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Enterprise Season 3 (Rittenhouse)
Picture of gimli
i have just broke 2 cases and i have a greneral result

46 autos (2 short no Jolene auto) Frown
22 enterprise crew cards (2 short) Frown made 2 sets
23 Ulitimate jolene (1 short) Frown made 2 sets

5 sets of macos and more odd cards than in the 5 sets Frown
4 first contact sets

have to say a very disappointing set and I think that the collation in my cases was terrible Frown

I had one box that had vertually no inserts. I pulled 1 auto and a few lesser chase cards and that was it

all in all very disappointed Email on way to Rittenhouse

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------One card is never enough. Please give generously.-----
Posts: 447 | Location: uk | Registered: November 02, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Gold Card Talk Member
Picture of xtime
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First the good stuff...
Base design commons A
Collation B+
Auto design B+ (MACO3)

Now for the rest of the story...
Wrapper design C
Box design C
Inserts D (few and far between)
Pack content F- (only 5 cards each)

Overall D
Release lacks imagination and collecting value.
Frown RH usually does far better.

Posts: 4244 | Location: USA | Registered: December 04, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of STCardGeek
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Here's where a company can't win cause some of the things are so individual in taste. I LOVED the wrapper, the box looked fine to me. Having 5 cards in a pach for a card set with only 80 cards was GREAT since we all know we don't use all the sets we make anyway and it kept postage costs down when shipping boxes. I didn't run into any collation issues beyond one autograph card, but in all my cases (7), the overall spread of inserts was pretty even...I got about the same number of each different insert for sets (except a few less of Montgomery's casting call and F30 for some reason, but it wasn't realllly far off) If one takes all the boxes I broke times the odds of getting a certain insert, I was only off by a small percentage (for example in 80 boxes I was off three Jolene cards)
In my 7 cases, I could make:
9 casting call cards, more if I can trade a couple of Montogmery's.
8 Jolene sets
34 maacos sets
14 FC sets (more if I can swap out for F30)
My autos were all about the same number ( so I could make 9 Macos sets) and 9 other sets...well if I got some more TpOls (wahahahahaha)
and my case toppers broke exactly even.

I think for a collector who breaks at the case level, it could be tight, what helps ME is incentives, which won't help them as much.

I was just chatting with someone (Hi there!!) who thought he might have liked the other earlier sets, but I liked this one the best of the three. The images were sharp, the checklist cards were neat and there were lots of Bakula shots, what more could a girl want Wink

Star Trek cards rule, everything else drools.
Posts: 4246 | Location: Pittsboro, NC USA | Registered: November 30, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Bronze Card Talk Member
Picture of Perfect Tommy
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Box #1291

1 base set
(another one if you didn't count the checklists)

MIA - M2, M5, M6, M9

First Contact
F25 - Xindi-Insectoid
F29 - Illyrian

Crew Card - Hoshi CC5
Ultimate Jolene - J1

A28 Randy Oglesby - Degra
MACO4 - Julia Rose - McKenzie (so I finally have a Catwoman auto...sortof)

I exchange paper with ink on it for cardboard with ink on it.
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Gold Card Talk Member
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Opened 4 boxes

Crew Cards - CC1 x2 (Archer), CC2 T'pol, CC4 (Reed)
MACOS in Action - M1, M2 x3, M3 x2, M5 x2, M6 x3, M8, M9 x4
First Contact - F22 x2, F23 x2, F26, F27, F28 x2
Check lists - 2 sets + CK1, CK2
Ultimate Jolene - J2, J3, J7, J9

A7 Connor Trinneer
A24 Casey Biggs
A25 Rick Worthy
A26 Scott Macdonald
A30 Emily Bergl
MAC04 Julia Rose
MAC05 Sean McGowan
MAC06 Marco Sanchez

Haven't checked the base sets yet.

