Non-Sport Update's Card Talk
Unstoppable Releases
June 26, 2016, 03:48 PM
RavenUnstoppable Releases
Originally posted by hammer:
You should remember this with all unstoppable releases
I'm a little confused by the distinction that seems to be made regarding "dealer only" cards from this company. It is a UK card manufacturer and I have never tried to buy directly from them, which I guess they don't do anyway. But then I don't really buy boxes directly from any makers, I always place an order with some dealer or pick up the more popular products that my LHS normally brings in.
Case and multi-case incentives are quite common and generally wind up in the hands of dealers first because it has become a form of compensation. However big premium hits are still seeded, rare is the situation that the best autographs or premium hits are the incentives and no alternative, if less limited card, is not seeded.
To my mind the autographs I want most that were advertised as being part of the set are of Bain, Tate and Schell. They have 6 total, 2 each. Of those 6 cards, 5 are disclosed now as being "dealer only". Just 1 Schell is seeded, that's it. So exactly why did I order a box? Maybe I'll pull that 1 card, but I wouldn't bet on it.

I'm very lucky I ordered only one box and that was just because no one could give me an accurate release date or I would have bought more. If this is the norm for Unstoppable, as people seem to be saying, there is no reason what so ever for collectors to buy boxes from dealers. Just pick up the cards after the dealers do the business of breaking them or write it off altogether.
June 26, 2016, 05:05 PM
Originally posted by Raven:
.....there is no reason what so ever for collectors to buy boxes from dealers. Just pick up the cards after the dealers do the business of breaking them or write it off altogether.
A certain furry cardtalker has been saying this for years.

June 27, 2016, 04:23 AM
Originally posted by Raven:
Originally posted by hammer:
You should remember this with all unstoppable releases
I'm a little confused by the distinction that seems to be made regarding "dealer only" cards from this company. It is a UK card manufacturer and I have never tried to buy directly from them, which I guess they don't do anyway. But then I don't really buy boxes directly from any makers, I always place an order with some dealer or pick up the more popular products that my LHS normally brings in.
Case and multi-case incentives are quite common and generally wind up in the hands of dealers first because it has become a form of compensation. However big premium hits are still seeded, rare is the situation that the best autographs or premium hits are the incentives and no alternative, if less limited card, is not seeded.
To my mind the autographs I want most that were advertised as being part of the set are of Bain, Tate and Schell. They have 6 total, 2 each. Of those 6 cards, 5 are disclosed now as being "dealer only". Just 1 Schell is seeded, that's it. So exactly why did I order a box? Maybe I'll pull that 1 card, but I wouldn't bet on it.

I'm very lucky I ordered only one box and that was just because no one could give me an accurate release date or I would have bought more. If this is the norm for Unstoppable, as people seem to be saying, there is no reason what so ever for collectors to buy boxes from dealers. Just pick up the cards after the dealers do the business of breaking them or write it off altogether.
If Unstoppable put all the advertised cards in their product it would be good but their ratio's of 1 or 2 of things and these dealer incentive cards mean the best way is to wait and buy on e-bay - this company almost discourages the box buyer with it's random odds (same as when they traded as Strictly Ink). The shame is that this is a UK company with some good niche shows, but they just don't deliver enough.
June 27, 2016, 12:41 PM
Spencer QuistReading between the lines at comment made on their Facebook page. UFO is delayed one month to August rather than the "guaranteed July release".
Nothings forgotten, nothings ever forgotten.
June 27, 2016, 01:00 PM
Originally posted by Spencer Quist:
Reading between the lines at comment made on their Facebook page. UFO is delayed one month to August rather than the "guaranteed July release".
Their website now says 24th August.
June 30, 2016, 09:48 AM
Tommy CAnyone know where the SPACE 1999 WEB1 promo was available ?
Says limited to 100, but only 2 have shown up on ebay
Not the same as promo WEB-E1, totally different
June 30, 2016, 11:00 AM
wolfieNo promos were ever available via the web or facebook page. Why they are called WEB is mystery.
Come, it is time for you to keep your appointment with The Wicker Man.
June 30, 2016, 11:07 AM
David RSomeone told me that the WEB1 promo was a pre-order incentive if you bought boxes thru the Unstoppable website by a certain time, which I did NOT

