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Silver Card Talk Member |
First one to post, the advantage of being in Australia ![]() There were 2 Alias boxes (S3 and S4) because I think these were some of the better Inkworks releases, even though I never watched the series. Season 3: L6 L7 WG6 + Lauren Reed shirt (PW3) + Maestro auto (A22) Season 4: PR2 PR3 PR4 R4 + hospital gown (PW5) + Cistaro auto (A38) There were two animated movie boxes because the sketch artist lineups were so good for these. Hellboy: D1 D2 D8 D9 H1 + Chris Moreno sketch Shrek III: 7 scratch cards, 2 princess cards and a fabulous Chad Frye sketch ![]() The last box I opened was Topps Heroes season 2. I picked it because it was something different. I should have checked the breakdown thread, I got a dud ![]() That's it. OTB day gave me a good excuse to try out a bunch of different cards that I would never had opened otherwise. The best pull by far is the Frye sketch. | ||
Platinum Card Talk Member![]() |
Busy day Saturday so I decided to crack my box open before I went to sleep... Nobody here to cheer me on but Max, my dachsund. My choice for this year? Same as the last two... I'm finishing off my case of Complete Babylon 5 from 2002. So I'm opening box #4146 of 6000. Guarantees are 2 autographs and 1 costume card. Base cards were a disappointment (but I was expecting that) couldn't make a base set and many were stuck together by the gloss coat. On top: 1 Legend of the Rangers box loader, L3 Pulled a complete set of 9 Classic Confrontations, plus 2 extra. Pulled 6 of the Movies Tryptic set, M3, M4, M5, M7, M10, M11 Pulled 4 Women of Babylon 5 Lenticular cards, W1, W2, W3, W21 ![]() Pulled 1 costume card, C1 Commander Sheridan plain black swatch ![]() Pulled 1 Autograph: A1 Michael O'Hare as Captain Sinclair ![]() and... Pulled 1 Dual Autograph: DA1 Bruce Boxlietner and Melissa Gilbert ![]() ![]() Babylon 5 is still a favorite of mine and it was good to see this set again. Stellar pulls don't hurt anything either. ![]() My favorite is still the motion cards, but that dual auto is awfully nice too. As a dealer, opening boxes is a bit of a chore. But it was nice to be opening something for me for a change. Ed ____________________ I may be going to hell in a bucket, but at least I'm enjoying the ride. -"Touch of Grey" by The Greatful Dead | |||
Silver Card Talk Member![]() |
I picked up a box of Xmen Archives at Megacon and hid them so I'd be able to open the box today. Opened box 8468. Presumably got a base set but at 7 in the morning I'm not co-ordinated enough to sort base cards ![]() inserts Legendary Heroes: LH3 - Colossus Nemesis - 2,6,7 Cover art - 3, 9 Sketch Nightcrawler by Strait which from the scifihobby site that would be Sonny Strait (97). I'd actually completed the Nemesis and cover art sets at Megacon before I got this box so those are spares now. I did still need LH3 so that’s great. Normally I'm looking to pull Wolverine or x-women sketches but I'm really happy with the colours and details in the Nightcrawler sketch; he’s almost coming right out of the card. Plus I didn't yet have a Nightcrawler sketch so I think this makes a great card to remember 2010's OTBD! ![]() ![]() edited to add this. Went over to box breakdown to add this and realized I pulled the exact same Nemesis cards with both of my boxes! Good thing I'd already finished that set otherwise that would have been really annoying ![]() | |||
Silver Card Talk Member![]() |
Garbage Pail Kids FLASHBACKS I bought 8 - 2 packs for the Bonus Cards and 16 single packs from a Target Gravity feed box. Could not find any of the 6 pack blaster boxes Out of a total of 32 packs – 320 stickers I did not get a complete set of Base stickers. I got the following 74 a stickers (missing 6) 61 b stickers (missing 19) Curiously I did not get a single card from 28-36 to fit in my 9 pocket page! Bonus Cards B1, B2 & B3 5 of 10 Motion Cards 10 Gross Green Parallel 12 Punk Pink Parallel 7 Silver Parallel No Gold Parallel No Sketch Card No Printing Plate About average for retail Topps products! Being a base set collector I was disappointed that I didn't get one 160 card set out of 320 cards! Have fun opening! ![]() ____________________ Dazed and Confused | |||
Bronze Card Talk Member![]() |
I opened an Aliens vs. Predator Requiem box for open that box day. Pulled: -Autograph: A-8 Kurt Max Runte (Buddy) -Pieceworks: PW.9 Ricky -Sketch: Ingrid Hardy ![]() The sketch card was worth the box. ![]() ____________________ "I am the beginning;the end;the one who is many. I am the borg...I am the collective." Borg Queen in Star Trek: First Contact | |||
