January 15, 2015, 01:58 PM
H_ToserChronicles of The Three Stooges Kickstarter #2
RRParks CARDS has recently launched a Kickstarter campaign for Chronicles of The Three Stooges Series 3 (including a cool 3D card subset). We have details on the blog today about the campaign:
Kickstarting the Chronicles of the Three Stooges Series 3January 16, 2015, 08:03 PM
BunkieI wear glasses. I wonder if I'll have a hard time seeing the cards with 3D glasses.

I'll just use lots of duct tape.

January 16, 2015, 08:49 PM
RRParks CARDSOh... interesting question, huh. I wonder... when you get the cards (and a free pair of 3D glasses will be in the top of each box) you might clip apart the red and blue lenses of the glasses and with some scotch tape attach them to your spectacles. Just brainstorming of course ... but that might make it so your prescription lenses will view the cards through the red/blue lenses. Have a Tylenol handy for after viewing all 40 of the cards :-)
January 17, 2015, 04:11 AM
BunkieIt should be fun tho.

January 19, 2015, 08:00 AM
allenderIf you clip the colored lenses to your existing spectacles, make sure you don't get it backwards. It's not convenient to have to stand on your head to view the set. Nyuk nyuk.
I'm still scratching my head about the "You might also like" recommendations Kickstarter offered me after I pledged:
.. "Making 'The Zen of Beard Trimming' by C.J. Campbell"
.. "Elvish Linguistics Learning Tool"
.. "VYM, The Drag Magazine"
Clearly every one of these should be target-marketed to rabid Stooges fans.
January 19, 2015, 02:34 PM
MikeFitzI wear glasses for near-sightedness, so I just take them off and I have no problem seeing the 3D image. Can't vouch for the effect on far-sighted people.
January 20, 2015, 11:26 AM
RRParks CARDSquote:
Originally posted by allender:
If you clip the colored lenses to your existing spectacles, make sure you don't get it backwards. It's not convenient to have to stand on your head to view the set. Nyuk nyuk.
I'm still scratching my head about the "You might also like" recommendations Kickstarter offered me after I pledged:
.. "Making 'The Zen of Beard Trimming' by C.J. Campbell"
.. "Elvish Linguistics Learning Tool"
.. "VYM, The Drag Magazine"
Clearly every one of these should be target-marketed to rabid Stooges fans.
Why THOSE recommendations make perfect sense to me... 'zen of beard trimming' relates to Bustoff's beard, 'elvish linquistics' relates to Omay and Arryla, and 'drag magazine' relates to Self Made Maids. I say kickstarter did a great 'recommendations' list..
cough cough...
me go away now n hide in shame...
January 24, 2015, 10:31 PM
RRParks CARDSStooges Kickstarter has been doing well ... okay, NOT as well as 'exploding kitty' but then NOTHING on planet Earth is doing as well as Exploding Kitty (want to have your mind blown? Go to Kickstarter and search for Exploding Kitty ... and you'll be uttering 'hommina hommina hommina')