of cards from the Redwall 7-card listing (different fronts and backs).

Redwall (different years) Random House Children's Books/Hutchinson Red Fox. additional information (set number, additional card) for 2021
12 card set; distributed through a book club in the UK; artist n.k.; fronts show artwork of characters from the Redwall book series; it appears these cards were distributed one at a time across the time the books were released (1990's-2000's)...$3-4 each.
7 "Joseph the Bellmaker"; lists 12 of the 19 books released as of that time; says "Look Out for The Legend of Luke coming in JUly 1999."
8. "Gabool the Wild"; card back lists 12 of the 19 books released as of that time; says "Look Out for The Legend of Luke coming in JUly 1999."
10 "Folgrim" - addition for 2021 (I've seen only the front)
11 "Lord Brocktree; card back lists 13 of the 19 books released as of that time; says "Look Out for Lord Brocktree coming in September 2000."
12 "Ungatt Trunn"; card back lists 13 of the 19 books released as of that time; does not promote an upcoming release.

Reggie Jackson (1980-1981) Manufacturer n.k.; 3 card set; given out at SEMA (Specialty Equipment Manufacturer's Association) trade shows in Las Vegas in the years indicated on the card fronts; photos; card stock is the old-style cardboard used in the 70's and 80's; promotes three car magazines and cars owned by Reggie Jackson as well as the SEMA show...$5/set
n.n. "Reggie Jackson"; has Hot Rodding Magazine and Accel logos on the front.
Number 2 "Reggie Jackson's 55"; has Super Chevy magazine logo on the front.
Number 3 "Reggie Jackson"; has Hot Rodding Magazine" and "Accel" logos on the front.

Remember? (no year) Manufacturer n.k.; Set number n.k.; source n.k.; black and white photo on front and back; 2 1/2 x 2 1/2; stamped "promo" in blue on back; the regular set has also been called "Remember When" and "Cold War Cuties" but it says "Remember?" on the back in tiny lettering; promotes a 1950's pinup homage card set.
9 "F. From a series of early amateur glamour shots..."

Ren and Stimpy (1993) Topps. Set number n.k.; source n.k.; artist n.k.; n.n.; test version of cards Topps had printed before it was decided how the 1994 regular set would appear in its finished form; back identifies the printer as "Mid-City Lithographers"; promotes the TV show.
n.n. (Ren and Stimpy sticking their heads out of a torn fabric).

Rendezvous Limited Edition Collector's Cards 2002 (2001) GM Corp. 9 card set; the set was in a foil pack which was inserted with a mailer sent to prospective customers; photos; Buick symbol in silver foil on all but one card; promotes the 2002 Buick Rendezvous...$10/pack
n.n. (top view of vehicle with doors open); green background
n.n. (3/4 left front facing view of vehicle); purple background
n.n. "Tiger Woods Foundation"
n.n. (3/4 right rear facing view of driver's side of vehicle); orange background
n.n. (close-up of Onstar button}
n.n. (rear view of vehicle with hatchback open)
n.n. (view of steering wheel. instrument panel and head-up display)
n.n. (3/4 right rear facing view of vehicle); orange background
n.n. (3/4 left front facing view of vehicle); clear acetate card
**Note: the non-acetate cards may be found partly stuck together; separating them may result in transfer of some card front color to the back of the card on top of it.

Republic Pictures Home Video (different years) Republic Pictures Corporation. Set number n.k.; cards inserted with special edition videocassettes of classic movies - most are anniversary editions; artist n.k.; miniature version reproductions of the original lobby card (some videos also include a miniature version of the movie poster) of the movie; blank backs.
Note: the following card was inserted with the specially-marked 30th Anniversary edition of the "Father Goose" video; available in 1993. - addition for 2020
n.n. "Father Goose"; two reproductions of original lobby cards attached as a fold-out card; 4 x 10 1/8 inches when folded-out.

Note: the following card was inserted with "The Fighting Kentuckian" video; available in 1998; the video packaging does not mark it as a special anniversary edition but it does have a sticker saying a card is inside
n.n. "The Fighting Kentuckian" reproduction of lobby card; 3 7/8 x 5 11/16 - addition for 2020

Note: the following two cards were inserted with the specially-marked 40th Anniversary edition of the "High Noon" video; available in 1992
n.n. "High Noon"; reproduction of lobby card.
n.n. "High Noon"; reproduction of movie poster.
**Note: There was also a special collector's edition of the video packaged with an exclusive book, a miniature reproduction card of the official movie poster plus four miniature reproductions of original lobby cards.

Note: the following card was inserted with the specially-marked 40th Anniversary edition of the "The Quiet Man" video; available in 1992;
n.n. "The Quiet Man; reproduction of lobby card.

Note: the following two cards were inserted with the specially-marked 45th Anniversary edition of the "Rio Grande" video; available in 1995;
n.n. "Rio Grande"; reproduction of lobby card; 3 7/8 x 5 11/16.
n.n. "Rio Grande"; reproduction of movie poster; 3 7/8 x 5 11/16.

Rescue Heroes (1998-1999) Mattel. Set number n.k.; given out in an 8-9 card plastic pack at a toy show; artist n.k.; n.n.; cards have blue top and bottom borders on the front with blue back that bear text describing the character on the front; on an upper corner on the front it says "Coming to the rescue soon"; promotes a line of toys...$1-2 each. New for 2021.
n.n. "Bill Barker & Buster"; 1999 copyright
n.n. "Hal E. Copter"; 1999 copyright
n.n. "Rip Rockefeller"; 1998 copyright
n.n. "Roger Houston"; 1998 copyright
n.n. "Sergeant Siren"; 1998 copyright
n.n. "Wendy Waters"; 1998 copyright

the following card has the blue top and bottom borders but does not say "Coming to the rescue soon" on the front:
n.n. "Perry Medic"; 1999 copyright; this one may be a toy insert

Return of Superman, The (1993) Skybox. 1 card set - additions for 2018
SP1; silver foil border; only available in the silver factory set (serial-numbered out of 35,000).
SP1; gold foil border; only available in the gold factory set (serial-numbered out of 300)
**Note: these silver and gold foil SP1 cards are different from the SP1 chase card in packs (different art, different front and back; these cards are not promos in the strict sense - more like bonus cards but they don't seem to be well-documented elsewhere.

Rich Larson's Haunted House of Lingerie 3 (2001) SQP. 1 card set; given out at conventions; art by Fastner and Larson; illustrated topless nudity; 4 x 6; promotes a pinup/horror art book.