Glad there weren't any duplicate autos and if I had to have duplicate Crew cards I guess Archer is a good one to have.
Posts: 3282 | Location: Luton, UK | Registered: October 07, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of alfster
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I've only purchased one box so far and here are the results. Box #5020

Jolene Blalock
Steve Culp

Checklists: 1 and 3 no number 2

Ultimate Jolene: J4

Crew Card: T'pol

First Contact: 2 cards

MIA: 5 cards

Where is the Blood?.
Where is the Power?.
Where is the Blood to feed the Power.
For without Blood there is no Power.
Where is my Power?.
My Power is with the Blood of Souls,
Flowing like a river into my veins giving me my Power.
I will not lose my Power until my Soul looses me.

Posts: 167 | Location: Toronto | Registered: August 11, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Platinum Card Talk Member
Picture of tialessa
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Originally posted by alfster:
I've only purchased one box so far and here are the results. Box #5020

Jolene Blalock
Steve Culp

Congrats - that Blalock was a VERY hard one to pull!

- Addicted to Sketch cards -
Posts: 5550 | Location: Georgia, USA | Registered: March 02, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of alfster
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Thanks. That's the only autograph i really wanted. I hope i get lucky again when i purchase my second box in 2 weeks.

Where is the Blood?.
Where is the Power?.
Where is the Blood to feed the Power.
For without Blood there is no Power.
Where is my Power?.
My Power is with the Blood of Souls,
Flowing like a river into my veins giving me my Power.
I will not lose my Power until my Soul looses me.

Posts: 167 | Location: Toronto | Registered: August 11, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Silver Card Talk Member
Picture of Card Dude
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Bought a very cheap box with the binder at memorabilia today Smile

Checklists- CK1 CK2
Macos in Action- M1, M4, M5, M7, M8
First Contact-F25 Frown only 1
Casting Call- CC2
Ultimate Jolene- J8
Auto's- A27 Tucker Smallwood, MACO7 Nathan Anderson

Thought it would be nice to have parallel cards again Frown

LOTR/Harry Potter/The Prisoner/Thunderbirds & Captain Scarlet collector
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Picture of scott12
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I got my 2 boxes today.
Box #0581
Checklist - CK1,CK3
M.A.C.O.S - M1,M5,M8,M9
First contact - F23,F28
Crew - CC6 Mayweather
Ultimate Jolene - J2
Auto's - A26 Scott MacDonald
A31 Robert Rusler

Box #4095
Checklist - CK1,CK2,CK3
M.A.C.O.S - M3,M4,M6,M7
First contact - F25,F29
Crew - CC4 Reed
Ultimate Jolene - J5
Auto's - A23 Jolene Blalock Smile
MACO4 Julia Rose

Should get at least 2 sets per box.
Very happy and very surprised.
Posts: 111 | Location: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada | Registered: December 14, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Silver Card Talk Member
Picture of Andrew David
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Bought a box at the NEC toy fair,

Auto's MAC 01 and MAC 04 (never heard of either of 'em! )

Teal'c, what's with the hair ? (Colonel Jack O'Neal)
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Picture of watchers of watchers
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Got a box
A7 Clap
No Ultimate Jolene? Confused

Happy with the Trip!!! Havent gone thru base set yet?

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Posts: 330 | Location: th,indiana,usa | Registered: June 22, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Fazzinchi
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Just broken two boxes...

Box 1 = #1778
2 x base sets
Checklists = CK1, CK2, CK3
Crew Cards = CC3
MACO in action = M4, M8, M3, M7
First Contacts = F26, F30
Ultimate Jolene = J2
Auto's = MAC03 Daniel Day Kim
Auto's = A25 Rick Worthy

Box 2 = #1780
2 x base sets
Checklists = CK1, CK2, CK3
Crew cards = CC4
MACO in action = M5, M9, M2
First Contact = F28, F23
Ultimate Jolene = J5
Auto's = A30 = Emily Bergl
Auto's = A7 = Connor Trinneer Dance

