OK, guys and gals....you asked for this and here it is. Below is the Community Report that I received for September. I'll refrain from making any commentary and let you guys have fun with it (except to say that Dan, you really do "talk" too much!!! ; what do you say DisneyChick? agree?)
Don't worry Harris....I'm not really pouting. I've got waaaay to many other things to worry about right now. The Feds decided to audit our program next week, and I'm scrambing to go through all 161 cases to make sure they are up to date, in the correct order, and have all the i's dotted and t's crossed. Gotta love it.
Naah.....Since we're a federally mandated state program, they choose at least one office a year to audit. And, we happen to be the lucky ones this year.