I wonder why dealers have not yet received these new P1 promos. This seems to be something ongoing with RA over the past 2 or 3 years. Even when dealers carry their products they are not sent P1 promos.
Posts: 4364 | Location: NY | Registered: August 03, 2010
I haven't gotten mine yet. I imagine it's all part of the challenge in creating cards in the year (or two) of covid heck. Fret not, I'm sure we'll all get them eventually ))
____________________ Star Trek cards rule, everything else drools.
Posts: 4246 | Location: Pittsboro, NC USA | Registered: November 30, 2000
In celebration of the upcoming release of Star Trek Picard Season One trading cards, Rittenhouse Archives is making available to our followers an exclusive promo card.
To receive your free P2 promo card, please send a self-addressed stamped envelope to the address below. Quantities are VERY limited, so only one promo card will be made available per Facebook follower.
Please note the new address to send your SASE to for this request and all future requests.
Rittenhouse Archives c/o ST Picard Facebook Promo 830 Welsh Road #188 Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006
Posts: 4364 | Location: NY | Registered: August 03, 2010
I had the problem of getting the money and sending a stamped addressed envelope to them As i live Internationally Have you got a system or E Mail address for Rittenhouse so I can sort this out with them and if I do get hold of them would they give me information on paying for everything Including Cards Packaging Shipping etc Thanks
Posts: 862 | Location: New Zealand | Registered: November 22, 2016
If you go to the Rittenhouse website (www.scifihobby.com) you will see a drop down tab for a free sample request. You will have to write to them to request the card and enclose a return envelope but the return postage can be made via PayPal. Details are on the website.
Posts: 26 | Location: Wales UK | Registered: January 16, 2021
Originally posted by wolfie: No, just paypal Rittenhouse some money and they will send you the cards, as i understand it.
John is right, you still have to send a SAE plus toploader(if you want). Only difference than before is we used to enclose the International Reply Coupon with our SAE.
Posts: 12209 | Location: England | Registered: September 16, 2003