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Forum for artists
Gold Card Talk Member
Picture of X
posted March 09, 2007 03:29 PMHide Post
Originally posted by mtlhddoc2:
I was thinking along similar lines the other day - there are like 15 "here is my art" posts in the General area now. I second the motion for a new Artist area, paid of course, especially since the artist posts are often a whole bunch of grey with some artists saying "this on is for sale" or "this is on ebay" and "here is my email for commissions" and such. And Artist ad forum would allow the artists to link to their websites and post contact info and pricing and such.

NSU does NOT host pics, so you should still be able to post them without issue.

the advertising forum has a "no reply" rule to prevent people from bumping their posts constantly to the top. It isnt a perfect section, but it works in theory. If you wanted to bump to the top, you can delete and then repost your advertisement.

For once I entirely agree with you. Big Grin

As much as sketch cards are a big part of the the non-sport hobby, I must admit it is getting a little tedious in my personal opinion to see new sketch threads convoluting the boards.

When I look through News & Rumours I want to read info. on upcoming products from manufacturers and people's thoughts on said cards. Threads along the lines of 'I drew this today' is hardly news, its akin to me posting, 'I ate some corn flakes this morning. Here is a picture of the empty bowl once I devoured them!' Sorry its totally irrelevant to the context of the thread. Maybe its 'news' in the artists life but if its not part of a trading card set, sorry to be blunt, but I don't really care. General Discussion is the better cartegory to post in but at the end of the day these aren't non-sport cards, its just art cut to size and again, to me, doesn't fit within the discussion of GENERAL (RANDOM) non-sports cards.

All that said, though I'm not big on sketch cards I appreciate there is some great talent out there and I certainly would't want other collectors to be deprived of something that may interest them. So I think a separate forum is definately the way to go.

Furhermore, many artists get asked for commissions as a consequence of posting their work and the cynic in me says probably some people on here only post with the idea of turning afew bucks (I'm sure that is NOT the case for all concerned). NSU was pledging afew months back for subscriptions to make sure this forum remained free to use and I understand advertiser revenue plays a part in this. So if card dealers have to pay to advertise their products/business, why shouldn't artists?

This message has been edited. Last edited by: X, March 09, 2007 04:25 PM
Posts: 3137 | Location: England | Registered: June 23, 2005Report This Post
Bronze Card Talk Member
Picture of Chrisahend
posted March 09, 2007 04:17 PMHide Post
I've only been posting samples related to actual sets or in threads someone else started like Scifimom's Firefly thread. The majority of the art I would want to post in my own thread would be items that I would want to sell. By not advertising in the post that they are for sale I wouldn't be actually breaking the rules. I feel like sharing items I have for sale in the general forum at all violates the spirit of the no advertising rule if not actually breaking it. Even if the art isn't for sale it still feels like I'm advertising my art in general. Just my personal opinion. I don't fault the other artists for starting their own threads and I enjoy seeing their art. It just doesn't really fit anywhere right now.
Posts: 869 | Location: Birmingham, AL | Registered: November 07, 2005Report This Post
Platinum Card Talk Member
Picture of mtlhddoc2
posted March 09, 2007 04:23 PMHide Post
artists get asked for commissions as a consequence of posting their work

I can say for a fact that I looked up an artist or two and requested commissions 100% due to their postings here.
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Picture of H_Toser
posted March 09, 2007 04:26 PMHide Post
Gotta say, you make some excellent points X. Well, maybe not the one about you posting your empty cornflakes bowl. Roll Eyes

I'm polling a few of the artists who posted today in this thread offline for further comment but everyone should feel free to keep the comments coming as they are helpful -- though when they go every which way, it sort of makes my head explode.
Posts: 13014 | Location: Harrisburg, PA, USA | Registered: November 29, 2000Report This Post
Diamond Card Talk Member
Picture of hammer
posted March 10, 2007 02:30 AMHide Post
A seperate thread (IMO) would work perfectly for NSU and the artists. People can see the great work the artists are doing and commision work from artists they like, NSU gets a little more cash to fund the cardtalk forum and the artists can easily advertise their work, plus the card discussion won't get clogged up. Evryone will be a winner for once - and YES I have also commission work from artists on this board and will do again Smile
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Silver Card Talk Member
Picture of MikeFitz
posted March 19, 2007 08:58 AMHide Post

I'm just wondering if there has been any decision about how to handle this yet?

