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open that box
Picture of H_Toser
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Cool posts everyone. Keep them coming. And be sure to see Charlie's post over in the discussion forum in which he asks that people e-mail him so they can be included in the NSU article that we are doing about this (not that you won't be if you post here -- it'll just make it easier if he has them too). He's also looking for high resolution pictures (300 dpi) so if you want to see your mug in NSU or your cards shown there, send Charlie some photos and a note.


Posts: 13014 | Location: Harrisburg, PA, USA | Registered: November 29, 2000Report This Post
Picture of arnaud lemauviel
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Early this morning I opened a box of Farscape Season 3, this is what I found:
Box N° 1798

4 full base sets
sketch card DRD by Pablo
Auto A16 Matt Newton as Jothee
R9, R15
F3, F4
Q23, Q29, Q30, Q32, Q35, Q37, Q38, Q41
BTS23, BTS26, BTS30, BTS31, BTS33, BTS37, BTS40 and BTS43

Not a bad breakdown ( would have prefered a Tammy Macintosh auto but this was cool enough to make my day fun ).
Posts: 31 | Location: Saint Benoit des Ondes ( 35, France ) | Registered: March 13, 2006Report This Post
Silver Card Talk Member
Picture of MikeFitz
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Open That Box Day turned out to be a great excuse to pick up an older box that I've been thinking about gettiing for quite a while.

It's finally here in front of me and it's every bit asmuch fun as I'd hoped for.
I opened a box of Monsterwax's "Tune in for Terror" cards.
For those of you unfamiliar with them, they consist of 30 base cards along with a header and checklist card and nine stickers.
The set topic is on one of my favorite forms of entertaiinment - old time radio shows.
As per the title, the stories (represented one per card) are all weird and or spooky.
Some stories you may have heard of, most others you probably haven't.
Many of the terrific radio shows are represented: Lights Out, Inner Sanctum, Quiet Please.
The box broke down as four complete sets with stickers.
There was one bonus card redeemable for an actual show tape from one of six Old Time Radio thrillers.

Wonderful imaginative cards with creepy cool illustrations. The backs of the nine stickeres form a puzzle picture and there was even a membership card for Dr. Morgan's Mystery/Monster Fan Club!
The wrapper backs have chapters of another story to put together. A nice touch and a terrific set!

Golden Age Card Talk member.
Posts: 1457 | Location: New England | Registered: January 02, 2002Report This Post
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Hey everybody! Somehow, the real Card Reaper has been able to sent me his box breakdown!!!
He purchasd a box of Veronica Mars and hre is what he got:

Auto: Kristen Bell as Veronica Mars!!!! Dance Elephant Sheep


Pieceworks: Pw...1 Kristen Bell as Veronica Mars!!! Dance Elephant Sheep


B-L: 3

W #5 &6

R # 1&2

Overall, he is probably really happy!!!!!

Oh, by the way, great box breakdowns everybody!

Posts: 291 | Location: Montreal, Quebec | Registered: November 29, 2005Report This Post
Silver Card Talk Member
Picture of venom5liter
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I just finished opening my 4 Retail boxes of LOTR: Evolution. These were opened by myself since no one I know currently collects trading cards. Frown I chose those boxes since the set was done well and I'm trying for a complete Master set and needed a few of the Memorabilia cards. Ended up getting 1 I needed! Thumb Up

Originally posted by venom5liter:

Box 5:
1 Base Set
6 Evolution A 1A,2A,17A,18A,19A,20A
2 Evolution B 3B,4B
1 Memorabilia Frodo's Travel Cloak
4 Stained Glass S4,S5,S8,S10

Box 6:
1 Base Set
6 Evolution A 1A,2A,3A,4A,5A,6A
2 Evolution B 11B,12B
1 Memorabilia Galadriel's Grey Havens Cloak
4 Stained Glass S1,S2,S7,S9

Box 7:
1 Base Set
6 Evolution A 11A,12A,13A,14A,15A,16A
2 Evolution B 9B,10B
1 Memorabilia Frodo's Travel Cloak
4 Stained Glass S1,S2,S7,S9

Box 8:
1 Base Set
6 Evolution A 5A,6A,7A,8A,9A,10A
2 Evolution B 7B,8B
1 Memorabilia Gandalf's Shirt
4 Stained Glass S3,S5,S6,S8

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Remember to remove "NOSPAM" when emailing me.

