Non-Sport Update's Card Talk
NFL 2020
January 22, 2021, 03:19 PM
RavenNFL 2020
Mahomes says he's good to go. That has to make the Chiefs the favorite and I have to think that they will win. But I am hoping for a Bills upset.
January 24, 2021, 11:07 PM
RavenDidn't really enjoy the Championship games, even though there were some nice plays.
The Bills losing felt inevitable as soon as the Chiefs went ahead. I didn't watch most of the 4th quarter.
Now the Packers and Bucs had a good game going for awhile and you kept expecting the Pack to catch up, but they kept doing bad things. The Green Bay weather proved to be a non-factor and it really didn't seem like home field meant anything.
First off, I thought the refs were lousy all game. They should have called more penalties.
Second the play calling by the Packer's coaches was terrible. Just before the half they let Brady throw and complete a bomb to the end zone, when everyone knew he would throw into the end zone instead of looking for a field goal like they seemed to think. Then late in the game, the Pack settles for a field goal when everybody knew that they had to go 4th down and try for a touchdown. Giving Brady the ball and expecting to get it back in the last two minutes, come on. Rodgers kept going to Adams down after down, when they weren't connecting half the time. He should have gone to different receivers more, but that interception was on a clear penalty that the refs missed or just refused to call.
Brady always burns me on picks, but I don't think the Bucs won the game so much as the Packers just didn't earn the win when they could have had it.
I'm not crazy about watching the Super Bowl. Chiefs will be favorite and that's gotten boring, but I don't like Brady enough to hope for an upset. No horse in this race.
January 24, 2021, 11:43 PM
LoganI went 1 for 2 in the Championship game picks.
The Kansas City game was boring and went as expected.
And I said before that Tampa Bay may be the most talented team in the league and I think that's proving true. I thought Tampa played well offensively in the first half and pretty good defensively the entire game. Rodgers was put under much more pressure than he's used to. Watching the game it just looked and felt like Tampa was better than Green Bay. I certainly thought Green Bay may come back and win but I never once felt like they were the better team.
For the Super Bowl I'm going with Tampa Bay in a close one. I just feel like it's their year. So I'll say ...
Tampa Bay 31 Kansas City 27.
January 25, 2021, 04:00 AM
catskilleagleThe Bills focused on stopping "the big play" but the Chiefs still got big chunks of yardage while also getting a lot of 5 to 8-yard plays. Meanwhile, the Chiefs scored touchdowns and the Bills only touchdown for most of the game came from getting the ball on the 1-yard line after a muffed punt.
Yeah, there were a few non-calls in the Packers-Bucs game. I don't like the "let them play" idea because it allows clear penalties to be ignored. That one penalty late was just too obvious not to call with the receivers jersey stretched out behind him.
Yeah, it was 4th and goal at the 8-yard line. Kicking the field goal cut the lead from 8 to 5 but that assumed the Packers were going to get another possession in the last 2 minutes and the Packers were having a hard time keeping them from getting first downs. I know the analytics would say going for it is a low percentage chance, but when you have Aaron Rodgers and those receivers, I think an old-time coach goes for it when he has those weapons.
Originally posted by Raven:
The Bills losing felt inevitable as soon as the Chiefs went ahead. I didn't watch most of the 4th quarter.
First off, I thought the refs were lousy all game. They should have called more penalties.
