February 22, 2024, 01:44 AM
Bill MullinsTV shows you would like to see cards sets from
Whether or not it gets a card set, I've got to agree that "Resident Alien" is a good show. Tudyk is hilarious, a nd the supporting cast is also good. We also just started watching it, and binged the first season over the weekend. I may have to go find the comic books.
February 22, 2024, 10:21 AM
Ted Dastick Jr.I wonder if reality shows like Lego Masters or Hell's Kitchen would fly?
February 25, 2024, 02:21 PM
Originally posted by Ted Dastick Jr.:
I wonder if reality shows like Lego Masters or Hell's Kitchen would fly?
Probably not. The contestants in these types of shows generally vanish as soon as they are eliminated. Most are just regular people who return to whatever they were doing before their brush with fame. Even on "American Idol", only a few season winners ever got lasting recognition.
So it would be up to the hosts or guest stars to initially provide demand for a card product and they would have to sign autograph cards. Then as a card maker, you'd have to know that there were enough fans that want those people and will buy in.
Pop Century has regularly seeded autographs cards from reality TV stars in their products and they almost never rise above common filler. The Kardashians are about all there is and that's only for a select group who give a damn. The long-term outlook for such fad celebrities is even worse.
It's probably true that there will never be another Trump in our lifetimes, no matter how else you might feel about it.

February 26, 2024, 02:16 AM
catskilleagleYeah, I wondered if any of the cooking shows would do even a promo set at a trade show. "Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives" is a popular show and it has had celebrities appear on it like Lee Majors and Mick Fleetwood but I don't think it could generate enough autographs to fill a 9-card page.
I know Legos are a big deal but they seem like less of a big deal than they were 4-5 years ago. My brother and my niece used to buy extra pieces at the flea market and there were at least two sellers with a large selection of basic and particular pieces but I haven't seen anyone like that there for at least a year now.
What about "Celebrity Jeopardy?" That seems like something that might work especially if autographs are a focus. There'a "Jeopardy"/trivia contest subculture out there too. People who don't usually buy cards might buy those.
February 26, 2024, 10:57 AM
vondrakeit was funny, one of the contestants on Lego Masters was on the plane that lost its door in the air and I recognized her on the news.
March 03, 2024, 03:13 PM
Originally posted by Raven:
Guess this thread is kind of dead since few streaming shows are even considered for a license, but I just started watching this one on Netflix. "Resident Alien" is in its 3rd season, but I'm on the 3rd episode. Seems pretty good and some of the actors have signed before, most notably star Alan Tudyk and guest Linda Hamilton. Not that cards will follow of course, but the cast is large enough.
I love Resident Alien, and I would be all in on that card set. It would definitely need some Quotable cards. It would be a great autograph list if a release combined all three seasons into one release.
March 03, 2024, 04:37 PM
Bill Mullinsquote:
Originally posted by Curler:
It would be a great autograph list if a release combined all three seasons into one release.
You think? There are only three real "names" who have starred in the show -- Tudyk, Hamilton, and Terry O'Quinn. Nathan Fillion and George Takei both did voice roles, but were never seen.
March 05, 2024, 06:39 PM
CurlerI think Resident Alien is well cast, and I expect to see a number of those actors appear in other projects after Resident Alien wraps. It's nice to have some new talent on autograph cards. You never know when one of them becomes in much higher demand in the future.