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Posts: 1857 | Location: Sugar Grove, IL, United States | Registered: October 02, 2002Report This Post
Gold Card Talk Member
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Opened a box of Playboy February Centerfolds.

Got two base sets and 6 gold foil cards,two each of Jenny McCarthy,Latoya Jackson and Bo Derek.

Zero autographs Frown .At least the cards are nice to look at Big Grin.

Not had much luck with this month,4 boxes opened and one Jenny McCarthy auto.Anyone know what the odds on autos for this issue was?

Hope other people have better luck with their boxes Wave.
Posts: 2576 | Location: Sutton Coldfield England | Registered: August 09, 2002Report This Post
Gold Card Talk Member
Picture of Raj
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I opened a box of Battlefield Earth (couldn't resist opening the other stuff I got this week as soon as I got it)

Got 1 base set.
No autos.
Posts: 3282 | Location: Luton, UK | Registered: October 07, 2001Report This Post
New Card Talk Member
Picture of Steve from Maine
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Is Card No. 28 In This Box?
Opening Mars Attacks Archives Box (1994)

When I first saw the ad for “Open That Box Day” I thought it was a rather silly idea – I mean, who was going to open up one of their treasured box of cards just because NSU says so? But as the days went by I found myself locating all my unopened boxes and contemplating the idea. By Thursday (4/6) I had all my “potential” openers lined up on a table. I was caught up in the event! But there was no way I was going to open my Mars Attacks Archive box, my pride and joy, and most valuable item in my collection. No, I’d open a box with lower market value but something I was still excited about. So I selected my Planet of the Apes Archive box. I‘d been meaning to open it for years and have never seen the completed set. So I was all set for today, however, last night I got little sleep. My mind was filled with memories of when I opened my first box of Mars Attacks Archive cards. I knew I really wanted to open this unopened box I've had for almost 10 years -but how could I? IIt's the only one I have - is this really the right time? I stayed up into the night debating this question and reliving that magical moment almost a decade ago…

It was May of 1966 and I was vacationing in Florida. For fun, I stopped by a card shop called Emerald City (St. Petersburg), just to see what they had. I hadn’t collected trading cards since Dinosaurs Attacks and thought it would be fun to see what kind of cards were being sold these days. As I perused the shelves my eyes fell on an uncanny site – A new Mars Attacks Deluxe trading card box. I hadn’t heard - I had never been to a card show nor was I aware of NSU or any other trading card magazines at the time. I stared at the box – could this be something related to my most favorite trading cards from my childhood? I grew up on Long Island, NY, and had collected the original Mars Attacks cards buying them from a vending machine simply labeled Martian Cards. It cost a nickel and two cards came out of the slot. They were incredible. It was 1966 and I was in second grade. Every Sunday after church we’d stop at the local five and dime and Dad would give me a nickel and I’d run to the vending machine. By the time the machine was removed, I’d collected the entire set except card #28. I was upset that this card eluded me. I only got a glimpse of what the card looked like from the preview window on card #27 and it was in black & white. I imagined how it looked in color and what was in the parts of the card not shown in the preview window.