Second the play calling by the Packer's coaches was terrible. Just before the half they let Brady throw and complete a bomb to the end zone, when everyone knew he would throw into the end zone instead of looking for a field goal like they seemed to think. Then late in the game, the Pack settles for a field goal when everybody knew that they had to go 4th down and try for a touchdown. Giving Brady the ball and expecting to get it back in the last two minutes, come on. Rodgers kept going to Adams down after down, when they weren't connecting half the time. He should have gone to different receivers more, but that interception was on a clear penalty that the refs missed or just refused to call.
Brady always burns me on picks, but I don't think the Bucs won the game so much as the Packers just didn't earn the win when they could have had it.
I'm not crazy about watching the Super Bowl. Chiefs will be favorite and that's gotten boring, but I don't like Brady enough to hope for an upset. No horse in this race.
January 25, 2021, 03:27 PM
Raven[QUOTE]Originally posted by catskilleagle:
Yeah, it was 4th and goal at the 8-yard line. Kicking the field goal cut the lead from 8 to 5 but that assumed the Packers were going to get another possession in the last 2 minutes and the Packers were having a hard time keeping them from getting first downs. I know the analytics would say going for it is a low percentage chance, but when you have Aaron Rodgers and those receivers, I think an old-time coach goes for it when he has those weapons.
I think any good couch let's them go for it and also Rodgers sounded disgusted about it after the game.
I still go back to the touchdown a bad defensive call allowed just before the half. Brady should never have been allowed to hit anyone in the end zone with like 7 seconds to go. Remove that score and the Packers win. No less than Tony Dungy said it was a terrible defensive alignment.
Packers blew the game and I blame LaFleur more than the players. The way he was acting in the post game interviews there is a fairly good chance that we see Rodgers in another uniform next year.
January 26, 2021, 12:39 PM
catskilleagleYeah, I get it but 4th and 8 is low percentage and then you still have to get the 2-pointer. It's less than 50-50 that they would have gotten both. In that situation late, I would have gone for it. If they miss it, the Bucs are at their own 8 or maybe a few yards back depending on what happened on 4th down.
Yeah, I saw analysis later that didn't really blame the players on the TD just before half. The defensive set-up was not adjusted to protect from that kind of play. The safety was too far away. Still, it took a near-perfect pass to get the score. It doesn't make sense that the coach didn't think Brady could throw that. I guess they just didn't think he would. His arm is still good.
Originally posted by Raven:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by catskilleagle:
Yeah, it was 4th and goal at the 8-yard line. Kicking the field goal cut the lead from 8 to 5 but that assumed the Packers were going to get another possession in the last 2 minutes and the Packers were having a hard time keeping them from getting first downs. I know the analytics would say going for it is a low percentage chance, but when you have Aaron Rodgers and those receivers, I think an old-time coach goes for it when he has those weapons.
I think any good couch let's them go for it and also Rodgers sounded disgusted about it after the game.
I still go back to the touchdown a bad defensive call allowed just before the half. Brady should never have been allowed to hit anyone in the end zone with like 7 seconds to go. Remove that score and the Packers win. No less than Tony Dungy said it was a terrible defensive alignment.
Packers blew the game and I blame LaFleur more than the players. The way he was acting in the post game interviews there is a fairly good chance that we see Rodgers in another uniform next year.
January 26, 2021, 12:41 PM
wolfieAnyone thinking of selling their house in order to buy a ticket.

