That is good,I much prefer the premium pack format.It may be less fun than opening boxes but it's cheaper to buy and way cheaper to ship to the UK .
Hopefully there will be more autos than season 4 which was a bit disappointing after the very good first two sets.If they can get Julia Stiles,Edward James Olmos,Mos Def,and Colin Hanks that would be great.
Posts: 2576 | Location: Sutton Coldfield England | Registered: August 09, 2002
This is going to sound stupid but whats Premium packs format? So there wont be a regular set? Sorry still new at collecting I don't know the different ways to release trading cards.
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Posts: 73 | Location: Alberta | Registered: July 06, 2012
Actually I am not sure thinking about it what a Breygent premium pack will be.Season 4 was the base set plus random chase and premium hits that they have used for many recent sets like Tudors,Red Sonja,Vampirella etc but to my knowledge that was not described as premium pack .
Wonder if this release will be like Rittenhouse premium packs which would be even better IMO .
Posts: 2576 | Location: Sutton Coldfield England | Registered: August 09, 2002
Originally posted by Triple-Frog: Wonder if this release will be like Rittenhouse premium packs which would be even better IMO .
I don't know if there was ever a formal name for it, but I believe the term used was a "premium box set" for the last Dexter, Tudors, Vampirella and so on. By referring to Dexter Season 5 - 6 as going in premium packs makes me think that Breygent has gone back to the old format of packs with a couple of base cards and the two premium hits.
I have to say that I liked the small premium box sets. They are really just a box without the wrappers or base card doubles and with the same number of random hits. I don't mind the premium packs, but I never buy enough to make the base set. In fact, if you count the print run, there really isn't a base set in the premium pack format because all the cards are actually inserts. Base cards can be more limited than the common hits that are not deemed VL or L.
I big unknown here is price and that will make a difference. Depending on who you buy new product from, the premium pack is generally $30 - $40, the premium box set $45 - $60, and the traditional box not from Topps $65 - to God knows what.
I am hoping that the Dexter premium packs go for around $35. If they do I will pick up several. If they are higher I will miss the small boxes. Either way I still love this title.
Posts: 10529 | Location: New York | Registered: November 20, 2007
This will be something a little different and still working on exactly what we are going to do. The box set I got a lot of complaints from dealers who sell packs in stores plus others who like to break open packs to make there set. I really liked set box style but have went to packs on the next few issues (DAWN—American Horror Story—Grimm) we are doing but Dexter 5/6 and it will really be a low run so that is why I announced a premium pack format but nothing is set in stone yet Tom
Posts: 3264 | Location: New York | Registered: March 24, 2006
Originally posted by Breygent Marketing: This will be something a little different and still working on exactly what we are going to do. The box set I got a lot of complaints from dealers who sell packs in stores plus others who like to break open packs to make there set. I really liked set box style but have went to packs on the next few issues (DAWN—American Horror Story—Grimm) we are doing but Dexter 5/6 and it will really be a low run so that is why I announced a premium pack format but nothing is set in stone yet Tom
Sorry to hear you got complaints about the set box style,I thought it was a big improvement over the traditional packs in a box.
I really want to get all three of these releases but will have to see how the change affects prices.Based on Transformers the price for a box was about 20% higher for the packs in a box style than the set box style (and that was before prices rose after the sellout).
Posts: 2576 | Location: Sutton Coldfield England | Registered: August 09, 2002
Originally posted by Breygent Marketing: This will be something a little different and still working on exactly what we are going to do. The box set I got a lot of complaints from dealers who sell packs in stores plus others who like to break open packs to make there set. I really liked set box style but have went to packs on the next few issues (DAWN—American Horror Story—Grimm) we are doing but Dexter 5/6 and it will really be a low run so that is why I announced a premium pack format but nothing is set in stone yet Tom
Thank you for the pictures, it's very cool !
But I'm afraid : I don't like the Premium Packs (like "NCIS", etc...) it's too expensive and, when you are only a collector (and not a seller), it's almost impossible to have a complete base set. (Unless if you have a lot of money, which isn't my case. )
Personally, I cross the fingers.
____________________ Sandra, French collector fan !!
Posts: 130 | Location: Bordeaux, France | Registered: December 19, 2011
I found I like both the premium box and premium pack. In a perfect world everyone would get the format they want. However, if the only way to get the sets I would like to see in the box or premium box then I will take what I can get!
Originally posted by Breygent Marketing: This will be something a little different and still working on exactly what we are going to do. The box set I got a lot of complaints from dealers who sell packs in stores plus others who like to break open packs to make there set. I really liked set box style but have went to packs on the next few issues (DAWN—American Horror Story—Grimm) we are doing but Dexter 5/6 and it will really be a low run so that is why I announced a premium pack format but nothing is set in stone yet Tom
I already stated my preference for premium box sets, but its nice that you are considering all the options before going ahead with Dexter.
The complaint I find amusing comes from those dealers who claim to sell packs in stores. Its pretty hard to find a hobby store these days. When you do, its pretty hard to find one that carries non-sport product in any quantity. They will bring in boxes/premium packs for customers who order before release if the supply is available. They may also buy a few for the store if they think the title is big enough, again coming in right after release.
Once this initial supply is gone, they usually don't get anymore in. Often they can't get anymore in even they wanted to because the product is limited and aready sold out.
A lot of the time store owners don't bother to open a store box because they don't have many extras and its easier just to sell sealed boxes. So that argument that dealers can't sell packs if its not a traditional box is bogus, the stores that I see aren't really trying to sell packs of most adult themed non-sport products. The kiddie stuff is what they open and leave out.This message has been edited. Last edited by: Raven,
Posts: 10529 | Location: New York | Registered: November 20, 2007
Originally posted by Raven: The complaint I find amusing comes from those dealers who claim to sell packs in stores. Its pretty hard to find a hobby store these days. When you do, its pretty hard to find one that carries non-sport product in any quantity.
No kidding!
Originally posted by Raven: A lot of the time store owners don't bother to open a store box because they don't have many extras and its easier just to sell sealed boxes. So that argument that dealers can't sell packs if its not a traditional box is bogus.
Agree 100%.
I also prefer the premium pack/box format, especially the pack. When you consider that each pack will contain at least one, sometimes two, premium hits, there is a lot of value there for the money.
____________________ Debi
Reliving my childhood one piece of painted plastic and slab of cardboard at a time.
Posts: 972 | Location: San Diego | Registered: July 21, 2012
Originally posted by Breygent Marketing: please wait till final annoucement thanks Tom
I trust this man to deliver excellence and value, like always, whatever the release format. I'm excited for all the new stuff, Tom, keep it comin'!
____________________ Everywhere around this burg they're running out of verbs, adverbs, and adjectives. Everywhere around this town, they're running out of nouns.
Posts: 3394 | Location: California | Registered: December 23, 2007
Raven Diamond Dist cant sell my set box product because it is not packs as they deal with store owners all over the country.They sold Transformers really well as packs and other titles Dexter,Ghost whisperers etc that I have listed with them.They have stated that when I went to the set box format there sales went to next to zero.I have gotten complaints due to the fact that the few who ordered thought they were pack format but didnt read ad closely and didnt have packs to sell.Customers that do go to stores like to buy packs but would pass on a set box that cost maybe $65-70.So there are some that do sell packs still.Tom
Posts: 3264 | Location: New York | Registered: March 24, 2006