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Stargate: Atlantis Season 2 (Rittenhouse Archives)
Bronze Card Talk Member
Case #24254

Box #2009 of 4000

P1 Joe Flanigan as Lt. Colonel John Sheppard & P6 David Hewlett as Dr. Rodney McKay
W2 Lt. Colonel John Sheppard & W6 Teyla Emmagan
Q26, Q33, Q36, Q37, Q38
Halling Costume Card
Andee Frizzell as Wraith Hive Queen Auto
Clayton Landey as Colonel Dillon Everett Auto

Box #3710 of 4000

P5 Paul McGillion as Dr. Carson Beckett
W1 Lt. Colonel John Sheppard & W5 Teyla Emmagan
Q23, Q24, Q29(x2), Q31, Q34, Q38
Ryan Robbins as Ladon Radim Auto

Box #3011 of 4000

P3 Rachel Luttrell as Teyla Emmagan
W4 Teyla Emmagan & W7 Ronen Dex
Q23, Q24, Q29, Q31, Q34, Q35, Q38
Wraith Warrior Costume Card
Brandy Ledford as Norina Auto
Chad Morgan as Teer Auto

Box #2015 of 4000

P6 David Hewlett as Dr. Rodney McKay
W6 Teyla Emmagan & W9 Ronen Dex
Q21, Q26, Q32, Q36, Q37, Q40
Connor Trinneer as Michael Kenmore Auto
Kavan Smith as Major Lorne Auto

Box #1555 of 4000

P1 Joe Flanigan as Lt. Colonel John Sheppard & P2 Torri Higginson as Dr. Elizabeth Weir
W4 Teyla Emmagan & W8 Ronen Dex
Q23, Q24, Q29, Q31, Q34, Q39, Q40
James Lafazanos as Male Wraith Auto
Peter Woodward as Otho Auto

Box #3007 of 4000

P3 Rachel Luttrell as Teyla Emmagan
W8 Ronen Dex
Q21, Q24, Q25, Q29, Q30, Q34, Q39
Andee Frizzell as Wraith Hive Queen Auto
Brandy Ledford as Norina Auto

Box #3523 of 4000

P7 Mitch Pileggi as Col. Steven caldwell
W7 Ronan Dex
Q21, Q25, Q27, Q30, Q32, Q40
Major John Sheppard Costume Card
Claire Rankin as Dr. Kate Heightmeyer Auto
Christian Bocher as Torrell Auto
Ellie Harvie as Dr. Lindsey Novak Auto

Box #2013 of 4000

P5 Paul McGillion as Dr. Carson Beckett
W5 Teyla Emmagan & W8 Ronen Dex
Q21, Q25, Q27, Q30, Q39, Q40
Peter Woodward as Otho Auto
Ryan Robbins as Ladon Radim Auto
Major John Sheppard Costume Card

Box #1011 of 4000

P None
W2 Lt. Colonel John Sheppard & W6 Teyla Emmagan
Q22, Q26, Q28, Q33, Q36, Q37, Q38
Andee Frizzell as Wraith Hive Queen Auto
Pascale Hutton as First Officer

Box #0626 of 4000

P2 Torri Higginson as Dr. Elizabeth Weir
W1 Lt. Colonel John Sheppard & W3 Lt. Colonel John Sheppard
Q24, Q25, Q30, Q32, Q34, Q36, Q39
Dr. Rodney McKay Costume Card
Andee Frizzell as Wraith Hive Queen Auto
Pascale Hutton as First Officer

Box #2990 of 4000

P3 Rachel Luttrell as Teyla Emmagan
W1 Lt. Colonel John Sheppard & W5 Teyla Emmagan
Q22, Q23, Q28, Q33, Q35, Q37, Q38
Brandy Ledford as Norina Auto
Kavan Smith as Major Lorne Auto

Box #0627 of 4000

P2 Torri Higginson as Dr. Elizabeth Weir
W3 Lt. Colonel John Sheppard & W9 Ronen Dex
Q21, Q25, Q27, Q30, Q32, Q39, Q40
James Lafazanos as Male Wraith Auto
Peter Woodward as Otho Auto


Quotable Stargate Atlantis:
Q21(x5), Q22(x2), Q23(x4), Q24(x5), Q25(x5), Q26(x3), Q27(x3), Q28(x2), Q29(x5), Q30(x5), Q31(x3), Q32(x4), Q33(x3), Q34(x5), Q35(x2), Q36(x2), Q37(x4), Q38(x5), Q39(x5), Q40(x5)

Warriors In Action:
W1(x3), W2(x2), W3(x2), W4(x2), W5(x3), W6(x3), W7(x2), W8(x3), W9(x2)