Thirty years later, I was staring down at this new release. I still did not possess card #28 from the orignal set and had pretty much forgotten about it. I was thrilled to read on the bottom of the box that this new series included “deluxe re-issues of the original 55 card set”. Wow! I couldn’t believe it. I quickly purchased the box (the only one they had) and left quickly with the feeling of a found treasure in my hands. I didn’t go sight-seeing that night – I stayed in my hotel room opening this box one pack at a time – amazed at the quality of the reprints – the new cards were interesting (#56 –100), but nothing like reliving the thrill of seeing all those classic 55 cards again. And I was eager to finally see Card #28 in its entirety and in full color. I’d never been to a card show so had never actually seen Card #28. This was going to be a real treat. I began building my set pack by pack, thrilled at the site of these amazing cards and jolted with excitement seeing the original card fronts again – all my favorites were there! But when I reached the last unopened pack I’d gotten every card from the original 55 except card #28. I couldn’t believe it. How could this be? Why is this happening again? I held that final pack in my hand for what seemed like hours – praying that the elusive #28 was inside. I slowly removed the wrapper and held the stack of cards in my hand with my eyes closed. I opened my eyes to view the top card. Nope. Then I removed the top card to reveal the next one until I got down to the final card... closed my eyes again ... then opened widely to see Card #98 – that stupid one with the skulls! I was devastated. How could there not be a card #28 in an entire box of cards!!

That night was a mixture of great joy and frustration. But it got me back into collecting cards again. I began seeking out other card shops when I returned to NYC and discovered trading card magazines. I picked up my first copy of NSU in the spring of 1996 and a whole new world opened up. I decided to see if I could acquire card #28 to complete my original Bubble series, but I didn’t know how to go about it. So I placed a Want Ad in NSU to see if I could buy or trade for one. My ad appeared in Volume 7, No. 4. It must have looked silly to seasoned collectors who might have thought “doesn’t this guy know how easy it is to buy original Mars Attack cards?” I even offered to trade three of my originals (doubles) including card #1!! Well, the response was wonderful and I received supporting letters and advice from some neat people. The best advice was to buy an issue of The Wrapper where I was sure to find someone selling Card #28.

I finally did buy that card through The Wrapper and later acquired Card #28 from the Archives series at the Philly Card show in the spring of 1997. I also purchased an unopened box of Archive cards to keep as part of my collection. I was now a “born again” non-sports collector, looking for every possible Mars Attack card including all the promos, chase cards, unpublished set, Screamin' model cards, the cracked issues, and even the Bathroom Buddies card. Today, the only item not complete is my Mars Attacks Archives First Day set. I’m missing cards 9, 18, 19, 26, 36, 46, 48 and 54. They are impossible to find – even on Ebay. I have looked at my unopened box many times wondering if some of those First Day cards are inside – but I wanted to keep that box unopened – it has become very scarce and the NSU list price continues to rise.

So now it’s “Open That Box Day” and I have the Planet of the Ape Archive box on the table. You know by now that I have given into the fever of this day and the memories I have just relayed to you. So now my unopened box of 1994 Mars Attacks Archive Cards sits on the table in front of me and I am wondering whether card No. 28 is in this box? It has been a curiosity ever since I purchased it nearly 10 years ago. That card evaded me in 1966 and again in 1996. Will the same happen in 2006? But is it worth opening this box and losing its value just to satisfy a curiosity? Well, let’s face it; I’m never going to sell this box even if offered $500 or $1,000. Really. It’s mine. I want to treasure the experience. And this box could contain some of the First Day cards I still need – so isn’t that reason enough? I think so. And I want to thank NSU for this moment. Your “silly” day has now become my “special” day. So here it goes – time to tear off that cellophane wrapper – there’s no turning back now!

[I will tell you my results in a later post. I want to enjoy the moment…reflect…remember…and go treasure hunting once again]
Posts: 6 | Location: Sumner, ME USA | Registered: November 21, 2003Report This Post
Picture of ocdlotr
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Hey StevefromMaine and Venom5liter...great posts...thanks for the RUSH!!!

'Follow your bliss'...Joseph Campbell
'Looking isn't as simple as it looks'...Ad Reinhardt
Posts: 216 | Location: New York | Registered: March 28, 2006Report This Post
Platinum Card Talk Member
Picture of Silverback
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Steve from Maine, how about sending chapter one and two to charlieincolorado. He's a writer for NSU looking for interesting articles on open that box.


