Non-Sport Update's Card Talk

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November 03, 2013, 08:21 AM
Another way to up the box office take on a new film. Theatres areound here are doing marathons of previous films and concluding the marathon with the latest movie. To encourage the public they are giving out premiums to all that attend. The Thor marathon is giving out a limited edition poster and lanyard. The Hunger Games marathon is giving out a lanyard and dog tags. The Thor ticket cost me $25-WHICH I AGREE IS A BITE ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU CONSIDER THAT I WILL MISS A GOOD CHUNCK OF IT AS I WILL NOT BE TAKING TIME OFF FROM A JOB THAT WILL BE ENDING SOON TO GO THERE. Thor starts at 2:30 in the afternoon and runs until 10:15 at night. The latest film does not start until 8 pm and I'll probably get there bu 6 pm. I don't know if they are giving anything out for the Doctor Who 3-D anniversary episode but since I don't get BBC America I had to see this ASAP. Hope they throw in a poster or something.