Gold Card Talk Member![]() |
This year I went with a box of CSI:Series 3, that I picked up for £20 last month. I already have the base set so I haven't bothered sorting though them. Foil: 2.4,5,7,8,9 Autos: A10 Marc Vann as Ecklie (Alreay pulled from an earlier box) A9 Wallace Langham as Hodges (One of the autos I was hoping to pull) No costume card but I did pull this sketch. My first CSI sketch ![]() ![]() Gil by Amy Pronovost Pretty good for a £20 box ____________________ "No time like the present to change the future" | |||
Member![]() |
Been looking forward to OTB Day for a while. As a charter member I celebrated by opening two boxes this year. KISS IKONS I had no idea what to expect from this set - that's why I picked it! Press Pass is new to me and I wouldn't consider myself a Kiss "fan". I read the write up on this release in NSU some months ago and figured I'd give it a shot. Very pleased with the breakdown and card quality. Base Set: 1-90 (+5 extras) Stickers Set: 1-12 Tattoos: 2, 3, 5, 7, 12 and 14 Blood Spitting Parallels: 6, 20, 35, 72, 74 and 84 "Fire Breathing" Parallels: #84 (08/50) STAR WARS CLONE WARS SEASON 1 WV (RETAIL) It's been a while since I've opened anything from Topps. I love wv cards and I really enjoy watching the Clone Wars cartoon every week. Plus, the price was right so I couldn't pass this one up! Like the Kiss set this set also produced chase cards as expected. Base Set: 1-80 (+63 extras) Foils: 1, 6, 7, 11, 14, 16, 19 and 20 Motions: 1, 3 and 4 Animation Cels: 1, 3, 6, 7, 8 and 9 Foil Parallel: #30 (408/500) Nothing of real importance to photograph, but I had a great time. Thanks to NSU for keeping this tradition alive! | |||
Silver Card Talk Member![]() |
Took a brief break from preparing tax returns to open up two boxes of Women of Star Trek, as follows: (Box 5272/7500) Artifex - Chapel, Sato, Seven of Nine Costumes - WCC5, WCC12 Leading Ladies - LL6 Romantic Relationships - RR6 Autographs - Rhonda Aldrich, Claire Rankin, Halie Todd (Box 2259/7500) Artifex - Janeway, Torres, T'Pol Costumes - WCC10, WCC20 Leading Ladies - LL9 Romantic Relationships - RR4 Autographs - Denise Crosby ![]() I haven't sorted the base sets yet, but surely I got at least one set from two boxes. As always, it's fun to share the box-opening experience with people from all over on this one day. Thanks to NSU for starting (and continuing) this tradition !! Now, back off to work.... ![]() | |||
Bronze Card Talk Member![]() |
Hi there I finally managed to write my submission only now as my wife and I just opened our boxes this morning for breakfast (by the way, it's Paris, France time) I got 4 boxes to open : - Batman Archives - Marvel Universe Series 1 - Osbournes - Garfield Why those choices ? Pretty simple. I just love the way trading cards were done in the good old days and Marvel Universe Series I embodies all of that with great cards and hologram cards. I also wanted to open a Batman box for a long time too. My wife Adeline just loves Garfield and she's a fan of the Osbournes TV show as we currently have the series on MTV France. The breakdown was really fun for the Osbournes box with nicely done card layouts and facts. Inkworks knew how to produce great quality cards even if the photo material was really bad. Batman Archives was also a great surprise with high quality card stock and foil stamping. Absolutely gorgeous ! Marvel Universe Series wasn't bad either with a complete set and 3 holograms (2 Wolverine, 1 Spiderman) ![]() Yum, boxes !!!!! ![]() What about a box for breakfast ? ![]() Can't get enough of those Garfield cards ![]() Our cat seems to appreciate this as well Thanks again for this great event and hope to get more good stuff to open next year ! | |||
Silver Card Talk Member![]() |
I've got 20 boxes of wax lying around from my Razor Vault case, so I had lots of choices. Since Lost is in it's final season I figured what the heck, let's give the Season Two wax box a try. Since this was an Inkworks product, I had mixed emotions while handling the box and ripping through the packs. Here's what I got from my Lost Season 2 box: BL-1 B-3, B-4 ?-6, ?-7, ?-8 PW-8 Mr. Eko's Shirt Piecework Card A-13 Emilie de Ravin Autograph Card Well my wife saw me busting wax and wanted in on it, so I let her have a box of AVP: Requiem. She pulled the following cards: D.2 B-1, B-9 M-4, M-5 PW.11 Curtis' Shirt Piecework Card A-9 Robert Joy Autograph Card S.KB 136/278 Kate RED Bradley Sketch Card of an Alien's Head Although I'm a little bummed about Inkworks no longer being with us, I'm very happy with the break on the two boxes my wife and I busted. | |||
