Non-Sport Update's Card Talk
My James Bond Autograph Collection
February 06, 2015, 08:31 PM
XMy James Bond Autograph Collection
Originally posted by Raven:
When I see such impressive collections as these of the Bond cards I start to regret my own non-completist attitude. I have always jumped around and collected many autograph cards of people I liked from any title that I could afford without trying to compile anything in particular. I love all my cards and it is a sizeable collection after all these years, but it has no central focus.
There is just something about seeing all these cards together, premiums and commons alike, that any true card collector has to admire.
Like what chesspieceface says, if you love all the cards you have, I don't see much room for regret, your collecting focus is pretty 'pure'. Better that than having cards for the sake of having them IMO.
Originally posted by drofdarb:
I remember laying all my bond autos out a while ago.. that was a few sets ago but the photos are still cool.. they are in this forum.
I really enjoy seeing them all laid out together - gives you an idea of the scope of the collection. Are you up to date with the latest sets?
Originally posted by cardaddict:
On this card:
A24 – Patrick Macnee/Sir Godfrey Tibbett – A View To A Kill (Case Incentive, Approx. 834)
You can add these variants; Blue sharpie, Black sharpie and thick Blue sharpie. I have all three and will post a pic if asked.
I am still going through your fascinating list, but I'm a slow worker.
I've already noted those variants cardaddict, why not post a pic at least for reference, or any others you fancy. There aren't enough pic in threas if you ask me!
February 06, 2015, 09:27 PM
Originally posted by X:
Originally posted by Raven:
When I see such impressive collections as these of the Bond cards I start to regret my own non-completist attitude. I have always jumped around and collected many autograph cards of people I liked from any title that I could afford without trying to compile anything in particular. I love all my cards and it is a sizeable collection after all these years, but it has no central focus.
There is just something about seeing all these cards together, premiums and commons alike, that any true card collector has to admire.
Like what chesspieceface says, if you love all the cards you have, I don't see much room for regret, your collecting focus is pretty 'pure'. Better that than having cards for the sake of having them IMO.
Thanks for your thoughts CPF and X, regret was the wrong word to use. You are quite right CPF, certain cards evoke happy memories and they don't have to be the valuable ones either.
As a Jack of all trades and Master of none, I do salute the collectors who compile these massive card collections on single titles, be it on Bond, or Star Wars, or Star Trek, or Twilight Zone, or Game of Thrones, or Buffy, or Harry Potter or X-Men. When you see all the cards together it sure is pretty.

February 07, 2015, 12:02 PM
JOHN LEVITTCardaddict's trio of Patrick Macnee's autos can be found on page 13 of this thread.
February 07, 2015, 07:49 PM
cardaddictThis proves two things; I have a bad memory and I can't read a list.
Anyway, here's a picture of my casino chips from THE COMPLETE JAMES BOND:
February 08, 2015, 11:08 AM
JOHN LEVITTMany thanks Cardaddict, I still need to get these to complete my set. Although I had an idea of what was needed I now have seen what I need.
February 08, 2015, 11:25 AM
JOHN LEVITTSince 'X' posted their updated list of Autographs I have been looking through my collection and what I find interesting is the copyright date that is shown on the back of the cards especially the time gap between when the card was printed and when it was issued. 'X' mentioned the A155 card being held back for a more suitable release date however some of the time gaps seem quite quick (Card A109 about 3 months) whereas others are quite long (Full bleed Jill St John about 6 years)when they are compared to the release of the set it was in date shown on Rittenhouse's website. It must be an administrative nightmare for Rittenhouse to keep tabs on where everything is especially with all the cards they are producing.
February 09, 2015, 09:50 AM
XReally cool to see your variants cardaddict. I know you like your variants so do you intend to go after the same colour but with the chip placed on opposite side of the card?
Also, I'm sure you probably already know but just in case, there are two more variant RC6 Licence To Kill chips: a yellow chip and another that is pink & purple with a different design in the centre. Coincidentally those two are the more limited of all the colours they made.
