Non-Sport Update's Card Talk
Fringe News from Cryptozoic
April 27, 2012, 04:11 PM
Chuck BartowskiFringe News from Cryptozoic
It's pretty much on every entertainment site now.
Originally posted by Char_Baby:
Where has the 5th season been officially announced?
Cannot wait for the autos, would love any of them to be honest!
Olivia would be the best, walter second and broyles then the rest I think.
April 27, 2012, 07:18 PM
StargaterulesYup 5th season but Only 13 episodes . They did the same thing NBC did for Chuck . I can live with that .
April 28, 2012, 02:51 AM
Juelle LouYes, I am also very relieved it is getting another season, even if is only a half season, so they get a decent chance to finish the show properly.
It is a shame if that is the final list, Chuck, the picture you have put a on page 2, where did you see that? The Leonard Nimoy auto looks very much like the ones shown on Cryptozoic's website, it's just missing the "Imagine the Possibilities" under the Fringe title. Maybe there is still hope?
April 28, 2012, 02:21 PM
Chuck Bartowskiquote:
Originally posted by Juelle Lou:
Yes, I am also very relieved it is getting another season, even if is only a half season, so they get a decent chance to finish the show properly.
It is a shame if that is the final list, Chuck, the picture you have put a on page 2, where did you see that? The Leonard Nimoy auto looks very much like the ones shown on Cryptozoic's website, it's just missing the "Imagine the Possibilities" under the Fringe title. Maybe there is still hope?
That's from a dealer's website. The auto design is very similar.
I would love for there to be a Nimoy.
April 28, 2012, 04:14 PM
Jason00That picture is also in the new Previews magazine, which is where all the comic book stores order their cards from.
"For a universe that's supposed to be half Chinese, Firefly sure doesn't have any Asians." -- The Uncomfortable Truths Well
April 28, 2012, 10:01 PM
Juelle LouSo more than likely they got those pictures from Cryptozoic? Then there's still a pretty good chance the Nimoy autograph might eventuate.(crosses fingers and toes) I really, really hope so

April 29, 2012, 03:38 PM
Jason00 Here is the link on the Previews website.
I am pretty sure this is the solicitation information they get directly from Cryptozoic, so I think the odds of Nimoy have to be pretty good.
"For a universe that's supposed to be half Chinese, Firefly sure doesn't have any Asians." -- The Uncomfortable Truths Well
April 29, 2012, 07:04 PM
Originally posted by Jason00:
Here is the link on the Previews website.
I am pretty sure this is the solicitation information they get directly from Cryptozoic, so I think the odds of Nimoy have to be pretty good.
If it is in Previews, I'm inclined to think it is real. The only problem is that this might be like the Walking Dead A3/A4 autos that ended up not being returned in time and will be in the next set. However, Cryptozoic seems to advertise only what they have on hand, so if it is being advertised in Previews I wouldn't be surprised if it gets announced soon.
April 29, 2012, 07:32 PM
Juelle LouWell that is encouraging news.

April 30, 2012, 06:33 AM
hammerBetter hope that seasons 3,4 and 5 are in the making before the stars move on.
April 30, 2012, 11:33 AM
jedipencilWhere could a Canadian purchase/pre-order sets? I'm definitely getting a set for each season, I love this show.
April 30, 2012, 11:35 AM
Chuck Bartowskiquote:
Originally posted by riddler_149:
Originally posted by Jason00:
Here is the link on the Previews website.
I am pretty sure this is the solicitation information they get directly from Cryptozoic, so I think the odds of Nimoy have to be pretty good.
If it is in Previews, I'm inclined to think it is real. The only problem is that this might be like the Walking Dead A3/A4 autos that ended up not being returned in time and will be in the next set. However, Cryptozoic seems to advertise only what they have on hand, so if it is being advertised in Previews I wouldn't be surprised if it gets announced soon.
I would agree with that except the card design in the preview doesn't match the final card design, and he's not listed as a signer yet. That is a huge name to have, but not list.
April 30, 2012, 01:53 PM
wisesamReally looking forward to this set.
I could do with some advice though. I really want the Joshua Jackson and Anna Torv Autograph cards and i am in the UK what would be the best way.
Wait for a while and buy individually from Ebay and if so could they reach the high $300 mark each
Buy a 12 box case from the USA $733 best price i could find about £451 pounds and hope i get the autographs i want.
Attend a convention in the UK and buy individually from a dealer
I have no idea of where to buy from the UK so my only option seems ordering from the USA or the other options however if anyone can recommend anything else or give me some advice i would greatly appreciate it.
April 30, 2012, 02:48 PM
Triple-FrogIf all you want are the Torv and Jackson autos buy individually.Based on previous Cryptozoic releases there is no guarantee you you would get both or indeed either in a single case.
There are some UK dealers who post on here and may give you the best price for individual autos.
April 30, 2012, 03:26 PM
Kevin Fquote:
Originally posted by wisesam:
Buy a 12 box case from the USA $733 best price i could find about £451 pounds and hope i get the autographs i want.
Don't forget to factor in the additional VAT and handling fee your case will probably incur on the way through UK Customs. That would be around £100 on top of the £451 you would have to pay for the case.
May 03, 2012, 03:43 PM
Originally posted by wisesam:
Really looking forward to this set.
I could do with some advice though. I really want the Joshua Jackson and Anna Torv Autograph cards and i am in the UK what would be the best way.
Wait for a while and buy individually from Ebay and if so could they reach the high $300 mark each
Buy a 12 box case from the USA $733 best price i could find about £451 pounds and hope i get the autographs i want.
Attend a convention in the UK and buy individually from a dealer
I have no idea of where to buy from the UK so my only option seems ordering from the USA or the other options however if anyone can recommend anything else or give me some advice i would greatly appreciate it.
Search for Umbrella trading cards on google and email Paul. He'll help you out i'm sure. I've preordered a box with him.
UK seller too

May 10, 2012, 12:37 PM
Scott GaetaHi All,
Just an FYI that we are now sold out of all boxes and binders for this set. Fringe ships in mid June.
Scott Gaeta
Cryptozoic Entertainment
May 10, 2012, 12:41 PM
H_ToserThat's excellent news Scott. Very glad to hear it. Can't wait to see the cards myself.
May 10, 2012, 12:59 PM
Good news! But I am sad, I didn't get the opportunity to purchase a set...

May 10, 2012, 01:03 PM
Originally posted by jedipencil:

Good news! But I am sad, I didn't get the opportunity to purchase a set...
Jedipencil....Just because Cryptozoic is sold out doesn't mean you can't purchase a set. The product isn't out yet. You'll be able to purchase a set (or box) from your local dealer (or an online hobby dealer, eBay, etc.) once the product ships in June.

I know you are a huge Fringe fan so I bet you'll be buying a set!!