I saw on an auction site a promo card released at last weekend's Mega Con, entitled "Women of War." Looks like its military related, but I can't post a scan of the promo as it's somewhat "adult" in terms of its artwork. Although arguably not more so than the promos for Dungeon Dolls and Treasure Chests by Bad Axe Studios.
The auction said its for an upcoming card set. Anyone have any info on it ?
Posts: 4361 | Location: NY | Registered: August 03, 2010
I think you might be talking about another Bad Axe Studios card series called BOMBSHELLS: Women of War. I think Rhiannon Owens might have been giving them away at the show. Not sure if others did.
Hey Erik, you need to be checking your Non-Sport Update! LOL It's listed in the Dateline section in the current issue as a series coming soon. When I checked with Axebone (recently) for Dateline in the next issue, he still did not have a firm date yet so it's still listed as date tba. This is their follow-up to Dungeon Dolls.
Originally posted by EriktheArchitect: I don't see anything on their website about this set.
'Their' is a bit of an exaggeration since Axebone is pretty much a one-man operation where Bad Axe Studios are concerned. For all the latest information on Bombshells: Women of War, you need to visit the Bad Axe Studios section of the Scoundrel Art Community Forums. Axebone is a very busy person, so his personal and company websites are not updated as frequently as he would like.
Posts: 1565 | Location: Warrington, UK | Registered: January 10, 2009
My friend emailed Axe, and was told that there will be several other promos for this set, released in various places this spring and summer. He promised to update the Bad Axe website with the info soon.
Posts: 4361 | Location: NY | Registered: August 03, 2010
Originally posted by Tommy C: Axe told my friend that there will be 3 more promos-- Heroes Con, San Diego, and Philly, but didn't say which Philly show (spring or fall)
We're schedule to have one this coming weekend at the show. I have my fingers crossed it arrives on time.
Does anyone know how many different promos there are ? I have seen just 3-- Philly, UK show, and Mega Con.
Axe told my friend this past spring that there would be 2 more, San Diego and Heroes Con, but I have not seen them, nor do I know of anyone who has. I emailed Axe a few times over the last few months about this, but have received no response...
Posts: 4361 | Location: NY | Registered: August 03, 2010
I'm not too sure about the promos for this set as I haven't been keeping an eye out for them. However, I have placed my order for full sets through Mike Hodkinson here in the UK. I put my request through about a week ago. Mike is handling all UK orders for this set and only has a limited supply so now would probably be a good time to get in touch with him
Posts: 1565 | Location: Warrington, UK | Registered: January 10, 2009
A little update. Axebone has posted on Facebook and the Scoundrel Forums that his Bombshells: Women of War sets went in the post to his two distributors earlier this week. So watch out for sets appearing in the not too distant future
Posts: 1565 | Location: Warrington, UK | Registered: January 10, 2009