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What ever happened to pogs?
Bronze Card Talk Member
Picture of btlfannz
It just occurred to me the othe4r day that for a short time in the early 90's there was a fad in collecting/playing pogs. As I recall there was some kind of game where you had a larger pice of round cardboard called a 'slammer'. I have no idea how the game went but I do know that today pogs are an essential part of collecting Coca-cola, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and (I think) even Star Trek. Anyone got any better information about this little round cardboard 'thingys'. I also know that Ultra-Pro actually made special kind of pages to hold them too!

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Posts: 509 | Location: Auckland New Zealand | Registered: January 26, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Gold Card Talk Member
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They made them for Star Wars, DC Comics, The Simpsons, and Spawn from Image Comics, too. The ones from Skybox were called SKYCAPS and the ones for Spawn were called Spogz. I think they're called Tazos in Australia, and I've seen many popular subjects on those as well.
I think they are still popular and the game is still played in some parts of the world.

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Bronze Card Talk Member
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I think they are still popular and the game is still played in some parts of the world.

Ve4ry knowledgeable as usual!! But anyone got any idea how the game was played?? What was a 'slammer'$

My dog is a RotweillerXLabrador. He'll bite your leg off but he'll always bring it back to you.
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Titanium Card Talk Member
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I used to collect the UK Star Wars ones and still have loads of them. Also the Looney Tunes ones, I remember there being lots of those.

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NSU Writer
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Collect-A-Card used to include a pog in each pack of Coca Cola cards. As I recall they had wartime service women drinking a Coke on them. An early issue of NSU had pog promos inside.

The Slammers were heavier pogs, made of plastic, or even aluminum. The game was you would set a stack of pogs on the ground, and your opponent would slam his Slammer on the top, all the pogs that were flipped upside down were his. Of course, most pogs wre too nice to want to play with, so as mentioned, there were ways to store your pogs, in card sheets and a plastic tube.

You could buy these things in toy stores, a big bin of pogs, most with foil stickers on them, for kids to go through. I still have a bunch of these in a box somewhere.
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Silver Card Talk Member
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Marvel had done quite a few sets of pogs ,
there was a Ghost Rider set with 120 pogs
There was a Spiderman Set with 120 pogs
there was an X-Men set of 120 pogs
There was a set of ironman and Fantastic Four pogs = these were based on the fantastic four ironman power hour cartoon , those were each 25 pog sets

They also had special foil pogs and both plastic and aluminum slammers
( in the X-Men sets the slammers were called adamantium slammers and had Wolverine featured on those ), I've also seen an Age of Apocalypse Cyclops slammer - metal , also seen metal Venom Slammers from the Spiderman series

there were tons of plastic Marvel slammers and at 1 time Kaybee Toys used to sell pog binders to hold all the slammers and Ultra Pro made pog pages

these were popular back in the Early 90's

I remember Hi C fruit punch had a mail away set of Marvel Pogs
Hardees had a set of X-Men pogs
Targets food courts had a set of 3 pog sheets - all x-men

I used to collect all of the Marvel related pogs ( back in the day )and I probably still have a couple of tubes full of these kicking around someplace ...

Posts: 1176 | Location: Rochester , NY , USA | Registered: June 21, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Bronze Card Talk Member
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I still have a bunch of them including some rare promo ones. They went the way of the beanie baby, pet rock, 8 track and beta VCR. I always thought they were way overpriced to begin with. I'm glad it was just a passing fad I collect enough stuff as it is. If anyone wants to trade pogs for cards let me know.

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Posts: 981 | Location: WESTWOOD NJ | Registered: May 22, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Silver Card Talk Member
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Wow, I remember playing with these as a kid in primary (elementary) school, what a blast from the past!

I seem to recall I also made my own slammer once out of card!

Is beginning to realize that collecting cards is like an itch that never goes away......
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Diamond Card Talk Member
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There were Football pogs too
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Remember these fondly, all the rage when I was at school. Very simple concept and played into the pocket money market, very well marketed. I dumped what I had left of these on Ebay a few years back.

Pog was actually a brand name and there were many hundreds of unofficial pog/ milkcap sets produced the world over as well those produced under the World Pog Federation banner (official Pogs). There are whole sites dedicated to this area of collecting.

I got into collecting the Star Wars set (Canada Games) many years ago. Although there only 8 kini images to collect there are many different colour variations to track down. Some were allegedly a lot rarer than others. I am still after a number of them, I think there is only one colour variation I do not have an example of now.

Kini = Slammer
Cardboard discs = Milkcaps

Idea was to flip over your opponents stack of cardboard milkcaps using the plastic slammer/kini, the winner was the one who flipped over the most caps. Officially I think you were supposed to keep the caps of your opponents that you flipped over. Of course you could also trade milkcaps and kinis to complete sets too.

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Silver Card Talk Member
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Ha ha..I just saw a huge book of POGs this weekend at the flea market. $10 for a huge folder of them. I almost got it then thought better of it.

Ok 1 more pack then I'am really..wait how many are left in that box?
Posts: 1155 | Location: Denver, CO | Registered: December 03, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Silver Card Talk Member
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Nobody has mentioned the 007 Goldeneye pogs that were done by Merlin in the UK? These are really nice!

I kept a wrapper and the B+W insert card with the pogs. Ultrapro used to make pages for pogs too.
Posts: 2238 | Location: DFW | Registered: January 19, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Silver Card Talk Member
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As part of my DC collection I have lots of different sets. I still see new ones being made and sold in various South American countries, but I suspect they are being made for the collector market rather than as a game - I only ever see complete sets, the pogs are plastic of mixed plastic, and there's no packs or rules or slammers.
Posts: 1574 | Location: temp UK, usually Australia | Registered: July 31, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Bronze Card Talk Member
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Pogs were also used at different times by Taco Bell, Wendy's, Long John Silver's, & Pizza Hut as kid's meal premiums.

I have a large binder full of Disney themed pogs made in Mexico. Still enjoy looking at the pictures.
Posts: 717 | Location: Washington, PA | Registered: June 15, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Gold Card Talk Member
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Still have all of mine. I really liked the Lady Death ones. Need a few and have many to trade.
Ace Surf
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Bronze Card Talk Member
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I'm surprised none of you have mentioned this site:

It has quite an extensive digital collection of milkcaps, pogs, slammers, etc., along with checklists, and so forth. And....whomever is running this site is updating it frequently to this day. Check it out!

Posts: 617 | Location: Sandy, UT | Registered: May 28, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Bronze Card Talk Member
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Originally posted by geoffbovey:
I'm surprised none of you have mentioned this site:

Wow! Now that's a comprehensive site! Anything you ever wanted to know about pogs is right here!

My dog is a RotweillerXLabrador. He'll bite your leg off but he'll always bring it back to you.
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Picture of FilmMkr
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I just looked through my pogs the other day! My favorite are the Jurassic Park SkyCaps with Holograms. Hardees also had an Apollo 13 promotion. The pog holders joined together to make the space shuttle. Burger King gave out Disney's Gargoyles ones with a kids meal.
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I collected a nices set from Hardees. Theme was Applo 13 movie and came with Saturn 5 rocket for storage. Very good marketing!
Posts: 457 | Location: Raleigh | Registered: April 21, 2012Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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