Silver Card Talk Member![]() |
Not so many posts as recent years. As usual (well for the last three years anyway) OTBD has coincided with me travelliing up to my parents on the Suffolk/Norfolk border for a late Easter break. This year I'm opening a box of Star Wars - Shadows Of The Empire that I've had hanging around for ages. I'll be taking it down the pub with me in about 10 minutes. Before I left this morning though I finished opening the last 10-15 packs of Art Treasures Of The Vatican that I started last OTBD. Better late than never. Hope you all pull some fantastic stuff ! ____________________ Any airsofters out there ? | |||
Platinum Card Talk Member![]() |
I had 3 boxes for OTB day, first up was Scooby Doo M&M, biggest risk as there may not be any premium inserts, was hoping for a sketch, but did pull an auto that I needed. Iron Man was next, more risk as there is a good chance it will only yield two standard costume cards, which my box did, but I did get an Armored Hero that I needed. Last up was Fantastic Four Archives, know that there is a sketch in here, and pulled a nice Ray Dillon Lockjaw, Ray was a short print at 52 sketches, so I was happy with that. Not a bad OTB day! ![]() ____________________ "The problem, I'm told, is more than medical." | |||
Member![]() |
Hello all, This is my first OTBD. I've floated around the board for years and bought boxes to participate in the past but my impatience has always resulted me in having no boxes on the special day. This time I was prepared and bought 2 boxes of Razor Ink 2010 so I had one to open right away and one to save so my addiction was still fed. Anywho heres the break: Autos: Buffy A26 Kelly Donovan as Xander's Double Highlander IA5 Stan Kirsch as Richie Ryan Xena A54 Alison Wall as Minya Charmed A20 Michael Bailey Smith as Belthazor I love Xena but didn't need any of these cards so I was a little bummed but hey that's the way the cookie crumbles. Box: The Seeker At first I thought bummer because I had never heard of the Seeker. The only person I knew from this set was McShane so I hoped for him. As I was opening packs I saw a base card with Wendy Crewson on it. I thought to myself oh hey she's from The Santa Clause (one of my childhood favorites), I thought, I wouldn't mind pulling her auto if she signed. I literally flipped to the very next card in my hand from the pack and BAM Wendy Crewson auto. So that was quite fun. The Pieceworks I got was PW2 The Rider. Although I didn't pull much, the Crewson auto was great and I had a fun time opening packs and thats what it's all about. I am considering going to find another box of something to make up for past years. Happy OTBD everyone! | |||
Member![]() |
I've been sitting on my box of LOST Seasons 1-5 for the last 2 weeks, waiting for this day to come. Here is my breakdown for Open That Box Day 2010. Box # 4322 Oceanic 6 card # S1- Jack Stars card # A2 Kate Austen A18 Benjimin Linus A19 Dasmond Hume A23 Daniel Faraday Motion cards # L7 and L8 Autograph Cards Monica Dean as Gabriela ![]() ![]() Mark Pelegrino as Jacob ![]() ![]() Michelle Rodriguez as Ana Lucia Cortez ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | |||
Member |
I'm trying to complete my master sets for all Alias seasons. I found a box of Season One on ebay for $61 delivered. It arrived on Friday but I waited until Open That Box Day to open it. I pulled: - Autograph: A5 Merrin Dungey (Francie Calfo) - Pieceworks: PR1 redemption card for PW2 Although it's a redemption card, I don't have it so it goes into the master set. Plus it has a nice picture of Jennifer Garner too ![]() Have a happy redemption free day! ![]() | |||
NSU Writer![]() |
I had three boxes today, and I usually open older boxes for OTBD - so here's what I got: Heroes of 9-11 - this 2002 set of 202 cards is a heartbreaker, to see all those people who died that day, and a very text heavy set, several cards are all text on both sides. Still, a worthy set to have. I had opened a box of these when they first came out, and was short 10 cards. My hope today was to complete the set, I only needed the 10 cards. I got 189 cards out of 202. No foils, there were 2 of them. I got 9 of the 10 cards I needed, so I bought 2 boxes of these and still do not have a full set (need 22). Family Guy, A New Hope - This one has no big hits, but I thought it would be a really funny set, the box was from a Razor box. I knew something was wrong when I opened the first pack, there were 2 of 3 different cards! The rest of the packs were just as bad - but I