ZERO. wheres my drinkerbell? -- And anxiously awaits any news from cult-stuff when they will announce the official mystery box auction to the Card Talk community This message has been edited. Last edited by: peterc,
Posts: 94 | Location: Florida | Registered: January 17, 2012
Peter, I live in UK you live in USA. Please have patience it will be with you soon i'm sure.
I saw your (now removed) sad face post and assumed it was regarding the non appearance of the mystery box (the title of this thread)rather than my parcel, sorry for that.
Posts: 191 | Location: Cheshire, UK | Registered: January 01, 2008
Originally posted by peterc: ZERO. wheres my drinkerbell?
Post from the UK to the US has been pretty dire in recent weeks. The hold-ups seem to be taking place once packages actually reach the States. I sent a sketch card to a buyer in the States that took four weeks to arrive by regular Airmail. Posted January 26th, arrived February 29th ! Even tracked post, using Airsure and International Signed For, has been taking for ever. Two days to reach New York from when I posted them in th eUK, then up to 10 days to reach their final destination in the States.
So it is a good idea to be patient Peter.
Posts: 1565 | Location: Warrington, UK | Registered: January 10, 2009
well today i finally got my dixons vixens mini chase cards from zero so all is fine and hes a good person to trade with thank you. they are very coooool
Posts: 94 | Location: Florida | Registered: January 17, 2012
Originally posted by David R: Are you saying that the Mystery Box will be put on ebay ? Or that you will update the site before next Monday ? Please clarify.
It shall be listed on the auction site this weekend, with some rather nice extras and exclusive stuff! 50% of the of the selling price will be going to charity and we are going to do 2-3 charity items (all different) a year that way we dont have to pick just one type of organisation.
Ok This is up now with a bunch of extras. 50% of the sales price is going to a charity listed on the auction. Sorry it took so long hopefully the extras will make it worth the wait.
Does anyone know if those Stunningly Savage "red glitter" variants on the P1-P3 promos, mentioned above, are exclusive to the mystery box ? Or are they available elsewhere ? If so, where ?
Posts: 4866 | Location: Bayonne, NJ, USA | Registered: May 06, 2001