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Changes to NSU Price Guide
Picture of H_Toser
posted January 03, 2008 03:45 PM
Don't be surprised when you see the new issue of NSU (Feb/Mar '08). We have made some changes to the price guide.

To paraphrase this issue's Price Guide's introductory section, here's an explanation.

We had to make some changes due to the fact there are more and more bonus cards issued with every set. If we list out every single item, some listings will take up an entire column in the guide. It has become necessary to keep abbreviating listings in order to have enough room and we are maxed out, even with the abbreviations.

What to do? We have talked and talked about this for at least a year and here is is our solution. In the current issue, you will find all sets formerly listed from "A" through "L". Next issue, you will find all sets listed from "M" to "Z" (yes, we know this is not how the alphabet splits but this works best when considering the non-sport alphabet). There are not many price changes in sets previous to 2004 so this is where the "A" through "L" and "M" through "Z" switch-off comes into play. Every issue will include ALL sets from 2004 through 2008 (right now, mainly through 2007 since 2008 is just beginning). We know you don't throw out your old issues so you'll have a complete Price Guide at all times!

As the new sets come out, we will now be able to list almost every part of the set, including all bonus cards. An example of this is The Complete Star Trek Movies set which takes up 77 lines (the 1976 Star Trek set took up 6 lines!!). We couldn't do this before and we will be happy to give you complete information about the new sets. This will happen in one issue but then the set will be abbreviated in the next issue, so we will have room for complete listings for the newer sets.

If the overall issue looks slimmer, this is only because we're eliminating Price Guide pages. All of our interesting and informative articles are still there, as well as the columns. It's a new year and isn't this better than raising the cover price?!

We have thought about this long and hard and figure this to be the best way. We've had tons of suggestions over the year or so and this is what we will put in place starting with the new issue.

Posts: 13014 | Location: Harrisburg, PA, USA | Registered: November 29, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Silver Card Talk Member
Picture of justm
posted January 03, 2008 03:52 PMHide Post
This is a great idea, and I remember it being mentioned at Memorabilia by either Boldlygone or Quaint1.

I seem to recall that you had your doubts as new buyers may only see half the guide, not find their sets listed, and be put off/disappointed.

I'm glad you've gone with this solution in the end.

(I may have imagined the above - does anyone else who was at the Card talk meeting remember this ?)

Any airsofters out there ?
Posts: 1723 | Location: Brentwood-Essex-UK | Registered: April 12, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Titanium Card Talk Member
Picture of wolfie
posted January 03, 2008 04:44 PMHide Post
Yes it was discussed and it has been clear for some time that something had to be done.

It will be intresting to see what comments come in when the issue hits the streets.

I assume the guide still only has the US sets in it. I would have included all the recent UK sets aswell but this would have perhaps taken up the room that was being saved.

Looking forward to seeing how it pans out.

Come, it is time for you to keep your appointment with The Wicker Man.
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Diamond Card Talk Member
Picture of hammer
posted January 03, 2008 04:44 PMHide Post
GREAT IDEA Thumb Up We will get a much more detailed coverage of each set. I think I will subscibe for another 18 months - Oh wait I have done already Smile
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Diamond Card Talk Member
Picture of Raven
posted January 03, 2008 11:32 PMHide Post
I'm happy to hear that you are going to expand the price guide in this manner. I think we can all live with the split coverage if it means that more sets and more individual cards will be listed.

Just please don't change the font type or compress the columns. One look at Beckett's monthly sportscard guides and you'll know what I mean. Not only can't you find the cards you're looking for, you can't even read the cards that are listed.

Looking forward to the new format in the new year.
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Silver Card Talk Member
Picture of steve j
posted January 04, 2008 04:25 AMHide Post
I am looking forward to the new format. Something had to give with the old system, it was just a matter of time, the magazine was growing each month at a rate of knots.

Here's to the future of NSU!!
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Bronze Card Talk Member
Picture of NIK
posted January 04, 2008 10:01 AMHide Post
It would be nice if you had the room to put in the sets produced by Strictly Ink. They are a major player and the UK's only trading card producer. There are so few companies producing trading cards on a regular basis and Strictly Ink is one of them, why not include them?

Mars Attacks Uprising, Hobbit Battle of the 5 Armies, Star Wars Masterwork, Marvel Premier 2014, The Hobbit an Unexpected Journey, Guardians of the Galaxy, Mars Attacks Heritage, Marvel 70th Anniv', The Prisoner, Star Wars Galaxy 4, X-Men Archives, LOTR Masterpieces II, Vampirella, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, Dr Who, Marilyn Monroe and CSI sketch card artist.
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Silver Card Talk Member
Picture of Will
posted January 04, 2008 01:10 PMHide Post
I applaud your editorial decision to include more cards in your listings. It was becoming very obvious that the number of sets and bonus/insert cards would become a problem very soon.

Just look at the Encyclopedia that was recently published. Granted, it included more textual information on each set, as well as pictures and checklists, but if you want to include everything you can, that's eventually what the price guide would look like. I would imagine subscription rates would increase dramatically, and there would be LOTS of nervous energy around the NSU offices if something like that were published bi-monthly.

Kudos to the NSU staff for all that they do for us fans, through the magazine, the online forums, and the other ways that they help us to enjoy our obsession hobby.

