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How many exist?
Silver Card Talk Member
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As I continue to strive toward reaching my goal of owning every promo card in PCE, I noticed that there is an abundance of listings with the notation "set number is N.K[not known]", in that publication.
[b]The purpose of this thread is to document what other cards collectors have found which belong to a series already addressed in PCE but which the book doesn't mention exist![/b
Undeniably, other threads have dealt with this issue tangentially, but this is a good spot to share your knowledge and increase the available information to fellow collectors.

The following are the additions I am aware of:

All Star Toon Ups Baseball- Phil Delphia; Andy Mistitt; Mike Easter; Hugh Mungus; Justin Case; Sam Quentin; Ivan Kotchadozinov.

All Star Toon Ups Football- Jim Nast; Deacon Fusion; Warren Piece; Monty Zuma; Trudy Uprights; Rocky Rhodes.

American Vintage Motor Cycles series I: There are 100 promo cards (1-100) each with the stamp "Champs Dealer Promo Card" on back.

American Vintage Motor Cycles series II: There are 99 promo cards (101-200) each with the stamp "Champs Dealer Promo Card" on front.
Note: I have yet to see #101.

Avne Packaging Services- Feather your nest; Don't miss the boat.

to be continued....

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Posts: 1045 | Location: Overseas | Registered: May 22, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Yes, I see this as a subset of the PCE Additions thread, but as that list gets longer, it gets more time-consuming to pick out those sets with updated entries out of the background of new listings, corrections/clarifications, price updates, and additional notes. Working with the A's:

Amazing Heroes (1993) Amazing Heroes Publishing.
n.n. (three bikini-clad women); art by Adam Hughes - same as listed by PCE 2008 but this card is regular-sized; it was imserted with the "Batbabe" card listed in the same set - poly "Amazing Spoof Heroes Swimsuit Issue #4."...$2-3

American Vintage Motorcycles: Series II (1993) Champs Marketing/Skybox
n.n. "Jerry Glanville"; this is one of the cards with the foil finish on the front and a blank back except for the "Unfinished Skybox Prototype" hand stamp, which also apparently completes that subset.
**Note: I was told by a former Skybox employee that the unfinished prototypes were given to some employees.

An American Tale : Fievel Goes West (1991). Impel.
"Cat R. Waul"; has Pizza Hut logo but not marked as a sample.


Originally posted by promoking:
As I continue to strive toward reaching my goal of owning every promo card in PCE, I noticed that there is an abundance of listings with the notation "set number is N.K[not known]", in that publication.
[b]The purpose of this thread is to document what other cards collectors have found which belong to a series already addressed in PCE but which the book doesn't mention exist![/b
Undeniably, other threads have dealt with this issue tangentially, but this is a good spot to share your knowledge and increase the available information to fellow collectors.

The following are the additions I am aware of:

All Star Toon Ups Baseball- Phil Delphia; Andy Mistitt; Mike Easter; Hugh Mungus; Justin Case; Sam Quentin; Ivan Kotchadozinov.

All Star Toon Ups Football- Jim Nast; Deacon Fusion; Warren Piece; Monty Zuma; Trudy Uprights; Rocky Rhodes.

American Vintage Motor Cycles series I: There are 100 promo cards (1-100) each with the stamp "Champs Dealer Promo Card" on back.

American Vintage Motor Cycles series II: There are 99 promo cards (101-200) each with the stamp "Champs Dealer Promo Card" on front.
Note: I have yet to see #101.

Avne Packaging Services- Feather your nest; Don't miss the boat.

to be continued....
Posts: 4695 | Location: San Jose, CA, USA | Registered: December 23, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Here are six cards and a sticker that complete the set of promos for the "Gertie the Dinosaur" comic book series from 2000. I remember the four cards listed in PCE2008 (picked them up at SDCC in 2000) but didn't know there were other cards until I stumbled onto these much later.


