Non-Sport Update's Card Talk
Breygent Marketing gets American Horror Story
March 18, 2014, 08:33 AM
t.breyerBreygent Marketing gets American Horror Story
Originally posted by Breygent Marketing:
Originally posted by Breygent Marketing:
card does not scan well
very sharp in person
March 18, 2014, 11:03 AM
fuchaldreamSticker autos don't bother me. I like the cards, and the holographic stickers make it harder, though not impossible, for fakes to surface.
Great work, Breygent!
March 18, 2014, 11:05 AM
NonSportCardGuy26They don't bother me either, if they bother you, there are 18+ single autos to collect that are all on card. These look very sharp! I am sure the ink stands out more in person and your scanner is just picking up the hologram more than the autograph.
March 18, 2014, 11:46 AM
t.breyerThese are tamper proof.
more to come
March 18, 2014, 11:49 AM
t.breyerGary Kezele
March 18, 2014, 02:08 PM
Originally posted by Breygent Marketing:
Gary Kezele
Wow! Just... Wow!
I know that sketches will be very rare to come by, but if this is the quality level I'll have lots of fun chasing them down.
March 18, 2014, 09:32 PM
RavenOh boy, why do I feel compelled to do this?

This American Horror card set looks awesome, but why any stickers at all, and why tamper resistant holographic stickers? Is there a problem that occurred or is it just trying something?
I have learned to live with stickers when I have to, but there is nothing like on-card. Stickers that have background are even worse, remember the autograph cards from Inkworks last Supernatural set? Those background lines made the signatures look awful.
The on-card autograph cards from Grimm with the two versions and multiple color inks were just about perfect. So now I've gone on record and won't say anything more about it.

March 19, 2014, 12:14 AM
Miss Lizzyquote:
Originally posted by Breygent Marketing:
Gary Kezele
Holy frijole! These are amazing!
I love everything I've seen so far, even the sticker autos. It means the dual autograph possibilities are endless (for all seasons!).
Kudos to Breygent!
March 19, 2014, 03:41 AM
dcoleLove the Kezele sketches, love the Frances Conroy auto.

Not sure about the sticker autos. It's not so much the sticker but it seems like the signatures, especially the ones done in fine line marker, get lost in the busy background.
Well, like Tom said, maybe it's just that they don't scan well and will look fine in person.
Anyway, definitely looking forward to my "mini-master" set and to picking up the autos that I'm interested in. I've already got all of the autos and costumes from the Preview set (with the exception of the Quinto) so I can concentrate on the other characters in the full release.

Reliving my childhood one piece of painted plastic and slab of cardboard at a time.
March 19, 2014, 07:01 AM
NonSportCardGuy26I understand the argument against stickers, but Tom just spent the last month showing off 15+ ON CARD AUTOGRAPHS, all of which are still being included in the set
He stated these duals were last second additions, and are a BONUS, so why complain?
He was prob trying something new with the stickers, seeing how they would turn out, not planning on using them, and then figured, what the heck, we have them, lets make them a bonus. If you don't like them, thats good for you, I am sure there are plenty of people who will gladly trade you on card autos for them. I highly doubt Tom is considering going to stickers ever, his p products have all been on card in the past, and I think Tom knows most peoples feelings on the subject. Complaining about a BONUS LAST SECOND ADDITION to a set though seems a little immature though.
March 19, 2014, 09:15 AM
Electrawoman Cards f/k/a janequote:
Originally posted by NonSportCardGuy26:
I understand the argument against stickers, but Tom just spent the last month showing off 15+ ON CARD AUTOGRAPHS, all of which are still being included in the set
He stated these duals were last second additions, and are a BONUS, so why complain?
He was prob trying something new with the stickers, seeing how they would turn out, not planning on using them, and then figured, what the heck, we have them, lets make them a bonus. If you don't like them, thats good for you, I am sure there are plenty of people who will gladly trade you on card autos for them. I highly doubt Tom is considering going to stickers ever, his p products have all been on card in the past, and I think Tom knows most peoples feelings on the subject. Complaining about a BONUS LAST SECOND ADDITION to a set though seems a little immature though.
Collectors are entitled the their own preferences. I personally don't care for any sticker autograph, and If I pulled one of those double autographs I'd gladly trade it for a single on card autograph. The AHS set looks amazing as a whole, but I hope these stickers don't become part of Breygent's future releases.
Anne Welles - "You've got to climb Mount Everest to reach the Valley of the Dolls."
March 19, 2014, 10:33 AM
dcoleWho's complaining? We're discussing.
If you re-read my post, the issue isn't the sticker but the busy background. I have a hard time picking out the autograph. You know those 3D hidden image pictures that were popular a few years ago? I can't see those to save my life. So the busy holo background is a no-go for me in an otherwise
excellent release.
No hate, just some feedback, which is what you would expect when you post your work to a public forum.

