Non-Sport Update's Card Talk
Open That Box 2007
April 14, 2007, 07:07 PM
QBallOpen That Box 2007
Match of the Day has just finished (good 3-1 win for the boys) and I've finally opened the last of my boxes just in time. Maybe I did go a little OTT for OTBD but it turned out to be well worth it in the end.
I'll post the full breakdowns in the appropriate threads once I get the base sets sorted out but here are the main highlights (pics below) :
Family Guy : Season 2
Sketch S2-5 Chris Griffin (colour) by Billy Martinez (108/507)
Spawn : The Movie
The Devil's Own (first 1:108 card I've ever pulled from a pack)
Lord of the Rings : Masterpieces
2 x Artist Sketches (1 pencil, 1 ink, no idea who by so any help would be appreciated)
X-Files : Season 4 & 5
Autograph Redemption for Jerry Hardin (have to get onto Sue @ Inkworks to see if this is still valid)
Death Card D2 King of Hearts
Comic Images : Supreme
Nothing special from this but what a gorgeous set - can't understand why I've never picked these up sooner
Alias : Season 4
Autograph A35 Michael McKean
Pieceworks PW6 Marcus Dixon's jacket
Charmed : Conversations
Autograph A1 Alyssa Milano

Pieceworks PWCC6 Elder Zola's robes
Men In Black
Cards In Black B1 Jay
Lost : Season 2
Autograph A22 Monica Dean
Pieceworks PW5 Hurley's shirt
Sabrina the Teenage Witch
And a wierd one to finish with. Picked up three boxes of these over the years - and I've had exactly the same chase cards in each box (prisms S2 & S4)!
April 14, 2007, 07:21 PM
Thush QBall - those two LOTR sketches are Ryan Waterhouse (left) and Robert Teranishi (right).
LOTR Masterpieces Signature PageApril 14, 2007, 07:37 PM
QBallThanks for the info
Thush. Know which cards to tick off on the spreadsheet now

April 14, 2007, 07:52 PM
KADRAN00157Well apart from opening a box of cornflakes for breckfast

My OTB was Sin City by Comic Images
Nothing spectacular

April 14, 2007, 07:52 PM
Originally posted by QBall:
Lord of the Rings : Masterpieces
2 x Artist Sketches (1 pencil, 1 ink, no idea who by so any help would be appreciated)
Hey QBall...the first is an Orc by Waterhouse...and the second looks like GashFace by Teranishi...

'Follow your bliss'...Joseph Campbell
'Looking isn't as simple as it looks'...Ad Reinhardt
April 14, 2007, 07:53 PM
KADRAN00157Hey QBall????
What were the chase cards for Comic Images Supreme?????
And you are right, it is a fab set

April 14, 2007, 08:01 PM
ChrisahendI just realized what day it was. I almost missed it. I bought a case of Artbox Universal Monsters Frankenstein a while back to resell but I decided I would open a box to see if I can get a sketch card by one of the other artists.
The first thing I see is the Glow In The Dark Bride Of Frankenstein. This is the first time i've seen one of these in person. They are neat little figures. About 10 packs in I come to a sketch card. It's a Chris Henderson. Not only that it's the least favorite of my sketches. I like the sketches I did but I was hoping to get one by someone else. Maybe I'll pull one of the other chase cards. A few packs later I pull a second sketch. This time it's a Mike Renzine. That was 2 sketches in 1 box. I also pulled 4 of the 9 glow in the dark chase cards and 2 complete Base sets. That was fun so I think I'll open another one.
Box 1
Sketch - Chris Henderson
Sketch - Mike Renzine
Glow In The Dark - R2, R6, R7, R9
Glow In The Dark Bride Of Frankenstein
I'll be back ina little while with the 2nd box.
Chris H
April 14, 2007, 08:34 PM
Originally posted by KADRAN00157:
Hey QBall????
What were the chase cards for Comic Images Supreme?????
And you are right, it is a fab set
Check your e-mails