Plastic Crew:
P1(x2), P2(x3), P3(x3), P4(x0), P5(x2), P6(x2), P7


1 - Wraith Warrior
1 - Halling
1 - Dr. Rodney McKay
2 - Major John Sheppard


0 - Torri Higginson as Dr. Elizabeth Weir (Very Limited)
0 - Rachel Luttrell as Teyla Emmagan (Very Limited)
4 - Andee Frizzell as Wraith Hive Queen
3 - Brandy Ledford as Norina
1 - Chad Morgan as Teer
1 - Christian Bocher as Torrell
1 - Claire Rankin as Dr. Kate Hightmeyer
1 - Clayton Landey as Colonel Diillon Eevrett
1 - Connor Trinneer as Michael Kenmore
1 - Ellie Harvie as Dr. Lindsay Novak
2 - James Lafazanos as Male Wraith
2 - Kavan Smith as Major Korne
2 - Pascale Hutton as First Officer
3 - Peter Woodward as Otho
2 - Ryan Robbins as Ladon Radim

Plus, no In Motion Cards that are supposed to be 2 per case...

A little disappointed to say the least Frown


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Check out my Trading Lists:
Posts: 700 | Location: Toronto, Canada | Registered: May 26, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of scott12
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Picked up a box at the local store today.

Base sets : 2
Plastic crew card : P1 Sheppard
Warriors in action :W1,W3
Quotable : 22,23,28,31,33,35,38
Auto's : Clayton Landey
Claire Rankin
Costumn : Major John Sheppard

It is a very nice set. Good pictures on the cards.
Posts: 111 | Location: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada | Registered: December 14, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Quotable: 21,25,27,30,32,40
Warriors in Action: 4 (Teyla), 7 (Ronan)
Team: P2 - Weir
Costume: Sheppard
Auto: Andee Frizzell (Hive Queen) and Clayton Landry
Posts: 159 | Location: Indiana | Registered: July 26, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Platinum Card Talk Member
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Box # 819

2 base sets
Quotable- Q23,QQ24, Q29,Q30, Q31, Q34, Q39
P5 Dr Carson Beckett
Warrior's in Action-W1, W3
Autos- Kavan Smith as Major Lorne and Peter Woodward as Otho
and Major John Sheppard

I liked the card set!


"What if this is as good as it gets?" --WORSE--What if it doesn't get any better!
What's the difference between ignorance and apathy? I don't know and I don't care.
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New Card Talk Member
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Finally got a decent case break! At least I didn't get 3-4 duplicates this time. Smile

Here's my case breakdown:

Motion cards: M2,M3

Costome Cards -- All 4


1 - Wier
0 - Teyla
1 - Male Wraith
1 - Norina
2 - Major Lorne
1 - Connor Trinneer
2 - Dr. Novak
2 - Radim
2 - 1st Officer
2 - Teer
2 - Wraith Queen
2 - Dr. Heightmeyer
2 - Torrell
2 - Col. Everett
2 - Otho

Team Cards (P1 - P7)
2 each, except for P1 and P4 (singles)

Warriors in Action (W1 - W9)
3 each, except for (W3, W6, W9 -- Doubles)
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Platinum Card Talk Member
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Congratulations ERhyder! Thumb Up

I'm a burning effigy of everything I used to be. Robbie Williams
My Sketch Collection
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Gold Card Talk Member
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Nice Break Smile

Posts: 3429 | Location: UK | Registered: November 29, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Silver Card Talk Member
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My 3 boxes arrived today. Sorry, didn't keep track of what was in what. Breakdown:
- Base sets: 7
- Quotables: 13 different with 6 duplicates
- Warriors in Action: W1 W3 W6 W9 +2 duplicates
- Team: P1 P4 P5
- Motion: M2 Smile
- Costume: Sheppard, McKay Clap
- Autos: Higginson Bouncey, Trinneer, Rankin, Harvie, Bocher, Lafazanos

Overall, I am very happy. It is a nice set and I did very well in my 3 boxes.

Posts: 1574 | Location: temp UK, usually Australia | Registered: July 31, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Gold Card Talk Member
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Congrats on the great pulls everyone. Thumb Up

"No time like the present to change the future"
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Gold Card Talk Member
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Got a box plus 5 autos (inc. Connor Trinneer) for £80.

1 base set (might be more but I stopped after 1)

Ellie Harvie as Dr. Lindsey Novak
Andee Frizzell as Wraith Hive Queen

Team - P3 (Rachel Luttrell as Teyla Emmagan)

Quotable cards - Q22, Q23, Q31, Q33, Q35, Q38
Warriors In Action - W1 (Sheppard), W5 (Teyla)
Posts: 3282 | Location: Luton, UK | Registered: October 07, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Silver Card Talk Member
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Originally posted by scott12:
Picked up a box at the local store today.

