Non-Sport Update's Card Talk
The mystery box
August 16, 2004, 04:00 PM
NeilThe mystery box
wohoo i didnt beg.
but i am going out now, cyas

August 17, 2004, 01:47 PM
KristyHi! Thanks for your very kind words Dobby!

What is nice is that the reason I was and am so willing to just give things away is because of my very 1st trade, with Kennywood. He sent so much more than he should have and was just soooo nice and made my 1st trade so wonderful I just had to pass along his goodwill.
And yes I did have Box B, sorry for any confusion. But I no longer have it, it has been sent!! Who will the lucky recipient be?

August 17, 2004, 02:13 PM
wolfieWe very nearly had a box C.

Come, it is time for you to keep your appointment with The Wicker Man.
August 17, 2004, 02:46 PM
Chris ByrnePerhaps, if I get one of the boxes, I will split it in half.
That way we will have box C.
As my name starts with a C, we could call it; "Chris' Box"?
What do you think? --

August 17, 2004, 02:55 PM
barobehereI think two boxes is enough, even thought I have heard that box A is quite large now.
At current, 13 members out of 281 active members have touched the mystery box which is 4.6% in 2 months, so at that rate everyone should receive the box at least once in the next 44 months!
August 17, 2004, 03:00 PM
Chris ByrneDo not worry Barobehere, I was only joking.
Like you said, 2 boxes is enough.
44 months is a long time, but I bet you it will come whizzing round the corner.
And before you know it, it will be Christmas!
Thanks -- ChRiS

August 17, 2004, 03:17 PM
Neilhmmm yeah, i missed out on the secret santa last year, damn backpacking :/
should be fun again.
August 18, 2004, 12:52 PM
Mister E.
My birthday is next Friday and still a "
Mystery" when Mister E. will see it my way.

The early bird catches the worm, the second mouse gets the cheese.
August 18, 2004, 01:05 PM
RupTJust a suggestion,
Even though i know how BIG everyones hearts are, try not to add too much more to Box A because it WILL spiral out of control.
Not only that, but if the person you are sending to decides not to take THAT much from the box, that cardtalker then has fork out the P+P for the box to get to the next cardtalker, and if and when its startst o go overseas again the P+P cost will be a lot higher!!!
Just something to think about!!!

August 18, 2004, 02:30 PM
wolfieThank you but we allready thought about it and have acted accordingly.

In everybodys intrest and thinking only of saving other people lots of postage money i took out 400 cards and put nothing in.

Come, it is time for you to keep your appointment with The Wicker Man.
August 18, 2004, 02:54 PM
BoldlygoneThere, You see! We always knew that Wolfys heart was in the right place. Always thinking of others.

If faced with a difficult choice/decision, Remember this - WWKD.
Never give up - NEVER surrender
August 18, 2004, 03:16 PM
thats the kind of thinking we need, now all we need to do is send wolfy box b

August 19, 2004, 03:37 AM
Cardz_houseI wonder whether this box will ever come to me in Singapore? I will be sure to add some asia exclusive cards into the box.
August 19, 2004, 01:02 PM
Originally posted by wolfman-golf:
Thank you but we allready thought about it and have acted accordingly. 
In everybodys intrest and thinking only of saving other people lots of postage money i took out 400 cards and put nothing in.
So sweet

"On Your Feet, Soldier. Take Me Back To Lallybroch."
- Outlander
August 19, 2004, 01:22 PM
prophecygirlthis box thing was such a good idea, i've never seen it done before!
August 19, 2004, 02:53 PM
Originally posted by Neil:
thats the kind of thinking we need, now all we need to do is send wolfy box b
Thats a good idea.

Come, it is time for you to keep your appointment with The Wicker Man.
August 19, 2004, 04:35 PM
Chris ByrneSaying that, where are the boxes now?
Last time I can remember, Kristy had box B and box A was in UK?!
That is from memory, so I am probably wrong!
Thanks -- ChRiS

August 19, 2004, 04:38 PM
wolfieI can confirm that box A is in the UK.
Come, it is time for you to keep your appointment with The Wicker Man.
August 19, 2004, 06:33 PM
brandoclesOk,only one more day to my Birthday,still have time to get one of them to me,Please i have no money to buy cards right now,Aug 20th
August 19, 2004, 07:54 PM
Originally posted by wolfman-golf:
I can confirm that box A is in the UK.
and is now being carried by a pigeon since its so light now