Ridin Lo (1994) Ridin Lo Company. Set number n.k.; source n.k.; photo; n.n.; promotes a customized truck.
n.n. "Wrapped with Envy"

Right to Remain Silent, The (1996) Republic Entertainment Inc. Set number n.k. but believed to be 8; photos; card fronts are made to look like "Wanted" posters, showing an actor/actress and his/her name; card backs have the actor's/actress' name, the character's name, and other movies they've been in; promotes the movie. New for 2020.
n.n. "Amanda Plummer"
n.n. "Carl Reiner"
n.n. "Christopher Lloyd"
n.n. "Fisher Stevens"
n.n. "Judge Reinhold"
n.n. "Laura San Giacomo"
n.n. "LL Cool J"
n.n. "Patrick Dempsey"

Ringlords (1991) Players International
n.n. "Mike Tyson"; back stamped "sample"...$10 - addition for 2019
n.n. "Tommy Morrison"; back is marked "12th National Sports Convention Anaheim California July 2-7, 1991"; handed out at that show.

Ringo Starr and His All-Starr Band (1990) Big League Cards; 10 card set; sent out to radio stations and record stores; photos; the cards bear a 1985 date but there is a card for Billy Preston and one for Joe Walsh with the two of them in the band only in the first lineup of the band in 1989 and 1990; the cards promote the band's first album which was released in 1990...$10/set. New for 2020.
n.n. (header card); shows photos of band members on the other cards; blank back
25 "Clarence Clemons"
26 "Rick Danko"
27 "Levon Helm"
28 "Dr. John"
29 "Jim Keltner"
30 "Nils Lofgren"
31 "Billy Preston"
32 "Joe Walsh"
33 "Ringo Starr"
**Note: The unusual numbering indicates more cards in the set but it is a 10-card set; it might just be he result of the allotment of card numbers by the company to various small sets it printed that year (but then why didn;t the header card get a number?).

Ringside Boxing Cards Series One (1996) Ringside Trading Cards - price update for 2018
n.n. "Bruno's Greatest Challenge"...$6-12

Rio Grande (1995) Manufacturer not given but is Republic Pictures. 2 card set; both inserted with the specially-marked 45th Anniversary edition video; 3 7/8 x 5 11/16; blank backs.
n.n. (miniature version reproduction of lobby card)
n.n. (miniature version reproduction of movie poster)

River and Lake Fish (1995) USDA. 12 card set; given away by the Forest Service in California; artwork by Joseph R. Tomellari; 3 x 5; promotes environmental awareness.
n.n. header card
n.n. "Volcano Creek Golden Trout"
n.n. "Owens Tui Chub"
n.n. "Speckled Dace"
n.n. "Mountain Whitefish"
n.n. "Lahontain Cutthroat Trout"
n.n. "Klamath Largescale Sucker"
n.n. "Sacramento Perch"
n.n. "Brown Bullhead"
n.n. "Catfish Family"
n.n. "Food Chain"
n.n. "Meadow Stream Systems"

River Wild, The (1994) Universal City Studios. 6 card set; given out at Edwards Cinemas in California; photos; back marked "Promotional"...$1-2 each - New for 2017
1 of 6 (people white-water rafting)

Robert Bane Global Gallery (no year but was 1999) Robert Bane Global Gallery. 1 card set; given out at the 1999 Playboy Expo and the 1999 San Diego Comic Con; artist n.k.; n.n.; sticker; 2 3/4 x 3 3/4; promotes a website of an art dealer.

Robert Crumb's A Short History of America (no year) kitchen Sink. 1 card set; source n.k.; n.n.; marked on back as "advertisement"; art by Robert Crumb; promotes a 12-panel poster.

Robert Edward Auctions (2000) Topps. 1 card set - additional information
**this card was given out at other shows too (Tri-Star show in CA, and San Diego Comic-Con.

Roberto Baldazzini (no year) Sound & Vision. Set number n.k.; source n.k.; art by Roberto Baldazzini; illustrated nudity; promotes an adult-oriented card set...$3 - New for 2019
Promo Card #1 (woman in showgirl costume)

Robin Hood (1996) Disney Home Video. 12 card set; inserted one per package of Sanitarium bread in New Zealand; fronts show scenes from the animated movie and say "Own It On Video April '96" along the bottom edge; when placed together in order, the backs form a complete image.

Robotech (1993) LIVE Home Video, Inc. 20 card set; inserted one per specially-marked Robotech VHS videocassettes (English versions of the 80's TV show); each VHS constitutes one 2-episode volume; images from animation; card fronts have a red border; card backs provide a trivia question and a brief synopsis of the two episodes, however, the cards are randomly inserted so the card you get probably won't match the VHS tape/volume it comes with; videocassettes containing cards have a red sticker on the shrinkwrap that says "Limited Edition Collector's Card Enclosed."...$1-2 each - New for 2019
Vol.2 (Episode 3 and 4); inserted with Volume 12 of the series
Vol.3 (Episode 5 and 6); inserted with Volume 13
Vol.5 (Episode 9 and 10); inserted with Volume 15
Vol.15 (Episode 29 and 30); inserted with Volume 25
Vol. 20 (Episode 39 and 40)
**Note: each of the above cards with the video volume number given was from a factory-sealed video I opened

Rockcards (1990) Brockum - price update for 2018...$10/set

Rock Star Collector Cards (1990) Manufacturer n.k. 30 card set; inserted in Bodalla cheese products; photos; 2 3/8 x 3 1/8; backs provide information for a prize drawing; Australian issue.
12 "New Kids on the Block"
14 "Terence Trent D'Arby"
16 "Martika"
24 "Bad English"

Rockstreet (1991) Rockstreet. - addition
n.n. 6 card sheet; cards 1-6 (Elvis, The Beatles, Madonna, Van Halen, Chrissy Steele, Cher).

Rockstreet - additions to the 20 card numbered subset
14 "Fabian"
18 "Sepultura"

Rodeo U.S.A. (1992) The International Card Collection of Athletes. Set number n.k.; source n.k.; photo; not marked as promotional but made by the same company in the same year as the card listed under "International Card Collection of Athletes. Both have gold foil figure in the upper right corner and may belong to the same set of prototypes (rather than this card belonging to a separate set).
No. 15 "Lynn "Jonnie" Jonckowski"

Rollerball (no year) Metro Goldwyn Mayer. 1 card set; source n.k.; dual-image lenticular; 2 x 4; promotes the 2002 movie.

Roox Trading Cards (no year) The Roox Corporation. 1 card set; source n.k.; photos; front shows three photos of athletes; promotes the sports card company and youth sports...$2-3. New for 2018.

