Non-Sport Update's Card Talk
New Contest Czar/Czarina
October 21, 2004, 07:29 AM
RupTNew Contest Czar/Czarina
Well done Barrett!! You'll do a grand job matey!!!
OWM, we salute you!!! You did us all proud and its gonna be sad to see you leave us as the contest Czar.
October 21, 2004, 08:05 AM
Barbara CCongratulations, barobehere. A job well done for several years OWM.

"Monday is an interruption of my weekend."
October 21, 2004, 08:32 AM
Dobby The House ElfI would first like to congratulate Barrett! Good job!

(my choice of course

And a HUGE thanks to Joanna, who's done a spectacular job organizing this lot!

**Side note for anyone wanting to donate prizes. Barrett will be at Dee's show this November, you can bring them and you wont have to ship! (I am assuming this will be fine with him)**
"I am a leaf on the wind. Watch how I soar"
October 21, 2004, 08:39 AM
DoctorChristmasJonesGreat choice! Congrats to barobehere.

And a big expression of appreciation for all the great work done by OWM these past years as an A-1 contest czar.

October 21, 2004, 09:23 AM
patonyfanCongrats Barobehere

and thanks OWN for a job well done

October 21, 2004, 09:45 AM
DOUBLEooSEVENYou'll be missed as czarina OWM, you did a super job.

~Come out upon my seas, curse missed opportunities, am I part of the cure, or am I part of the Disease?~
October 21, 2004, 12:58 PM
wolfieThe Queen is dead, long live the King.

Come, it is time for you to keep your appointment with The Wicker Man.
October 21, 2004, 01:00 PM
Hardly *dead*

October 21, 2004, 01:01 PM
wolfieOOPS!! There goes my autograph.

Come, it is time for you to keep your appointment with The Wicker Man.
October 21, 2004, 01:02 PM
Originally posted by wolfman-golf:
The Queen is dead, long live the King.
Wolfie,if I were you I would wait to receive the essay auto first before razzing OWM

"nuff said"
"it traps,it kills,it eats....that's what a good spider does"
Alice Cooper
October 21, 2004, 01:03 PM
Over_Worked_MomNo kidding - you really *are* going to get the bottom of the barrel
Dead, huh?

We'll show you who's dead

October 21, 2004, 01:03 PM
Originally posted by wolfman-golf:
OOPS!! There goes my autograph.
great minds think alike

"nuff said"
"it traps,it kills,it eats....that's what a good spider does"
Alice Cooper
October 21, 2004, 01:18 PM
Originally posted by Over_Worked_Mom:
No kidding - you really *are* going to get the bottom of the barrel
Dead, huh?

We'll show you who's dead
I plead for forgiveness
I plead for understanding
I plead for my autograph
OOOH i,m a rotten pleader.

Come, it is time for you to keep your appointment with The Wicker Man.