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In-person convention autographs
If you go to enough conventions, you will eventually end up with a bunch of autographed cards/pictures/posters from shows and movies you've never heard of, watched or seen. One year at Fan Expo alone (Toronto) I scored Continuum, Lost Girl, and Arrow cast autographs, and a whole bunch of random others for free. I've actually got the Lost Girl cast free 3-4 times now. As good as the show is, no one needs that many.

These types of autographs aren't really worth anything, because you can't prove the authenticity to sell them, so I was wondering what other people do. Is there any kind of trade web or anything with an honor system? Has anyone ever tried a trade list for stuff like this? I would have to imagine that I would have enough street cred here by now that someone would take my word for authenticity and make cut signature cards or something... Just wondering what other people have or do?


Posts: 423 | Location: Heaven (Barrie, Ontario, Canada) | Registered: June 22, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Gold Card Talk Member
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Your best bet is still to sell them on Ebay.
Fans of those shows basically know what the signatures of the stars look like, and are fairly adept at spotting fakes. Provide closeup photos so people can better judge for themselves the authenticity of the signatures.

Mention that there is no COA, but do provide as much info as possible, such as where and when the items were signed, and any pictures you have of the signers, certainly.

Where trades are concerned, show them off here (and other other forums you may frequent) with pictures and mention the subjects you enjoy and would like in return for them, and I'm sure some offers will follow. Good luck!

Everywhere around this burg they're running out of verbs, adverbs, and adjectives. Everywhere around this town, they're running out of nouns.
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Silver Card Talk Member
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I have tons of in person autos. I really only get stuff from show I like, although I have missed out. I like The Walking Dead and Arrow but missed out on getting cast autos for darn near free when they came out. Now if I like a show I might start collecting in person or TTM auto on pictures or my custom cards. I never intend to sell what I have but sometimes I do end up with extras that I do trade with people I know from time to time. I almost never buy auto's from the Bay just because you never know who the dealer is on the other end.

But from someone here it would be different.

Ok 1 more pack then I'am really..wait how many are left in that box?
Posts: 1155 | Location: Denver, CO | Registered: December 03, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Gold Card Talk Member
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Hey Chris you have not got an e-mail address in your profile. I would be interested in Lost Girl autographs and I bet I am not the only one from this side of the pond Smile .E-mail me and maybe we can do a deal Thumb Up .

I have lots of autographed items collected over the past 20+ years, some on Ebay right now Big Grin .
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Diamond Card Talk Member
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Originally posted by collector of things:
These types of autographs aren't really worth anything, because you can't prove the authenticity to sell them, so I was wondering what other people do.

That's not exactly true, as long as its a genuine autograph it is worth the preceived value of the signature. It's only faked, forged, or pre-printed signatures that are worth nothing.

Now an autograph that comes with a Certificate of Authenticity tends to command a higher price because buyers take that as a guarantee, which as it happens is also not exactly true. I have seen many autographs sold with COAs from companies and stores that I never heard of, or that I know are no longer in business. It is also quite easy for anyone to manufacturer a fake COA. So my position on that is, unless the COA itself can be verified, it doesn't mean anything either.

I have no problem buying in-person autographs when they compare well to known examples and when I have reason to trust the source. One way you can boost confidence is if you keep ticket stubs from the signing or show, if you take pictures, or if you have multiple signatures on a single item. I'm not sure how you manage to secure free autos at a convention, I have to pay for everything. Maybe celebrity appearances are better in Canada.

Anyway, you should at least put them up for trade in the forum here if you don't want to try to sell them outright. Add your email to your profile and you will probably get some inquiries. There are collectors who would be happy to have your extra in-person autographs.
Posts: 10529 | Location: New York | Registered: November 20, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Silver Card Talk Member
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I agree that COAs don't mean much by themselves if you don't know the certifier personally.

Following Raven's suggestion about ticket stubs etc., it might help to include an image of a badge or ticket on a personalized COA. It's not absolute proof, but at least you can hint that you were present in the place where signings occurred. Wink

Sometimes a company sets up at a big convention and it schedules personal appearances by actors/artists. They might even have 'exclusive' cards specifically for in-person signings. But even if they don't, you're a lot more likely to find free autographs from people appearing at a company booth than at a "signing" table.

Some people will sign anything when asked, while others see it as a revenue stream.

Even some "certified" pack-pull autographs can be suspect, just as they are in the general autograph hobby. How do you or the company know that the person (and not a secretary, agent, or family member) signed it? There was one instance where Ringo Starr signed cards, and each was accompanied by a COA from wife Barbara Bach saying she personally watched him sign it. Talk about a true two-for-one!
Posts: 2424 | Location: North Augusta, SC, USA | Registered: November 28, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Silver Card Talk Member
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I wont mind talking to you about the Arrow and Lost Girl as well. My email is in my profile.