"What if this is as good as it gets?" --WORSE--What if it doesn't get any better!
What's the difference between ignorance and apathy? I don't know and I don't care.
Posts: 6113 | Location: Illinois | Registered: March 30, 2005Report This Post
Picture of ocdlotr
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Wow...what an exciting 'opening'!
A couple of weeks ago at the NY White Plains Westchester Baseball Card show, I was able to find a few boxes of the new LOTR Evolution Hobby boxes at $50 a pop...not a bad price as these boxes were already selling for over $55 on Ebay with an additional $7 shipping = $62 a box! And since...that price has skyrocketed!

Got a few good cards from that batch...but was still ITCHING for more!!!...and hoping for the HOLY GRAIL of EVOLUTION Sketch cards...Rafael Kayanan or Cat Staggs or Allison Sohn or Cynthia Cummens or Jake Myler...or any of the 250 sketches or under artists in this FANTASTIC and really BEAUTIFUL set.

While roaming the various tables, I bought a copy of Non-Sport's Cards Update Magazine...with the new SUPERMAN on the cover...GREAT MAGAZINE! As an avid collector of baseball cards for longer than I care to mention, I have recently, because of my LOVE of Peter Jackson's interpretation of Tolkein's Trilogy, collected ALL the Topps Lord of the Rings card sets and updates... and almost all of the autographs AND costume cards!

When I heard that this EVOLUTION set was coming out...with costume cards in the Retail boxes...and...Sketch cards in the Hobby boxes...I was in a real and genuine dilemma...I had already collected EVERY costume card and almost every autograph card from everything Topps had put out (except the elusive $$$ MERRY/Dominic Monaghan autograph) I figured I should order the Retail boxes because they contained what I needed...the costume cards...
...BUT...I'm an artist...I teach ART...I exhibit ART...THIS is what I love and now...ART+LOTR...well, I was about to have a heart attack!!! two great passions...ART and The Lord of the Rings rolled into one Obsessively Compulsive Collection!!!...What to do??? What to do???

Well, I ordered a case of Hobby cards figuring...the Sketch cards will be...unique...I mean...that's the point of NON SPORTS CARDS....the way there's a Babe Ruth bat slice...or a Derek Jeter Yankee Pinstripe uniform card...I mean...that's heaven to a NEW YORK YANKEE BASEBALL CARD COLLECTOR!

When that EVOLUTION case finally arrived, I was beside myself...I waited for my wife to come home from work, ate dinner, and then tore into that case of cards...I pulled a lot of great imagery in the sketch cards...but nothing with color...and nothing with the names I had become OBSESSED WITH...Kayanan, Staggs, Sohn, Myler...and...dozens of others...I WAS CRAZED!!!

When I read about OPEN THAT BOX day in NSU magazine later that evening, I had NOTHING LEFT TO OPEN! I immediately emailed and phoned 2 New York dealers I have dealt with in the past...2 GREAT guys...Seymour and Izzy...both on Long Island...and both...with EVOLUTION boxes. Seymour with 2 boxes...and Izzy with 4...WOW!!!

Well, I couldn't hold out...I opened EVERY LAST box that I had purchased from them saving NOTHING for OPEN THAT BOX DAY!!!

April 8th approached...What to do???...EVERY BOX IN NEW YORK WAS GONE!!!
I BLEW IT! I called, I drove, I emailed...and then...finally...I found 2 boxes...that's it...just 2 boxes ready to pick up.

I drove frantically to get these last 2 EVOLUTION HOBBY BOXES specifically for OPEN THAT BOX DAY and was sick to my stomach when I had finished opening the first of the two boxes on April 5th...3 days short of OPEN THAT BOX DAY! box...yes, ONE BOX remained...could I hold out?...could I hold back the OBSESSIVE COMPULSIVE LORD of the RINGS CARD COLLECTING MANIA that has consumed my life for the past 2 years!!!

I read the NSC forum daily for inspiration and control...and willed myself to wait...WAIT!!!...until 1 minute past midnight on April 8th...early this morning...

Well, my wife and I went out to dinner Friday night (4/07) to celebrate a rough week of work...we went to a local Mexican restaurant and ordered a pitcher of we got home late on a Friday night...first we walked my 11 year old Beagle Boone...he really had to go BAD!... and then...wait...wait until the clock tick tocked past midnight!