Come, it is time for you to keep your appointment with The Wicker Man.
January 26, 2021, 01:58 PM
Raven[QUOTE]Originally posted by catskilleagle:
Still, it took a near-perfect pass to get the score. It doesn't make sense that the coach didn't think Brady could throw that. I guess they just didn't think he would. His arm is still good.
Yeah, I guess watching Brady for the last 21 years wasn't enough for LaFleur to think he might go for it all.

I have never cared for Tom Brady's personal style of anything, but I really don't think anyone can honestly say at this point in time that he isn't the greatest QB to play the game. Sure the longevity alone gives him more time than any other QB to set records, but he has continued to play at the same high level. All the pundits said New England was so good for so long because of Belichick. Now they are saying it was because of Brady. How easily they change.
I think that's what really bothers Rodgers. He watches Brady, 5 years older than him, go to a new team and beat him again. He wants another Super Bowl badly and the Packers can't seem to get past the Championship round. Both the Colts and Patriots need a new QB, among others not as disparate. He may not go, but he's thinking about it.

January 26, 2021, 02:36 PM
LoganGood thing Rodgers got that one Super Bowl win early (much like Drew Brees), or else I can't even imagine the amount of scrutiny he'd face by now. Given the fact that he's probably the most talented quarterback of this (or possibly any) generation, and he's been on a lot of pretty good teams over the years, he should've made it to more than one Super Bowl.
January 29, 2021, 11:37 AM
LoganJust curious. A question for wolfie and any other American football fans in the UK... do a lot of people watch the Super Bowl over where you are? I see that kickoff would be around 11:30 PM your time so that would take it to around 3 AM when it finishes.

That's a tough one for people that have work the next day. I'm assuming that fans who do stay up for the game most certainly call off work on Monday. A lot do that here also but that's more because of the pre, during, and post-game festivities than the time in which the game ends.

January 29, 2021, 11:59 AM
wolfieWell a good many people do watch it in the UK but as a percentage of the population it would not be that many.
As for me i always tape the whole thing and then watch it during the following day. I have tried the stay up and watch it and all that achieves is that i keep nodding off and missing most of it.

Come, it is time for you to keep your appointment with The Wicker Man.
February 08, 2021, 06:13 AM
RavenSo the Super Bowl wasn't what some expected, but I kind of enjoyed game. There was no quarterback shootout and it started to look very one sided by the half, but there was still a hope that Mahomes and company would mount some kind of attack. They never did and the Chiefs defensive unit looked like they had no idea how to stop the Bucs. I think they could have scored more if the Chiefs had gotten closer.
Felt sorry for Mahomes this time. He got beat up, but if you pressure any QB and keep good coverage, they will not be the same. They couldn't run the ball either. It was complete domination and like Brady or not, the Bucs looked like the best team in the football last night. Brady will walk away a God.
For the rest of it, I personally have no idea what that halftime show was supposed to be, although I have read that it was supposed to be disorienting. If so it worked, it disoriented me right out of the room.

I walked away when the strobe lights started blinding me and I turned off the sound by the end because I couldn't understand two thirds of what The Weekend was singing. Perhaps it was a masterpiece of staging with dancers who just had a nose job. I thought it was as awful a Super Bowl halftime show as I have ever seen.
The commercials were pretty light, what with many big name advertisers sitting it out for fear of striking the wrong tone. I didn't see them all, but saw a whole lot of movie and TV show previews. I thought the Samuel L. Jackson one was alright, as was the Scissorhands, although I don't know why it looked so dark. Not a big fan of the preachy ones, which brings me to Springsteen.
Now I used to be be a big fan of Bruce's for about the first 15 years. When his music and image started to change, I guess I didn't evolve with him. I'm sure he doesn't care. So I watched that ad, but if I wasn't paying that much attention or not, it was only afterwards that I even knew it was him. For one thing, the guy's from New Jersey, so I missed the part where he became Will Rodgers or the old cowpoke. For another thing, it turned out to be a Jeep ad in between "The Middle" message. Only my opinion, but I really missed the beer commercials.

February 08, 2021, 07:36 AM
RavenOne more thing about the Boss, anyone who knows him knows that he is not in "The Middle". So for Jeep to pick him to voice their unity message just makes you wonder about their creditability too.
February 08, 2021, 07:56 AM
wolfieBrady to Gronk.....touchdown.
I have been suffering that for what seems like forever and now they have both gone off to Tampa low and behold it is still happening right in front of me.

