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Journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Topps, 2015)
Gold Card Talk Member
Picture of xtime
1 retail blaster box 10 packs, 6 cards each...
20 blue base 2:1
10 greenish base 1:1
6 black parallels 1:2
3 behind the scenes 1,7,9 1:5
3 concept art CA1,3,7
2 silver parallels 1:4
2 lightsaber neon 1:6
5 stickers s5,6,11,13,14 of 18. 1:3
2 Heroes of Resistance r6,9 of 9. 1:5
2 Power of First Order 3,6 of 8. 1:5
4 Foils f4,5,6,8 of 9. 1:3
1 cloth sticker 8 of 9. 1:9
1 patch 1:10

Overall grade B-/C+
Pros: nostalgic design, wrapper design, good concept
Cons: base set completion, parallel overkill, some chase are like base cards & price.

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Posts: 4244 | Location: USA | Registered: December 04, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of RedFive
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I found some at Target. I purchased:
4 - 14 card packs (these have the Target Exclusives.) I got all that was on the peg Frown
2 - regular 6 card packs (from a gravity feed box)
1 - box (with 10 packs, 6 cards per pack, and 1 patch per box)

Note: the retail does have autos, silver parallel autos, gold parallel autos, and sketches. These odds varied depending on the type of pack. Also, the patch odds varied from 1:10 packs (in the box), to 1:170 packs (in the other packs)

I Got:
blue starfield blue base cards - several
Jabba slime green starfield parallels(1:1) - 16 cards
black starfield parallels (1:2) - 7 cards
death star silver parallels (1:4) - 5 cards
lightsaber neon (Pink) starfield parallels (1:6) - 4 cards
Behind the scenes (1:5) - 4 cards (one double)
Character silhouette Foils (1:3) - 6 cards (one double)
concept art (1: ??) - 5 cards (one double)
character stickers(1:3) - 6 cards (one double)
Heroes of Resistance (1:5) - 4 cards (one double)
Power of First Order (1:5) - 3 cards (one double)
cloth stickers (1:9) - 2 stickers (These are new.)
patch card (1:10, or 1:170) - one patch
Choose your Destiny cards (1 per 14 card pack) - 4 cards (Target Exclusive)

I really like the parallel cards (and I usually do not), probably because they are bright colors, and easily distinguished.
Listed on the packs, Topps shows: "evolution of the lightsaber 1:5" - which is probably the concept art cards?
Posts: 440 | Location: USA | Registered: October 15, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Gold Card Talk Member
Picture of xtime
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Picked up 3 jumbo packs at Toys-R-Us...

31 blue base
3 black parallels
3 green parallels
2 code cards
2 foils
2 stickers
1 Power

0 autographs 1:545
0 silver auto parallel 1:2398
0 gold auto parallel 1:11988
0 sketch 1:811
0 patch 1:170

With those odds I'm shocked I didn't pull an auto, sketch or patch.
Confused Razz Twak

Posts: 4244 | Location: USA | Registered: December 04, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
NSU Writer
Picture of Don Norton
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Got a Hobby Box yesterday
1 full base of 110 cards, all different colors of borders, some doubles and triples, but not one duplicate in the same color border.
2 Silver foil parallels, numbered to 150
2 Free Pack cards, for digital cards
6 Concept cards (of 9)
6 Behind the Scenes (of 9)
5 Heros of The Resistance (of 9) plus one duplicate
3 Power of the First Order (of 8) plus 2 duplicates
11 Stickers (of 18)
7 Force Awakens Foil cards (of 9) pus 3 duplicates
3 Cloth Sticker cards (of 9)
1 Patch Card P-2 (First Order Stormtrooper)
1 Autograph Pam Rose as Leesub Sirln

Nice base set and inserts, a little bummed on all the duplicate inserts, and low level auto. Will try to complete the subsets.
Posts: 2943 | Location: Crystal Lake, IL | Registered: December 04, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Silver Card Talk Member
Picture of Miss Lizzy
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Opened one case and 5 boxes.

Case break:

Wayne Pygram (Gold Parallel #1/10)
Amy Allen (Silver Parallel #37/50)
John Morton
Michonne Bourriague
Nina Fallon
Pam Rose
Vanessa Marshall

P-2 Stormtrooper
P-4 C-3PO
P-7 Poe Dameron
P-9 BB-8
P-10 Tie Fighter Pilot
P-11 Kylo Ren
P-14 Chewbacca
P-17 Rey
P-20 R2-D2

Sketches & Printing Plate
Chewie by Robert Teranishi, Padmé by Stephanie Swanger, C-3PO by Sarah Wilkinson
Shock Trooper by Jason Peltz, Shaak Ti by Crystal "Bamboota" Fontan, ? by Matthew Sutton
Luke by Chris West, Cyan plate for card #74