April 14, 2007, 08:58 PM
Darth SmittyousHey everyone,
It sounds like everyone is having a good time opening their boxes today. I meant to post earlier, but I've been playing Lego Star Wars 2 (that game is addictive!!!)
Erin and I bought our boxes for today at the Philly show a few weeks ago.
Here are Erin's results:
Disney Collector Cards Series 2
- She pulled the double-sided hologram that she needed
Wizard of Oz
- Jerry Maren autograph
- color Chris Henderson Wicked Witch sketch
As for my box pulls:
DC Outburst: Firepower
- full set of Maximum Firepower inserts
- Batman hologram card
Marvel Masterpieces (1992)
- two full base sets (I was surprised by the near perfect colation)
- Wolverine/Sabertooth foil x2 and Silver Surfer/Thanos x2
I wish the chase card had been as nicely colated as the base cards. I still need Captain America/Red Skull and Hulk/Thing (already had Spider-Man/Venom).
My last box had a lot of nostalgic significance for me. When I was at the Philly show, I found a box of Star Wars Galaxy series 1. While that may not seem like much by today's standards, this set is what got me back into collecting trading cards and rekindled my love for Star Wars. When I saw the box, I knew it would be perfect for OTBD. While I did not actually need the cards for my set, just opening these packs again after so many years was fun. I was able to make a full base set, which kind of surprised me because I remember having trouble completing the set years ago. As for the inserts, there wasn't a redemption card (although my jaw would have hit the floor if I had pulled one). The box contained a Leia foil and a Vader foil (which is still one of my favorite Star Wars cards). Since the etched foils have been continued in several recent sets, it was nice to pull some of the cards that started the series.
I hope everyone has a great time with opening their boxes today.
April 14, 2007, 08:58 PM
RibeyespudHoly trading cards Batman! I decided to open a Batman Returns hobby box for OTBD and I autos and 1 costume card of Batman's cape, plus the normal breakdown of base cards. Although nothing really special, it was still fun to celebrate the day.
Special note to Chris Henderson, I bought your ear pull 3 card sketch cards of the three stooges and think you rock! I know to you pulling your sketch in frankenstein was a let down, but to me it would have been a real find...keep up the good work!
If the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy!
April 14, 2007, 09:09 PM
RibeyespudJust opened Disney Treasures:Celebrate Mickey 75 Years of Fun and got...a nice factory set of Mickey cards to read and look along with...drum roll please....a large card too (What did you think, that I pulled the 1/1 Disney autograph, silly people!)

If the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy!
April 14, 2007, 09:26 PM
Originally posted by KADRAN00157:
Well apart from opening a box of cornflakes for breckfast

My OTB was Sin City by Comic Images
Nothing spectacular

??? What were you expecting ???
April 14, 2007, 10:05 PM
Darth Vader FanHappy OTB day to all

This is my first time for OTB day and I've had alot of fun with it

Here's one of my box breaks,
Robots The Movie (Inkworks)
1 Base set (one card short for a second)
RR 6,7,8,9
FB 3,4
PC 1,6
Darren Auck Sketch 169/500 (here's the sketch from the Inkworks site) was hoping for a Ratchet sketch but for the price I paid, I was quite pleased

One more box to go guys.
April 14, 2007, 10:23 PM
Electrawoman Cards f/k/a janeWell, it almost killed me, but I waited to open that box of SERENITY I won off of ebay last week. Here goes:
BL 2
WS 4,5
Renegades 1,3,4
Auto: JEWEL STAITE(one of the remaining two I needed)

PW2 - Gina Torres
I'm thrilled and I enjoyed every minute of it.
Anne Welles - "You've got to climb Mount Everest to reach the Valley of the Dolls."
April 14, 2007, 10:36 PM
BatmanNice pulls, Jane!!

