Non-Sport Update's Card Talk
James Bond to Upper Deck
October 07, 2021, 08:58 AM
mykdudeJames Bond to Upper Deck
Checklist on cardboard connection.
Mostly if not entirely the same old song and dance.
Just because it's rare doesn't mean it's valuable.
October 07, 2021, 09:20 AM
David RI have master sets of all of the Bond from Rittenhouse. But both of these UD sets are impossible to collect, with so many autos and chase cards limited to only 10 or 25 in existence. How can someone reasonably obtain those ?
Master sets of the RA Bond were never that difficult.
October 07, 2021, 10:54 AM
Originally posted by David R:
I have master sets of all of the Bond from Rittenhouse. But both of these UD sets are impossible to collect, with so many autos and chase cards limited to only 10 or 25 in existence. How can someone reasonably obtain those ?
Master sets of the RA Bond were never that difficult.
Yes and No. The smallest quantity of any card looks to be 10 on a couple of dual signatures, which is still better than 1/1s. Jeff Bezos could do it for the price of one more space launch. Apart from him and his buddies, no normal person makes this set. That's not new. The day of the Master Set Builder is over unless you are the card maker.
But I do like the UD Bond cards and they really have done a great job of getting as many signers as possible. Sure some people are missing and I don't think you trade in your RAs for these, but I do give credit where credit is due. It doesn't hurt to give more people the chance to get many of these signers. Not an easy thing maybe, but at least they are made.
I made a mistake about Daniel Craig. He is a new signer for UD. I really like some of the dual signer pairings and the most copies is 49, so they will be tough and pricey. I don't think its a great box buy because of the odds, but certainly there will be individual cards offered that Bond collectors will like even if they prefer the RA cards as a whole.
October 07, 2021, 12:25 PM
Tommy CThe first Upper Deck set was impossible to put together. Even the chase cards.
25 Bond Legacy cards-- 1 per box
8 other Bond Legacy cards--- 1 per 12 boxes
7 other Bond Legacy cards--- 1 per 36 boxes
15 Q Branch cards-- 1 per box
10 See the World cards-- 1 per 2 boxes
20 Bond vs. Villains cards--- 3 per box
About 88 different autos, 7 limited to 99 and 2 limited to 25
October 07, 2021, 05:01 PM
RavenFor any RA Bond collectors keeping track, as far as I can tell you now have 4 new Bond signers that did not appear in the RA sets.
Daniel Craig has been added to the UD checklist, but was of course in RA.
In both the previous and new UD sets you got Chritoph Waltz and Andrew Scott, neither done by RA.
From this new Villains & Henchmen, UD has added Gloria Henry and Nadim Sawalha, neither done by RA.
Heavy hitters could come out if UD makes No Time To Die, but so far they haven't had an individual Bond film to work with and I think they were holding on to these for quite awhile since sadly a couple of people have passed away already.
October 07, 2021, 05:19 PM
space phantomBoth Sawalha and Hendry have been done by RA.
October 07, 2021, 05:20 PM
Originally posted by Raven:
From this new Villains & Henchmen, UD has added Gloria Henry and Nadim Sawalha, neither done by RA.
Did you mean Gloria Hendry as she has signed before.
Come, it is time for you to keep your appointment with The Wicker Man.
October 07, 2021, 06:49 PM
Originally posted by wolfie:
Originally posted by Raven:
From this new Villains & Henchmen, UD has added Gloria Henry and Nadim Sawalha, neither done by RA.
Did you mean Gloria Hendry as she has signed before.
Yep, I need a better pair of glasses and I didn't even make the connection.

Scratch her off the new list. Thanks.
RA did such a good job I guess they can't even come up with another "Old Man in Cigar Factory". There are a few people who could repeat, but UD has not gotten them and a good one to get would still be Monica Bellucci.
October 07, 2021, 06:55 PM
Originally posted by space phantom:
Both Sawalha and Hendry have been done by RA.
I spelled his name wrong on my original sheet. I think I'll just go home now.

