Non-Sport Update's Card Talk
DC Comics Super-Villains & Fringe Season 5
June 05, 2015, 10:14 AM
H_ToserDC Comics Super-Villains & Fringe Season 5
I posted in the shows and convention forum but I thought I'd post here too. At the upcoming Lehigh Valley Comic Book Expo, collectors will receive DC Comics Super-Villains Trading Cards and Fringe Season 5 Trading Cards promo cards courtesy of Cryptozoic Entertainment. We have details about this on the
Non-Sport Update blog today. The cards are printed on Cryptozoic's "Cryptomium" stock.
June 05, 2015, 11:22 AM
David RI noticed that the DC promos are P2 and P3. Where is P1 ?
June 05, 2015, 01:36 PM
Originally posted by David R:
I noticed that the DC promos are P2 and P3. Where is P1 ?
In the Dec '14/Jan'15 issue of Non-Sport Update. There will be more DC Comics Super-Villains Trading Cards promos in addition to these three. There also will be other Fringe Season 5 Trading Cards promos.
June 05, 2015, 02:55 PM
hammerAlmost worth flying over for!
June 05, 2015, 04:51 PM
stevetrekNice looking cards!
June 21, 2015, 09:49 PM
David RDid anyone come across these ?
June 22, 2015, 10:40 AM
BatmanI got mine at the show nice looking chromium cards!

A dealer next to us was also handing out Rittenhouse Archives promos, GoT, Avengers Silver Age, and a Star Trek Voyager promo.
"The problem, I'm told, is more than medical."
June 22, 2015, 01:30 PM
David RWill these be exclusive to the show ?
Batman, did you get any extras ?

June 22, 2015, 01:41 PM
Originally posted by Batman:
I got mine at the show nice looking chromium cards!

A dealer next to us was also handing out Rittenhouse Archives promos, GoT, Avengers Silver Age, and a Star Trek Voyager promo.
BATMAN...... The Dealer Next to NSU ..... Was ME! Rittenhouse gave me some nice Promos to give away.
Today is a Good Day to Buy!
June 22, 2015, 03:14 PM
BatmanDavid - sorry no extras these were tough to come by I think they were all distributed to attendees.
One funny story - attendees were given orange Cryptozoic coupons to redeem the NSU table; Larry asked a woman if she would like to exchange hers for the promo cards - she refused! She must have liked her coupon LOL!

"The problem, I'm told, is more than medical."
June 22, 2015, 04:34 PM
Originally posted by Batman:
One funny story - attendees were given orange Cryptozoic coupons to redeem the NSU table; Larry asked a woman if she would like to exchange hers for the promo cards - she refused! She must have liked her coupon LOL!
Loads of people have got the promos but how many have got the redemption coupon?

Come, it is time for you to keep your appointment with The Wicker Man.
June 23, 2015, 04:11 PM
Originally posted by wolfie:
Originally posted by Batman:
One funny story - attendees were given orange Cryptozoic coupons to redeem the NSU table; Larry asked a woman if she would like to exchange hers for the promo cards - she refused! She must have liked her coupon LOL!
Loads of people have got the promos but how many have got the redemption coupon?
I know someone who does.

"A man has got to know his limitations."
June 23, 2015, 05:14 PM
Tommy CI see that the Batman P3 has appeared "you know where"