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Star Trek TOS 40th Anniversary
Silver Card Talk Member
Here's what I pulled out of my case.

Captain Pike: (tough to read the numbers on these):
3 full sets + extras of 1, 2, 3, 6, 8

Faces of Vina:
3 full sets + extras of 1, 4, 6

Quotable Expansion Cards:
2 full sets + lots of extras

Portrait Cards 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 15, 16, 17, 18

12 Black & White Expansion Cards

Delta Shield Cards 3 and 5

104 Carl Held
107 Lawrence Montaigne
108 Dick Durock
109 Robert Walker Jr
110 Kathryn Hays
111 France Nuyen
112 Joan Collins (Woo Hoo!)
115 David Soul x 2
116 John Crawford
117 Ned Romero
118 Peter Duryer x 2
120 Majel Barrett
121 Laurel Goodwin x 2
124 Beverly Washburn
128 Marianne Hill
129 Emily Banks
130 Victor Lundin x 2
131 Garrison True
134 Mary Rice
135 Richard Compton

Overall, I'm very happy with the case. Smile My only complaint is with the numbering on the Pike Cards. Had to pull out the magnifying glass to figure out cards 6, 8 and 9.
Posts: 1343 | Location: Frederick, MD USA | Registered: July 25, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of ajdedo
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Wow, You got 3 of 4 Very Limited in 1 case. That's pretty amazing. I'd love to see if that common or not. Congrats.
Posts: 146 | Location: Sunshine Coast, BC | Registered: April 06, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Silver Card Talk Member
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the insignia badge cards are a really good idea for costume cards.

i like the backs of them, how it reminds me of 80's sets like Close encounters.
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Silver Card Talk Member
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Great Job on the case breakdown! I wonder if more cases will have that many Very Limited auto cards?

billylomas1 on Epack
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Since I don't track breakdowns, this is the best I can do:

This was an interesting set. Very retro. The base set has some images I don't think we've seen on cards before. techno shots, cool ship shots and so on. I dunno why, but I love the card with the close-up of the sealed Talos V orders. It makes the nerd in me giggle.
The retro card back that makes into a puzzle is sweet. So 70ish I was looking for my stick of gum.
My fave set is the TOS Q set. I'm soft on that set, so an expansion set is cooool. Best part is, it's available in such nubmers, that it's really not going to be hard for even the casual collector to go ahead and pick it up and add it to his base set.
The Leaf exapnsion set is fiiine. Numbering system even tales over at 73. I was terribly bummed to read that the back and discover that the backs made sense. Had RA been truley commited to the idea of a Leaf set, they would have had an employee drop a little acid and then write the backs.
The badges set looks soooo good. They aren't real badges (how in the world would one find about 4000 badges, I dunno Wink But, as a girl with magpie tendancies, they are are gold and shinny and brightly colored.
The autographs follow in the TOS style, which pleases most people very much. Although a couple of images are questionable, I actually enjoy seeing the other actors in the shot, esp for lessor known characters, it gives them context.
Finally ya'll can get off my back in regards to Kathryn Hayes, as she finally shows up in this product Wink As do a few new faces, we were delighted to get..Robert Walker, Francis N.
We have two Nimoy'd costume card and auto card. I love the two Mirror sigs of Spock and Sulu.
I don't tend to follow closely the collation of product unless it's a massive swing one way or the other and I didn't have problems with any one card except for the Eugene card, which I only got one of in 10 cases, so I'll be looking to buy a few of those for master sets.
Oh, there weas more...portrait cards, incentives and so on, but that's enough babble for one day Smile

Star Trek cards rule, everything else drools.
Posts: 4246 | Location: Pittsboro, NC USA | Registered: November 30, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of blwilson
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Ordered two boxes from my regular dealer.

Base sets x3 plus extras
Quotable TOS Expansion cards x8 11, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 125, 128
Faces Of Vina cards x4 FV2, FV3, FV4, FV5
Captain Pike cards x6 CP1, CP2, CP4, CP7, CP8, CP9
1967 Expansion cards x2 85, 90
Portrait cards x2 PT02, PT13
Autographs x4 A117 Ned Romero, A121 Laurel Goodwin, A124 Beverly Washburn, A128 Marianne Hill

I really love the retro base set!


Members I've successfully traded with:
wuher, Scott Rammel, Bond, mars53, Arvin Sloane, Larry C., silmapco, MrSpeed719, spidergoblin, mark64, steve j, barrowjack, indypat75, ra4dunb, Avalon, hammer, Gregor1968, Rich, Scifi Cards, Ryan Cracknell, UofLHoops, Cee_Jay, rachandcarl, brandocles, venom5liter, Warrior Babe, manolito, SciFi Mom, Ariana, Craig, beleay, kidtrek, eman, iki927, jane
Posts: 281 | Location: Surrey, BC, Canada | Registered: January 17, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Silver Card Talk Member
Picture of Jack London
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Got a fantastic box of these at the show today! I also got the binder with the supercool Walter Koenig autograph for about $30! Here are the inserts:

Quotable Expansion: 111, 112, 119, 121

Vina: FV1 and FV2

Captain Pike: CP5 and CP9

Portraits: Uhura

Insignia Patch: McCoy 099/350 Clap

and the Autographs:

Carl Held A104

Joan Collins A112 Dance Dance Dance

Very pleased with this box as it will be the only one I can afford. Second Joan Collins autograph I have pulled from packs. The first was the animated version a few months ago.