Overall, really enjoying the set (and agree with comments by "STCardGeek"). The breakdown of the boxes was fine and did exactly what it said on the tin. Off to fill in the gaps, now.
Posts: 35 | Location: Chichester, UK | Registered: January 10, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Contest Czar
Picture of barobehere
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Checklists- CK2 CK3
Macos in Action- M2, M5, M6, M9
First Contact-F26, F30
Casting Call- CC1 ARCHER
Ultimate Jolene- J5
Auto's- A27 Tucker Smallwood, MAC02 Noa Tishby

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Posts: 5780 | Location: Meridian, Mississippi | Registered: November 23, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Martine
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Just got my box:

Box no. 0690

2 base sets
Checklist: CK1, CK2 (x2)
MACOS in Action: M1, M2, M5, M9
First Contact: F24, F27
Crew card: CC6 - Mayweather
Ultimate Jolene: J7
Autos: A26 (Scott MacDonald), A31 (Robert Rusler)

Very nice set overall! My only issue is with the checklists: they look more like they were "torn" instead of nicely cut, the edges show a lot of white. Anyone else had that happen? I'll e-mail RA to see if I can get replacement ones. Really happy anyway with the box!

Posts: 407 | Location: South Texas, USA | Registered: June 08, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Got a bargain on a case, and here is what I got:

1 x A7 Connor Trinneer
0 x A23 Jolene Blalock
1 x A24 Casey Biggs
3 x A25 Rick Worthy
1 x A26 Scott MacDonald
1 x A27 Tucker Smallwood
1 x A28 Randy Oglesby
1 x A29 Nikita Ager
1 x A30 Emily Bergl
2 x A31 Robert Rusler
1 x MACO1 Steven Culp
1 x MACO2 Noa Tishby
3 x MACO3 Daniel Dae Kim
2 x MACO4 Julia Rose
2 x MACO5 Sean McGowan
2 x MACO6 Marco Sanchez
1 x MACO7 Nathan Anderson

Ultimate Jolene
1 Set + #'s 1, 4, 8

Enterprise Crew
1 Set + #"s 1, 2, 4, 6, 7

First Contact
2 Sets + #"s 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30

M.A.C.O.S. In Action
5 Sets + #"s 1, 5, 9

Base Sets
12 Sets with checklists + 3 Sets without checklists & many, many singles

Case Topper Sketch Card of Hoshi by Czop
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Gold Card Talk Member
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Picked up a cheap box on that auction site.Was not expecting much as I figured it was probably the last box of a case the seller broke.

2 Base sets

All 3 Checklists

Macos M1,M2,M5,M6.

First Contact F28,F29

Ultimate Jolene J3

Crew Card CC5 Hoshi

Auto's Mac 04 Julia Rose
A23 Jolene Blalock Eek Elephant

Stunned to get such a tough card to pull as usually when I buy a box cheap I only get common auto's.

I then opened a box of Season One of Enterprise I got off the same seller and that had the A1 Dominic Keating auto Smile.

I am just off to my local paper shop to buy some lottery tickets to see if good luck does come in threes Big Grin.
Posts: 2576 | Location: Sutton Coldfield England | Registered: August 09, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Gold Card Talk Member
Picture of AJJ
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Nice pulls Triple-Frog. Congrats on the Jolene auto.

"No time like the present to change the future"
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Diamond Card Talk Member
Picture of spidergoblin
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A23 Jolene Blalock

Stunned to get such a tough card to pull as usually when I buy a box cheap I only get common auto's.

very nice Cool


"nuff said"

"it traps,it kills,it eats....that's what a good spider does"
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Bronze Card Talk Member
Picture of Cee_Jay
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One box:

-M.A.C.O.: M1 (damaged), M4, M7, M8
-Checklist: CK1, CK2, CK3
-First Contact: F24, F27
-Crew: CC4 (Reed)
-Ultimate Jolene: J1
-Autos: A31 Robert Rusler (Orgoth), MACO3 Daniel Dae Kim (Chang) Smile

"I am the beginning;the end;the one who is many. I am the borg...I am the collective." Borg Queen in Star Trek: First Contact
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