By now I am sure many of us have a large pile of unfinished puzzles, stray printing plates we've pulled, sketches from people we've never heard of featuring subjects we don't care about, weird die cut cards with nothing more special about them than the fact that they have easily damaged shapes, etc. (Maybe we should have a create your own die-cut contest... lol)
Anyways, here's the question; what do you do with them? Save them in a pile, dump them, risk them in a blind trade on the board, make them someone else's problem as part of the secret santa... ? --Chris
I tend to do very little trading with puzzle sketches. Thankfully I've really only pulled 1 and I sold it because I had no chance of completing it. Someone in NY has AT LEAST 3 of the 4 from a cool looking boba fett puzzle sketches from ESB Widevision lol. I knew someone else had 1 piece of it and we both moved them within 3 days to the same person lol
As for printing plates, I just put them with the respective sets as a cool novelty. It'd be nice to put together a set of all 4 colors of 1 card (like the Harry Potter box sets they did) but not something I would hunt after. Eventually I'll pull an old Inkworks plate, never did score 1 from a box Most of mine have actually come from Breygent mystery packs now that I think of it. Thanks Tom!
Now you see i don't see a large pile of unfinished puzzles as something to get rid of. I see it as a challenge to find all the missing pieces and therfore make the puzzles.
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Posts: 29086 | Location: wolverhampton staffs uk | Registered: July 19, 2002
Trade them. Someone loves them. I have all sorts of collections and I run across collectors for everything. I found out a fellow card talker is also a DC Universe Classics toy collector like I am. It's awesome!!!!!!!!!!!
Originally posted by cardaddict: I keep everything; I have hoarder's syndrome.
Hey, I'm with you!! If I don't have a home for it I hang onto it until such times as I do! Never let a card go by is my philosophy. I just kniow that if I do I'm gonna want that card in the future.
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Posts: 509 | Location: Auckland New Zealand | Registered: January 26, 2011
I put all individual cards I want in binders. I put all sets I want in plastic count cases. I put everything else I get in a cardboard box. When I can no longer close the top of the box I get another box.
Posts: 10529 | Location: New York | Registered: November 20, 2007
When I actually finally get around to sorting them all I work out a trade/want list or sell the higher items on the bay. But it's the getting sorted out thing that's my problem, I really have to be in the mood and I'm not right now.
Posts: 1231 | Location: Australia | Registered: November 05, 2007