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Previous Box Breakdowns (Various)
Silver Card Talk Member
Picture of Prezkot
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Yes, I am very happy with it. Now I have a reason to watch "The Dukes Of Hazzard" Big Grin Roll Eyes

I'm stoked as well, as Robert Kohlbus sent me an e-mail that RA is shipping out 2 replacement packs! I am eternally grateful to the RA team!! Thank you thank you thank you!! Luv You

Reverend Jim: Whaaaaat dooooooes a yelllllloooow lllllllight meeeeeean?
Posts: 1320 | Location: Phoenix | Registered: June 10, 2003Report This Post
Silver Card Talk Member
Picture of Prezkot
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I dug up enough cash to get that last box of LOTT TTT cards at the store... figured it was my last shot at the TTT cards for awhile:

2 Complete Base Sets
7 Foils (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9)
1 Autograph (Peter Jackson)

Pretty happy with the results... Got 7 foils instead of 6 (2 in last pack), and Peter Jackson may win Best Director next year, and after that will do another tired remake of "KING KONG" Roll Eyes

Reverend Jim: Whaaaaat dooooooes a yelllllloooow lllllllight meeeeeean?
Posts: 1320 | Location: Phoenix | Registered: June 10, 2003Report This Post
Silver Card Talk Member
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As you read, I sent out a notice about the OL autos that were missing, Wednesday early morning... I look in my mailbox, and see the RA Logo... yippee!! Just looking at that made my morning... inside was even better!! Wink

There were 6 I wanted (Asner, Robertson, Culp, West, Shatner, Nimoy): I figured with 18 autos, I'd hopefully get 1...

I opened the package, and as soon as I pull it out, I see Ed Asner's 'graph staring at me! Big Grin Big Grin Bouncey Clap Elephant

So then I open the little team pack with the autos and a couple of promos (Irwin Allen, Xena, Enterprise) and the next auto was:

Adam West Dance Dance Bouncey

I am soooooo stoked! Rittenhouse made my 1 OL auto box a grrrrreat one! Thank you thank you thank you so so so much!! They didn't have to be so generous... I am eternally grateful!! Bouncey Dance Bouncey Dance

Reverend Jim: Whaaaaat dooooooes a yelllllloooow lllllllight meeeeeean?
Posts: 1320 | Location: Phoenix | Registered: June 10, 2003Report This Post
Gold Card Talk Member
Picture of RupT
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Here are the results from my Scorpion King Box i bought from UK Paul at Milton Keynes on Friday.

From my very first pack in the box yielded the PW1 Rock Pieceworks Redemption Card Elephant Woohoo!!

so i got....

PW1 The Rock Pieceworks Redemption
A5 Bernard Hill Auto redemption card
Future King P1, P2, P9
Visions of Sorceress S5, S6

And hopefully a couple of base sets (haven't collated yet)

I think i'll keep the Rock P/works, and maybe the Bernard Hill Auto (depends if i like it when it arrives) but all the other chase cards except are up for trade.....

not a bad pull Big GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig Grin Especially for the price.... Thanx Paul (i owe you a pint)


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Gold Card Talk Member
Picture of Boldlygone
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I and my daughter,Julie, have just cracked open our 1st (and probably only) Disney Treasues box that I picked up in MK on Friday from UKPaul's stall.

I is very nice looking set, Bit surprised that Dinosaur was card#1
Here's what we found in the box

I almost complete base set (just missing #20, 45, 61, 65 & WD1).

Only one duplicate card #47. Anyone need this card?

we got 22 of the 45 Micky Mouse cards

3 Snow White cards (odds are 1:10)

1 Film Reel card PH2 Fantasia,

sadly no sketch cards

and 1 card that was scribbled on by a Walt somebody but as it was damaged i trashed it....

Just Kidding folks, No such luck in the Buckton Household.

Reportsd on the B5 & bond boxes coming shortly.

Never give up - NEVER surrender
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Silver Card Talk Member
Picture of Jessica
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I got a few boxes at the Philly show.