With 1 minute in...April 8th was here!...and it was time to open the LAST BOX OF LOTR EVOLUTION HOBBY CARDS in NEW YORK CITY!!!

I LOVE opening packs...the rush and excitement of peeling back that foil...whether it's baseball card packs that first got me into this obsessive behavior...or now...Lord of the Rings packs (for my wife it's anything Tim Burton)...the feeling is indescribable! PURE ADRENALINE RUSH!!!

With the EVOLUTION cards it goes like know there may be 1 or...hopefully...2 Sketch cards in each box. You peel back that foil of Gandalf or careful not to peek right away...and then slide the group of cards to the side to see if the Sketch card...with it's beige border...peeks out from the black border of the regular set. Since 22 of the 24 packs show black when you slide the contents of the pack slightly to one's disappointment MOST of the time...frankly, I'm always hoping Topps screwed up on MY BOX and there's a Sketch Card in EACH and EVERY such luck!

So...what did I pull in my absolutely last BOX of LOTR Evolution cards...??? Holy Kayanan, no Staggs, no Sohn, mmmm...first sketch card I pulled..although he did 1000+ sketches was a really cool Christian Della Vecchia GOLLUM card that I did not have yet...even after opening 18 boxes of these beautiful cards...

I got my assortment of 6 A cards and 2 B cards......also pulled my 4 stained glass cards in my LAST BOX ever...a GIMLI, a SAM, a MERRY and an elusive LEGOLAS...I was...happy...not a bad box...but my pile of unopened cards looked quite small...time to count...mmm...only 3 packs left and I've only pulled 1 sketch card...damn!!!

In the very next was pure synchronicity!!! I peeled open that foil...and...there was that beige edge of the distinct 2nd Sketch card...I slowly peeled away the obstructing base set cards...and...there was a magnificent RAM...Richard Molinelli card...IN COLOR...the green of the card GLOWING!!! was then I saw...THE RING...held by the hand it a Hobbit? it Gandalf?...Who cares!!! It was a COLOR CARD by RAM!!!

A week or two before I had bid on...and won...a cool RAM (Richard Molinelli) Sketch card of the ring on the cut off fingers of Sauron...with a hot red background that echoed the glow of the battlefield in the very first scenes of The Fellowship of the Rings...that card was posted on the Topps Message Board and when I saw it on Ebay I knew it was MINE...ALL MINE!!!...and I won that auction at a relatively low price...

And here I was...a few weeks later...opening my LAST BOX EVER of these Evolution Sketch Cards...hoping for the Holy Grail...and NOT getting those 'high end' artist's cards...BUT...pulling what was destined to be GOLLUM-LIKE MINE....ALL MINE!!!...the one card that balanced the RED RAM fingers of Sauron...the soothing GREEN RAM of the ring...held by a Human or Wizard or any event...a GOOD GUY...

...YING and YANG with one artist...thanks Richard Molinelli for 2 GREAT cards...thanks to NSC Update for teaching me patience (not really because now I'm already looking for another box!)...and thanks to all of the artists involved with this GREAT TOPPS EVOLUTION set for creating such powerful and desirable work! They're the reason this Evolution set is...ART.

OPEN THAT BOX DAY was...synchronicity + patience + cool!
Thanks...when's the next OPEN THAT BOX DAY! I can't wait!
No really...I probably won't...or can't wait!...thanks again and stay well...ocdlotr...

'Follow your bliss'...Joseph Campbell
'Looking isn't as simple as it looks'...Ad Reinhardt
Posts: 216 | Location: New York | Registered: March 28, 2006Report This Post

Picture of THX2112
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I opened a Bond - Dangerous Liasions box from Rittenhouse. I was against this set when it first came out. I'd seen and heard a lot of positives about it since so I bought one for "Open That Box Day". It's a great collection and I'm quite pleased. Here's what I pulled...