Wish I could say that.

Great pulls everyone Thumb Up

"On Your Feet, Soldier. Take Me Back To Lallybroch."
- Outlander
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Me too! The one I won on ebay was supposed to be shipped within 48 hours of release. I still haven't received it yet. Shake Head
Maybe today...
Posts: 168 | Location: SG-C | Registered: July 20, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Gold Card Talk Member
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that's really a pity bakeded.

I hope it will come very soon.


A belgian hiphop group
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Got two cases and a binder.
Here's the first case breakdown;

Box #0322
Quotable: 24, 25, 29, 30, 31, 34, 39
Warrior: 2, 6
Team: 1
Kavan Smith as Major Lorne
Peter Woodward as Otho

Box #0323
Quotable: 21, 26, 27, 32, 36, 40
Warrior: 4, 7
Team: 4
Claire Rankin as Dr. Kate Heightmeyer
Chad Morgan as Teer
Motion: M1

Box #0324
Quotable: 21, 22, 25, 26, 27, 32, 36, 40
Warrior: 6, 9
Team: 5
Connor Trinneer as Michael Kenmore
Torri Higginson as Dr. Elizabeth Weir

Box #1324
Quotable: 23, 28, 33, 37, 38
Warrior: 5, 8
Team: 7
Pascale Hutton as First Officer
Ryan Robbins as Ladon Radim

Box #1325
Quotable: 22, 24, 29, 30, 31, 34, 35, 39
Warrior: 1, 3
Team: 3
Clayton Landey as Colonel Dillon Everett
Andee Frizzell as Wraith Hive Queen

Box #1326
Quotable: 23, 24, 29, 30, 31, 34, 39
Warrior: 4, 8
Team: 6
Brandy Ledford as Norina
Chad Morgan as Teer
Costume: Wraith Warrior

Box #1327
Quotable: 23, 24, 29, 31, 34, 39
Warrior: 2, 6
Team: 7
Clayton Landey as Colonel Dillon Everett
Andee Frizzell as Wraith Hive Queen

Box #1849
Quotable: 22, 26, 28, 33, 35, 37, 38
Warrior: 3, 9
Team: 4
Pascale Hutton as First Officer
Ryan Robbins as Ladon Radim

Box #2250
Quotable: 21, 25, 32, 36, 40
Warrior: 1, 5
Team: 1
Claire Rankin as Dr. Kate Heightmeyer
Peter Woodward as Otho
Costume: Major John Sheppard
Motion :M2

Box #2251
Quotable: 22, 26, 28, 33, 35, 37
Warrior: 5, 8
Team: 5
Claire Rankin as Dr. Kate Heightmeyer
Chad Morgan as Teer

Box #3294
Quotable: 22, 28, 33, 35, 37, 38
Warrior: 2, 7
Team: 2
Kavan Smith as Major Lorne
Christian Bocher as Torrell
Costume: Halling

Box #3295
Quotable: 21, 25, 27, 30, 32, 36, 40
Warrior: 4, 7
Team: 3
Kavan Smith as Major Lorne
Ellie Harvie as Dr. Lindsey Novak
Costume: Dr. Rodney McKay

All told, I've got;

Base: 30 sets plus 91 singles
Quotable: 3 sets plus 18 singles
Warrior: 2 sets plus 6 singles
Team: 1 set plus 5 singles
Costume: 1 set
Motion: 2 of 3
Auto: 13 of 15 with 11 doubles

Because I bought two cases plus the binder I've got;

Amanda Tapping as Lt.Colonel Carter
Garwin Sanford as Simon
P3 Album Promo

My seller also said they'd throw in;
P1 Promo
UK Promo
sell sheet

and I bought;
P2 NSU Promo
CP1 2006 Summer Conventions Promo.

Plus: 960 Rittenhouse Rewards Points.

That means all I need for a Master Set is;

Auto: Rachel Luttrell as Teyla Emmagan
Auto: James Lafazanos as Male Wraith
Motion: M3

Do I open the other case???

See the Trade section for info on trades:
"Rob's Stargate Trades"

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Posts: 199 | Location: Romford, Essex, England | Registered: April 30, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Silver Card Talk Member
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The Quotable Q26, Q27, Q28, Q32, Q36, Q37, and Q40-

Warriors In Action W2 and W6-

Atlantis Crew P4-

Clayton Landey as Col. Dillon Everett
James Lafazanos as Male Wraith

Stuff For Trade-
Posts: 2485 | Location: Austin Tx | Registered: December 11, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Got 4 boxes today:

First box:
Q: 23-24-29-31-38-39
P2 - Weir
Autos: Rachel Lutrell and Tori Higginson Elephant Elephant Elephant Elephant I was shocked to say at least. First Lutrell showed up, and when I was still drugged on that discovery Higginson appeared! Must be my best box ever! Smile