Ok 1 more pack then I'am really..wait how many are left in that box?
Posts: 1155 | Location: Denver, CO | Registered: December 03, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Sorry, bad explaining by me. Allender has it right. Often at conventions, there is a bunch of people there who charge for signatures. There also tends to be corporate booths where the actors are guests of the company representing their product and not the convention itself, and they sign for free. Sometimes, it means waiting in a line (hint for newbies #1: this is a great chance to sit and eat your lunch). Other times, they might give out raffle tickets as it is generally a given that people can't otherwise attend a panel and have a chance at the cast autographs. (Hint for newbies #2: if someone from Showcase comes around holding a big open box that has hundreds of white tickets and 3 pink ones, take the pink one! LOL). With free convention autographs, it is true that you probably aren't going to get a gorgeous 8X10 of a single actor. Often you get something signed by someone you've heard of, with a bunch of throw in signers that you've never heard of. Cast cards and 11X17 posters at conventions suggest there was probably a free signing at some point (somewhere), or at least one intended...

With Lost Girl, which they shoot in Toronto, they have been at Fan Expo signing 3 or 4 years in a row for free. The first year I think I missed it, and the second year they had 5X7 character cards-a set of 6, and were almost begging for people to take them as the show hadn't really taken off yet. Not sure where most of them are... 2012 was a cast photo that said Fan Expo 2012 (main 6 actors), and this year it was a 5X7 cast photocard (main 6 plus Rachel Skarsten from Birds of Prey. The actress who plays the doctor didn't make it, but the Vex character did and signed even though he's not pictured). I bought the season 1 dvd's and got the insert signed by the main 6 in 2012 too. (Who knew card talkers were so into Lost Girl...?) I'm a sucker for showing support and buying the DVD's... I guess I can offer up the DVD insert and/or the 2012 cast picture to known card talkers. Sorry to recent joiners or non-members, but please understand that I have given away free Wild Wild West autograph cards many times, and I tend to get a lot of claims that they haven't shown up when sent to people who have no stake here. I can't replace something that I only have one of...

My main point, which I'm not sure I ever made, was that you end up with a lot of items that someone would probably love and display rotting away in your closet. Cast signed posters from Stan Helsing and The Collapsed come to mind--I haven't even seen the movies around to check them out. If I have some posters like this, chances are other people have some that I'd love sitting around in their junk pile. I was just wondering what others had and how they handled it.

Trying fix my profile, but e-mail: i stayed @ without the spaces. *(My previous e-mail address locked me out...) --Chris

Posts: 423 | Location: Heaven (Barrie, Ontario, Canada) | Registered: June 22, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Titanium Card Talk Member
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Originally posted by allender:
There was one instance where Ringo Starr signed cards, and each was accompanied by a COA from wife Barbara Bach saying she personally watched him sign it. Talk about a true two-for-one!

Wasn't that the other way round. Bach signing for Rittenhouse Bond, Steve has the letter on his office wall.

Come, it is time for you to keep your appointment with The Wicker Man.
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Silver Card Talk Member
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You're correct, I think - but I got the family right!
Posts: 2424 | Location: North Augusta, SC, USA | Registered: November 28, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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When I go to conventions, I try to get into the signings for shows I like and I usually have decent luck ( no Walking Dead or Game of Thrones) Frown. But I am loving my Sons of Anarchy and Big Bang Theory posters. Thumb Up
Posts: 193 | Location: Ca | Registered: June 15, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post

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Hi, I would just like to add to this Discussion. I enjoy getting my cards signed at Conventions. Just Acquired William Shatner's at this past NYC comic con. Enjoy

Posts: 31 | Location: N.Y | Registered: May 27, 2012Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Silver Card Talk Member
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I get all sort of things signed at conventions. It's now one of the main reasons I go.

Posts: 1619 | Location: Oregon | Registered: August 25, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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That is an amazing collection. I had Stan Lee autograph the same card for me at a convention a few years back. Burgess Meredith signed this one for me at an Old Time Radio convention in the early 90's

Posts: 31 | Location: N.Y | Registered: May 27, 2012Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Silver Card Talk Member
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Originally posted by Stingh2:
That is an amazing collection. I had Stan Lee autograph the same card for me at a convention a few years back. Burgess Meredith signed this one for me at an Old Time Radio convention in the early 90's

Thank you. That's just a small portion of my autograph collection. I have 2 or 3 other Stan Lee cards signed, and hope to get 1 or 2 more next year.

Posts: 1619 | Location: Oregon | Registered: August 25, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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