Box 187
Allies: 6, 11, 16
Villains: 23, 35, 38, 40
Girls: 32, 43
Art & Images: 14
Autos: Madeline Smith (full bleed)
A64 - Don Stroud

On a side note, I do something that most collectors that I've talked to think is crazy, but I continue to do it anyway. I keep one unopened pack from every box I buy. I've got about 35 sets in my collection and I've got an unopened pack from each box I've purchased. I don't buy packs any other way so I've probably got a "full box of packs" sitting around that I should open as well. Maybe someday...
Posts: 139 | Location: Noblesville, IN | Registered: May 14, 2003Report This Post
Diamond Card Talk Member
Picture of spidergoblin
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For me it's been more fun reading others' experiencing what they pulled from their boxes.

Steve from Maine and ocdlotr great reading on both of your posts'


"nuff said"

"it traps,it kills,it eats....that's what a good spider does"
Alice Cooper
Posts: 10468 | Location: Lubbock,TX | Registered: March 08, 2002Report This Post
Picture of ocdlotr
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Hi and Thanks SILVERBACK...tell your 'friend' as NSCU to take a peek at Chapter 1 and 2 on the Lord of the Rings section of these NSCU pages...or give me his email address...I'll cut and paste the batch...I'm more interested in the 'real' pack openers...damn!...I wish I had a pack left to open RIGHT NOW!

It really is a obsession...a compulsive 'HAVE TO KNOW WHAT'S IN THAT PACK' craze!...I LOVE IT!!!

'Follow your bliss'...Joseph Campbell
'Looking isn't as simple as it looks'...Ad Reinhardt
Posts: 216 | Location: New York | Registered: March 28, 2006Report This Post
Picture of Sgt Ace
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Hello everyone,
Here’s the really short version (got to go to work in a few so will post the final when I get back b4 midnight). I went with the Battelstar Galactica for my boxes (Complete, Season 1, Colonial Warriors, and Premier) mostly because of the revival of the show on SciFi. Well the short version of the breakdowns is as follows:

Colonial Warriors

2 complete base sets
4 expansion set cards (135, 152, 170 & 184)
1 artiFEX card (S6)
2 casting call cards (W4 Seymour & W8 Carter)
1 costume Card (lt boomer)
1 autograph (very limited) (Larson)
1 spare card for a 4th set
went through 11 pk b4 first dup
went through 4 pk b4 1st costume
pk 13 all dups
went through 20 pks b4 1st auto
went through 22 pks b4 1st casting call
went through 4 pks b4 1st BSG Exp
went through 30 pks b4 1st quad dup
went through 33 pks to complete 1 set
went through 37 pk b4 1st ArtiFEX

Season 1

2 complete base sets
4 crossroads cards (CR3, CR6, CR8 & CR9)
2 artiFEX cards (AF5 #6 & AF8 Helo)
1 autograph card (limited) (Dualla)
1 costume card (Dualla)
0 spare cards for a 4th set
went through 3 pks b4 1st autograph
went through 10 pks b4 1st dups
pks 10,11,12 all dups
went through 13 pks b4 1st crossroads
went through 14 pks b4 1st costume
went through 18 pks b4 1st artiFEX
went through 13 pks b4 trips


3 base sets
13 cards from Galactica 1980 (G03, G04, G06-G09, G11-G012, G014-G017, G019)
4 colonial warrior cards (W1 Adama, W4 Apollo, W6 Boomer, W7 Athena)
2 artiFEX cards (M2 & M5
2 autographs (common) (A06 Maga & A13 Lucifer)
42 cards for 4th set
went through 2 pk b4 1st artiFEX
went through 3 pks b4 1st dup
went through 5 pks b4 galactica 1980
went through 16 pks b4 trips
went through 31 pks b4 quads

And Finally


2 base sets
4 roll call cards (R3 Starbuck, R5 Baltar, R7 Roslin & R8 Tigh)
2 cylon threat (CT3 Cylon & CT7 Boomer
1 quotable battlestar galactica (Q8)
1 costume cards (CC7 Cpt Adama)
1 autograph cards (Transport Pilot)
46 cards for 3rd set
went through 11 pks b4 1st dup
went through 22 pks b4 trips