Yes, Tommy, I've only seen 2 on ebay. I guess the other 98 went into collectors' hands ?
July 29, 2016, 12:14 AM
MILLHOUSEUnstoppable have posted some pictures of sketch cards from the Ufo card set. The sketch cards are done by Graham Bleathman and Westley James Smith
August 23, 2016, 10:53 AM
Tommy CUFO seems to be shipping this week
If you buy the 3 box / binder deal from Unstoppable's website it looks like you're paying roughly $ 55 a box
And the British Horror set is supposedly coming next, in November
February 08, 2017, 12:40 PM
Tommy CBritish Horror is now coming in March.
See below from Facebook
The Best Of British Horror is coming this MARCH 2017!
It's our first ever grand factory set, consisting of a huge 90 Card, ten movie card set, plus 18 gold foil cards, plus two pre-order only bonus cards plus two hits+ of rare Autograph / Sketch Cards from 12 different artists and actors from the ten cult horror movies! We also have an incredible selection of Cut Autograph Cards from Horror Greats such as Peter Cushing & Christopher Lee and many more too. This is a limited edition of just 999 Sets and 200 super limited collectors binders with autograph card.
March 03, 2017, 11:39 AM
WOMBLEUnstoppable's web-site has been updated with a bit of info on upcoming sets.
March 17, 2017, 12:25 PM
David RBritish Horror is said to be shipping March 26, I believe
March 27, 2017, 07:51 AM
Originally posted by David R:
British Horror is said to be shipping March 26, I believe
To the best of my knowledge this set releases this Friday and will be limited to 999 boxes.
Each box contains a full base set and a full set of foils so no need to chase singles, it would be pointless anyone breaking these up into individual cards.
The binders seem to be 200 or 300 depending on who you talk to and may include something or may not, can't find anything conclusive on this.
It appears that each dealer will have his own special promo card as per previous releases.
Each case will have a promo set for new releases in it limited to 100.
This should be a really nice set, lets hope so.

Come, it is time for you to keep your appointment with The Wicker Man.
March 30, 2017, 02:10 PM
wolfieThe British horror set will now be released next week.

Come, it is time for you to keep your appointment with The Wicker Man.
April 03, 2017, 05:20 AM
wolfieBritish Horror is supposed to be shipping today.

Come, it is time for you to keep your appointment with The Wicker Man.
April 04, 2017, 02:30 PM
Spencer QuistMy order didn't ship til today so probably won't see til Thursday.
Nothings forgotten, nothings ever forgotten.
April 05, 2017, 04:24 PM
Spencer QuistBy golly. Miracles do happen. Got my order lunchtime. Nice set, still sifting through case. Will do a breakdown later. Briefly: got 6 sketches 4 plates. Autograph distribution is sporadic but not bad. Ended up with 4/5 Paul Scottmans in one case! Oh and two of the autograph cards are by a second unit director! That's a little disappointing especially as there were six in the case.
On the whole fairly happy but a little disappoint by auto set up.
Nothings forgotten, nothings ever forgotten.
April 05, 2017, 04:31 PM
Originally posted by Spencer Quist:
By golly. Miracles do happen. Got my order lunchtime. Nice set, still sifting through case. Will do a breakdown later. Briefly: got 6 sketches 4 plates. Autograph distribution is sporadic but not bad. Ended up with 4/5 Paul Scottmans in one case! Oh and two of the autograph cards are by a second unit director! That's a little disappointing especially as there were six in the case.
On the whole fairly happy but a little disappoint by auto set up.
I think you have used the word "disappointed" on every Unstoppable set
April 05, 2017, 05:14 PM
Spencer QuistNot the set itself. It's good. Just let down by the wasted potential. I hate criticising but there are shortcomings sadly.
The distribution has always been a problem but that's the nature of trading cards. I suppose.
Nothings forgotten, nothings ever forgotten.