Rugrats (1996) Nickelodeon UK/Kelloggs. Set number n.k.; one card inserted per package of various Kellogg's cereals; lenticular motion; 2 x 3; promotes the cartoon; British issue.

end of the R's

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Saint, The (2002) Cards Inc. - additions for 2018
* the cards below are not technically promos but are unreleased, unsigned autograph cards that appeared on the secondary market after the company went out of business. - additions as per John Levitt
SA1 "Roger Moore"...$7-10
SA3 Annette Andre
SA4 Jane Asher
SA8 "Isla Blair"...ND
SA10 Johnny Briggs
SA15 David Graham
SA20 "Edward Woodward"...$3

Samurai Jack (2002) Artbox - addition
jp0 ; binder exclusive

San Diego Show (1981) San Diego Sports Collectors Association. 20 card set; given one per customer at a sports memorabilia store in the San Diego area; card is actually a 50 cents off coupon on admission as noted on the back but some people kept them; black and white photos of famous baseball players; rounded corners; card back provides further show information; attendees could purchase the full set at the show; promotes the show...$5 each
8 "Ted Williams"

Sandman (1993) DC Comics. 1 card set; sent to comic book stores; postcard; 4 x 6; art by Craig P. Russell; card back says "Advance Comics Holiday Wish List" and lists various Sandman and Swamp Thing reprint publications.

Sandman (1994) Skybox - price update for 2020
silver-bordered prototypes...$20-40 each
4-card sheet ("Master of Dreams," "Abel," "The Doll's House," "Matthew the Raven"); numbered out of 4444...$15
**Note: this sale was of a less than NM card and it doesn't appear to have been signed as has been reported for it in PCE; a framed version of this card has also been reported.

Santa Claus (various years) Various manufacturers - price update for 2021.
(1989) Pro Set. (image of Santa sitting at a table, holding a card...$75-150
Note: This was one of the early modern promos. It became an in-demand card after it release selling soo after for as much as $75. It settled in value over the years to around $30 as listed in PCE2008 with a little bit more of a dip after that. It started rising in value across 2020 and into the summer of 2021.

Satisfaction (1996) Avatar Projects - additional information for 2019
**Note: a random preview card was also inserted with the Tanda Girls factory set.

Saved by the Bell: The New Class (no year) Company n.k. - additions and additional information for 2020
**Note: This is a 10-card set with all the cards in a cello-pack; source still n.k.; color photos on both sides
completing the set...
n.n. "Lindsay & Tommy D."/(three people)
n.n. "Principal Belding"/(cast)
n.n. "Principal Belding"/"Principal Belding & Scott"
n.n. "Scott"/"Scott"
n.n. "Tommy D./"Tommy D."
n.n. "Weasel"/"Weasel"
n.n. "Weasel & Lindsay"/(cast photo)

Scary Monsters Scare-Cards: Horror Hosts (various years) - price update for 2020...$7.

Schnookums and Meat (no year but it was 1995) Subway. 16 card set; available in kid's meals at Subway restaurants; lenticular milkcaps; 1 5/8 inches in diameter; promotes the animated television series; backs say "Watch Schnookums and Meat on TV."

Scooby Doo (2002) Warner Bros. 1 card set; source n.k.; photo; 5 1/4 x 7 3/4; back provides information about the live-action movie.

Scooby Doo! Cartoon Sticker Kit (1998) Swanson Fun Feast. 6 card set; inserted one per Swanson Fun Feast frozen dinner; each is a tri-fold card with 6 mini-stickers on each of the three sections; on the back of one section are instructions on how to make a "flip book movie" with the stickers; card measures 3 1/2 x 7 when opened...$1
6 of 6 (Shaggy and Scooby jump off a board)

Scooby Doo: Mysteries and Monsters (2002) Inkworks - addition
C02; same as listed in PCE2008 but without the foil front; unreleased; appeared on the market after the company went out of business...ND

Scooby's Trivia Quiz (1996) KP Foods UK - additional information for 2018
**this is an 8 card set (SD1-SD8)

Sega 1995) Saban. 6 card set; inserted one per box of Post cereals in Canada; each card comes sealed in its own cello-pack; photos; 2 1/4 x 3; front bear the Sega and Post logos at the top; back shows the logos multiple times; back text in French and English; promotes video games...$2 each
1 of 6 "VR Troopers"
2 of 6
3 of 6
4 of 6 "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie"
5 of 6
6 of 6

Selena (1998) Warner Home Video. 1 card set; inserted with specially-marked videos of the movie; photo on front and back; 3 3/4 5 1/4 inches.

Semi-Pro (2008) Upper Deck. 3 card set; source n.k. but said to given out at one or more theaters in Los Angeles; available in a 3 card plastic baggie with a stick of gum; photos; promotes the release of the Will Ferrell movie in theaters.
1 of 3 "Jackie Moon"
2 of 3 "Ed Monix"
3 of 3 "Clarence 'Coffee Black' Withers"
* there were also promo cards inserted with the Borders Exclusive edition of the DVD but I haven't seen those.

Shadowzone (1989) Full Moon Entertainment - price update for 2020
5 card set...$9-15.

Sherlock Holmes (2001) River Wye Productions. 2 card set; source n.k.; photos - New for 2019

Shogun: Cyberwarriors (1994) Trendmasters Inc. Set number n.k.; one card inserted per package of Shogun: Cyberwarriors action figures; artist n.k. New for 2018.
n.n. "Raptor"
n.n. "Stealth"
n.n. "Talon"
n.n. "Titan"

Show and Go Series (1993) TBx3, Inc. 1 card set; source n.k.; photos of show cars; I have seen two uncut sheets containing four cards (two up, two across), each marked "PROMO" on the back. but the sheets were two different sizes - both appeared to have been unprofessionally trimmed down from a larger-size sheet; cards on sheet are numbered 1P, 2P, 3P, 4P and appear to be regular size.

Siggraph 96 (1996) Image Tech. Set number n.k.; given out at the Siggraph International Conference August 4-9, 1996 in New Orleans; 3D phone card; 2 1/8 x 3 5/16 inches; back says "not for retail sale" and serial-numbered out of 5500.
n.n. (mask and ribbon)

Simpsons II, The (1994) Skybox - source information for P1 and P2 for 2021
B1 "Willy the Dupe Dipkin"...$15-20 (multiple sales in this range across 2018)
B4 (Black Belch)...$4
P1 (title card); issued in a 9-card promo cello-pack at the 1994 Capital City Retailer Conference....$90
P2 issued in a 9-card promo cello-pack at the 1994 Capital City Retailer Conference.
P3 (Itchy and Scratchy in Stare-o...$4
P4 "Willy the Dupe Dipkin" (Diamond variation)...$80-130
**Note: There were at least four sales in the range across the year

Simpsons, The (1998) Fox. 30 card set; inserted one per package of CC's foods - additions
13 (Lisa and dog)
14 (still unknown)
15 (Marge)
16 (Maggie photo in frame)
17 (Homer asleep)
18 (Smithers)
19 (someone in a radiation suit)
20 (Carl Carlson)
21 (Mr. Burns)
**Note: Cards 13-21 make a complete image on the front when placed together.

