It's really amazing to look at the number of releases this year. . . the list is huge -- that's well over a set a week, and there are a ton of sets that aren't listed too. . .
I allways find these sort of things a bit strange, I mean here we have loads of collectors voting on what they think is the best set released last year and yet in virtually every case the person voting will not have seen the vast majority of the cards on the list. How can I say that a set I collected is better than I set I never even saw a card from, that set may have been a lot better. Anyone else feel like this?
____________________ Come, it is time for you to keep your appointment with The Wicker Man.
Posts: 29086 | Location: wolverhampton staffs uk | Registered: July 19, 2002
Originally posted by wolfie: How can I say that a set I collected is better than I set I never even saw a card from, that set may have been a lot better. Anyone else feel like this?
Yes, but not being that deep, I just picked the five I liked best from those I bought and let it go at that.
Posts: 10529 | Location: New York | Registered: November 20, 2007
Originally posted by wolfie: I allways find these sort of things a bit strange, I mean here we have loads of collectors voting on what they think is the best set released last year and yet in virtually every case the person voting will not have seen the vast majority of the cards on the list. How can I say that a set I collected is better than I set I never even saw a card from, that set may have been a lot better. Anyone else feel like this?
I think it's really more of a 'favorite' set than a best set. . . It's not like we are picking the academy awards. The huge list has made me realize how much is produced that I may no attention to, or don't even know about.
Posts: 5509 | Location: Parts Unknown. | Registered: January 25, 2001