Reliving my childhood one piece of painted plastic and slab of cardboard at a time.
March 19, 2014, 10:46 AM
t.breyerWe normally have all signed on cards and I am doing this as an extra on this series and will continue to do on card autographs but will also experiment with doing duals this way on some series.The actors signed on card and these at the same time.Some dont like and i understand as we all have opinions on what we like and what we dont like.I am trying something different that we have not tried before and will see how it turns out as we always are looking to do different things.
March 19, 2014, 10:47 AM
March 19, 2014, 04:35 PM
chesspiecefaceI prefer on-card autos as well, but I like that stickers are virtually impossible to fake, and even moreso, that they allow the manufacturer some leeway on the kinds of cards they can produce, and I for one, want no restrictions placed on a company as constantly innovative as Breygent has proven themselves to be.
This set is looking so nice, I'd buy some even if they were all sticker autographs, but let's do try to avoid sticker sketches.

Everywhere around this burg they're running out of verbs, adverbs, and adjectives. Everywhere around this town, they're running out of nouns.
March 19, 2014, 05:05 PM
Originally posted by Breygent Marketing:
We normally have all signed on cards and I am doing this as an extra on this series and will continue to do on card autographs but will also experiment with doing duals this way on some series.The actors signed on card and these at the same time.Some dont like and i understand as we all have opinions on what we like and what we dont like.I am trying something different that we have not tried before and will see how it turns out as we always are looking to do different things.
Keep trying new/different things Tom

March 19, 2014, 05:22 PM
Originally posted by Breygent Marketing:
We normally have all signed on cards and I am doing this as an extra on this series and will continue to do on card autographs but will also experiment with doing duals this way on some series.The actors signed on card and these at the same time.Some dont like and i understand as we all have opinions on what we like and what we dont like.I am trying something different that we have not tried before and will see how it turns out as we always are looking to do different things.
You do a great job with your products. My wife and I love when you guys get licenses to shows / movies we enjoy. We've been through 2 and a half cases of Grimm already and are trying not to get more because of AHS, Bates Motel, and Grimm 2 releasing in the near future (he says with high hopes).
If only you guys had gotten Psych. Cryptozoic did an okay job, but it doesn't seem like they totally get the collector mentality. You guys really get how sick we collectors are.

March 19, 2014, 08:25 PM
Originally posted by NonSportCardGuy26:
Complaining about a BONUS LAST SECOND ADDITION to a set though seems a little immature though.
#1 No one was complaining, just responding to an obvious departure from past autograph cards. Tom acknowledged the feelings, gave his thoughts and that's cool.
#2 Immature? We are trading card collectors. Darn right we are immature.

March 19, 2014, 08:44 PM
t.breyerok i am new also to twitter so if i tweet and you want to follow here is the @Breygent
i think this is correct Tom
March 20, 2014, 02:30 AM
william291077Howdy all,
I've been hiding away a while but just wanted to share again in the excitement of this set.
Delighted to see the Connie Britton auto and the duel auto makes for even more joy!
Hopefully I will have my third Connie Britton autograph card (I have her Donruss card) shortly after this products release.
Would also love to have seen a costume or duel costume card of Vivien Harmon.
Can't wait to get my hands on the product.
Kelly Kelly! So nice they named her twice!