Simpsons Collectible Film Cards, The (2000) Artbox - price increase update for 2019
n.n. (all family members talking)...$7

Simpsons Property Stickers. The (2001) Parmalat Food Inc. 6 card set; inserted one per package of Black Diamond Cheestrings; images from animation; 2 x 3; fronts bear the Black Diamond and Cheestrings logos; rounded corners; fronts are in color - backs are b/w with space to write on both sides; Canadian issue...$12/set. New for 2018.
n.n. (Bart jumping)
n.n (Bart on skateboard)
n.n. (Bart standing with skateboard)
n.n. (Homer)
n.n. (Lucy)
n.n. (Milhouse)

Simpsons Skycaps, The (no year) Skybox. - additional information for 2019
**Note: the n.n. "Lisa Simpson" prototype listed in PCE was issued in a 6-card cello pack along with other Skybox promos: a blank-backed release schedule card for various Skybox card series in 1995; Gargoyles S1 prototype, Pocahontas S1 prototype; Star Trek The Next Generation Season 2 S1 prototype and Youngblood N1); I don't know where the packs were distributed but it has been said to have been the National and other shows.

Six Million Dollar Man: Autograph Expansion (2007) Rittenhouse Archives. 1 card set; photo. - addition
P2; binder exclusive.

Sketch Artist Series 1 (2008) Happy Jack Collectibles/Versicolor. Set number n.k.; art by Ted Dastick; back says "Not for Resale For Promotional Use Only...

Skybox (no year but was 1994) Skybox. 1 card set; given out at the 1994 Capital City Retailer Conference; issued in a 9-card cello-pack with a Lion King S1 promo, a Simpsons II P1 and P2, a regular Seaquest card, an unnumbered USA Basketball card (promo?), Ultraverse Edition: Skybox Master Series P01, Creators Edition: Skybox Master Series P01, and DC Master Series C1; card front is a release schedule for various Skybox sport and non-sport card series in 1994 though the year is not written on this card; blank back.
n.n. (release schedule card); it lists: Home Improvement (TV), Star Trek TNG Episodes, The Making of Star Trek...

Skybox (no year but was 1994) Skybox. 1 card set; given out at major shows; issued in a 4-card cello-pack with a regular football card, a regular Lion King card, and a regular Simpsons tattoo from the first Skybox series; card front is a release schedule for various Skybox sport and non-sport card series in 1994 though the year is not written on this card; blank back. - New for 2019
n.n. (release schedule card); it lists: The Lion King, DC Master Series, '94 NFL Impact...
**Note: this card was also inserted in a cello-pack with basketball cards; an instant winner card is said to have been inserted in many of the packs but I didn't get one in the two packs I've opened. I have seen the card, though.

Skybox (no year but was 1995) Skybox. 1 card set; issued in a 6-card cello pack along with other Skybox promos: Gargoyles S1 prototype, Pocahontas S1 prototype; Simpsons Skycaps n.n. "Lisa Simpson" prototype Star Trek The Next Generation Season 2 S1 prototype and Youngblood N1); card front is a release schedule for various Skybox sport and non-sport card series in 1995 though the year is not written on this card; blank back; I don't know where the packs were distributed. - New for 2019

n.n. (release schedule card); it lists Star Trek NG Episodes II, Skybox Premium Basketball II ('94-'95), Batman & Robin...
**Note: one pack I received had two of the release schedule cards

Skybox (no year but it was 1995) Skybox. 1 card set; header card from a 3-card cello pack that also included a random Pocahontas ("blue back") promo and Disney Premium P2; blank back; front provides a release schedule for several trading card products that year including various sports and non-sports (DC Villains I, Bill Nye The Science Guy, Star Trek TNG Episodes III, Mortal Combat, Creators Masters Series, and Cinderella).

Sleepy Hollow (1999) Inkworks. additional information for 2020
P3; also sent with the Inkworks 2000 card (fireworks and silver foil) to those on the company mailing list.

Smallville: Season 6 (2008) Inkworks. - additions
SM6-1; general distribution
SM6-i; available through the mail via the Inkworks website.

Soccer Shots (1991) World Soccer Promotions. Set number n.k.; source n.k.; photos. New for 2018.
00A "Enzo Francescoli"; marked "prototype" - addition for 2020.
n.n. "Pele" (kicking, black background)
n.n. "Pele" (game action, yellow jersey)
n.n. "Tomo Usiyan"; marked "Prototype" on front at top in small letters.

Sotheby's: The Barry Halper Collection of Baseball Memorabilia Collector's Set (1999) Sotheby's. 15 card set; given out at the 1999 National Sports Collector's Convention - available as a set in a cello-pack; photos; promotes auction items from a very large collection private collection of baseball memorabilia.
**Note: There is also a 16 card set associated with promotion but I don't have any information on how that it was distributed; some of the cards are the same but have different numbers; the header card in both sets has the same front but it is numbered (1) in the 16 card set and unnumbered in the 15 card set.

Space (2002) Arby's Inc. 4 card set; inserted one per Arby's kid's meal; artist n.k.; card fronts bear the Arby's logo. - New for 2019
n.n. "The Milky Way"
n.n. "The Moon"
n.n. "Solar Eclipse"

Space Jam (1996) Kellogg's/Warner Bros. Set number n.k. - additions and price information for 2021
2 "Swackhammer"; German text on back
3 "Michael Jordan & Tweety"; German text on back...$3-5
3 "Michael Jordan & Tweety"; variant card has French and German text on the back; inserted one per package of Kellogg's cereals in Switzerland...$11-12
3 "Michael Jordan & Tweety"; variant card has Spanish text on the back - unclear if they were available in Mexico or Spain
3 "Michael Jordan & Tweety"; variant card - has Portuguese text on the back; inserted one per package of Kellogg's cereals in Portugal. - addition for 2021
4 "Daffy & Lola"; variant card - has German and French text on the back; inserted one per package of Kellogg's cereals in Switzerland.
4 "Daffy & Lola"; variant card has Spanish text on the back - unclear if it was available in Mexico or Spain
5 "Michael Jordan"; German text on back...$11-20 - price update for 2021
5 "Michael Jordan"; variant card has Spanish text on the back - unclear if it was available in Mexico or Spain
6 "Sylvester & Tweety"; variant card - has German and French text on the back; inserted one per package of Kellogg's cereals in Switzerland..$6-7.
6 "Sylvester & Tweety"; variant card has Spanish text on the back - unclear if it was available in Mexico or Spain
7 "Nerdlucks"; German text on back...$11-20 - price update for 2021
**Note: PCE notes cards with just German text on the back but it appears that there were several different language subsets

Spawn: The Toy Vault (1998) Inkworks - 2017 price update

Speed Bunnies (1994) Hardee's Food Systems Inc. 4 card set; inserted one per kid's meal, at Hardee's restaurants; artist n.k.; card front and back bear the "Hardee's" and "Speed Bunnies" logos...$1 each - New for 2020
**Note: the cards are often found bent/creased because they were packaged loose in a bag with a toy.