My roomies are still working on their boxes but am realizing that getting someone like him into it is a little difficult, more about that later tonight. Plus we've all been doing all the normal things that need to get done (kids to bball practice, candy sale supervision and the like). Like I said got to run but wanted to get this part of it out of the way for now. Great posts so far keep'em coming.
Posts: 81 | Location: Artesia, California | Registered: August 04, 2005Report This Post
Picture of darbow
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Well i wasn't expecting to participate in Open Thant Box day, i didn't have a box to open.
Anyway, i'm babysitting for my 2 cousins, i walk in and neither of them are down stairs watching TV as they usually are, instead they're upstairs. I say Goodbye to my Aunt and sit down ready for a quiet night when one of my cousins comes down with a film to watch, Scooby Doo 2, so we put the DVD in ready to watch when the other one comes down, he says he has a surprise for me, A box of Scooby Doo 2 Cards. Now i must point out that due to redundancy and other things i've been a bit miserable recently and haven't really bought any cards since Lost in November. Now i'm speechless as i know they don't have much money, so we sit on the floor, put the DVD on and i open the box and share out the packs, to make it a bit more fun i get some sweets from the kitchen and turn it into a game. First we have to Pick 1 of the 5 charcters and can only open a pack when they are on screen, secondly if you find a card with a picture that is about to happen or has just happened you get a sweet. so we start the film and start tearing open packs, I picked Velma, Shaun had Scooby and Daniel picked Fred. several sweets were given out before Daniel went all quiet, he'd pulled one of Fred's Piecework's cards, I had to pause the film to explain what it actually was, they both got excited till i told them that piecework cards were usually only 1 per box. With a sigh of dissapointment they went back to watching the film, i thought i'd let them discover the Auto card as well. Several more packs were torn open before Shaun stopped dead, we didn't realise at first till he asked what kinda sweet he got for this. It was Mathew Lillards auto card. He knew what an auto card was as i'd shown them a few from my collection. I said that deserved a big treat so i'll be taking them to the shop in the morning to get some chocolate. All in all we had a great open that box day and it did indeed manage to get 2 new card collectors. I sorted them both a base set before they insisted i keep the auto card, Daniel sure wasn't going to part with the piecework though. I put them both to bed and have just bought them both a thunderbirds movie box each. they don't know yet. They've also asked to look at my collection. The only problem now is they wanna be there when i open all my boxes!!!
Posts: 457 | Location: Bristol, U.K | Registered: August 22, 2004Report This Post
Gold Card Talk Member
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Well I opened my box yesterday but thats near enough!

I had heard of the 'open that box day' but decided I wouldn't bother because the only thing worth buying a box of would be Bond Dangerous Liaisons, however seeing as I alreday had bought a case earlier in the year I douted I was gonna pull a Janssen out of one box. I DEFINATELY could do with saving that dosh to put towards that card.

Anyhoo, I went to Toys R' Us yesterday looking for some lego but there was none to be had, so rather dissapointed I thought I'd check out the usually poor 'trading card' section, expecting to be equally dissapointed.

There were some boxes of UK SW Attack of the Clones cards and an almost full Fellowship of the Ring Update box, hmm... they weren't there last time. Seeeing that Toy's R Us seemed to be on abit of a 4-year time delay I rummaged amongst the shelves looking for some goodies that would cater for my tastes, and what should I find? A James Bond 40th Anniverary box! (whoever heard of one of them in Toys R' Us???)

However it was opened, but there were still 8 packs. Now I've got most of that set, but no Joe Don Baker and certainly no 'D' card and I thought should I or shouldn't I? It certainly would be a shame to have withdrawn some cash for no reason at all (although the gf would disagree Big Grin).

So to further add to the confusion the packs were £3.99 each Eek, not exactly reasonable.
But I thought hey, its eight packs, thats almost half the box and its a hard product to search and I still need 12 autos, so sod it they're mine!!!

