So that's a great line-up for comparison and it illustrates just how difficult it is to authentic an autograph. All of those signatures are genuine, yet there are significant differences even in that very short version, where we are still trying to make out the letters used.
There's a loop in the middle and there's no loop. The T has a top loop and then it doesn't. It could be only 2 letters, or 3 letters, or 4 letters. It's larger and smaller.
All you can do with this type of signer is collect samples and compare against them like a file. Does this one look like some version of what we know is good? Does this not look like anything we know is good? You can say that an autograph compares well, or that it doesn't, but as long as the signature looks vaguely like it, you can't confidently say that it's not genuine. You just don't know, she is not consistent.
Celebrities who have to sign autographs for fans as part of their business often feel taken advantage of by professional autograph hunters and by both professional and amateur forgers. I wonder if the ones with sloppy, inconsistent signatures realize that they are just contributing to the problem by making it so hard for good people to tell real from fake and so easy for bad people to get away with it?
Posts: 10529 | Location: New York | Registered: November 20, 2007
Looks like TM to me, though her auto is not very consistent. Looks like she signed them all very quickly in a bit of a rush job.
Happy that there is an Alison auto as well, that's makes all of the most important clones for me. I wonder what the ratio for her autos are going to be and how expensive they are going to be on the aftermarket. I really want to get all four of the clones and maybe even Beth seeing as she kind of started it all.
Posts: 1231 | Location: Australia | Registered: November 05, 2007
Just spotted the link below on Cryptozoic's site which mentions that Tatiana also signed as Katja and Rachel. That's at least 9 different autographs of hers in this.
It states there are 10 Tatiana autographs total with 2 of them (Aryanna and Danielle) being dealer incentives. The other 8 are pack inserted. All 10 are limited to 30 or fewer. Yikes.
Posts: 2152 | Location: Pennsylvania | Registered: September 14, 2006
Originally posted by Logan: It states there are 10 Tatiana autographs total with 2 of them (Aryanna and Danielle) being dealer incentives. The other 8 are pack inserted. All 10 are limited to 30 or fewer. Yikes.
Understandable, as the star she probably contracted for only a couple of hundred total signatures and they are spreading it out over 10 different cards. So how many can you really expect for each character?
Also consider that at least a couple of each 8 pack inserted cards will be held back for all the usual reasons. So they are all super short.
Posts: 10529 | Location: New York | Registered: November 20, 2007
Pretending the price on each is exactly the same, and you could afford three of them before they totally disappeared into collections as these shortly will, which three would you choose?
I'm not sure Helena has been as integral to the proceedings as Cosima and Alison have been in the overall, but my own top three would be:
1. Sarah 2. Helena 3. Cosima
In reality, I'd be happy with one, any character, but with Helena, I would imagine that every time you looked at it in person, you'd hear that scratch sound that's part of her theme music.
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Posts: 3396 | Location: California | Registered: December 23, 2007
I would have been interested in Cosima, Allison, and Sarah. I planned on spending a huge amount on a Cosima card until I got Tatiana to sign in person this summer and now I will pick up a few assorted autographs and leave the clone autographs for the rest of you
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Posts: 1562 | Location: Milwaukee, WI | Registered: November 27, 2002
Originally posted by Jason00: Yep - I think mine most looks like the Helena one above but none of them really look 100% identical.
Sorry, but it doesn't look like any of them. Even the capital T does not have the top loop.
Keep your show receipt on that one or you will never be able to prove it's real.
You should have asked her to personalize, even a Yours Truly, anything to get your money's worth. And if this is her show signature, then that is what her cards should look like too.
Remember that she is not doing people favors here. Sure she could have refused to sign altogether, but since she didn't, she certainly got paid for what she did. These autograph cards are going to set people back a lot if they buy them individually, as many seem determined to do. The only good thing is that you will have a very limited card. Her signature is trash. Not because it looks like trash, but because it doesn't even look like the same trash. That's on her. If that's how she signs at a show, then that's how her autograph should look on cards when she has even more time to complete the stack.
If it's free I have no problem with it, but this is not charity. I'm sure I am in the minority here, but as an autograph collector, I would rather see a celebrity that just won't sign than someone that looks like they can't make the effort to write the same thing, even when they are being paid.This message has been edited. Last edited by: Raven,
Posts: 10529 | Location: New York | Registered: November 20, 2007