Non-Sport Update's Card Talk
Skylanders Giants Trading Cards from Topps
August 21, 2012, 01:19 AM
Scifi CardsSkylanders Giants Trading Cards from Topps
Based on the video game and toy line (yeah, I had to google it) that is apparently huge. This comes out at the same time as the first expansion of the game.
Topps Skylanders Giants Trading Cards tell the story behind each character for a high level of engagement!
• 196 Total Cards
• 32 Original Skylanders Characters
• 8 Giants on rainbow foil
• 8 Skylanders Light Core Characters on rainbow foil
• 32 New Skylander Pose Characters on mirror foil including 8 all-new Skylanders
• 46 Skylander World Creatures and Supporting Characters
• 33 Skylander Game Screen Shots
• 12 Magic Item and Location (magic items are part of Skylanders Universe)
• 18 Puzzle Pieces (two 9-card puzzles)
• 7 Skylander Character Coloring Cards
• Each Skylander card front features a character in the toy figure’s action pose
• Each Skylander card back tells the story of each characters and shows their association with one of 8 Skylander world elements.
SRP is $1.99 a pack
They will have gravity feeds with 6 cards per pack
They will have 24 pack boxes with 6 cards per pack
They will have Jumbo Boxes with 18 packs of 16 cards per pack.
Release Date is November 7.
My kids don't play this one. Anyone have an opinion if this will be a hit with kids?
I may be going to hell in a bucket, but at least I'm enjoying the ride.
-"Touch of Grey" by The Greatful Dead
August 21, 2012, 03:54 AM
RevJayI don't know about being a hit with the kids but in my area, Walmart, Target & KMart are unable to keep the character packs stocked on the shelves for very long for the game.
August 21, 2012, 11:48 AM
Arvin SloaneHuge is an understatement. I bought my 6 year old a PS3 for Christmas last year. I needed some games to go along with it and picked up Cars and Skylanders as it looked like a simple fantasy game, which I could mess around with him. The Post Exchange at Fort Bragg had the starter sets that included the portal and three figures. They also had numerous single figures as well as a couple of three packs. Since there were so many stocked on the shelf I didn't think there would be any problem getting more if my son liked this game. That was one of the biggest mistakes I've ever made. Come Christmas morning he was in love with Skylanders. Of course he wanted more figures and so would every other kid that had received this game as a gift. These things flew off store shelves. Toys-R-Us, Target, and I believe Best Buy also had exclusive pieces. They also didn't release all 32 figures at one time they did it in waves, which had the kids chomping at the bit waiting the next release. My wife and I were run ragged looking for the pieces to make matters worse we'd score a single we needed and then would find a 3 pack which contained the one we just bought and then two additional figures he didn't have.
Our son now has the complete first release a few of the Legendary figures as well as some of the clear figures. He still is bugging us about the Giants and once they hit the stores we'll be back to the chase. My co-workers also has a 6 yr old and she went through the same exact scenario.
If the cards are put by the figures they'll sell.
August 21, 2012, 02:12 PM
JakeThis set could be huge for Topps! The game is fun for all ages has been a huge success like Arvin stated.
Activision had a very huge surprise success with the 1st game, and couldn't keep up production to feed demand from about November of 2011 till probably Mayish of this year. Their production numbers for what they thought would last the entire length of the game's life (uptil the expansion) was sold out by Christmas. That gives you an idea of how unprepared they were and why the shelves were empty lol
My wife is still missing 1 figure for her set lmao
Ed, can you email me with pricing?
August 22, 2012, 12:48 AM
Scifi Cardsquote:
Originally posted by Jake:
Ed, can you email me with pricing?
Why Yes, Yes I Can...
I may be going to hell in a bucket, but at least I'm enjoying the ride.
-"Touch of Grey" by The Greatful Dead
August 22, 2012, 10:36 AM
barobehereGo ahead an e-mail me pricing too. My son is 12. The 12 year old scene in video games here in MS
1. Skylanders
2. Halo
And I am going to admit it. I fricking love Skylanders. Yes, my son has all 32 figures. We did get all of the figures at cost but I have seen some of the short print figures like "Wham Shell" sell for 40 bucks on Amazon. Yes, my son and I ate 96 mini bags of chips to get the 4 coupons needed for the 4 "Pet" figure offer from Frito Lay.