October 07, 2021, 09:39 PM
boneRalph Fiennes would be a great addition too.
November 13, 2021, 11:39 AM
wolfieBond has hit E Pack.
Only $8 per pack for some digital cards, Bargain.

Come, it is time for you to keep your appointment with The Wicker Man.
November 13, 2021, 12:16 PM
Originally posted by wolfie:
Bond has hit E Pack.
Only $8 per pack for some digital cards, Bargain.
Check that again. I'm not looking cause I'm not interested in buying thru ePack, but there has to be some physical cards and the hits in there. This is how UD moves them out.
August 19, 2022, 05:09 PM
Tommy CIs Upper Deck planning on doing a third Bond set ?
Not that I purchased the first 2.
I passed on these, as they were too tough to collect
Just wondering
August 19, 2022, 11:03 PM
RavenFor upcoming card releases the latest NSU has four TBA entries from Upper Deck, "Marvel Fleer Metal Universe Spider-Man", "Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, "Marvel Fleer Ultra Avengers" and "Marvel Beginnings". The first two are Summer 2022 and the second two are Fall 2022. Something tells me they will be late.

The Bond license might already be expired, or they just don't have a new one in development yet, but who knows. Expecting to get any news out of UD is against their policy.
If UD isn't on the ropes, they are doing a pretty good job of looking like it. Marvel is hot and they can't seem to capitalize on even that much. I would be concerned for them, if I cared.

August 20, 2022, 07:36 AM
Originally posted by Raven:
The Bond license might already be expired, or they just don't have a new one in development yet, but who knows. Expecting to get any news out of UD is against their policy.
One would think they would be capitalizing on the recent 25th and final Craig Bond film. Malik and de Armas sigs would be huge! Want so bad for RA to take it again but ya have to wonder if Fanatics isn't lining up their sights.
Just because it's rare doesn't mean it's valuable.
August 21, 2022, 07:02 PM
webjonGreat question -- I really wish there was information about this out there (and Chasing Amy for that matter). If I recall correctly the third set was supposed to be based on the Women of Bond -- which is what I think would be the most popular, and the one I'd be most interested in.
Interestingly Upper Deck announced a month ago that they just signed Daniel Craig to an autograph deal: like it would be odd timing to sign Craig to a deal then drop the license.
August 22, 2022, 04:47 AM
Scifi CardsAssuming they still retain the license, there is no rush to get another set out. Many collectors are still putting the first two together.
The first one is still available on ePack as well.
I'd say the Craig signing is a positive move towards another set.
But apart from a future movie release, there is no "event" to tie the release to. So I hope they get some of their backlog released and then focus on some new sets.
I may be going to hell in a bucket, but at least I'm enjoying the ride.
-"Touch of Grey" by The Greatful Dead
August 22, 2022, 05:11 AM
Originally posted by Scifi Cards:
But apart from a future movie release, there is no "event" to tie the release to. So I hope they get some of their backlog released and then focus on some new sets.
No Time to Die, would be nice to get a set focused on just the one film as UD has yet to do so as the license holder.
Seems odd that Craig is signing deals linked to Bond when he seemed so eager to leave the role.
Just because it's rare doesn't mean it's valuable.
August 22, 2022, 06:20 AM
Tommy CI don't thing Craig was eager to leave. Maybe after SPECTRE in 2015 but he had a change of heart afterwards and gladly did the recent one. But he is now 54 and he probably feels it is time to move on, especially since Bond 26 won't likely come out for at least 3 or 4 more years.
August 22, 2022, 10:38 AM
RP01I totally agree. The Bond licence really does seem to be wasted on Upper Deck. They've missed golden opportunities to ride on the back of (1) the No Time to Die release, and (2) the 60th Anniversary of the Bond franchise. When you think of what Rittenhouse did - ground-breaking 40th Anniversary retrospective set, a double-release for the 50th anniversary. Such a shame to see so little coming out from UD.
I too am really hoping that one day Rittenhouse will win back the licence and do these landmarks justice (maybe after the franchise has been rebooted and there's a bit more potential there to exploit).