BL-2 Quentin Tarantino
D4, D5
SL7, SL8
And that's it! Mad No autos or pieceworks! Oh well, bad box!

Box Loader 2 of 4
Q1, Q9
Will Yun Lee (Danny Woo) auto redemption

Tomb Raider COL: (Which I won in the Card Talk Meeting Bouncey)
SO4, SO5
Wetsuit Pieceworks Redemption
A5 Simon Yam auto (English Variation)
PW1 redemption for embroidery (Just kidding! I don't have THAT kind of luck!)
Thanks for the great box Batman!! (He donated it)

Posts: 1968 | Location: Baltimore, Maryland, USA | Registered: May 26, 2003Report This Post
Silver Card Talk Member
Picture of Jessica
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Ok, I did this one in a separate post because it is just so awesome!!

So, at the Philly show I hooked up with Minime and asked him to use his 'powers' to pick me a box of Xena Beauty and Brawn. He picked the box and even picked the packs that the inserts came in! He is quite amazing! I plan to have him pick my boxes from now on because I have no luck with boxes.

So here's the breakdown:
BB2 #151 of 999 (the xena side) - first pack he told me to open!
AC1 Claire Stansfield auto'd costume card!!
DC1 Autolycus double costume
A24 Melosa autograph
KS2, KS4
AW4, AW5, AW7, AW9
& a full set of Footsteps w/ some left over.

A totally awesome box!! It was really cool that he picked almost all of the packs that the inserts came in! Very Cool!

Bouncey Bouncey Elephant Elephant

Posts: 1968 | Location: Baltimore, Maryland, USA | Registered: May 26, 2003Report This Post
Platinum Card Talk Member
Picture of xSaBx
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Originally posted by Jessica:
So, at the Philly show I hooked up with Minime and asked him to use his 'powers' to pick me a box of Xena Beauty and Brawn. He picked the box and even picked the packs that the inserts came in!

Congratulations on such a good box!

It's a real shame that MiniMe doesn't post any more... Frown

xSaBx :: Mistress of Stuff ::

'I swear I am completely unimpressed by clever answers'
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Picture of Rita
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It's a real shame that MiniMe doesn't post any more... Frown

Is there a particular reason for this?
I don't get a chance to read the board as regularly as I would like but even I've noticed MiniMe's absence... Confused
Have I missed some great debate?
Posts: 268 | Location: Valencia, SPAIN | Registered: February 14, 2003Report This Post
Silver Card Talk Member
Picture of Jessica
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It's a real shame that MiniMe doesn't post any more...

I don't know why he doesn't post anymore, but he seemed really busy. I did bug him about coming back though Big Grin

I do miss his wealth of knowledge here on the boards.

Posts: 1968 | Location: Baltimore, Maryland, USA | Registered: May 26, 2003Report This Post
Picture of shannon carman
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Ok, so it's years old. But I just bought a box for a good price and decided to open it. I Got A nice box, 24 really nice wrappers, and I was 13 cards short of a set. I was able to trade some cards and wound up being 3 cards short. My box seemed to have a a bigger ratio of higher numbers. I am wondering if interest in the old set will pick up with the release of the new cards.
Posts: 142 | Location: columbus, in usa | Registered: September 22, 2003Report This Post

Picture of The Mouseketeer
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I finally got a box at a decent price while at the Philly show and here's what I got:

1 base set
37 of 72 for a second set
7 triples
3 rare cards - R4, R5, R6
1 ultra-rare card - UR2

I'm happy with the collation, but this set has some BIG problems. Most if not all of the cards in my box had scratches and quite a few are off center. Mad Also, a lot of the images are rather fuzzy. Maybe they look better with the viewer, but without one many look out of focus. Overall, I was disappointed. Shake Head

"I only hope that we don't lose sight of one thing - that it was all started by a mouse." ~ Walt Disney
Posts: 2218 | Location: Pennsylvania, USA | Registered: April 10, 2003Report This Post
Silver Card Talk Member
Picture of DoctorChristmasJones
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Been wanting one of these for a long time. Finally took the plunge.