"The problem, I'm told, is more than medical."
April 14, 2007, 10:38 PM
Arvin SloaneAs promised I busted, "The Very Best of The Saint."
A nice looking set that serves as a reminder why Roger Moore got the part of James Bond.
I pulled the following from my box:
1 complete 100 card base set
1 card short of a second complete set, #41
Foil Puzzle Cards: 1, 2, 6, and 7. Very colorful.
Saintly Merchandise: 4, 5, and 6.
My autograph was of a very young looking Julian Glover. I was quite pleased with it, as there weren't very many actors in this set I was familar with. I've seen Mr. Glover in a number of war movies, as well as several horror flicks.
April 14, 2007, 10:42 PM
Jack LondonHi everyone, been awhile since I have posted but wanted to give a try to OTBD. I bought a box of the Vintage SciFi and Horror Posters a few weeks ago and got a nice selection of cards. Got the requisite puzzle cards and four of the Creature from the Black Lagoon cards. Got one base set and 5 cards short of a second set.
But I really bought the box for the sketch and the possibility of an autograph. I was not disappointed.
I got a neat Brian Kong sketch of the Day the Earth Stood Still as well as a cool autograph of Billy Gray from the same movie. I remember seeing Billy in Father Knows Best and was happy to get the autograph.
My gf and I both enjoy cards. We try to go to card shows as often as our budget allows. It is a lot of fun to open cards together and talk about them as we open them. We have been together for 6 years and though cards may seem like an unimportant thing overall, it is something that we enjoy together. Over the years we have bought each other many singles for our collections, and even made cards for each other (yes, we are geeks). I like Open That Box Day as it is something fun to look forward to with our loved ones and our friends. Look forward to next year!
-"One of the symptoms of approaching nervous breakdown is the belief
that one's work is terribly important." Bertrand Russell
"Beware of all enterprises that require new clothes." Henry David Thoreau
April 14, 2007, 10:49 PM
Greg GeertsMy 12 year old daughter and I spent OTB day together opening and sorting like we did last year. She has been really looking forward to today and that feeling was intensified when she saw our report from last year published in the latest issue of NSU, she's had to show everyone the article! This year she chose boxes of Scooby Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed. She opened 2 boxes and ended up with 4 base sets, 2 of 3 box loaders, 4 of 6 Mystery Inc. foils, 6 of 9 Monster's Unleashed foils, Pieceworks cards PW7 and PW11, Auto cards A6 and A7 which are her first ever autograph cards and although she was excited by the autos, I think she likes the Pieceworks cards the best!
I picked up a box of Breygent's Vintage SciFi & Horror Posters and I must say I am very impressed. I really like this set. I ended up with 1 base set and 5 cards short of a 2nd, 3 of the Creature from the Black Lagoon chase cards, 1 each of the 3 different Puzzle Chase sets. I didn't get an autograph card but I did get a very nice sketch by Ray Dillon.
We had a fun time and are already looking forward to next year!
Greg and Nicole
Please note the updated email address in my profile!
April 14, 2007, 11:14 PM
Darth Vader FanSecond box,
The Sopranos Season One (Inkworks)
2 Base sets w/ extras
BL none

FM 1,2
BL 1,2
Aida Turturro Autograph Redemption
Was hoping for the Discala auto since that's
the last one I need, but it was a very good box overall

April 14, 2007, 11:17 PM
ChrisahendI ended up opening 2 more boxes of the Frankenstein cards. In the second box I again got 2 sketches, Another mike Renzine and a Gabe Hernandez. In addition to the 2 sketches I also pulled a Cinema Filmcard CFC 7 #29/84. I also got the painted Frankenstein figure. I know the Clear and Glow In The Dark figures list for more but I think I like the painted ones the best.
In the third box I only got one sketch but it was a Mike Lilly which was one of the artists I was hoping for and.... a second Cinema Filmcard. It was CFC 1 #02/84. I can't believe how good my luck was on these. I'm starting to think I should open some more and see If I can pull a Boris Karloff Cut Signature.
Here are The totals for my 3 boxes.
Sketch Card - Chris Henderson
Sketch Card - Mike Renzine
Sketch Card - Gabe Hernandez
Sketch Card - Mike Renzine
Sketch Card - Mike Lilly
Cinema Filmcard - CFC 1 02/84
Cinema Filmcard - CFC 7 29/84
Frightful Figures - Glow In The Dark Bride Of Frankenstein
Frightful Figures - Painted Frankenstein
Frightful Figures - Clear Bride Of Frankenstein
Glow In The Dark 9 Card Chase Set
R1 (1)
R2 (2)
R3 (1)
R4 (1)
R5 (2)
R6 (2)
R7 (2)
R8 (1)
R9 (2)
When I have time I'll scan the sketch cards and filmcards and post them in the box breakdown.
Chris H