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Posts: 1553 | Location: Southern California | Registered: March 01, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Bronze Card Talk Member
Picture of gofmauleg
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Wow, those are excellent pulls! Thumb Up Congratulations to you and those who already shared their box breaks! Clap Clap Clap
Posts: 714 | Location: City by the Bay, CA | Registered: May 09, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Platinum Card Talk Member
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Opened my box #5375.

Quotable-#-111, 112, 119, 121
Captain Pike-# 2,4,7
Vina #-3,4, 77
Portraits-PT14 Ruk
Autos-A108, Dick Durock, A131, Garrison True

Not the greatest box but you pays you money, you takes you chance. I liked the base set and I would still buy the box. I got everything I was supposed to get. Thumb Up


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Silver Card Talk Member
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I got a box and I got
Star Trek Portraits (1:40 packs)
PT03 Dr. McCoy

Autograph Cards (1:20 packs)
A127 Paul Comi as Lt. Andrew Stiles
A135 George Takei as Mirror Universe Sulu (Limited)

I got some Pike, Vina, & Expansion cards as well

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Silver Card Talk Member
Picture of Jason00
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I opened box #2972 today (it was supposed to be an Xmas present, but my wife let me open it when it came today Big Grin ) I got:

Star Trek Portraits PT6 Uhura
The Cage expansion #84
Vina #'s FV1, FV2
Captain Pike #'s CP4, 7, 9
Quotable TOS expansion #'s 111, 118, 122, 125

I only got one autograph card (and it was in my second to last pack), and I would complain, except that it was Joan Collins Metal

Obviously, I was hoping for a Roddenberry cut (who isn't?) but I'm happy with my Joan Collins. The only card I wanted more was Majel Barrett as Number One. I also purchased David Soul and Peter Duryea autographs on "the bay", and they arrived today, too. I may email Rittenhouse about the missing autograph, I may not bother. Haven't decided yet.

I love the base set -- I wish every set was as great looking as this one. Good job, Rittenhouse!

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Silver Card Talk Member
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nice pull on you Joan Collins
Thumb Up

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Posts: 1233 | Location: Renegade City | Registered: April 04, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of manolito
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I have opened 2 cases but the collaction of the autograph cards were very bad for me.
0 very limited autograph cards
5 limited autograph cards
43 normal autograph cards (nr.104 i have 6 times)
0 Roddenberry Jr
0 Roddenberry cut signature card
4 patch cards
The rest of the specials was according the stated odds.

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Posts: 164 | Location: the netherlands | Registered: May 06, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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My dealer's distributor had only one box left and I got it today. The breakdown as follows:

CP 1, 4, 7
The Cage Expansion #75
FV 2, 6
Quotable Expansion 111, 112, 119, 121
PT3 (McCoy)
Insignia Patch: Chekov
A104: Carl Held
A112: Joan Collins

Was pretty happy with the box!
Posts: 275 | Location: California | Registered: March 15, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Silver Card Talk Member
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Nice job Glim

Thumb Up

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Posts: 1233 | Location: Renegade City | Registered: April 04, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Gold Card Talk Member
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Congrats on pulling Joan Collins jason00 & Glim.
Really sorry about your bad luck manolito.

My 5 boxes are being held to ransom by Parcel Force Mad
I wondered why my parcel was taking so long.
I hope the wait (and the extra charges) end up being worth it.


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Posts: 4214 | Location: Flitwick, Bedfordshire, England | Registered: July 15, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Bronze Card Talk Member
Picture of gofmauleg
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Congrats Jason00 & Glim on pulling a Joan Collins autograph card! Clap Master, nice pull as well with your George Takei auto card! Thumb Up

Well, I finally purchased a case and it will be arriving on Monday. I hope I pull lots of wonderful cards. I also have a binder and the Grace Lee Whitney case incentive auto card coming with my order. Smile
Posts: 714 | Location: City by the Bay, CA | Registered: May 09, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of ajdedo
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Is this normal?

I opened a case of cards (12 boxes) and I got 24 'Vina' cards.

FV1 = 0
FV2 = 4
FV3 = 0
FV4 = 5
FV5 = 7
FV6 = 8

I would have thought the distrabution would be a lot more 'even'.... Anyone else find this?
Posts: 146 | Location: Sunshine Coast, BC | Registered: April 06, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of manolito
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Ajdedo 24 Vina cards per case is normal.
But not getting any complete set of the Vina cards is not.
I got 2 sets per case of the Vina cards.
Posts: 164 | Location: the netherlands | Registered: May 06, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Diamond Card Talk Member
Picture of hammer
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Originally posted by ajdedo:
Is this normal?

I opened a case of cards (12 boxes) and I got 24 'Vina' cards.

FV1 = 0
FV2 = 4
FV3 = 0
FV4 = 5
FV5 = 7
FV6 = 8

I would have thought the distrabution would be a lot more 'even'.... Anyone else find this?

I would ask RA if you could swap a couple of FV 5 and 6 for a couple of FV 1 and 3
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