I'm planning on going to an AMC theater tomorrow, I'll keep an eye peeled. Although after watching the trailer for that movie the cards would be all I'm interested in.
Posts: 2513 | Location: USA | Registered: November 08, 2009
I love 3D at the movies, but for the past several months the two theaters I patronize only have 3D showings later in the day, and I am a matinee person, so I have been missing the 3D movies lately, much to my regret. The last 3D movie I managed to see was SKYSCRAPER.
Posts: 2513 | Location: USA | Registered: November 08, 2009
I saw it in IMAX. THE MOVIE WAS A LOT BETTER THAN I THOUGHT IT WOULD BE. The cards are not standard size but a bit bigger. Getting a set IS DIFFICULT. I am still working on it. I will probably go to the movies again next week and hope for the best. I do already have duplicates and will probably be looking for trades if I can't get the cards I need for the set. Picked up a 2-sided poster for this film as well.
Collation stinks! Out of 10 packs (i.e. 30 cards) I only managed to pull 7 unique cards with the remaining 23 cards being all duplicates,. I didn't realize that Topps was printing these?
Posts: 290 | Location: Dallas, TX USA | Registered: July 23, 2002
I imported the entire checklist here based on the info I received. If there is anything that needs corrected, please feel free to email me and let me know. Also, if anyone has any high-def scans of the cards, both front and back, please send those also. We'd love to include in our database! My email is mbible@beckett.com