Speed Racer (1993) Prime Time Productions. - additions...$1-2 each
Adventure 1 "The Great Plan"
Adventure 2 "The Secret Engine"
Adventure 3 "The Fastest Car on Earth"
Adventure 4 "Race Against Time"
Adventure 5 "Crash in The Jungle"
Adventure 6 "The Desperate Desert Race"
Adventure 8 "The Royal Racer"
**Note: The cards above were inserted one per specially-marked videocassette of "Speed Racer" with the card titled the same as the videocassette; the easiest way to distinguish these video inserts from the cards in the regular set is that the video inserts are black-bordered while the regular cards are blue-green bordered.

Speed Racer (2008) Warner Bros. 1 card set; source n.k.; 3D card; n.n.; says "Go! May 2008"; promotes the live action movie.

Spider-Man (2001) Columbia Pictures - price updates for 2020
4 of 5...$3
5 of 5...$3

Spider-Man (2002) Marvel/Columbia Pictures. Set number n.k. but at least 30; inserted with Marinela products in Mexico; 3D card; 1 9/16 x 2 5/16; promotes the movie.
30 (Spider-Man about to shoot web, close-up).

Spider-Man (2004) Neo Products. Set number n.k.; source n.k.; lenticular motion; animation; n.n.; card back promotes a website, "for exciting new products coming soon"; the company did once make large lenticular posters.

Spider-Man (2004) Marvel. 8 card set; inserted one per package of BN snacks; lenticular; 2 1/8 x 2 15/16; French issue.

Spider-Man 2 (2004) Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. Set number n.k.; inserted with Scotties paper products in Canada; lenticular motion; Scotties logo on card back; text on back is in French and English; promotes the movie
n.n. (Spider-Man sliding down web)

Spider-Man: Web of Shadows (2008) Marvel/Activision Publishing, Inc./Gamestop. 1 card set; given out at the 2008 San Diego Comic-Con; 3D card; promotes a video game...$5-10 - New for 2019

Spiderwick Chronicles (2007) Inkworks. 3 card set; photos. - additions
SC-1; unreleased; appeared on the market after the company went out of business
SC-2; poly Non-Sport Update Vol. 19, #1
SW-SD2007; see PCE2008

Spiderwick Chronicles: Arthur Spiderwick Field Guide (2007) Inkworks; 5 card set; all available in a 5 card cello-pack inserted with an edition of the Spiderwick Chronicles DVD; photos; foil fronts. - additions

Spirit, The (2008) inkworks. 7 card set; photos. - addition
H2008; sent to people on the company mailing list
P-1; general distribution
P-2; poly Non-Sport Update (Vol. 19, #6)
P-i; available through the mail via the Inkworks website
P-MS; given out at the Memorabilia Show, UK
P-PS; given out at the Philly show
P-UK; given out in the UK

Sportraits Series 2 (1992) Limited Edtions. Set number n.k. (but noted on the card to be 4); source n.k.; art by Ed David; promotes artwork of professional athletes...$6-7 - New for 2019; additions for 2021
Promocard 1 of 4 "Cal Ripken
Promocard 2 of 4 "Nolan Ryan"
Promocard 3 of 4 "Ken Griffey Jr."
Promocard 4 of 4 "David Justice"
4-card sheet (Promocard 1 of 4, 2 of 4, 3 of 4, 4 of 4).
Note: singles are serial-numbered out of 10,000; the 4-card sheet is serial-numbered but it's unclear if it's numbered of the same total.

Sports Collector's Digest (no year but it was 1998) Fleer. - additional information; this is a 26 card set.

Sports Collectors Warehouse (1987) Sports Collectors Warehouse. 12 card set; source n.k.; thin stock; promotes a line of signed and numbered artworks of professional athletes (mostly baseball players).
1 in a series of 12 "Mickey Mantle"
2 in a series of 12 "Yaz"
4 in a series of 12 "Big D"
7 in a series of 12 "King Carl"
10 in a series of 12 "Chas. Gehringer"
11 in a series of 12 "Lefty"
12 in a series of 12 "Bill Dickey"

Sports Collectors Warehouse: Second Series (1989) Sports Collectors Warehouse. Set number n.k.; source n.k.; thin stock; promotes a line of signed and numbered artworks of professional athletes (mostly baseball players).
n.n. "Ali"
n.n. "The Big Cat"

Sports Collectors Warehouse: Third Series (1989) Sports Collectors Warehouse. Set number n.k.; source n.k.; thin stock; promotes a line of signed and numbered artworks of professional athletes (mostly baseball players).
n.n. "Rapid Robert"
n.n. "Say Hey"

Sports Heros (1992) Pacific Coast Sportscards. 4 card set; source n.k.; art by Ed David; promotes limited edition artwork (portraits of famous athletes); marked as "prototype" on the back; serial-numbered out of 10,000. - addition
1 of 4 unknown
2 of 4 unknown
3 of 4 "Michael Jordan"
4 of 4 "Wayne Gretzky"
**Note: "Heros" is misspelled because that's how it is in the official title.

Sportstars (1992) Ed David Productions. Set number n.k.; source n.k.; art by Ed David; gold foil lettering on front; serial-numbered out of 25,000; promotes artwork - portraits of athletes.
1 of 4; "Nolan Ryan"
2 of 4; "Shaquille O'Neal"
3 of 4; "Joe Montana"
4 of 4; "Emmett Smith

Spyboy (no year) Dark Horse Comics Inc. 1 card set; given out at conventions; 3 1/2 x 3 /1/2; sticker; artist n.k.; front shows character on a motorcycle with "Maximum Thrills!!!" printed across; promotes the comic book.

Star Company, The (no year) Star International Inc. Set number n.k.;photos of athletes; says "prototype" on the front with text on the back promoting the company and providing an address to join a mailing list. New for 2018.
n.n. "Larry Bird"; yellow border on front
n.n. "Larry Bird"; black border on front
n.n. "Michael Jordan"; (dunking); red border on front
n.n. "Michael Jordan"; (jump shot); purple border
n.n. "Michael Jordan"; (jumpshot - different photo); red and yellow border
n.n. "Michael Jordan"; (dribbling); gold border
n.n. "Michael Jordan"; (jumping for ball); red and yellow border
n.n. "Michael Jordan"; (in warm-up jacket); yellow border

**Note: the following cards have different text on back ("Instead of printing...") and say "Ad Card" on front; probably from a different year than the above cards but the year is not given
n.n. "David Robinson"; (dunking); red border
n.n. Tom Chambers"
n.n. "Tim Hardaway"
n.n. "Michael Jordan"; (dribbling); gray border
n.n. "Michael Jordan"; (sitting); red border
n.n. "Don Mattingly"
n.n. "Charles Barkley"; (close-up)

Stargate Atlantis: Seasons 3 & 4 (2008) Rittenhouse Archives. 3 card set; photos. - addition
P1; general distribution
P2; poly Non-Sport Update (Vol. 19, #4)
P3; binder exclusive

Stargate SG-1 (1998) MGM Studios Inc. 1 card set; source n.k.; photo; 4 x 6; back has facsimile autographs of the actors from the TV show...$2 (last known sale in 2001). New for 2018.

