Non-Sport Update's Card Talk
Non-Sport Trading Card Database
September 08, 2013, 10:17 PM
dough boyNon-Sport Trading Card Database
I have mentioned previously with several of you that I am working on a trading card database to track your collection. Taking everything I have learned from and its' 32,000+ members I have worked hard to build this site from the ground up to cater to our trading card needs.
Hopefully in the next month or so I will be able to open it up for early access for BETA testers, and then shortly after that to all early registrants. If you are interested in getting early access, just enter your contact information on the sign up form.
The only requirement will be that you use a modern browser. This mean IE9+, Firefox, or Chrome. I can't wait until people are in and can let me know your thoughts.
Register today: let me know if you have any questions.
September 09, 2013, 02:08 AM
treksearcherSigned up. I'm reducing my collection but it's always a good thing to be in a community of like minded collectors.
September 09, 2013, 08:14 AM
dough boyWell, maybe the new site will help you reduce your collection.

Just like CBR you will be able to list a card for sale.
September 09, 2013, 01:33 PM
Sci-FiPlanetInteresting site. I have registered and had a poke about, clearly it is a work in progress. You are also light on a number of manufacturers. I would hope to see a few more than the 22 so far, and we appear not to be on your list along with several other notable missing names

September 09, 2013, 01:49 PM
dough boyquote:
Originally posted by Sci-FiPlanet:
Interesting site. I have registered and had a poke about, clearly it is a work in progress. You are also light on a number of manufacturers. I would hope to see a few more than the 22 so far, and we appear not to be on your list along with several other notable missing names
But of course. The site primarily started out just for "Comic" cards. Initially it was going to be built into and that was all. We decided that it could be so much more so we pulled it out and are giving a proper home to all trading cards.
The goal is to when we launch hopefully have a large swath of the Manufacturers/Series/Cards already in the database (makes it easier for people to get going if they are not waiting on items to be added). The hard part is getting the site setup to track/manage/report everything, after that once you can do one card you can do thousands/millions.
To make sure you are included at launch please send along checklists of anything that you have.
September 09, 2013, 03:41 PM
Chris ClineCool count me in!
September 09, 2013, 08:50 PM
Originally posted by dough boy:
To make sure you are included at launch please send along checklists of anything that you have.
Not to be funny, but if I had checklists of anything that I have I wouldn't need a database. Well that is kind of funny.

But I hope this works out well for you once you get it up and running. I know its been tried a few ways with sports cards before and it never actually worked out too well. Its the tracking of the personal collections that get difficult, not the posting of the checklists part. Although there are now who-knows-how-many checklists, even for non-sport. Also they tried to keep tabs on current card pricing and that involved constant updating.
Maybe next year when I get a new PC I will be able to check out your site. Right now it would probably crash my old laptop. Lots of luck.

September 09, 2013, 09:09 PM
dough boyBelieve me...I know all of this. With 33,000+ series and 280,000 comics it is tough. Just like a comic a card is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it at that time.
Ultimately just like the history of CBR I needed a place to catalog my collection. It works for me, and hopefully helps others as well. If not I am not out much more than my time as I am a developer by trade, but I still need a database.
But I cannot create a listing in the database for that obscure card you own without knowing about it.

Looking forward to your thoughts on year.

September 10, 2013, 08:45 AM
tangentI have registered. I never bothered to catalogue individual base cards, but I do have a database for my collection that individually catalogues inserts / autos / sketches etc. Let me know if you want it, and fields and format (email in profile).
September 10, 2013, 02:23 PM
Chris ClineI too have a data base for my sets (but not individual cards) and for auto's and some Inserts. It is a large excel file but it might be usable let me know email in profile.
September 10, 2013, 04:02 PM
Chris ClineI can't wait to see this up and running. I just started updating my list of sets and hit 1000 sets. With an average of 72 cards in a base set it will take a while to get the 72,000 card plus inserts all listed.
September 10, 2013, 04:42 PM
dough is a simple example based upon one of your sets... Theoretically you can add a complete series with a few clicks (assuming you didn't want to track price paid, condition, etc).
Here is the detail screen for Captain America Movie's Insignia Patch Cards:
And here is the entry screen to add to your collection:
September 12, 2013, 10:28 AM
September 20, 2013, 02:51 AM
Ben ChosidI have registered too, although I only really collect James Bond cards.
Do you want a copy of the Excel spread sheet I have put together for these?
March 10, 2014, 01:43 PM
chrisaparicioJust came across this.....are you still developing this? Looks like a fantastic idea and concept. I'm sure others would agree and use it to enhance their respected collections.
Originally posted by dough boy: is a simple example based upon one of your sets... Theoretically you can add a complete series with a few clicks (assuming you didn't want to track price paid, condition, etc).
Here is the detail screen for Captain America Movie's Insignia Patch Cards:
And here is the entry screen to add to your collection:
March 10, 2014, 02:03 PM
dough boyYes. Sorry it is taking me a lot longer to get things finished than I had hoped. I have a page that needs to get tweaked, but the bulk of what is left is trying to get as many series/cards in the system as possible at launch.
Currently there are 78,000+ cards in the database, but this is only from at most 10% of the known series. Once open and we can find some moderators to help manage things it will be a lot smoother.
March 11, 2014, 03:21 PM
cmcdjj37I too, just saw this. I can't tell you excited I am. I've been looking the last few weeks for a better piece of software to help me organize everything. I've been using comic collector live the last 2 years but I just don't have the time for it anymore. I also checked out collectorz but that is for comics and again I don't have the time to create everything.
Now, something like this, that is already updated and made specifically for non-sport is exactly what I've been waiting for.
I signed up for the BETA testing and I'm up for helping out more when it gets going. Something like this I would find the time to help with!
March 12, 2014, 12:18 PM
WillJust seeing this thread, and I am now registered. Looking forward to checking it out!
March 12, 2014, 04:02 PM
wuherReady to go
Vice Admiral Wuher black gold Team GAB -
www.gabtraders.comTraded with: RupT, Mar53, LUZNDAVE, Cardz_house , INDYPAT75, blwilson, KADRAN00157, Card Reaper, Tangent, Shaunicus, Ifish, wolfie, rwn410, Geoff bovey, WarriorBabe, womble
March 13, 2014, 10:32 AM
chrisaparicioI think everyone that has been collecting and/or just getting into it should fully support what dough boy is developing. I think we can all agree that this is something
we've all been wanting or needing to do. They're are some other formats of database, but if its anything like the SWEET!