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The mystery box
Silver Card Talk Member
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Originally posted by BuffyAngelFan:
Hiya everyone
I received Box B this morning, thanks Buffy Wink

Although it was exciting to receive and look through there wasn't really anything of personal interest to me. I actually had more fun looking through Box A as that had a lot of pieceworks and auto cards that I hadn't seen before and it was nice to see what the top bonus cards from other sets are like. There seemed to be a lot more base cards in Box B than there was in Box A

Box B will be on its travels again on Monday

Thanks again Buffy

cool, count yourself lucky you have been able to see both of them Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
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Silver Card Talk Member
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Okay I'm feeling a little left out. Sniff..Sob.. I've been reading about the Mystery Box(es) for so long. Hey you can send it to me or hand deliver it to Dee's Show... Wink
I thought this was such a great idea by the way.
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Ah, so "Buffy" is still out there, lurking, somewhere.
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Bronze Card Talk Member
Picture of BuffyAngelFan
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Hiya everyone

Mystery Box B is off on its travels again this morning. My lovely mum posted it on her way out to work so hopefully it should appear again in a couple of days


Posts: 513 | Location: UK | Registered: August 06, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of solo-977
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Box A is in my hot little hands as we speak.
Thumb Up sarah.

The Melbourne cup is on soon so ill go bet on that 1st and then ill have a good search in the box and send it on its way.

its harder than it sounds picking who to send it to next.

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Well done!
I wonder who the next luckly person will be?
Thanks -- Chris Big Grin
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Send the box to me, Kid.
Ace Drool
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I hope you are having a wonderful day Rupesh Wavey


"nuff said"

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Bronze Card Talk Member
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Originally posted by solo-977:
Box A is in my hot little hands as we speak.
Thumb Up sarah.

The Melbourne cup is on soon so ill go bet on that 1st and then ill have a good search in the box and send it on its way.

its harder than it sounds picking who to send it to next.

I'm amazed that Australia Post actually delivered on Melbourne Cup day.

I know they didn't deliver any mail in Melbourne.
Posts: 833 | Location: Melbourne, VIC. Australia | Registered: December 04, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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When I returned home from the Hospital this lunch time, I found a card on the mat stating that the RM had tried to deliver a Recorded Delivery Parcel to me. Sadly, as I was out and it needed a signature it has gone back to the depot. I have arranged delivery again for Friday AM.

Could it be the famous Mystery box B? Bouncey Clap I can only hope and wait till friday. Unless another CTer reports they've got it. Oh the suspense!


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Silver Card Talk Member
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well at least its moving, and intime for xmas Big Grin
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Gold Card Talk Member
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Okay, if i get time tomorrow (i'm away for the weeknd from tomorrow late afternoon) i shall post the mystery box out (if not it WILL go out monday or tuesday)

I think i'll send it to someone who hasn't already rec'd one via being restocked by another cardtalker!!!

So all you cardtalkers who haven't already rec'd the box... keep your fingers crossed!!! Big Grin


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Contest Czar
Picture of barobehere
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Well, it has been 19 weeks since this little game started.

I hope everyone is enjoying watching the travels of the boxes as much as I have.

I was wanting to know what everyone's feeling is on it? I have had some inside info from some of the people who have received the box through out this time.

Some things that have come up that I want to address. One of the boxes has grown quite large since the 100 card rule got broken on it(Which is not a problem the only reason I set it like that was to keep shipping cost low). If the shipping cost ever becomes a problem let me know. Don't know what I will do, but still.

Also, everyone remember(It is a game!). I have heard twice now that people are getting mad and refusing to trade with someone anymore because they did not ship the box to that person. The box is just something fun that is flying around in the mail system! Please don't take it personally if the box is not send to you!
Posts: 5777 | Location: Meridian, Mississippi | Registered: November 23, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Bronze Card Talk Member
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I think the concept of doing this is absolutely brilliant!! I have never seen this done in any of the other trading groups that i have taken part in. It hasn't made it here yet but hopefully some time it will.

Posts: 907 | Location: Bloomsburg, PA | Registered: May 28, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Over_Worked_Mom
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Well, I'm a little disappointed that some people have gotten the box (or boxes) twice while others haven't even seen it once. I realize that there is a list inside, but you know people are going to send it to their friends.

But people getting mad is ridiculous! After all, Secret Santa is right around the corner and if you sign up, you're GUARANTEED to get something in the mail Smile
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Bronze Card Talk Member
Picture of BuffyAngelFan
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Originally posted by Over_Worked_Mom:
Well, I'm a little disappointed that some people have gotten the box (or boxes) twice while others haven't even seen it once. I realize that there is a list inside, but you know people are going to send it to their friends.

But people getting mad is ridiculous!

It was a total suprise to me to receive Box B when I'd already had Box A. I sent it onto RupT as he did me a big favour recently which I was really grateful for and his was one of the few addresses that I still had lying around on bits of paper from recent trades. I wouldn't of sent it to anyone else already on the list for Box B but I didn't think anyone would have a problem with me sending it to someone who might've (I say might as I thought RupT must've received Box A but I wasn't sure) already received Box A

I think someone is annoyed with me that I didn't send them Box A when I had but money was tight and I could only afford to send it locally

I'm sorry if I've upset anyone with my choice of other Card Talk members that I have sent the Mystery Boxes to


Posts: 513 | Location: UK | Registered: August 06, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Platinum Card Talk Member
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why would people be upset? it just doesnt make sense... its like the essay/auto giveaway RA is having, something for free, yet people complain that they didnt get a Shatner/Nimoy dual auto - geez Louise!

For the record, I have not received either box, yet, I am one of the more longstanding members of the board and have traded with nearly everyone... why should I be upset about this? Thats kiddie stuff. Sometimes people need to be a bit more "adult" about things instead of taking their ball and going home.

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Contest Czar
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Somehow this got duplicated!

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Posts: 5777 | Location: Meridian, Mississippi | Registered: November 23, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Contest Czar
Picture of barobehere
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Originally posted by barobehere:
Originally posted by Over_Worked_Mom:
Well, I'm a little disappointed that some people have gotten the box (or boxes) twice while others haven't even seen it once. I realize that there is a list inside, but you know people are going to send it to their friends.

But people getting mad is ridiculous! After all, Secret Santa is right around the corner and if you sign up, you're GUARANTEED to get something in the mail Smile

In both cases of people getting the mystery box twice, they received each of the two different boxes. They did not receive the same box twice. Box A list of people who received the box is different from Box B list of people. So, if you look at the list in each box, that person's name was not mentioned which is what people are going by to see who has gotten that particular box.

Hopefully, everyone will get to see one or both of the boxes at some point in time!
Posts: 5777 | Location: Meridian, Mississippi | Registered: November 23, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Gold Card Talk Member
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why should I be upset about this? Thats kiddie stuff. Sometimes people need to be a bit more "adult" about things instead of taking their ball and going home.

I am only 16, so does that mean I get to stamp my feet and tell my parents that I haven't got one of the boxes yet? Roll Eyes
Chris Big Grin
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