Golden Age Card Talk member.
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Picture of H_Toser
posted March 19, 2007 09:32 AMHide Post
Originally posted by MikeFitz:

I'm just wondering if there has been any decision about how to handle this yet?

I got tied up last week but did some further exploration over the weekend. I have e-mails in to my "behind-the-scenes" artists experts.
Posts: 13014 | Location: Harrisburg, PA, USA | Registered: November 29, 2000Report This Post
Platinum Card Talk Member
Picture of mtlhddoc2
posted March 28, 2007 07:05 PMHide Post
Looks like this is getting close Harris Smile
Posts: 7774 | Location: Censored | Registered: November 26, 2001Report This Post
Silver Card Talk Member
posted March 28, 2007 09:01 PMHide Post
Would a " Critics Corner " be included ?
Some of these "Artists " are due for some criticism .
Posts: 1132 | Location: Cleveland Hts. , Ohio | Registered: December 18, 2003Report This Post
Platinum Card Talk Member
Picture of mtlhddoc2
posted March 28, 2007 11:35 PMHide Post
Originally posted by sumozilla:
Would a " Critics Corner " be included ?
Some of these "Artists " are due for some criticism .

I highly doubt that since the Artists are PAYING for thier spots.
Posts: 7774 | Location: Censored | Registered: November 26, 2001Report This Post
Picture of RAMolinelli
posted April 02, 2007 03:30 PMHide Post
I would love to help out in any form. I have not been commissioned once from anyone on this forum from my posts. I post here just to show you wonderful collectors some of my other work. But being that lately a lot of people are complaining about artists posting things I just stopped because hearing all the complaints just isn't worth posting and creating waves in a forum where the collectors are supposed to be able to come and learn info about there sets. Sorry for the disturbances I have caused if any with posting my artwork and I hope to hear of an artist corner soon.
Posts: 472 | Location: Outer Space | Registered: December 05, 2005Report This Post

posted April 02, 2007 04:57 PMHide Post
My apologies, i didn't realize this was causing a stir.

I'll let my thread die Smile

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Picture of gatodama
posted April 02, 2007 07:15 PMHide Post
yeah I have to agree with my fellow artists..I don't post work here to get work.. I post work to show the collectors a sneak of what is going to be in whatever set I happen to be working on. I am sorry that it is disturbing to some of you that have been collecting for a while. But I saw it the same thing as posting a promo card, just scans of the actual cards in a set or an auto or a card you pulled. But it must be different.

Now as for the artist specific threads..those are different and do with those as you please.I personally have gotten commissions from folks that also happen to be members here but nothing directly from this forum as I don't post here for that. I hope it works out for everyone involved. I already pay for my own site among others and I host the images that I have posted here.

I really hope you all enjoy your collecting. It is something you all are so passionate about. And there is plenty of room on here for all kinds of collectors. I really enjoy this forum and the folks who participate. Keep those collections growing.