Stargate SG-1 Season 7 (2001) Rittenhouse Archives - addition for 2018.
P2 (same main front image as P3 but a different smaller image of a woman not smiling); unreleased...ND

Stargate SG-1: Season 10 (2008) Rittenhouse Archives. 4 card set; photos. - addition
P1; general distribution
P2; poly Non-Sports Update (Vol. 19, #3)
P3; binder exclusive
CP1; given out at conventions.

Starting Lineup Timeless Legends (1996) Kenner/Hasbro, Inc. Set number n.k.; inserted one per package of Starting Lineup Timeless Legends collectors' figures; photos; bears the Starting Lineup logo on the front with Timeless Legends and Kenner logos on the back; celebrates athletes from a variety of sports with this series being the first to include female athletes of track and gymnastics...$2-3 each - New for 2020
n.n. "Jackie Joyner-Kersee"

Star Trek: A Bold New Millennium (no year) Company n.k. 1 card set; source n.k.; artist n.k.; sticker; 3 x 7 1/2; part of a general promotion celebrating the journey of the franchise into the new millennium (collector coins and plates among the products released in the "Bold New Millennium" campaign)...$3-4 - New for 2020.

Star Trek (1991) Impel. - price update for 2018.
n.n. ; 4-card sheet; each card back as a Diamond logo...$5
n.n. 4-card uncut sheet; source n.k.; all four are the H4 hologram chase card.

Star Trek Deep Space Nine (1993) Skybox - price update for 2018.
n.n. "Commander Benjamin Sisko"...$4-5
S2 "Personal Phasers"...$2-3

Star Trek: Enterprise: Season Four (2005) Rittenhouse Archives - price update for 2018.

Star Trek Generations Cinema Cards (1994) Skybox - price update for 2018.

Star Trek Insurrection (1998) Skybox - price update for 2018.

Star Trek Master Series (1993) Skybox - price updates for 2018.
n.n. "Excelsior Leaves Spacedock"...$2
n.n. "Lieutenant Uhura"...$2
n.n. "Lieutenant Worf"...$3-4

Star Trek Master Series 2 (1994) Skybox - price update for 2018.
S1 (Argus Array)...
n.n.; poly CCPG #29 Sept 1994...$1-2

Star Trek: Movies in Motion (2008) Rittenhouse Archives. 4 card set; photos/motion card. - price updates for 2018.
P1; general distribution...$5
P1; motion card; given out at the Philly Show...$4
P2; motion card; poly Non-Sport Update (Vol. 19. #6)
P3; binder exclusive

Star Trek: Nemesis (2002) Rittenhouse Archives. - price updates for 2018.

Star Trek: The Next Generation (no year) Company n.k. 6 card set; inserted one per package of Honey Grahams; each card was in its own cello-pack; holograms; 1 3/4 x 1 3/4; blank back; Canadian issue.
n.n. (Enterprise-D) - addition for 2020
n.n. (Star Trek: The Next Generation logo with stars and a planet in the background)
n.n. (Klingon) - addition for 2020
n.n. (Klingon ships) - addition for 2020
n.n. (Romulan ship) - addition for 2020
**Note: this one has been referred to as the "Christie's" set though there are no markings of the maker/promotion

Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987) Paramount Pictures Corp. 6 card set; inserted one per box of Cheerios cereal; stickers; photos; 1 3/4 x 2 7/16 sticker on a 2 1/2 x 3 1/4 backing; back has a poster offer...$3 each. New for 2020 and updated September 2020.
n.n. "Commander William Riker"
n.n. "Counselor Troi"
n.n. "Enterprise NCC-1701-D"
n.n. "Lt. Geordi La Forge"
n.n. "Wesley Crusher"
n.n. "Worf"

Star Trek The Next Generation (1992) Impel. - price update for 2018.
4-card set...$6

Star Trek The Next Generation Episode Collection: Season 1 (1994) Skybox. - price update for 2018

Star Trek The Next Generation Episode Collection: Season 2 (1995) Skybox. - additional note for 2019
2- card strips (120, 134) - addition for 2020.
**Note: the S1 prototype listed in PCE was issued in a 6-card cello pack along with other Skybox promos: a blank-backed release schedule card for various Skybox card series in 1995; Gargoyles S1 prototype; Pocahontas S1 prototype; The Simpsons Skycaps n.n. "Lisa Simpson" prototype and Youngblood N1); I don't know where the packs were distributed.

Star Trek The Next Generation Episode Collection: Season 3 (1995) Skybox. - price update for 2018.
P1; 9-card sheet...$1-2

Star Trek The Next Generation Episode Collection: Season 7 (1999) Skybox. - price update for 2018.
n.n. $2-3

Star Trek 1997 Preview (1996) Skybox - price update for 2018.
n.n.; $2-3

Star Trek: The Original Series: 1966-1967 Season 1 (1997) Skybox - price update for 2018.
n.n.; (7 different photos, stretched); back says "12/97"...$1-2

Star Trek 30 Years (1996) Paramount Pictures. 1 card set; source n.k.; 2 5/8 x 3 1/8; n.n.; front says "Star Trek 30 Years" with multi-colored background.

Star Trek 30th Anniversary Edition (1996) Metallic Impressions. 1 card set; handed out at Spencer's Gifts stores; photo; metal card; card was shrink-wrapped in a sleeve that says on the front "Limited Edition Metal Collector Card"; back of the sleeve says "strictly limited in quantity to only 15,000..."
P1; photo of Enterprise.

Star Trek 35th Anniversary (2001) Rittenhouse Archives - price update for 2018.

Star Trek: The Original Series 40th Anniversary (2006) Rittenhouse Archives. - price updates for 2018.

Star Trek: TOS 40th Anniversary Series 2 (2008) Rittenhouse Archives. 4 card set; photos. - addition
P1; general distribution
P2; poly Non-Sport Update (Vol. 19, #1)
P3; binder exclusive
P4; conventions

Star Trek Video Cards (1993) Skybox. - correction and addition
Episode 11 card should say "Dagger of the Mind"
Episode 18 "The Squire of Gothos"

Star Trek: Voyager Profiles (1998) Skybox - price update for 2018.
n.n. (cast photo)..$4-5

Star Trek: Voyager Season One (1995) Skybox.