Here's how she broke:

Base sets: 15+ (stopped counting)
Box Loaders: BL1(3), BL2(3), BL3(6) = three sets with a boatload of extra BL3's Frown
Case Loader: 1 (very nice case loader)
CIA 47: 3 Big Grin
Secret Lives Puzzle: SL1(3), SL2(3), SL3(3), SL4(3), SL5(3), SL6(1), SL7(2), SL8(3), SL9(3) = 1 set, 1 card shy of 2 sets, 3 cards shy of 3 sets.
Double Agent: D1(3), D2(3), D3(2), D4(2), D5(3), D6(3) = 2 cards shy of 3 sets (I already have those 2 cards!)
A1: 1 Dance Dance
A2: 2
A5: 2
A6: 2
A7: 1
PW1: 2
PW2: 1
PW3: 1 Elephant Elephant

I am totally, utterly, completely stoked! Just like I dreamed it. It's been a tough month. This is an excellent thing. Yea for me. Smile

OK, I'll stop now.

No I won't, but I'll do my celebrating off the board so as not to annoy.

Cheers all. Smokin'
Posts: 2272 | Location: North Carolina | Registered: January 17, 2003Report This Post
Platinum Card Talk Member
Picture of Scifi Cards
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Not sure I can follow a case pull with both an A1 and PW3 Drool, but I'll try...

Broke down and opened a couple more boxes of Smallville Season 1

Box 1
2 base sets
Box Loader BL3
Spring Formal SF5, SF6
Smallville High SH5, SH6, SH7
A5 Hiro Kanagawa as Principal H. Kwan

Box 2
2 base sets
Box Loader BL3 Roll Eyes
Spring Formal SF5, SF6 Mad
Smallville High SH6, SH7, SH8 Roll Eyes
Pieceworks PW1 Tom Welling as Clark Kent (t-shirt) Big Grin

Overall, the similar chase cards is annoying but not all bad boxes...


I am Scifi... Cards.
Posts: 5149 | Location: Phoenix, AZ | Registered: March 09, 2003Report This Post
Platinum Card Talk Member
Picture of Scifi Cards
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Also broke down a box of Terminator 3 tonight...

2 Base Sets
3 Chrome cards (of varying quality on the edges) C3, C4, C5, C6


A2 Kristanna Loken as T-X Dance

This box must have been destined for someone else, I just knew I'd be getting another hearse material card.


I am Scifi... Cards.
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Platinum Card Talk Member
Picture of xSaBx
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Originally posted by DoctorChristmasJones:
No I won't, but I'll do my celebrating off the board so as not to annoy.

Actually, I think you're allowed to celebrate. You got one Master Set, and one of the toughest to complete in recent years Yay you! Big Grin

xSaBx :: Mistress of Stuff ::

'I swear I am completely unimpressed by clever answers'
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Platinum Card Talk Member
Picture of tialessa
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Oh my lord - what an awesome case!

Garner auto AND an PW3!!!!!!!!!!!


Posts: 5550 | Location: Georgia, USA | Registered: March 02, 2003Report This Post
Titanium Card Talk Member
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Congrats on your super finds. Smile
Posts: 29084 | Location: wolverhampton staffs uk | Registered: July 19, 2002Report This Post
Gold Card Talk Member
Picture of Boldlygone
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I finally had the time to crack open the box of Babylon 5 Profiles cards I picked up in MK.
Here's the breakdown

I found 9 Prop cards cards #PC4,7,8,9, PC17

3 Optic Nerve cards
#ON1, ON3 & ON7

3 Directors Chair cards
#DC1, DC2 & DC3

2 Writer's Desk cards
#WD2 & WD3

and finally 1 Auto card
#A2 MARTIN SHEEN. I noticed along with the sig that Mr Sheen added the date (8/29/99). Did he do this with all his cards?

Never give up - NEVER surrender
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Gold Card Talk Member
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DCJ, congrats on the Alias pulls!!! Thumb Up


Do not try and bend the spoon. That's impossible. Instead only try to realize the truth.

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