I have been collecting trading cards since the mid fifties. I started with the World Series Cleveland Indians in 1954 & 1955. Then it was Topps Airplane Cards (still working on that one). Later it was The 'Jack Davis' Funny Valentine and Monster cards in 1959. All Topps. I collected novelty, movie cards etc. off and on throughout the 60s, 70s and 80s. When trading cards saw a revival in the 90s I collected everything I could. It was because there was so much product that I started to collect promos. If I could not own the set, at least I would have a representation of it. With Comic Con there were lots of promo cards to be had. That was were I heard of NSU and their get-togethers. I bought the magazine and traded on line with Card talkers. At first there was a lot of help from members. Thank you all. They even added categories that were of special interest to me like Promos and Set Building. I felt at home. But things seem to have changed over the years. Collectors seem a little more retentive. More interested in making a good deal than trading. I have always been a generous trader. Willing to trade something I have a duplicate of for something I don't. Getting the best of a trade was not my goal. When my lists got deleted from Set Building it was a wake up call for me. Maybe it is time to retire from the hobby. I am not really interested in collecting autographs or bits of fabric. I still get a thrill when I complete a base set. I remember finding a Jack Davis "You'll Die Laughing" card from 1959 that I needed to finish a set. I had worked on it for over 30 years. A great day. I hope there are still a few of those left.This message has been edited. Last edited by: Ace of Hearts,
Posts: 2894 | Location: San Diego | Registered: June 12, 2004