Posts: 4695 | Location: San Jose, CA, USA | Registered: December 23, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Gold Card Talk Member
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Hi Promoking,

Here are two groups that complete promo sets partially listed in PCE2008:

Saved by the Bell: The New Class (no year) Company n.k.
**Note: This is a 10-card set with all the cards in a cello-pack; source still n.k.; color photos on both sides

n.n. "Lindsay & Tommy D."/(three people)
n.n. "Principal Belding"/(cast)
n.n. "Principal Belding"/"Principal Belding & Scott"
n.n. "Scott"/"Scott"
n.n. "Tommy D./"Tommy D."
n.n. "Weasel"/"Weasel"
n.n. "Weasel & Lindsay"/(cast photo)

Tenchi Muyo Collection (1996) Pioneer LDC, Inc.
**Note: cards were inserted with videos that had a sticker on the front that says "Collectible Card Inside"
n.n. "Ayeka"
n.n. "Kagato"
n.n. "Kijone"
n.n. "Ryoko"
n.n. "Tenchi"
n.n. "Washu"

Posts: 4695 | Location: San Jose, CA, USA | Registered: December 23, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Silver Card Talk Member
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There are indeed many partial sets listed in the PCE. This is a good place to highlight those completions. Thanks.

Posts: 1045 | Location: Overseas | Registered: May 22, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Bronze Card Talk Member
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G'day promoking. Well, I can add a couple of additions to this thread...

An American Tale : Fievel Goes West 1991 backed marked Pizza Hut, by Impel, I have another promo not listed on page 10 of PCE 2008, the character of Cat R. Waul

Another addition...

Tempo Trading Cards 1997 promotes the company, the standard size cards used as business cards each with gold foil lettering, I have another promo not listed on page 149 of PCE 2008, "Trent Panteli"

Another addition...

Gross Out 2006 marked K-Zone (an Australian Kids magazine),Standard size cards, not listed on page 86 of PCE 2008, one marked S21 Fatty Flush and another marked 61 Vegetarian Meal
Posts: 734 | Location: sydney nsw australia | Registered: February 09, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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An American Tale I too have the character of Cat R. Waul card but not the other cards.

Incidently page 86 of my PCE 2008 shows all Lord of the Rings cards so do you mean another page?



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John, yes sorry mate, GROSS OUT page 66, thanks for the heads up... Thumb Up
Posts: 734 | Location: sydney nsw australia | Registered: February 09, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Completing the Virgin Cola set listed in PCE2008 on page 160 is the "Vanilla Cola" card. Here are the fronts and backs:

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Posts: 4695 | Location: San Jose, CA, USA | Registered: December 23, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Here's the fourth card completing the set of "unfinished" Skybox prototypes in the "American Vintage Motorcycles" Series II set from 1993.

Posts: 4695 | Location: San Jose, CA, USA | Registered: December 23, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Bronze Card Talk Member
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Cats...that Motorcycle prototype is sick !! any spares to complete my set? Metal
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Unfortunately, no. I was very lucky to find the full set on "the bay" several years ago and the price was good (maybe $15?). If you look around, you might find it.

Originally posted by cardscout182:
Cats...that Motorcycle prototype is sick !! any spares to complete my set? Metal
Posts: 4695 | Location: San Jose, CA, USA | Registered: December 23, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Here's a 5th card (legendary folk singer/songwriter/activist, Joan Baez) in the "Sheroes" promo set listed in PCE2008. I don't know if it completes the set but I haven't seen any other ones. It has the same back as the other cards - also undated but the book they promote was published in 1998.

Posts: 4695 | Location: San Jose, CA, USA | Registered: December 23, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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PCE2008 lists four cards from a set of MC Hammer lenticular cards (Kraft General Foods Canada, Inc, 1990) noting that the set number is unknown. Here is a fifth card (Hammer in blue). PCE2008 says the cards were in General Mills products but the card backs have a Post logo. Backs also feature French and English text. I think there is at least one other card in the set. As an added note, these are three-image lenticulars.