Star Trek: Voyager Season One Series 2 (1995) Skybox - price update for 2021.
n.n. Gummie promo...recent sale at $129
n.n. 6-card sheet...$1

[end of Star Trek listing]

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Posts: 4698 | Location: San Jose, CA, USA | Registered: December 23, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Gold Card Talk Member
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I am looking at the Tabb Investments cards above

Can anyone help me with the Gordie Howe promo ? I do not have that one, and don't see any for sale

I am also looking for the Flintstones movie 6 card set by Tabb

Please post here if you can help. Thanks
Posts: 4865 | Location: Bayonne, NJ, USA | Registered: May 06, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Gold Card Talk Member
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Hi David,

I see the Gordie Howe card less often for sale than the others.

Is there a #1 and/or 2 Tabb prototype? I know I haven't seen them recently and am wondering if I ever did.


Originally posted by David R:
I am looking at the Tabb Investments cards above

Can anyone help me with the Gordie Howe promo ? I do not have that one, and don't see any for sale

I am also looking for the Flintstones movie 6 card set by Tabb

Please post here if you can help. Thanks
Posts: 4698 | Location: San Jose, CA, USA | Registered: December 23, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Gold Card Talk Member
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Back to the listing with the S's

Star Wars: Attack of the Clones (2002) Topps. - price update

Star Wars Chrome Archives (1999) Topps - price updates

Star Wars: Clone Wars (2008) Topps. 3 card set; images taken from animation. - addition
P1; general distribution...$1-3
P2; given out at the 2008 San Diego Comic-Con

Star Wars Customizable Card Game (various years) Decipher, Inc. Set number n.k.
n.n. "Boba Fett"; poly Scrye 5.2 (June 1998); looks like a gaming card but is oversized and is a sticker; 3 1/2 x 5 1/2; promotes the Cloud City Expansion Set.
n.n. "Princess Leia Organa"; dated 1998; source n.k.; looks like a gaming card but is oversized; 3 1/2 x 5 inches; not marked as promoting a particular expansion set.
n.n. "R'kik D'nec, Hero of the Dune Sea"; poly Inquest Gamer (May1999); this is a pop-out card that looks like a playable card but in miniature; 1 7/16 x 2 inside of an outer card which is regular card-sized; rounded corners; front and back of outer card says "Get the Star Wars Customizable Card Game Endor Expansion this Spring."
**Note: this listing follows Todd's rule on including CCG promo cards that promote the company in general or those that are not playable cards.

Star Wars: Dark Lord The Rise of Darth Vader (2005) Lucasfilm. 1 card set; source n.k.; artist n.k.; postcard; 4 x 6; promotes a novel and provides information on how to win an advance copy...$1 - New for 2020

Star Wars Episode 1 (1999) Topps. - price updates
0 "Strength in Numbers"...$3-4
00 "All Bow to the Boss"...$3-4
000 "The Battle Droids"...$3-4
H1-H3 cards in Hallmark package...$2/set

Star Wars Episode One: The Phantom Menace (1999) Lucasfilm Ltd./Kentucky Fried Chicken. Cards given out in England...$12/set

Star Wars Episode One 3D (2000) Topps. - price update

Star Wars: Evolution (2001) Topps - price updates

Star Wars Finest (1996) Topps - 2021 price update
n.n. 1-card sheet (chromium version)...$6-10

Star Wars Galaxy Collector (1998) Topps - price updates

Star Wars Galaxy Series One (1993) Topps - price updates
n.n. (stormtrooper on giant lizard); same as listed card but the back is blank; card was pulled from the promo pack listed in PCE.
DH1 has "December 1994" on the last line of text on the back
DH1 has same front but has just "1994" on the last line of text on the back…$2-4
DH2 (Boba Fett); poly Classic Star Wars The Early Adventures #3 comic book...$3-4
n.n. (Boba Fett and Dengar)...$2-3
n.n. (Jabba)...$3
n.n. "The Truce at Bakura"...$5-6
9-card sheet (87. 88. 89. 97, 98, 99, 107, 108, 109)...$18

Star Wars Galaxy Series Two (1994) Topps - additional information and price updates
0 (Darth Vader); inserted within the Star Wars Galaxy Series One Millennium Falcon Factory set
00 (Darth Vader); inserted within the Star Wars Galaxy Series Two Factory Set and through a free mailaway offer through Bend-Ems toys.
140 (checklist)...$7
n.n. (Ewoks)...$3-5
n.n. (sandpeople)…$3

Star Wars Galaxy Series 3 (1995) Topps. - price updates
n.n. (Boba Fett)...$3-5

Star Wars Galaxy Series 4 (2008) Topps. 2 card set - addition

Star Wars Galaxy Magazine (1995) Topps - price updates
n.n. 4-card sheet...$3-4

Star Wars Galaxy Magazine Cover Gallery (1996) Topps. - price updates

Star Wars Heritage (2004) Topps - price updates

Star Wars Laser (1996) Topps - price update and addition
#0; same as card listed in PCE 2008 but not laser-cut; unreleased variant...$15

Star Wars: The Legacy Revealed (no year) The History Channel. 4 card set: source n.k.; lenticulars with multiple images; promotes a TV documentary premiere...$9/set - 2017 addition
n.n. "Aerial Battles"

Star Wars Mastervisions (1995) Topps - price update
n.n. (bounty hunters)...$5

Star Wars: The Magic of Myth (1999) San Diego Museum of Art. 1 card set; source n.k.; photo of Darth Vader; 6 x 8 1/2; promotes a traveling exhibition.

Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (2005) Topps - price updates

Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire (1996) Topps - price update

Star Wars 3Di (1996) Topps - price update

Star Wars Trilogy Special Edition Movie Shots (1997) - additional information
**this is a 50 card set.

Star Wars Vehicles (1997) Topps. - price update for 2019.
P2...$20 (one sold for $21.70 in 2019
n.n. 2 card sheet...$2-5

Star Wars Widevision (1994) - additional information and price updates
9 card promo pack available through Pepsi promotion...$33
**Note: the four above cards were inserted together with a Kenner toy product; like other Star Wars Widevision promos, they also have just a regular print "Topps Widevision" stamp; they tend to be sold as a set...$10/set

Star Wars Widevision: The Empire Strikes Back (1995) Topps. - price updates
P2...$3-4 price update for 2020.
P3... $3-4

Star Wars Widevision: Return of the Jedi (1995) Topps. - price updates

Star Wars Widevision Trilogy Special Edition (1997) - price updates
**Note: one lot of H1, H2, H3, and H4 sold for $100.

Steer Trek (2000) Desimoo Productions - price update for 2018.

Stephanie Stokes (no year) Infinity Card Company. 1 card set; source n.k.; photo; promotes a singer and cable television host.

Street Fighter (1994) UCS. 1 card set; source n.k.; sticker; front shows movie logo and says "This Christmas at a theater near you...$5 - New for 2018.