August 22, 2012, 10:42 AM
Originally posted by Jake:
This set could be huge for Topps! The game is fun for all ages has been a huge success like Arvin stated.
Activision had a very huge surprise success with the 1st game, and couldn't keep up production to feed demand from about November of 2011 till probably Mayish of this year. Their production numbers for what they thought would last the entire length of the game's life (uptil the expansion) was sold out by Christmas. That gives you an idea of how unprepared they were and why the shelves were empty lol
My wife is still missing 1 figure for her set lmao
Ed, can you email me with pricing?
Which one?
August 22, 2012, 05:25 PM
JakeStill missing Whamshell lol Never chased the variant silver/clear/glows but just the regulars. We did score a chrome Spyro from the licensing show which was cool and a few of the flocked Stump Smash from the 1st Frito Lay promotion
August 23, 2012, 01:25 AM
Scifi Cardsquote:
Originally posted by barobehere:
Go ahead an e-mail me pricing too. My son is 12. The 12 year old scene in video games here in MS
1. Skylanders
2. Halo
Barrett has mail too!

I may be going to hell in a bucket, but at least I'm enjoying the ride.
-"Touch of Grey" by The Greatful Dead
September 07, 2012, 11:42 PM
Originally posted by Jake:
Still missing Whamshell
Was at Target last week when they started unpacking a box of single characters. There were 3 Whamshells in the box - my daughter snagged 2 right away [the third got away]. If you still need one, let me know.
I'd love to order a box of cards... what will the price be?
September 08, 2012, 08:44 PM
plmrelmstill looking for Wham-Shell myself...wouldn't mind one of those flocked Stump Smash too....
September 08, 2012, 11:02 PM
jcracchDon't spend too much on Wham Shell. I found one at Target last week to complete my set. Went back the next day to pick up some videos with my daughter and we saw 5 on the shelf and one in the toy aisle.
They're out there now.
October 02, 2012, 07:13 AM
SteveLAnyone know where I can get these in the UK (apart from eBay!)?
October 25, 2012, 01:42 PM
charmedmadi just got the binder and a few packs today from asda superstore
theres 197 cards in total the 197 is master eon limited edition L1 card which comes with the binder
October 25, 2012, 01:46 PM
JakeIs the binder a thin folder or a regular size 2-3" style?
Does anyone know if the bidners will be available in the USA when the cards finally show up?
Had fun this past weekend hunting down all the new figures and game! Got 3 wave 2 figures to pick up still and I'll be caught up lol If anyone needs help finding anything let me know and I'll see if I can help

October 25, 2012, 01:50 PM
• Each Skylander card front features a character in the toy figure’s action pose
• Each Skylander card back tells the story of each characters and shows their association with one of 8 Skylander world elements.
the first sentence is correct but the second sentence isnt as on the back it just has a big picture of the skylanders giants logo and a little picture of them on the back it looks like only the shiny ones say stuff on the back.
October 25, 2012, 01:52 PM
charmedmadit is a a4 binder but its a thin plastic one with the 9 pocket pages inside it it comes with a giant tick of poster and a front and back tick of sheet
Originally posted by Jake:
Is the binder a thin folder or a regular size 2-3" style?
Does anyone know if the bidners will be available in the USA when the cards finally show up?
Had fun this past weekend hunting down all the new figures and game! Got 3 wave 2 figures to pick up still and I'll be caught up lol If anyone needs help finding anything let me know and I'll see if I can help
November 01, 2012, 09:11 AM
SteveLGot a binder and a box of packs from Amazon in the end. The binder has just enough pages so that you don't have to mix portrait and landscape format cards on the same page, so it's spot on.
The collation so far has been bad. We've had so many of the same card again and again it's becoming a bit of a joke. We're still opening packs, but I don't expect to get anywhere near a full set from opening 50 packs.
If anyone in the UK is after the figures, I got all of the new Skylander Giants figures (Giants, new characters and light-core characters) from I'm nothing to do with the company, just mentioning it as they seem to have a very large stock at the moment.
November 02, 2012, 11:10 AM
Originally posted by jcracch:
Don't spend too much on Wham Shell. I found one at Target last week to complete my set. Went back the next day to pick up some videos with my daughter and we saw 5 on the shelf and one in the toy aisle.
They're out there now.
Wham shell and a castle storage case are now "Free" with 100 dollars worth of Skylander purchases at Toys R Us Stores.