This message has been edited. Last edited by: gatodama, April 03, 2007 02:37 AM

Posts: 240 | Location: san antonio TX | Registered: March 16, 2005Report This Post
Picture of MILLER 777
posted April 03, 2007 12:51 AMHide Post
This is sad and upsetting to see this thread. It seems to me that artists arent really wanted here as this is a "collectors site". I have never really been one to post alot of my work here but as a fan/collector I enjoy seeing what new things artists have produced. As a fan/collector I feel privalged that I am able to view their work. As an artist in this industry I feel like the limited availablity to reach the fans other than my web site or putting auctions on ebay or meeting fans at a convention,I would think that forums like this would support artists that work in the non sport trading card industry. I dont think alot of you realize what we get paid to do sketch cards that are part of the trading card sets that you all collect. I am not even going to get into the whole drama of collectors not collecting sketch cards if you dont ,then move along to the next thread, this is about art. I dont want to come off as pretentious but alot of companies rely on sketch cards to sell their product.Therefore I feel that sketch card art is relevant to this forum.I dont understand why artists such as Houseman could be in support of such an idea.This whole thing about artists paying for space here just gets under my skin, I dont see anyone asking the collectors or fans to pay for space that relates to their personal sketch card they have just had recently commisioned or the card they just won off ebay or the card they pack pulled. Why is there a need to have to charge artists. As I said before I rarely post my artwork on this forum, but thats mainly because I am not savy enough with the computer skills to post images, but I always enjoy seeing what the other artists have been doing.I wouldnt be surprised if alot of artists dont just drop off this forum. Thats a shame, and over something so petty.Its a sad day in the trading card industry. MILLER777 out. Shake Head

Posts: 100 | Location: MD | Registered: April 27, 2006Report This Post
posted April 03, 2007 01:03 AMHide Post
I would have to concur....I have to admit although I've posted art on these boards, it was purely to just show what I was working on at the moment.I actually thought collectors were into it.Guess I was wrong. I wasn't expecting commission work, nor, have I ever posted an Ebay auction. I will say this though.....I'm disappointed. Disappointed in the fact that a certain artist and/or artists is agreeing with this mentality. What a shame.


This message has been edited. Last edited by: JimKyle, April 03, 2007 01:16 AM


Jim Kyle
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Platinum Card Talk Member
Picture of Silverback
posted April 03, 2007 01:19 AMHide Post
I'm not going to post any of my opinions or ideas because they are usually wrong or unwanted!

I will simply say that I love seeing the artist's scans, and if they stop, I will sorely miss them!


"What if this is as good as it gets?" --WORSE--What if it doesn't get any better!
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Picture of prenz
posted April 03, 2007 04:22 AMHide Post
I dont think alot of you realize what we get paid to do sketch cards that are part of the trading card sets that you all collect... Thats a shame, and over something so petty.Its a sad day in the trading card industry. MILLER777 out. Shake Head

I don't think it's a sad day in the trading card industry at all. What does this thread even have to do with trading cards? The trading card industry will go on and be happy regardless of what happens to guys selling home commissions. I can get artwork drawn when I walk around Downtown, charicatures and whatnot. If I don't see plenty of aspiring charicature artists that day, I don't try to relate that to the trading card hobby.

I'm also not sure why you brought up the guilt trip above, with you guys getting paid so little to "please us". There was a day when sketch card artists were famous artists and this wasn't a concern of theirs. But if the artists do commission work and post samples here, its akin to posting ads and there should be a charge, 100%. Please don't send us on guilt trips about it.

Imagine a hard-core card chaser looking through NSU's general board and having to sift through "Look what I drew!" "Look what I drew!" posts that frankly aren't related to the hobby. We aren't here to feel anybody's afore-mentioned pain we're here to collect the cards we love that were licensed to be done by the companies we love.

This message has been edited. Last edited by: prenz, April 03, 2007 04:32 AM
Posts: 162 | Location: Montreal Canada | Registered: December 15, 2004Report This Post
Gold Card Talk Member
Picture of Raj
posted April 03, 2007 07:54 AMHide Post
Personally, I enjoy the samples of the artists work. I think most of us do.

Harris (or one of the mods) will tell you if you've crossed the line.
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Platinum Card Talk Member
Picture of Batman
posted April 03, 2007 08:22 AMHide Post
I completely agree with Raj, It's cool to see the artist's work and I would think it would be a great detriment to the board if the artists stopped posting their work. I think the vast majority of the folks here on Card Talk feel that way, there just seem to be a few people who have issues with the artists in general, for whatever reason.I hope this gets resolved soon.

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Platinum Card Talk Member
posted April 03, 2007 08:35 AMHide Post
. . . I'm not sure where the problem is. I was surprised to see RAM stop posting in his thread, I personally enjoy the posts, and know a lot of people do.

I'm not aware of any complaints recently, so I'm not sure why there is a sudden backlash. Anyone have any insight?

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