December 13, 2017, 10:29 AM
Tommy CH.P. Lovecraft Series 2 (Monsterwax) promos
Monsterwax has a sequel to its 2014 set, now available through Kickstarter
It looks like there are 1 or 2 promos for it
December 13, 2017, 09:15 PM
monsterwaxYes Tommy, there is at least one new promo-- It's a Kickstarter Exclusive promo which is being offered with all the pledges, including the $6 one. If the campaign continues to take off, we'll make other promos for the series but we will be sure to include them to all our pledge levels.
The project is currently live at:
Support the Legendary Lovecraft Trading card KickstarterDecember 22, 2017, 03:34 AM
monsterwaxWe just uploaded a new (very short) video which really shows off this gorgeous series. I encourage anyone with even the slightest interest in horror, sci-fi, Lovecraft, or great card art to check it out. It's on YouTube here:
Legendary Lovecraft "Live"January 09, 2018, 09:32 AM
monsterwaxWe just passed our stretch goal that adds THREE (3) promos to all pledges $6 up (in addition to their other cards). Also, we just added TWO (2) special inserts by Douglas Paszkiewicz (included with every set). The expansion goal was also met to increase the size of the set by 15-20%, and add a retro style wrapper. So it's been a wonderful experience and we hope all monster, horror, and Lovecraft fans were able to get in on the action.
It closes Tuesday, Jan 9th at 11:55PM, and the link is
December 20, 2018, 06:45 PM
Tommy CLovecraft Series 2 promos 7 to 9 came with the Kickstarter, which was released this month.
Promos 1 to 6 came out way back in 2013, I believe.