...and there are black, blue and pink The World Is Not Enough RC13 chips as well!
I've always found the production dates on the back of the autos interesting John. Sometimes it shows how long a card has been in the works and how early RA have approached a star to sign but have only just been able to release their cards (eg Ursula Andress). Dates show some oversights as well, I remember that Steve said he didn't realise that many years into the project he hadn't got Jill St. John or Gloria Hendry to sign 40th style cards, even though they'd recently signed full bleeds and WOB style years before. Something I don't understand though is, why when RA had established their 3 styles do they have signers on cards from different dates? Famke Janssen's 40th and 1st Full bleed were c.2004 whereas her WOB card (and 2nd full-bleed) were 2008.
Anyway, whatever the reason, with the likes of Bond, multiple Trek etc. I imagine it's no easy task keeping track of all these cards.
February 09, 2015, 02:51 PM
GoldfishSome lovely cards here. I also have the Famke full bleed (the later one), but the Famke WofB card is possibly top of my wanted list. If anybody has one going please pm me!
X - very brave setting yours free!
February 09, 2015, 05:08 PM
RajMy RC13 chip has a grey front of head and green back of head - the reverse of cardaddict's card.
The green chip is for $25.
February 09, 2015, 07:53 PM
cardaddictI want everything - but I'll never have everything.
February 17, 2015, 12:02 PM
David RI see that Louis Jordan (Kamal Khan in Octoppussy) just died. Didn't he sign ?
March 29, 2015, 10:04 AM
cardaddictI picked up some more poker chips yesterday:
March 29, 2015, 07:02 PM
XExcellent pick-ups! Can't decide on my favourite colour - always liked the yellow chip but I like the green one too which is no-where near as pale as in scans.
Given you have two yellow chips does this mean you're going after the variants with the chips on different sides of the card as well?!?
March 29, 2015, 09:11 PM
cardaddictI'm not really trying to obtain both sides of the same color, but these were offered to me and since I think (though I may be wrong), these are getting harder to find, I took all four.
March 30, 2015, 12:52 AM
XWell you don't see as many about these days, and certainly see far less of certain colours...
There were 400 so not super rare but I'd say rare enough for such a cool card. I think the fact the Casino Royale RC18 and The World Is Not Enough RC13 chip cards were so rare and expensive it encouraged people to pick up these ones from Licence To Kill, so they could at say they have at least one Bond casino chip prop card in their collection. I think the selection of Bond props offered since 2007 have been pretty neat overall, but I do think these 3 casino chips, that have never been offered again since, and the Casino Royale playing card, are very Bondian as far as props go.
When these chip cards were released I read something that would never have thought of: and that is that besides card collectors, there are casino chip collectors out there who were snapping these up too!
Master List of all James Bond autograph cards on p.15 updated to include checklist from James Bond Archives 2015.
June 03, 2015, 12:10 PM
chesspiecefaceWow, what a great resource!
Thanks for doing the work, "X".
Do you know if 552 is the record for a single line of non-sports, or does perhaps Star Trek have more?
Everywhere around this burg they're running out of verbs, adverbs, and adjectives. Everywhere around this town, they're running out of nouns.
June 03, 2015, 03:10 PM
Originally posted by chesspieceface:
Do you know if 552 is the record for a single line of non-sports, or does perhaps Star Trek have more?
552 was the old number. By my count the new number is exacting 600 autograph cards, including all incentives and the 2015 Archives.
I have seen no comprehensive list, but my guess would be that if you took all the autograph cards from every product that had some connection to Star Trek you would have more autograph cards, probably not a lot more. I believe the individual lists are shorter, but the number of products is more than Bond, so it makes up for it. That's if you counted everything, all TV shows and all movies.
Maybe Lynn would have the exact number.
January 22, 2016, 03:07 AM
thetaAnyone wants to give up their collection or knows where to get some autograph cards online?
Am looking for quite a few.
January 22, 2016, 04:27 PM
Ben ChosidHi
I have many Bond autos available.
Happy to sell or swap.
Please get in touch