Posts: 4695 | Location: San Jose, CA, USA | Registered: December 23, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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PCE2008 lists two cards from the Home Alone 2 promo set (Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation/Optigraphics Corporation, 1992), one showing the boy and the other showing the two crooks. This is a third showing the boy getting out of a limo. I think there is one more card showing the "Pigeon Lady." These are dual-image lenticulars measuring 2 1/2 x 3 5/16 (a little smaller than standard size) with images from the movie. The backs bear French and English text along with the logos of several cereals (Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Trix, Pro Stars, etc.). The cards were inserted one per box of General Mills cereals in Canada, each in its own cello-pack, and they have rounded corners.

Posts: 4695 | Location: San Jose, CA, USA | Registered: December 23, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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PCE2008 lists two cards on page 16 under the heading "Batman (no year) DC Comics" noting that they were inserted with Batman action figures. These cards, part of a 10-card set, were inserted specifically with "DC Comics Super Heroes" die-cast figures with each card available only with a particular figure. The packaging calls the cards, "DC Comics Super Heroes Collector Cards" (DC Comics Inc., 1990).

The card fronts display classic comic book cover art with the card backs giving a little background on the issue and/or characters. The cards are undated but the toy packaging has a 1990 date.

These cards may show a tape stain on the back because a piece of tape was used to secure the card within the packaging. There may also be some wrinkling in the clear coating on the back.

Here are two other cards from the set. I have seen at least two others and I think there's a Green Lantern card as well.

Posts: 4695 | Location: San Jose, CA, USA | Registered: December 23, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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PCE20008 listed the "Space Jam" movie 7-card set (Kellogg Company/Warner Bros., 1996) that was inserted one card per box of Kellogg's cereals in Germany. A friend there sent me a couple of cards a few years later. A set was difficult to assemble by that time because cards hardly ever appeared for sale.

More cards have shown up recently and it is more widely known that they were not only released in other countries but they were done in multiple languages. The card below bears text in French and German - one of a set released in Switzerland where both languages are spoken. I have seen cards in Spanish and Portuguese as well.

Years ago, these cards went for $2 each and then they drifted more in the $3-5 range occasionally going for a little more. This year, with the weird jump in interest in trading cards especially those with Michael Jordan on them, they have been selling consistently for $10-20.

Posts: 4695 | Location: San Jose, CA, USA | Registered: December 23, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Here's another card, "Vertigo" from the Primal Rage (1994) Playmates set. I have seen another one, "Armadon," as well.

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This is one of the promos for the John Bolton Vampir Collection, a boxed factory card set (High Heels Productions, 1994). The basic image is of a woman and a fish against a background of colored squares. There is a variant with the woman in the nude with the back text in English and another with text in Spanish. This one shows the background squares (which Allender coined as "modesty squares") extending to "clothe" the woman in a bikini. I assume the artist/company wanted a version to give away to adults and one for younger people or those not wanting the nude version. There is one with the back text in English listed in PCE2008, and a couple of years ago, I found this one with the text in Spanish. There may be a French version of the nude and modesty squared fronts as well.

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Posts: 4695 | Location: San Jose, CA, USA | Registered: December 23, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Gold Card Talk Member
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Originally posted by catskilleagle:
This is one of the promos for the John Bolton Vampire Collection, a boxed factory card set (High Heels Productions, 1994). The basic image is of a woman and a fish against a background of colored squares. There is a variant with the woman in the nude with the back text in English and another with text in Spanish. This one shows the background squares (which Allender coined as "modesty squares") extending to "clothe" the woman in a bikini. I assume the artist/company wanted a version to give away to adults and one for younger people or those not wanting the nude version. There is one with the back text in English listed in PCE2008, and a couple of years ago, I found this one with the text in Spanish. There may be a French version of the nude and modesty squared fronts as well.

I have one (nude version) for the Capital City Retailer Conference 1994 International. The conference was held in Brussels May 28 to 30 1994. The card is 1 of 200.
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