thought, well, I can put together a couple of sets, there's only 50 cards... no such luck! I got 4 or 6 of 25 different cards! There were 12 various inserts, but only half a set! This was without a doubt the WORST box I ever opened. If I had paid full price for this I'd be furious. Andromeda Reign of the Commonwealth - each box has a costume and auto, although half of the 6 autos were by redemption, but I still had hopes... Got 2 complete sets, and the required number of inserts. A Harper's shirt costume and... Kevin Sorbo autograph! Oh, wait, it's a redemption, so this could have been Kevin Sorbo's autograph. So, to recap: Box 1- one card short of a set. Box 2 - WORST box ever! Box 3 - Redemption card. So, my OTBD was at best - craptacular. | |||
Silver Card Talk Member![]() |
I'm here! I opened three boxes at midnight(which is a first for me)- I got two boxes of "Women of Star Trek" - the only new set I've bought so far this year and a box of "Wolverine: Origin" cards that I got for cheap at a store clearance sale. I'd have posted my results last night, but the BF's internet was down. While he was doing work, I opened all three of my boxes. Box #1- Women of Star Trek Box#: 2815 One full set with 27 extras Kira Nerys/Yeoman Rand/Uhura portraits RR1- William T. Riker/Deanna Troi LL3- Beverly Crusher ![]() WCC10- Jolene Blalock costume material WCC12- Terry Farrell costume material- "Blood Oath" (my 2nd) Lee Meriwether as Losira from Star Trek (Limited) (my 2nd) Susan Gibney as Dr. Leah Brahms from Star Trek: The Next Generation (my 2nd) Penny Johnson Jerald as Kasidy Yates from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine ![]() Not a bad box, but too many repeat autographs for my taste- not bad ones though, but I wondered if my luck would be good or bad tonight after the first box. Box 2- Wolverine: Origins Box#: 5167 NO FULL SET! G2, G4 A3, A5, A9 C4, C5, C7 Aaron Jeffery as Thomas Logan Tim Pocock as Scott I didn't see the movie, so I have no attachment to these autograph cards- I bought the box for cheap and I figured why not- there could have been a Hugh Jackman card in there, but alas. It did stink that I didn't get a base set though. ![]() So after this, I'm thinking I gotta recover my OTB day a bit- so on to the last box. Box #3: Women of Star Trek Box#: 3837 One full set with 27 extras Captain Janeway/T'Pol/B'Elanna Torres portraits RR7- James T. Kirk/Edith Keeler LL7- Seven of Nine(AGAIN!) WCC18- Gates McFadden costume material- "Chain of Command" WCC14- Nicole de Boer costume material (black) Kate Vernon as Commander Valerie Archer from Star Trek: Voyager Jennifer Lien as Kes from Star Trek: Voyager (VL)- YES!!! ![]() Tina Lifford as Lee from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine So the last box proved the best- I got three new autographs and two new costumes, which is all I could ask for. I was also thrilled to hit a VL, since I haven't hit that many in this release. I love OTB day and I am glad I could share my breaks with all of you- it's been a tradition I've enjoyed since it's inception and I have to say this OTB day has probably had the best results for me yet! Happy box opening day! Val ____________________ "what's that sound, it'll turn you around, it's a Doll Revolution..."- The Bangles, after Elvis Costello | |||
Gold Card Talk Member![]() |
I opened a box of Indiana Jones Masterpieces. I got: 1 Base set 4 of 6 Etched Foil Cards 6 of 9 Foil Art Cards 1 Bronze Parallel Foil Art Card 1 Indy pencil sketch by Jason Hughes 1 Indy ink sketch by Dan Cooney 1 Magenta Printing plate ![]() Nothing huge but it was fun to break and the printing plate was a nice surprise. -Bob- ____________________ Reasonable doubt for reasonable people! | |||
Silver Card Talk Member |
Well this shows all the cards from my box of Hammer Horror which included a Martine Beswicke autograph card and a Chris Henderson skecth of Peter Cushing ![]() | |||
Silver Card Talk Member |
I opened a box of Cardtoons from 1994/5 although only recently acquired for OTBD. The box contained 36 packs of 8 cards each. with 3 different wrappers. I was 1 short of the 1-95 card base set. All 11 of the Politics in Baseball Subset almost in every pack All 9 of the Field of Greed Puzzle Set Chase cards 4 of the 10 card Grand Slam Foil Etched Subset (odds 1:9 packs) 2 of the 20 card Big Bang Bucks Foil Subset (odds 1:9 packs) 2 of the 3 Replacement Cards (1:12 packs) and 1 duplicate The card odds I have taken from Allender's listing as the packs show no odds at all. ____________________ | |||
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