I know this is not non-sport related but so many times, these innovations in sports move to non-sports.
Wondering what everyone thinks of these Evolution Cards from Upper Deck? Yeah, I know -- it's Football and a company many are bemoaning right now for their new distribution program. But barring that, these cards *are* pretty cool. Would be even cooler if they were the thickness of regular trading cards, or even, closer to costume card thickness. Maybe if these continue, they'll get slimmer.
Looks like I can't embed the video here so here's a link to CBS 8's site in San Diego.
I personally think calling it a 'card' is a stretch, and I don't personally like the way it looks at all.
That said if they could provide a video of the star signing the exact card in your hand -- that would be very cool.
I wonder if the guts are stable long term. . . anything in there that will corrode or leak.
Panini has announced something similar as well, but it seems like UD is much further along than Panini, so these are going to be around. . . It'll be interesting. . . but I'm not sure how popular watching a video clip over and over again is going to be. . . seems like a novelty, but then again -- what isn't.
Anything they can do to get in the news and get the word out is good!
Posts: 5503 | Location: Parts Unknown. | Registered: January 25, 2001
Collector's might take to this but it's a gimick. If you want clips, go to youtube. If you want them in your pocket, download them and put them on your iPod touch or iPhone.
Posts: 486 | Location: Florida | Registered: June 04, 2010
These will never see the light of day...dealers will pack pull them and drop them on the bay as soon as they hit stores. Kind of cool, but I agree with you guys who wants to watch the same clip over and over...now maybe a trailer for a movie or a quotable card would be cool..
____________________ Ok 1 more pack then I'am done...no really..wait how many are left in that box?
Originally posted by Chris Cline: These will never see the light of day...dealers will pack pull them and drop them on the bay as soon as they hit stores. Kind of cool, but I agree with you guys who wants to watch the same clip over and over...now maybe a trailer for a movie or a quotable card would be cool..
You've got me scratching my head with this post. You say, "Who wants to watch the same clip over and over" and then turn right around and suggest, "Now maybe a trailer for a movie or a quotable card." Wouldn't that be the same? Personally I like the idea. Technology is becoming a bigger and bigger part of society. The printed word is going the way of the dinosaur, at least the way it's being presented. Chris believe it or not you've hit the nail on the head as to how manufacturers could utilize this technology for nonsport sets. RA has only given us one theme song insert set, but just think we could get a card featuring every openning song.
Well I can see where what I said might seem to be odd, but I am not a big sports fan so watching the same play over and over, if it is not "The Drive" by John Elway, seems to be at least to me a waste of time. While watching a trailer over and over would seem to be the same thing I think I would enjoy it much more. Also a video card for each theme song from Bond would be sweet or themes from Trek, LOST, Stargate with Autos on them. Again I might never get to have one but the fact that they are out there is enough some days.
____________________ Ok 1 more pack then I'am done...no really..wait how many are left in that box?
Originally posted by kbmum: I'm curious how these will be packed in boxes. The "card" is bigger than the typical pack, so these must be loose inside sealed boxes.
Well, regarding this, here's the thing. I know it comes down to cost but, in the age of Apple, and thing electronics, why is this thing so thick? It only plays a few seconds of video... and it's probably NOT HD.
Posts: 486 | Location: Florida | Registered: June 04, 2010
These have cool "Ooooh" and "Aaaah" factors, but I just don't see them catching on. Why spend a bunch of money on these when I can pretty much see the same thing on my smart phone?
Heck, I don't even HAVE a smart phone and I don't want to see these videos.
Posts: 1597 | Location: NJ | Registered: August 28, 2007
Originally posted by kbmum: I'm curious how these will be packed in boxes. The "card" is bigger than the typical pack, so these must be loose inside sealed boxes.
I might be wrong but didn't the video say they were by redemption? Again, I am not certain so don't quote me but I thought I saw something that said this. I should watch the video again but don't have the time at the moment.
Originally posted by Nicnac: and it's probably NOT HD.
