Non-Sport Update's Card Talk
What set would YOU release?

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December 31, 2009, 08:27 PM
Mister E.
What set would YOU release?
As these cards are awsome........ You really know how to make this ole man wish these cards were on sale. Better than the card companies could ever make, wondering what is next ???? Keep up the great work - and thanks for the enjoyment of seeing a young artist at work. Metal

The early bird catches the worm, the second mouse gets the cheese.
December 31, 2009, 09:07 PM
Thanks guys for the nice comments. If I would have the money and the power to make my top 3 movie cards, that would be a dream come true ;-)

Stay tunes for some mock ups in the future... Batman TV 60's and maybe for a kids release a Disney Cars set ;-)
December 31, 2009, 09:09 PM
I also did one for Jaws for people who missed that one here:
January 02, 2010, 07:33 PM
Jim Streich
Sweet card designs..

I would have loved to seen a set done for Avatar if any movie was crying for one that was it and Cameron has signed before..

As far as tv shows I would like to see some more of the cable shows get card sets..

Burn Notice

or even sets for

Ignore list Batman, Headless
January 04, 2010, 06:40 PM
Ace of Hearts
Wizards of Waverly Place. Disney.
Lots of Selena pics & autos.
I think it would be a big hit.

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January 04, 2010, 07:08 PM
I would love to see:

The Big Bang Theory - along with the quotables mentioned earlier - and a piece of the Leonard Nimoy DNA napkin from the Cheesecake Factory Wink

Happy New Year to all Wave

January 05, 2010, 12:22 AM
i would love to see a house set
with 5 seasons in the books you could do the first 5 seasons like they are doing with lost and then keep updating it,the stars that make a appearance are amazing,not too mention the main stars,sell out for sure
January 07, 2010, 11:19 PM
A Batman TV Show set covering each Season from 1 to 3 but I know it will never happen :-(

Stay tunes for more...
January 15, 2010, 09:15 PM
Here is a tribute for the series that will never come to life because of licenses issue from DC/Warner Bros. and 20th Century Fox. So this is a Mock up only and not relate to any future release from Topps or other company sadly Frown

3 card set from Batman TV covered each episode from each season like Star Trek TOS back in 1997.

- Base set: 3 cards covered per episode (front/back)
- 1 Profile card per episode (front/back)
- 1 Behind the scenes per episode (front/back)
- 1 cast/credit plaque covered 1 to 3 episodes from same guest star (front/back)

Movie preview subset covers the movie (front/back)

Foil (front/back)

Stickers (front/back)

Tribute Series (front/back)

Autographs (front/back)

Alternative back

Costumes (front/back)

Cut Signatures (front/back)

Sketch (front/back)


This message has been edited. Last edited by: archifou,
January 15, 2010, 09:19 PM
Here is a tribute for the series that will never come to life because of licenses issue from DC/Warner Bros. and 20th Century Fox. So this is a Mock up only and not relate to any future release from Topps or other company sadly

3 card set from Batman TV covered each episode from each season like Star Trek TOS back in 1997.

- Base set - 3 cards covered per episode (front/back)
- 1 Profile card per episode (front/back)
- 1 Behind the scenes per episode (front/back)
- 1 cast/credit plaque covered 1 to 3 episodes from same guest star (front/back)

It would be hard for Topps to top your work Metal


"nuff said"

"it traps,it kills,it eats....that's what a good spider does"
Alice Cooper
January 22, 2010, 09:55 PM
A Tron Legacy set for the end of this year.

Note: This is a Mock up only and not relate to any future release from Topps to this movie.

This message has been edited. Last edited by: archifou,
January 24, 2010, 12:32 PM
Chris Cline
I want those batman cards SOOOOOOOO much. WOW such wonderful work. WHY OH WHY do you tease us with things we can never have?

Ok 1 more pack then I'am really..wait how many are left in that box?
January 24, 2010, 02:11 PM
Per usual archifou, fantastic work! I think it would be cool to have NSU carry a section on custom cards. Some of the work people have done on here really needs to be showcased. So, how about it Harris?
January 24, 2010, 03:13 PM
Scifi Cards
Originally posted by mintoncard:
Per usual archifou, fantastic work! I think it would be cool to have NSU carry a section on custom cards. Some of the work people have done on here really needs to be showcased. So, how about it Harris?

These could never see print, basically because they have 'fake' copyright information and use card company's logos without permission.

Not to mention the licensing issues of the images themselves. Just because you would like the set to be made does not give you the right to use the images in this manner in a publication.


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I may be going to hell in a bucket, but at least I'm enjoying the ride.

-"Touch of Grey" by The Greatful Dead
January 24, 2010, 05:16 PM
Holy Cardboard Masterpieces Archifou those Batman cards are just simply Bat-tastic. Eek

Fantastic work. Clap

I never knew Joan Collins was in Batman. Very educational these cards. Thumb Up

Come, it is time for you to keep your appointment with The Wicker Man.
January 24, 2010, 06:39 PM
Thanks guys for the nice comments.

I made those mock up just to tease and to show my cards as a wish list. I also put a disclaimer on each card set design just in case but Ed is right about copyrights and logos.

If we still use this topic I am not worry too much in this situation so I prefer to keep it here and not have a link with this been showcase. I prefer keep myself low profile in regards to copyrights issues since it is used for my wish list. On a positive note, I don’t create those cards without the license and sell them on eBay as we read not tool long ago in another topic in NSU.

If Harris gets emails from Topps or any other companies, then I don’t mind if those are removed to void any problems.

Just my 2 cents.
January 25, 2010, 09:17 AM
The Batman set has to be the most amazing set I have ever seen. I have been collecting non sports cards for over 30 years and that mock-up blows away any card set ever produced! I would back you if you could get the license. It would sell out in a matter of days!!!!!!
Super great work!
Can't you contact Topps and try to make some kind of deal with them?
January 25, 2010, 09:50 AM
Jason Wright
Amazing cards Thumb Up You should be out there making cards archifou, I for one would love to see a Batman TV set and your designs really are first class.
January 25, 2010, 01:12 PM
Can't you contact Topps and try to make some kind of deal with them?

As for the license, Rittenhouse try to get it in the past without luck but I migh try to see if it's possible to get it now since the movie is on DVD. So if it's the case, then I will work with Steve at Rittenhouse to get it alive for sure so they are still hope but time will tell...

Topps never create sets from old tv show or movies beside Star Wars, LORT and Indiana Jones.
January 25, 2010, 07:54 PM
Would like a 80 years of DC Comics set too? Like DC better than Marvel? Plus a Superman Archives set.