So I picked up the neglected box and took it to the counter and handed over £31.92 hoping for the best.

I went outside and proceded to open my packs.

Heres what I got:
8 Contest cards (alas no 'D')
8 Extras cards
1 Villain #8
2 Bond Women #5,17

AND... BOTH of the boxes' autos.

1) Christopher Lee! Clap
2) Joe Don Baker (signed 'Best Wishes')!!! Dance Elephant Clap


Only downer is the Baker had a slight ding (and after checking with RA's Joanna there are non available for replacement) so I need you guys to tell me I'm being stupid and that despite a small imperfection that I should still be very happy with a £150 card...

Scully: No. How much you're like Ahab. You're so... consumed by your personal vengeance against life, whether it be its inherent cruelties or its mysteries, that everything takes on a warped significance to your megalomaniacal cosmology.

Mulder: Scully, are you coming on to me?
Posts: 3137 | Location: England | Registered: June 23, 2005Report This Post
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Decisions, decisions....SimpsonsMania or Buffy-Reflections. In the end the choice was easy, whichever one I could locate first from the depths of my collection. SimpsonsMania here we come.

Initially I had remembered being disappointed that this set was only 72 cards. As I sat down and relaxedly opened each pack and read each card I was now impressed at just how creative and fun so many of them were.

A few of my favorites: The Krusty silver box loader card--"Hey, hey! I heartily endorse this event and/or product!" The Comic Book Guy card--"Worst trading card ever!"

The Treehouse of Horror and the Bart Gallery subsets were especially fine...with a real nice touch of artist bios on the backs of the Bart Gallery ones.

As an homage to Wacky Packs, there was a Packy Wack subset.

For the two insert sets I got two of Dr. Marvin Monroe's Split Personality Fold'Em cards and three of the Simsadelic BlackLights.

The 3 Simsadelics were very clever. One was of Marge in the Bob Dylan profile with psychadelic hair. Another was of the Be Sharps parody of the Beatles and their Abbey Road cover. Their album was titled Bigger Than Jesus and they are ("crossing the street") walking on water. My favorite was an Itchy and Scratchy parody of a Robert Crumb card of Fritz the Cat that I have. It made me laugh.

It was possible to get a sketch card or an autograph card in these boxes, but they were randomly inserted with no guarantees. I was hoping to find a Hank Azaria autograph as he did not sign for the Simpson's 10th anniversary set.

I did not find an autograph or sketch card in the 1st 18 packs (1/2 box) and had to go to work. After work, the 3rd pack I opened contained the Hank Azaria card. I was literally stunned and then elated!

If it hadn't been for "Open that Box Day" I would still be searching that auction site for this card, not realizing that I had it all along!

It has been very enjoyable reading about everyone's experiences. We have some great storytellers out there. And it was great to see some pictures, too! What a fine day.

Posts: 48 | Location: Oswego, NY | Registered: June 14, 2001Report This Post
Diamond Card Talk Member
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X...only,and only because you asked.
Yes you are being stupid Big Grin
It's for your own collection,so if I were you,I would keep it Dance

Congrats on getting those two autos from eight packs Thumb Up


"nuff said"

"it traps,it kills,it eats....that's what a good spider does"
Alice Cooper
Posts: 10468 | Location: Lubbock,TX | Registered: March 08, 2002Report This Post
Gold Card Talk Member
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Originally posted by spidergoblin:
X...only,and only because you asked.
Yes you are being stupid Big Grin
It's for your own collection,so if I were you,I would keep it Dance

Congrats on getting those two autos from eight packs Thumb Up

Thanks mate! Sometimes you need others to tell you are being daft because its hard not to get obsessive about all the 'mintness' surrounding this hobby.

Scully: No. How much you're like Ahab. You're so... consumed by your personal vengeance against life, whether it be its inherent cruelties or its mysteries, that everything takes on a warped significance to your megalomaniacal cosmology.

Mulder: Scully, are you coming on to me?
Posts: 3137 | Location: England | Registered: June 23, 2005Report This Post
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