You may be right but the video does say that they are HD. Of course, that can mean different things to different people: 720p, 1080i, 1080p ...
OK, I just listened again and it does not say anything about redemptions so maybe I dreamed that or saw it somewhere else.
Definitely says HD though...says it several places.
It also says there is a USB port to recharge it, which is interesting. And that makes me wonder if you can replace the video file itself? That way, you get your Spider-Man 3 preview on your Upper Deck card.
I'm not into sport cards, but I like the technology expanding outward to include something like this. Just think if other card companies do the opening theme of every set they produce. I think it might be more than just a novelty thing. It might catch on? As the technology gets better and the cards get thinner, I can see card #1 of every set being like this, playing the opening sequence of your favorite show. That would be cool. Now, if they can make it small enough to fit in the first pocket of a 9 page pocket...we'll be all set.
____________________ "A man has got to know his limitations."
Posts: 1319 | Location: Rhode Island USA 02889 | Registered: January 23, 2011
If it's a card, it sure isn't much to look at hunh? Not sure it's what I'd be after, since N/S products tend to be available on dvd anyways, but hey... at least the people with the porn cards didn't come up with it. Always nice to see something different I guess... (hadn't heard of any of the players, you?)--Chris
I wouldn't go for video cards. Although trading cards have gone through a lot of changes in design and manufacturing and even distribution in the last few years, they remain a throw back to an enjoyable hobby.
If trading cards are not on the cutting edge of technology, maybe that's because card collectors have always liked their past time that way. We could all be playing WOW right now, but we're not because we would rather put our spare time into card collecting. HD video cards won't bring techie kids into non-sport card collecting and non-sport card collectors don't need video clips passed off as cards.
Posts: 10529 | Location: New York | Registered: November 20, 2007
Originally posted by Raven: I wouldn't go for video cards. Although trading cards have gone through a lot of changes in design and manufacturing and even distribution in the last few years, they remain a throw back to an enjoyable hobby.
If trading cards are not on the cutting edge of technology, maybe that's because card collectors have always liked their past time that way. We could all be playing WOW right now, but we're not because we would rather put our spare time into card collecting. HD video cards won't bring techie kids into non-sport card collecting and non-sport card collectors don't need video clips passed off as cards.
Well said, and that's how I feel too.
Posts: 1512 | Location: Australia | Registered: October 23, 2008
Does anyone remember an early promo for Battlefield Earth trading cards that were supposed to have motion chase cards that they described very ambiguously and many thought might be mini CDs?
Posts: 486 | Location: Florida | Registered: June 04, 2010
I didn't hear anyone state that these were going to replace traditional trading cards. And nor will they. But I do see them as a chase card, special insert, or like I said in my earlier post 'if they become thin enough maybe they could be the #1 card to a set, playing the opening theme of your favorite show.' I would love to have the #1 card of say a Star Trek TV show or Star Trek Movie opening theme played on a 2x3 inch screen.
The video report din't say anything about bringing in "new blood" into the world of N.S. trading. I believe it's just an idea and I see them as the next step above SkyMotion cards. The SkyMotion cards are more expensive than traditional trading cards, but they were just supplements not replacements. As these one day might be.
Like Premium Packs...I say, "let the market decide." It'll either fly or or it wont. {me personally, I'm not an advocate of Premium Packs, but that's just me. And another discussion on another post}.
____________________ "A man has got to know his limitations."
Posts: 1319 | Location: Rhode Island USA 02889 | Registered: January 23, 2011
When sound cards appeared it was talked about as the "New" thing in Trading Cards but these never caught on. Batteries would run out or Cards simply would not work. I see these Moving Picture Cards as popular at first but will quickly fade away.
Just my opinion.
Posts: 1454 | Location: United Kingdom | Registered: May 04, 2004
RA did the Farscape "Sound Cards" which I think were great, true most don´t play anymore and they never did them again, but it´s something different. Could certainly be done with Non-sports, It´s worth a go.
Posts: 12207 | Location: England | Registered: September 16, 2003