Street Fighter II (no year but around 1991-1992 when the game was released) Capcom USA, Inc. 8 card set; source n.k. but given out together in sealed plastic pack; artist n.k.; fronts show characters from the video game and say "Street Fighter ll" at the top just below the Capcom logo; backs give tips on how to play; purple borders on front and back; promotes the video game...$2 each
n.n. "Blanka"
n.n. "Chun Li"
n.n. "Dhalsim"
n.n. "E. Honda"
n.n. "Guile"
n.n. "Ken"
n.n. "Ryu"
n.n. "Zangief"

Street Fighter II (1992) Capcom. 1 card set; dealer promo at an unknown convention; 5 1/2 x 8 1/4; art by Masaomi Kanzaki; blank back; promotes a comic book series.

Street Racing Syndicate (2004) Namco Hometek Inc./Eutechnyx Limited. Set number n.k.; given out at the 2004 E3 convention in Los Angeles; 2 1/2 x 3 1/4; photos of models; promotes a video game...$5 each. - additions for 2021
001 "Flo Jalin"
002 "Aiko Tanaka"
003 "Natasha Yi"
004 "Courtney Day"
005 "Sasha Singleton"
006 "Sharon Sotto"
Note: this might be the complete set

Strictly Ink Yearset 2008 Unreleased (2008) Strictly Ink. 1 card set; source n.k.; says “LIMITED TO 200 SETS” on the front; hand serial-numbered out of 200 on the front.

Striptease (no year) No manufacturer given but said to be Kodak. 1 card set; theater giveaway; lenticular motion; 3 3/4 x 5 5/8; promotes the movie...$6-10 - New for 2019
n.n. (Demi Moore walking and taking off her shirt)

Stuart Little 2 (2002) Columbia Pictures Industries. 4 card set; inserted one per package of Casa Fiesta Taco Shells with each card in its own cello-pack; photos; promote the movie.
1 of 4 "Stuart finally..."
2 of 4 (unknown)
3 of 4 (unknown)
4 of 4 "Stuart and Margalo..."

Stuart Little 2 (2002) Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. 5 card set; inserted one per package of Land O' Frost products; photos; each card was in its own cello-pack with a piece of paper that says "Land O' Frost Premium Proof of Purchase Coupon" numerous times on the back - meant to obscure the view of the back of the card which is also a sweepstakes entry gamepiece; most cards say "Sorry! Please Try Again" with an unknown number saying "You won a Lunchbox"; promotes the movie...$3-5 each - set number update for late 2020
n.n. (Stuart Little in a yellow raincoat)
n.n. (close-up of Stuart Little wearing a sweater)
n.n. (Stuart Little and a bird)
n.n. (Stuart Little standing and smiling)
n.n. (hugging)

Sugar Bear (1990) General Food Corporation. Set number n.k.; source n.k. but likely a Sugar Crisp cereal package insert; each card was available in its own cello-pack; lenticular hologram sticker; 1 13/16 x 2 15/16; blank back; promotes the product's mascot; British issue.
n.n. (arms folded/waving)
n.n. (juggling)
**Note: it doesn't mention a title so the one given is provisional.

Sundance Channel (1999) Sundance Channel LLC. Set number n.k.; source n.k.; artist n.k.; promote the cable network. - New for 2019
n.n. (someone holding a greatly-oversized film reel)
n.n. (woman holding a movie camera like a gun)

Super Dave Osborne (1991) Sun-Rype/Nike. Set number n.k.; source n.k.; black & white photo; n.n.; promotes an appearance by the entertainer on May 1, 1999; Sun-Rype and Nike logos on the back...$10

Superman The Man of Steel (1994) - price update for 2019
Forged in Steel prototypes...$6-7 each

Supernatural: Season 3 (2008) Inkworks. 4 card set; photos.
P-1; general distribution
P-i; available through the mail via the Inkworks website
P-PS; given out at the Philly show
P-UK; given out in the UK

Supernatural: Connections (2008) Inkworks. 4 card set; photos.
P-1; general distribution
P-i; available through the mail via the Inkworks website
P-UK; given out in the UK
SC-FOA; given out to “Friends of Allan” (limited giveaway)

Supernatural: Season 3 (2008) Inkworks. 4 card set; photos.
P-1; general distribution
P-i; available through the mail via the Inkworks website
P-PS; given out at the Philly show
P-UK; given out in the UK

Supernatural: Connections (2008) Inkworks. 4 card set; photos.
P-1; general distribution
P-i; available through the mail via the Inkworks website
P-UK; given out in the UK
SC-FOA; given out to “Friends of Allan” (limited giveaway)

Superpro (1990) Pro Set. 1 card set; poly Superpro Special Edition #1; came in a cello pack with four regular Pro Set football cards. additional information for 2018.
**Note: PCE2008 notes this card in his "Tomb of the Unknown" section concluding that this card was not listed because it could be found in regular packs of football cards and that Beckett lists it in its football price guide; I would argue it should be listed since it promotes a comic book (just read its back text) and is also a comic book insert; it's one of those cards that's on the edge but Todd let other cards slide that aren't even promos of any kind (e.g. St. Pauli Girl).

Super Show, 3rd Annual (no year but said to be 1992) Company n.k. Set number n.k.; source n.k.; photos of professional athletes; says "August 25-29 St. Paul, MN Downtown"; promotes a sporting goods trade show.
n.n. "Nolan Ryan Baseball"
n.n. "Michael Jordan Basketball"

Superior Collection (1992) Sterling Cards Inc. Set number n.k.; source n.k.; photo; marked "Promotional Card" on back; back is also serial-numbered out of 70,000; back also says "The National Sports Collectors Convention Auction" and provides dates "July 8 & 10, 1992 in Atlanta, GA"; promotes a sports memorabilia auction.
1; card front shows a Boston jersey, a baseball bat, a trophy, etc.
2; card front shows a Harlem Globetrotters jersey, a Yankees jersey (Gehrig), an Olympic torch, a football, etc.

SuperStars MusiCards (1991) Pro Set - addition for 2020
n.n. (header card); this card was inserted with four base cards from the set in a cello-pack; card front has a large set logo and says "On Sale Now."
**Note: The source of the n.n. "Nelson" promo was not provided in PCE2008. It was in a 4-card cello-pack with the n.n. "Debby Gibson, n.n. "Led Zeppelin," and n.n. "MC Hammer" promos. It is a lesser-seen promo pack...$8.

Surf's Up (2007) Disney/Pixar. 4 card set; inserted one per package of Airheads candy; thin stock lenticulars; 1 1/4 x 4 5/16 in the shape of a surfboard; cards have a tiny punch-out circle - might be for hanging on a hook (like an ornament); promotes an animated film...$4 each - New for 2019
n.n. "Chicken Joe"
n.n. "Cody"

end of the S's

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