Parallels …. so….. many…… parallels
Red (#/1) - none
Hologram (#/25) - none
Gold (#/50) - 92 & 109
Hoth Frosted Ice (#/150) - 3,15,17,21,36,39,42,45,59,61,63,67,72,91,95 & 100
Purple - 24 total, no dupes
Lightsaber Neon - 48 total, no dupes (1 card has damage)
Death Star Silver - 72 total, no dupes
Black - started to go through these, can't see the dang numbers. they should have been printed white.
Jabba Green Slime - 2 complete sets, 68 extras

Buyback card #283 - The Cantina Musicians
Cloth Stickers - 3 complete sets, 7 extras
Character Stickers - 6 complete sets, 34 extras
Concept Art - 7 complete sets, 7 extras
Heroes of the Resistance - 7 complete sets, 6 extras
Power of the First Order - 7 complete sets, 5 extras
Foil Force Awakens - 14 complete sets, 9 extras (no one at Topps noticed the error on these?)
Behind the Scenes - 7 complete sets, 5 extras

Twitter: @MLCollectibles

Posts: 2070 | Location: Southern California | Registered: March 20, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Silver Card Talk Member
Picture of Miss Lizzy
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5 Boxes:

Michonne Bourriague
Jesse Jensen
Orli Shoshan

P-5 Chewbacca
P-7 Poe Dameron
P-20 R2-D2

Doom by Brad Hudson, Luke by Brian Kong
Clone Trooper by Joe Hogan,Vader by Tod Allen Smith

Red (#/1) - none
Hologram (#/25) - none
Gold (#/50) - 46
Hoth Frosted Ice (#/150) - 7,35,55,78,85,99,105
Purple - 10 total, no dupes
Lightsaber Neon - 20 total, no dupes
Death Star Silver - 30 total, no dupes
Black - still can't read the numbers without getting a headache, pulled 60 total
Jabba Green Slime - a few shy of a set, plus extras

Cloth Stickers - pulled 14 total, no complete sets :-/
Character Stickers - 2 complete sets, 22 extras
Concept Art - pulled 29 total, no complete sets :-/
Heroes of the Resistance - 2 complete sets, 11 extras
Power of the First Order - 3 complete sets, 2 extras
Foil Force Awakens - 5 complete sets, 11 extras
Behind the Scenes - 2 complete sets, 10 extras

Twitter: @MLCollectibles

Posts: 2070 | Location: Southern California | Registered: March 20, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of RedFive
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Originally posted by Miss Lizzy:
Opened one case and 5 boxes.

Case break:

Buyback card #283 - The Cantina Musicians

Is the buyback card foil stamped?
Posts: 440 | Location: USA | Registered: October 15, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Bronze Card Talk Member
Picture of Kryten67
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buybacks are not Stamped in this release...... Confused

Be Wary of Star Wars Journey to the Force BuyBack Card #207 the C3PO Error card..... surprised one hasn't "Popped Up"........

Today is a Good Day to Buy!
Posts: 692 | Location: Columbus, OH | Registered: April 14, 2015Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Gold Card Talk Member
Picture of xtime
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Wal-Mart exclusives are finally out.

Picked up 8 units.(16 total packs)
Each comes with two sealed packs with 6 cards each and 2 exclusives.
The exclsuives are a shiny version of the FL chase inside the packs.
All...I repeat...ALL 8 had the same two exclusives, eventhough the set appears to be nine cards total. UGGH!!! Mad
So, I have extras to trade. Go figure. Twak
The packs contain 1-2 base and 4-5 chase each. Good luck trying to complete the base set with these retail packs.
Anybody else with different results? Confused

Posts: 4244 | Location: USA | Registered: December 04, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of MARKPERRY2000
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What I found in my box of Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back.

Brian Singleton
Posts: 43 | Location: Los Angeles | Registered: November 21, 2012Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of RedFive
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Originally posted by xtime:
Anybody else with different results? Confused

The collation of the color exclusive inserts was very poor in the blister packs that I purchased as well. On the plus side, I found some of the Toys R Us blueprints cards in the Walmart packs.
Posts: 440 | Location: USA | Registered: October 15, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post

Gold Card Talk Member
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Packs have reached Dollar Tree.
4 base cards per... Cool

Posts: 4244 | Location: USA | Registered: December 04, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Gold Card Talk Member
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X-Time, I am confused by what you pulled from the Wal Mart packs

As you said, there are 9 Family Legacy cards

But are you saying that there are shiny variants on them, also ?
Posts: 4866 | Location: Bayonne, NJ, USA | Registered: May 06, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of RedFive
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The Family Legacy cards are either heritage style, or a full color modern style. So FL-1 through FL-9 are each available in two variations.
Posts: 440 | Location: USA | Registered: October 15, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Bronze Card Talk Member
Picture of stevetrek
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Bought ten packs from a feeder box at Toys r Us. Each pack contained a blue print card. There was one purple parallel in this batch.
Posts: 912 | Location: IL | Registered: February 07, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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