Non-Sport Update's Card Talk
New Rittenhouse sets(breaking news)

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September 11, 2011, 12:51 AM
Scifi Cards
New Rittenhouse sets(breaking news)
Originally posted by WarriorBabe:
Still waiting on news for previously announced "new" sets, Merlin and NCIS!

We've been told 2012 for NCIS. Apparently the actors are difficult to pin down for signings.

As for Merlin, I'd imagine that has gone the way of Caprica. Just a footnote in history of a set that might have been. Once a show is off the air it's the kiss of death for trading cards.


I may be going to hell in a bucket, but at least I'm enjoying the ride.

-"Touch of Grey" by The Greatful Dead
September 11, 2011, 03:06 AM
Originally posted by Scifi Cards:
Originally posted by WarriorBabe:
Still waiting on news for previously announced "new" sets, Merlin and NCIS!

We've been told 2012 for NCIS. Apparently the actors are difficult to pin down for signings.

As for Merlin, I'd imagine that has gone the way of Caprica. Just a footnote in history of a set that might have been. Once a show is off the air it's the kiss of death for trading cards.


As far as I am aware Merlin is still very much alive.They are currently filming season 4 and a fifth season is set to be shown in 2012.
September 11, 2011, 03:08 AM
Scifi Cards
Originally posted by Triple-Frog:
Originally posted by Scifi Cards:
Originally posted by WarriorBabe:
Still waiting on news for previously announced "new" sets, Merlin and NCIS!

We've been told 2012 for NCIS. Apparently the actors are difficult to pin down for signings.

As for Merlin, I'd imagine that has gone the way of Caprica. Just a footnote in history of a set that might have been. Once a show is off the air it's the kiss of death for trading cards.


As far as I am aware Merlin is still very much alive.They are currently filming season 4 and a fifth season is set to be shown in 2012.

I stand corrected. I thought I saw it on a list of canceled shows. Doesn't help that it shows on SyFy here and they don't advertise anything very well.


I may be going to hell in a bucket, but at least I'm enjoying the ride.

-"Touch of Grey" by The Greatful Dead
September 11, 2011, 09:42 AM
Anyone who needs to get their Merlin fix whilst waiting be aware that Top Trumps are putting a Merlin pack out very soon now.

Come, it is time for you to keep your appointment with The Wicker Man.
September 11, 2011, 11:25 AM
Kevin F
Originally posted by Scifi Cards:
I stand corrected. I thought I saw it on a list of canceled shows. Doesn't help that it shows on SyFy here and they don't advertise anything very well.

You might have been confusing Merlin with Camelot which was essentially the same story. Now that has been cancelled. As Triple-Frog has correctly said, the BBC are happily working on more Merlin episodes and have even released a few publicity shots. I think it starts it's next run here in the UK after Dr Who concludes as it will be taking over it's Saturday night slot over the run up to Christmas Thumb Up
September 12, 2011, 04:48 AM
I reckon they've cancelled the Merlin set because the stars of the show were at SDCC this year and nothing was mentioned about a card set. You would have thought that would have been the best promotion for a future set, so I bet they've cancelled it and just haven't said anything.

As for True Blood, I wonder what changed the networks mind about allowing a card set as this had been denied in the past.

I don't know if I would get too excited about a card set from RA seeing as they canned Caprica and it looks like they might have done the same to Merlin. Buying a license is one thing, actually producing anything from it seems to be another thing altogether.
September 12, 2011, 05:09 AM
As far as I'm aware it's still on fora release just probably not this year and probably in time for the next series which they are currently filming.
September 12, 2011, 01:09 PM
Elaine Perna
This is awesome! I can't wait for True Blood and Game of Thrones. Smile
September 19, 2011, 09:24 PM
This is excellent news. Clap I'm in for Game of Thrones without a doubt, and maybe True Blood too.

Traded with Deena, tragicend, Pochacco, Greg Geerts, tradeacard, barobehere, xtime, blwilson, derigel, Salama, mccheese8472, wolfie, glim, BILLZEE, Bond, Warrior Babe and Juelle Lou
September 19, 2011, 09:46 PM
Originally posted by Sidewinder:
I don't know if I would get too excited about a card set from RA seeing as they canned Caprica and it looks like they might have done the same to Merlin. Buying a license is one thing, actually producing anything from it seems to be another thing altogether.

Sadly, I agree, though I don't blame RA if they don't end up making a Merlin set. I love the show, and it is pretty big (some would say huge) outside of the US, but within the US it is either a show most think got cancelled, or they confuse it with Camelot, which just got cancelled. Either way it hasn't got much traction like it has elsewhere in the world. Simply put, the only people that I know who know anything about Merlin are the Anglophiles who like Doctor Who and other British shows enough to overcome the apathy most Americans seem to have towards British TV.

billylomas1 on Epack
September 20, 2011, 08:03 AM
Juelle Lou
I can understand RA canceling Caprica, since SyFy cancled the show.
But I don't think you can really compare the licenses.
Like Riddler said Merlin isn't that well known in the US and Caprica was canceled. True Blood and Game of Thrones on the other hand are huge and very popular, with no talk or rumers of cancelation. True Blood dosen't have an end in site at the moment and Game of Thrones is already filming it's next season.