Second box:
P1 - Sheppard
Autos: Christian Bocher and Claire Rankin

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Silver Card Talk Member
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Congrats Hyperion! Super box! Clap
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Gold Card Talk Member
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Congrats on the great pulls Hyperion. Thumb Up

"No time like the present to change the future"
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Silver Card Talk Member
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Originally posted by Ali_G:
Got two cases and a binder.
Here's the first case breakdown;

Box #0322
Quotable: 24, 25, 29, 30, 31, 34, 39
Warrior: 2, 6
Team: 1
Kavan Smith as Major Lorne
Peter Woodward as Otho

Box #0323
Quotable: 21, 26, 27, 32, 36, 40
Warrior: 4, 7
Team: 4
Claire Rankin as Dr. Kate Heightmeyer
Chad Morgan as Teer
Motion: M1

Box #0324
Quotable: 21, 22, 25, 26, 27, 32, 36, 40
Warrior: 6, 9
Team: 5
Connor Trinneer as Michael Kenmore
Torri Higginson as Dr. Elizabeth Weir

Box #1324
Quotable: 23, 28, 33, 37, 38
Warrior: 5, 8
Team: 7
Pascale Hutton as First Officer
Ryan Robbins as Ladon Radim

Box #1325
Quotable: 22, 24, 29, 30, 31, 34, 35, 39
Warrior: 1, 3
Team: 3
Clayton Landey as Colonel Dillon Everett
Andee Frizzell as Wraith Hive Queen

Box #1326
Quotable: 23, 24, 29, 30, 31, 34, 39
Warrior: 4, 8
Team: 6
Brandy Ledford as Norina
Chad Morgan as Teer
Costume: Wraith Warrior

Box #1327
Quotable: 23, 24, 29, 31, 34, 39
Warrior: 2, 6
Team: 7
Clayton Landey as Colonel Dillon Everett
Andee Frizzell as Wraith Hive Queen

Box #1849
Quotable: 22, 26, 28, 33, 35, 37, 38
Warrior: 3, 9
Team: 4
Pascale Hutton as First Officer
Ryan Robbins as Ladon Radim

Box #2250
Quotable: 21, 25, 32, 36, 40
Warrior: 1, 5
Team: 1
Claire Rankin as Dr. Kate Heightmeyer
Peter Woodward as Otho
Costume: Major John Sheppard
Motion :M2

Box #2251
Quotable: 22, 26, 28, 33, 35, 37
Warrior: 5, 8
Team: 5
Claire Rankin as Dr. Kate Heightmeyer
Chad Morgan as Teer

Box #3294
Quotable: 22, 28, 33, 35, 37, 38
Warrior: 2, 7
Team: 2
Kavan Smith as Major Lorne
Christian Bocher as Torrell
Costume: Halling

Box #3295
Quotable: 21, 25, 27, 30, 32, 36, 40
Warrior: 4, 7
Team: 3
Kavan Smith as Major Lorne
Ellie Harvie as Dr. Lindsey Novak
Costume: Dr. Rodney McKay

All told, I've got;

Base: 60 sets plus 91 singles
Quotable: 3 sets plus 18 singles
Warrior: 2 sets plus 6 singles
Team: 1 set plus 5 singles
Costume: 1 set
Motion: 2 of 3
Auto: 13 of 15 with 11 doubles

Because I bought two cases plus the binder I've got;

Amanda Tapping as Lt.Colonel Carter
Garwin Sanford as Simon
P3 Album Promo

My seller also said they'd throw in;
P1 Promo
UK Promo
sell sheet

and I bought;
P2 NSU Promo
CP1 2006 Summer Conventions Promo.

Plus: 960 Rittenhouse Rewards Points.

That means all I need for a Master Set is;

Auto: Rachel Luttrell as Teyla Emmagan
Auto: James Lafazanos as Male Wraith
Motion: M3

Do I open the other case???

See the Trade section for info on trades:
"Rob's Stargate Trades"

id say no. you sell the other case, take the money and buy the teyla and the common wraith auto , and the motion. From there you will have enough money left to buy the other variant case costume card and have some money to spare. that way, any money you have left after selling the case, and buying the other cards you need, comes off the total cost of the master set you made.

Case sells 550-600, lets say you get 550
Teyla auto=90
Teyla Variants case costume set=100
Wraith auto=9.00

total cost to buy EVERY possible card needed
=224.00 US.
that leaves you with like 306.00 left over to maybe buy and archive box 6 case incentive if you want. then you literally have that entire set on lock down. thats what i would do.

Evacuate? In our moment of triumph? I think you overestimate their chances!
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