Posts: 1489 | Location: Prairieville, LA | Registered: May 30, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Silver Card Talk Member
Picture of Komodo
posted January 06, 2008 12:06 AMHide Post
Thanks for the heads up, Harris Thumb Up

I'm looking forward to the newly bi-indexed, expanded version of the Price Guide Wink

That, and to a new year of impressions and announcements of the hobby, as well!

Collecting since 1977!
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Silver Card Talk Member
posted January 06, 2008 09:36 AMHide Post
This change seems to be about the best one possible. As a real price guide for the types of sets issued these days, it was getting inadequate to lump all of the tiers of chase cards of different scarcities together, so it was inevitable to have to spend large amounts of space with individual items or small groups. After all, that's what people are checking the guide for most frequently, not the base cards and low chase.

It's also very good to keep the latest sets in every issue. These are the ones that might be changing, and let's hope you get some more input from subscribers on potential updates to the guide. Anything before 2004 starts to become speculative because of the different flavors of supply and demand, with any set that wasn't sold out in the beginning susceptible to semi-dumping.

My alphabet split came out at about A-J and K-Z, but then I realized that I had separated out the Star Trek and Star Wars series, which add a lot of pages to the second half. Wink The Encyclopedia splits *exactly* into A-L and A-M by 219.0 pages versus 219.8 pages.
Posts: 2424 | Location: North Augusta, SC, USA | Registered: November 28, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Silver Card Talk Member
posted January 06, 2008 12:07 PMHide Post
I agree it's the best way to do it. Thumb Up The only other solutions would be to raise the cover price or water-down the guide so much that it would only list the most valuable cards. Neither of those is the answer. I agree with Jeff -- I always thought that the biggest problem with the price guide was that it lumps too many of the sketches, costumes, props, & lesser value autographs together under one price range that was too vague. I'd like to know exactly how much my card is worth and not have to guess within a broad range. Hopefully this will address some of that. I'm really excited about the new format. Dance It brings a little extra juice and I can't wait to get the next two issues!!
Posts: 2152 | Location: Pennsylvania | Registered: September 14, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post

Picture of H_Toser
posted January 06, 2008 12:13 PMHide Post
Thanks everyone for the positive feedback and encouraging words. We really appreciate it.

Originally posted by allender:
The Encyclopedia splits *exactly* into A-L and A-M by 219.0 pages versus 219.8 pages.

That's really interesting. I hadn't thought to do that (it didn't really have any bearing on the guide in NSU anyway) but that's really well, um, interesting that you did that and it came out split the same. I guess it would stand to reason. Also interesting to hear about how the split works on your site.
Posts: 13014 | Location: Harrisburg, PA, USA | Registered: November 29, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
posted January 27, 2008 06:43 PMHide Post
Why was 2004 chosen as the break point? I think using 2000 and newer should have been used, for simplicity. I think it's easier to remember if a card set was issued in the 1900's or 2000's rather than before or after 2004. Also, I find it hard to locate set information in the new guide - I find myself frequently double-checking to make sure I am in the "new" section or the "old" section. Is there any way to distinguish or split the sections more clearly?
Posts: 92 | Location: St. Louis | Registered: October 03, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of H_Toser
posted January 27, 2008 08:55 PMHide Post
Hi Todd:

We chose 2004 as we wanted to list the last 5 years in the new section. This allows us to continue with the new section being 5 years without it constantly growing (as it would if we chose to start with 2000).

If it makes it any easier for you, just try and remember that the new section is the last five years. Also, don't forget that the tabs at the top tell you where you are so if you look there, you'll be able to tell if you are looking at the new section of the older section.

Hope that helps.
Posts: 13014 | Location: Harrisburg, PA, USA | Registered: November 29, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Gold Card Talk Member
Picture of Peter cloet
posted January 28, 2008 03:00 AMHide Post
I find it really clear.

It's much better then the old list. You have a lot more prices. But there is just nothing better then the Encyclopedia.


A belgian hiphop group
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Picture of H_Toser
posted January 28, 2008 11:12 AMHide Post
Thanks a lot Peter!!
Posts: 13014 | Location: Harrisburg, PA, USA | Registered: November 29, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Silver Card Talk Member
Picture of justm
posted January 28, 2008 05:11 PMHide Post
Love the new-look Price Guide, but noticed that the 'additions this issue' box at the beginning was missing.

Any plans to bring this back as I used to find it helpful to go straight to the new section without having to look through to see if a recent release was in yet?

Any airsofters out there ?
Posts: 1723 | Location: Brentwood-Essex-UK | Registered: April 12, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of miket999
posted January 28, 2008 07:42 PMHide Post

I noticed that when I got my issue a week or so ago and asked Harris about it.

He told me it was an oversight because of them concentrating on the guide changes and that it will be back in future editions.

Posts: 5347 | Location: Warrenton, Virginia, USA | Registered: January 08, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Silver Card Talk Member
Picture of justm
posted January 29, 2008 06:25 AMHide Post
Originally posted by miket999:

I noticed that when I got my issue a week or so ago and asked Harris about it.

He told me it was an oversight because of them concentrating on the guide changes and that it will be back in future editions.



Thanks Mike. Thumb Up

Any airsofters out there ?
Posts: 1723 | Location: Brentwood-Essex-UK | Registered: April 12, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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