Originally posted by ts: Funny this set seems more like an mix of Flash and Legends of Tomorrow.
More Flash and Arrow really. Most of these aren't in Legends of Tomorrow more than the odd cameo, apart from Casper Crump, and people who were already regulars on Flash like Victor Garber and Wentworth Miller.
Posts: 797 | Location: England | Registered: August 16, 2012
Originally posted by Logan: According to The Cardboard Connection Grant Gustin signed only 4 of each of the 3 different versions for a grand total of 12 autograph cards.
If that is true, I wonder how card collectors feel when they hear such news? I know that I get annoyed when something I want is unavailable, then becomes available, but it is still out of reach. If it's not there, no one has it. Only now it is there, but you still can't have it.
I confess that these Flash, Arrow, Legends of Tomorrow, etc. TV series are full of actors that I never heard of before. To a lesser degree Gotham also has many unknowns. Whether that makes them up and coming stars or whether they just disappear after the show goes off, I don't know.
What I do know is that the stars are only worth the current high market price if you are a big fan of the show. No casual autograph card collector is going to take the risk of buying these cards for the actor at these prices. Now with Gustin doing only 12, if true, exactly how much is that supposed to cost when you don't pull it? Will he be the next Ford or the next Routh?
Same thing with the likes of Cassidy and the ladies of Gotham. They are high priced autograph cards and who knows where they will be in 5 years!
Posts: 10529 | Location: New York | Registered: November 20, 2007
If a card is that rare, it might as well not exist as far as I'm concerned. The rarity and potential demand for it is going to put it out of reach for almost everyone who is interested in this set and the autograph cards that are part of it. I can understand if Grant only wanted to sign a handful, but from a marketing perspective, I don't get why companies would want to alienate their customer base by making such extremely rare cards.
____________________ "These aren't the cards you're looking for...."
Posts: 425 | Location: Canada | Registered: August 07, 2003
If that's true, then that's a slap in the face to collectors. A lot of people will feel like kids with their noses pressed to the shop window, looking at all the best toys they know they have no hope of affording or being given.
I watch these DC shows, but the actors can be really wooden and a bit cheesy, but they're an entertaining bit of fluff to watch that don't take too much thinking about.
I have no idea what on earth the deal is with Cassidy apart from her family name, nor some of these other newbie actors. As with most of these shows I tend to like the support cast more than the main character(s). Good luck to those that want Gustin's card, though...but I fear it will be painfully expensive.
Posts: 500 | Location: UK | Registered: March 13, 2013