I can't help thinking it's gonna keep on happening also, why stop?
Come, it is time for you to keep your appointment with The Wicker Man.
February 08, 2021, 02:46 PM
catskilleagleLike a lot of people, I kept waiting for a Chiefs' comeback. Yes, they were questionably flagged a couple of times in the second quarter and some key drops prevented a closer game, but KC's reshuffled offensive line could not keep out Tampa's line. They would not have won if they had played on another day.
Mahomes was going to have surgery on his toe win or lose. He still had his magic act going for a couple of plays but his normally reliable receivers failed to get their hands on a ball that hit them in the facemask.
I don't really know The Weeknd or his music as it seems more like a dance club sound from what I gather from the halftime show but I thought it was entertaining. I couldn't make out the lyrics but there was a lot going on and it covered the whole field. It wasn't Katy Pery on a giant cat but it could be said that it was an impressive exploration of the space.
I haven't really followed Springsteen either but the landscape looked a lot like Nebraska so I thought it was all a reference to his 80's album of the same name. I drove across Nebraska once about 15 years ago.
Originally posted by Raven:
So the Super Bowl wasn't what some expected, but I kind of enjoyed game. There was no quarterback shootout and it started to look very one sided by the half, but there was still a hope that Mahomes and company would mount some kind of attack. They never did and the Chiefs defensive unit looked like they had no idea how to stop the Bucs. I think they could have scored more if the Chiefs had gotten closer.
Felt sorry for Mahomes this time. He got beat up, but if you pressure any QB and keep good coverage, they will not be the same. They couldn't run the ball either. It was complete domination and like Brady or not, the Bucs looked like the best team in the football last night. Brady will walk away a God.
For the rest of it, I personally have no idea what that halftime show was supposed to be, although I have read that it was supposed to be disorienting. If so it worked, it disoriented me right out of the room.

I walked away when the strobe lights started blinding me and I turned off the sound by the end because I couldn't understand two thirds of what The Weekend was singing. Perhaps it was a masterpiece of staging with dancers who just had a nose job. I thought it was as awful a Super Bowl halftime show as I have ever seen.
The commercials were pretty light, what with many big name advertisers sitting it out for fear of striking the wrong tone. I didn't see them all, but saw a whole lot of movie and TV show previews. I thought the Samuel L. Jackson one was alright, as was the Scissorhands, although I don't know why it looked so dark. Not a big fan of the preachy ones, which brings me to Springsteen.
Now I used to be be a big fan of Bruce's for about the first 15 years. When his music and image started to change, I guess I didn't evolve with him. I'm sure he doesn't care. So I watched that ad, but if I wasn't paying that much attention or not, it was only afterwards that I even knew it was him. For one thing, the guy's from New Jersey, so I missed the part where he became Will Rodgers or the old cowpoke. For another thing, it turned out to be a Jeep ad in between "The Middle" message. Only my opinion, but I really missed the beer commercials.
April 05, 2021, 08:41 PM
cardaddictAaron Rodgers is the guest host on Jeopardy starting this week, and I had to look him up because I never heard of him.
I don't follow feetball, and I no longer follow baseball.
I used to watch the occasional baseball game when they broadcast one on a local channel (I don't have cable), but I simply can't stand that electronic strike box and the close-ups of the players and managers chewing and spitting.
Rodgers did a credible job as host, and at least the contestants didn't jerk the call buttons around too much like they were trying to strangle them, another thing that irritates me.
I think I need a Valium.
April 06, 2021, 01:39 AM
I watched today's episode too. The funny part was when the champion couldn't think of the question in Final Jeopardy so he used his question to criticize the decision Rodgers' head coach made late in the NFC championship game (which decides one of the Super Bowl teams), kicking a field goal with about 2 minutes left in the game instead of going for it on 4th down from the 8-yard line to try to tie the game. You could tell Rodgers got a kick out of that one now that the sting of that loss is a couple of months old.
Originally posted by cardaddict:
Aaron Rodgers is the guest host on Jeopardy starting this week, and I had to look him up because I never heard of him.
I don't follow feetball, and I no longer follow baseball.
I used to watch the occasional baseball game when they broadcast one on a local channel (I don't have cable), but I simply can't stand that electronic strike box and the close-ups of the players and managers chewing and spitting.
Rodgers did a credible job as host, and at least the contestants didn't jerk the call buttons around too much like they were trying to strangle them, another thing that irritates me.
I think I need a Valium.