They did a Spartacus set and that went down reasonably well didn't it? I can't imagine these two licenses doing worse than that considering the two shows seem to be on many peoples top wishlists of sets they would love to see made.
September 27, 2011, 06:21 AM
What you say is very true Juelle and is one reason why I wonder RA bought the license for Merlin. If it isn't that well known in the US, why would they choose to do a card set on it?

I don't watch True Blood, but I have just watched a few episodes of Game of Thrones, which I do find quite and interesting show.

I'd expect a premium format set for Game of Thrones as the first season isn't very long, however I would like to see a base set on the show with write ups on the characters as there seem to be so manySmile
September 29, 2011, 07:13 PM
I noticed today that Rittenhouse updated their release schedule with the following :

• The Complete Brady Bunch Series (12/07/2011)
• Legends of Marvel (Series 3): Storm, Hulk, Moon Knight (12/14/2011)
• The Complete Star Trek: TNG (1991-1994) Series 2 (02/15/2012)

I read that Steve had been working on the Brady project for some time. I wonder what will be part of this set?

What is the answer to life, the universe, and everything? 42 it's not. It's OCD card collecting.
September 29, 2011, 07:29 PM
Originally posted by DanoElMano:
I wonder what will be part of this set?

Marcia, Marcia, Marcia

Come on....someone had to say it. Big Grin

Sounds interesting. I'm sure Rittenhouse will do a bang up job with it.

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September 29, 2011, 08:30 PM
I haven't seen the Brady's in years but I do recall there being a number of guest stars from sports and entertainment. Some of these would make for fantastic autographs. But I would imagine that a number of them would have to be cut-autos after all these years.

What is the answer to life, the universe, and everything? 42 it's not. It's OCD card collecting.
September 29, 2011, 10:46 PM
Scifi Cards
Originally posted by DanoElMano:
I noticed today that Rittenhouse updated their release schedule with the following :

• The Complete Brady Bunch Series (12/07/2011)
• Legends of Marvel (Series 3): Storm, Hulk, Moon Knight (12/14/2011)
• The Complete Star Trek: TNG (1991-1994) Series 2 (02/15/2012)

I read that Steve had been working on the Brady project for some time. I wonder what will be part of this set?

People post, and tell me, all the time that classic TV shows can support a set. These people better get out and vote with their dollars because I'm thinking this is a pretty risky set for Rittenhouse.

If it does well, maybe more will follow.

And, for the skeptics, it appears this will be a box/foil pack product too.

Like everyone, looking forward to hearing the details.


I may be going to hell in a bucket, but at least I'm enjoying the ride.

-"Touch of Grey" by The Greatful Dead
September 29, 2011, 11:09 PM
Originally posted by Scifi Cards:
Originally posted by DanoElMano:
I noticed today that Rittenhouse updated their release schedule with the following :

• The Complete Brady Bunch Series (12/07/2011)
• Legends of Marvel (Series 3): Storm, Hulk, Moon Knight (12/14/2011)
• The Complete Star Trek: TNG (1991-1994) Series 2 (02/15/2012)

I read that Steve had been working on the Brady project for some time. I wonder what will be part of this set?

People post, and tell me, all the time that classic TV shows can support a set. These people better get out and vote with their dollars because I'm thinking this is a pretty risky set for Rittenhouse.

If it does well, maybe more will follow.

And, for the skeptics, it appears this will be a box/foil pack product too.

Like everyone, looking forward to hearing the details.


I thought Brady Bunch was an interesting choice as well. . . Hopefully it sells well, I'm not the target audience for it at all so I'm curious to see what happens. A few of the Brady Bunch signed autos for other sets. . . so we'll see. . .

I think if they did a premium pack product of 'stars from the 70s,' or an MTv type 'I love the 70s' (followed by other decades, of course) those could be done well and sell like crazy. . .

Really though I just said that because I want to see an 80's set. . . but I really mean that I just want a Mr. T autograph card. . . Why hasn't there been a Mr. T autograph card? Sorry, I'm off topic. . .

September 29, 2011, 11:28 PM
Ryan Cracknell
Originally posted by webjon:
Why hasn't there been a Mr. T autograph card?


Don't get me started.

Maybe we just have to wait a couple more years. The celeb-themed sets seemed to be waffling in the 70s still so eventually you'd think they'd move up a few years and give us Mr. T, Webster, Punky Brewster, etc. There's also a gold mine waiting with Saved by the Bell. I'm pretty sure Screech would sign a few cards for a few dollars.

Ryan Cracknell

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September 29, 2011, 11:29 PM
Ryan Cracknell
Back on topic, I'm very excited about the Brady Bunch. I think it's probably safe to say that Greg will be signing for the set as he's signed everywhere else already.

Ryan Cracknell

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September 29, 2011, 11:33 PM
Originally posted by Scifi Cards:
People post, and tell me, all the time that classic TV shows can support a set. These people better get out and vote with their dollars because I'm thinking this is a pretty risky set for Rittenhouse.

Same thought here. You have to be of a certain generation to remember these classic shows. I sometimes mention shows or actors to people who I feel are not terribly younger than me in conversation, and they either never saw it or never even heard of it.

Too much going on and not enough family viewing I guess, but classic TV is now Seinfeld and the 90's for a lot of folks. Wink