Non-Sport Update's Card Talk
Joe Jusko Returns to All New, All Joe Marvel Masterpieces Series
February 28, 2014, 09:19 AM
H_ToserJoe Jusko Returns to All New, All Joe Marvel Masterpieces Series
Joe Jusko Returns to Marvel Masterpieces
Big news for Marvel and Marvel Masterpieces fans:
A Master Returns To MasterpiecesThe series will ship later this year from Upper Deck.
February 28, 2014, 09:39 AM
GrahamThis could well be my first Upper Deck set. Let's hope they treat it with the reverence it deserves and have a special binder to go with it.
February 28, 2014, 10:03 AM
Ted Dastick Jr.Best news I've heard in a while!
February 28, 2014, 10:03 AM
Elaine PernaI'm looking forward to this too. Might be the first time I bought some boxes of a trading card set in some years.

February 28, 2014, 03:52 PM
goldenavengerThis is excellent news for the base cards. Collectors have been wanting this for a long time. Of course base cards can't carry a release, so we'll see how the rest of the series fills out....but definately a good start.

March 04, 2014, 10:52 AM
barobehereIn this case, Base cards CAN carry a release! I'm in!
March 06, 2014, 05:37 PM
TattooxMy most anticipated set for the decade. Yet I fear what UD might do to it.
March 07, 2014, 07:36 PM
chesspiecefaceThis should follow the model from the last real Marvel Masterpieces set, the one from 1996 by Boris Vallejo and Julie Bell, now rightly considered a classic.
This new Jusko set should be 100 base cards, 6 double sided embossed cards, and 6 gold foil framed gallery cards. The only other inserts should be Jusko sketches (seeded as rarely as they need to be from Jusko only, no filler!) and 9 winner Redemption cards for 9 original paintings from the set. 16 pack boxes, and $6 bucks a pack (for inflation, the '96 ones were $4 per pack, and there were no sketch cards at all).
Great news, and I hope this means Joe will maybe at last do that DC Masterpieces set that was planned back in the 1990's but never came to pass.
Everywhere around this burg they're running out of verbs, adverbs, and adjectives. Everywhere around this town, they're running out of nouns.
March 07, 2014, 07:54 PM
TattooxThat would be awesome!
March 16, 2014, 07:56 PM
WillJust seeing this thread, and I'm very excited for this release. Thanks, Upper Deck !!
March 17, 2014, 05:33 PM
Jamster62This is definitely a set that I am looking forward to. I have met Joe several times at conventions, and he is a heck of a nice guy to go along with being an incredible artist.
May 12, 2014, 08:23 PM
bluedevil2002Have any more details about this set come out? Or just a more specific release date?
May 14, 2014, 12:32 AM
Scifi Cardsquote:
Originally posted by bluedevil2002:
Have any more details about this set come out? Or just a more specific release date?
No, I can tell you it has not been solicited to dealers for orders yet.
I asked last week and there is no current information to be had.
They may be waiting for the art to be mostly complete before proceeding. Relying on one artist to do all the art means there can easily be delays.
I may be going to hell in a bucket, but at least I'm enjoying the ride.
-"Touch of Grey" by The Greatful Dead
August 20, 2014, 12:28 AM
Allan RiversAny updates yet? We're halfway through August with only a few more months till this year's over. I'm dying to here a release date with maybe some pricing info.
August 20, 2014, 12:30 AM
Allan RiversBTW, already starting to work on the set. I've picked up the Spidey promo, along with Joe Jusko autographed prints of Deadpool and Lady Sif. Woot!
August 20, 2014, 04:17 PM
Originally posted by Allan Rivers:
Any updates yet? We're halfway through August with only a few more months till this year's over. I'm dying to here a release date with maybe some pricing info.
Unfortunately, Upper Deck has moved the release of Marvel Masterpieces to next year. Looks like next Summer, to be more precise.
To hold you over, we have a new Marvel Masterpieces promo in the upcoming issue of Non-Sport Update. Hey, I know its not quite the set, but it's something, right?

August 20, 2014, 07:52 PM
hoffmaster007Yes Harris, I just saw where the release date was moved to July 2015!

August 20, 2014, 09:51 PM
Allan RiversWell, there's no reason for anyone to get upset. I'd prefer quality over a rushed set. I'm sure Joe is slaving away at putting out the best work he can given constraints. Looking forward to the Promo in the next issue

August 20, 2014, 11:07 PM
TattooxUD doing their usual thing of using one piece of art over and over. So far, if I remember correctly, I have the over-sized signed cards, 3 or 4 gaming promos, and 1 regular promo card. All Joe's new art.
He's been working on this for about a year now. Might be some delays due to Marvel's approval process. I'm having Bowen Designs flash backs. From hint, to preview pics, to ordering, to shipping taking a year or two.
August 21, 2014, 02:37 AM
paul hartSaw a large amount of the art for this set,as
Joe jusko had images of all the completed
Artwork on his phone, which he kindly showed me while getting a signed print at upper decks sdcc stand.
-artwork looks amazing.
joe said should be better than the early 90's set as that one was rushed!!! And how great was that series!
Should be a great set when issued and back to quality it deserves with joes artwork